Planned Giving Donations: Please if you can we encourage you to deposit your offering directly into the parish bank account by setting up an Automatic Payment: Holy Trinity Parish BNZ Bank account number 02-0536-0185031-000.
Use your planned giving number as your reference so the payment can be allocated correctly. You will receive a tax receipt at the end of each financial year.
Rather than having a collection during Mass there is a secure Donation box is in each of the Churches for your contributions. This is part of our efforts to keep you safe especially during this influenza season.
Planned Giving Donations: Please if you can we encourage you to deposit your offering directly into the parish bank account by setting up an Automatic Payment: Holy Trinity Parish BNZ Bank account number 02-0536-0185031-000.
Use your planned giving number as your reference so the payment can be allocated correctly. You will receive a tax receipt at the end of each financial year.
Rather than having a collection during Mass there is a secure Donation box is in each of the Churches for your contributions. This is part of our efforts to keep you safe especially during this influenza season.
AUTOMATIC PAYMENTSWe encourage planned giving by automatic payment as it is a safe way to donate and easy to administer. Please use the following automatic payment form at your bank to initiate a payment. Contact the parish office to be given your planned giving number and enter this In the "Particulars" box of the "Payer details" section of your form.
PLANNED GIVINGWe invite you to help support our parish by a regular planned donation. If you would like to join our planned giving programme and receive an annual receipt to claim in your IR526 tax credit claim form please contact the parish office at [email protected] for a planned giving number.
ANNONYMOUS DONATIONSYou can make an anonymous donation to our BNZ Wellington account number 02 0536 0185031 000.
Thank you for thinking of us. A Bequest in your will This is another option – consult with your lawyer re the wording and intent. |
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