Dear brothers and sisters,
The theme for our reflection today is “the cure of the blind man”. There are mainly two types of blindness. They are – “physical and spiritual blindness”. There are many forms of blindness besides physical blindness. We find very few people who are genuinely physically blind. But we all suffer from different forms of blindness like selfishness, insensitivity, snobbery, pride, complacency, prejudice etc. we all are affected by this spiritual blindness. Therefore, there is a great need of healing for us from Jesus. Who can heal us from these blindnesses? Fr Gregory The last Friday of Lent is a day of fasting and abstinence Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Lenten Appeal envelopes are available at the back of each Church Lenten Mass – 1st March – 8th April There will be 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Church from Monday – Saturday during Lent. Stations of the Cross – Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church through to 6th April HOLY CROSS - 9.30am Mass 29th March will be held at Holy Cross School Hall as Fr Ephrem will be baptising 2 of their children during the Mass. Preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation is under way in Holy Trinity Parish. Parents/caregivers are requested to bring the children for each class. Parionshers are requested to pray for them. St Anthony’s reconciliation will be 6.30pm Thurs 30th March at St Anthony’s Church Holy Cross and St Patrick’s reconcilliation will be 6.30pm Thurs 6th April at Holy Cross Church Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Service at St Patrick’s Church 8.30pm We need people to volunteer to take part in the Parish Holy Saturday Easter Mass at 8pm please From each Church Congregation we need: 2 readers 1 offertory carrier 3 Ministers of the Eucharist Please email me [email protected] or phone 934 3179 by 1st April if you are willing to take part. St Vincent de Paul needs some help; We have a need for some long sleeved shirts and pants for a size 12-14 girl attending St Pat’s primary school in Kilbirnie. With winter coming on, some other warm clothes may well be needed. If any parishioner with knowledge of St Pat’s primary school uniform requirements can assist could please contact Paul Franken 976 8338 [email protected] or another StVdP committee member The St Catherine’s College Service Group is getting underway again, for its 3rd year and invites any parishioners to please contact Fr Ephrem 027 714 9660, the Parish office 388 6953 or St Catherine’s College 939 8988 with details of help required. We are an enthusiastic and reliable group of girls, keen to help with any task, free of charge like gardening, cleaning, shopping or helping at parish functions or working bees. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we’d love to come and help you. St Mary’s College invites you to attend our open day Weds 31st May 8.30 – 10am or 10.45 – 12.20pm. For further information refer to the noticeboard at the back of the Church Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for couples intending to be married. Weekends in 2017 are 22-23 July and 11-12 November. Registrations close 2 weeks before. Venue: Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington. For more details go to the website at or Kate & Simon Olsen 801 6192, [email protected] The Annual Acies (Consecration Service) of the Legion of Mary will take place at St Joseph’s Church Mt Victoria on Sunday, 26th March at 2:00pm The celebrant will be Legion of Mary Spiritual Director Reverend Father Denis O’Connor. All Religious, active, auxiliary members and parishioners are warmly invited to attend and once again consecrate themselves to Our Blessed Lady in honour of the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord. 40 Days for Life - More than 13,000 preborn children are aborted every year in New Zealand. That is 36 Children every single day. Women are hurt – physically, mentally and spiritually. Men regret their lost fatherhood. 40 Days of Life is a local solution where people unite in prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities in order to end abortion. Please join your local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil March 1st to April 9th. Together, with God’s grace, we will bring about an end to abortion in New Zealand. Visit or ph 04 237-8343. Age Concern Volunteer Visiting Service - Can you spare a rewarding hour a week? Age Concern Wellington is looking for volunteers who are prepared to give an hour a week to visit an older person in their own home. Often elderly people feel lonely and isolated from the community. Having a visitor can make a real difference in the health and happiness of an older person and the visitor too can gain much from their knowledge and experience. We have a number of clients in the Miramar area who would appreciate a daytime visit. If you can help please contact Monica Robinson, Age Concern, on 04 499 6646 or email [email protected] Volunteers needed to collect for the Stroke Foundation for 1 or 2 hours at either New World in Miramar or Newtown Friday 7th April. If you can help, contact Robin Boldarin 027 209 7044 or 388 2647 If you would like to receive the newsletter by email contact the parish office [email protected] with newsletter in the subject line and you will be added to the list. Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 28 March beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, songs of praise, Scripture, times of silence and concluding with Benediction followed by supper. Accommodation Needed For Refugee Family Lovely refugee family (mother with son and daughter) searching for 3 bedroom home to rent in our parish area. Excellent reference available from St Joseph’s parish. Please contact Amanda Calder on 4757994 or Francis Fanning on 3810900 if you can help. Please remember, if you move or change any of your details, please contact the parish office so your record can be updated Thank you. St Mary’s College Sevens team started an amazing journey less than two years ago when the team was first formed. In 2016 the girls won every tournament that they entered and are the current National Secondary School Champions. The win has earned the team the right to represent New Zealand at the Sanix World Youth Cup to be held in Fukuoka, Japan in April 2017. The team needs to raise $30,000 before Easter and are working extremely hard to fundraise and for some families the amount needed to travel is a big challenge. The team has set up a givealittle page so that you can be a part of our journey and help us to bring home an international title! Any amount no matter how small or big will be gratefully accepted. The next Little Angels Playgroup at Holy Cross School will be Friday 7th April 1.45 – 3pm in room 11 & 12 at the School. Parents and caregivers are warmly invited to come and join in the fun. All welcome. Please contact Holy Cross School for more informaiton 388 7189 or [email protected] Easter Services: Parish Lenten Reconciliation: 6th April Holy Cross: 6.30pm Holy Thursday: 13th April (no morning Mass at any Church) Holy Cross: 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday: 14th April St Patrick’s: 10am Stations of the Cross from All Saints, Hataitai to St Patrick’s Church St Anthony’s: 10am Way of the Cross starts at St George’s Holy Cross: 2.30pm (weather permitting) Way of the Cross from Wexford Hill to Holy Cross Church St Patrick’s & Holy Cross Churches: 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion Saturday Easter Vigil: 15th April St Patrick’s: 8.30pm Easter Sunday: 16th April Holy Cross: 9am St Patrick’s: 10am St Anthony’s: 10.30am
Dear brothers and sisters,
The Gospel today tells us of a Samaritan woman searching for a true water that would quench her thirst for happiness. Right out of the blue she encounters a person who tells her he can provide her with this water. The person is Christ. We are all hungry and thirst for true love and happiness looking for this elusive ‘something’ that will make us happy, but like the Samaritan woman, we are looking for right things (love and happiness) in a wrong place and a wrong way. Where should we go then to quench our thirst and satisfy our hunger? The Gospel of today says only Jesus can quench our thirst, “anyone who drinks the water that I give will never by thirsty again. We have come this morning to the right place to encounter the right person, Jesus who can give us what we are looking for. Fr Gregory The last Friday of Lent is a day of fasting and abstinence Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Lenten Appeal envelopes are available at the back of each Church Lenten Mass – 1st March – 8th April There will be 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Church from Monday – Saturday during Lent. Please note: this is an additional Mass during Lent and will continue while Fr Gregory is overseas Stations of the Cross – Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church through to 6th April Fr Gregory will be away from 9th – 23rd March. During this time, the weekday Mass timetable for the Parish will be as follows: PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN TIME AND VENUE FOR THURS 23RD MASS St Patrick’s Church – Monday 20th 9am & Tues 21st 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 22nd 9am St Patrick’s Church - Thurs 23rd 9am Friday 24th March – timetable reverts back to normal weekday Mass schedule HOLY CROSS - 9.30am Mass 29th March will be held at Holy Cross School Hall as Fr will be baptising 3 of their children during the service. Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Service at St Patrick’s Church 8.30pm We need people to volunteer to take part in the Parish Holy Saturday Easter Mass at 8pm please From each Church Congregation we need: 2 readers 1 offertory carrier 3 Ministers of the Eucharist Please email me [email protected] or phone 934 3179 by 1st April if you are willing to take part. Is there someone with spare dark brown paint who could paint the St Patrick’s Church Cross for the procession on Good Friday? If so contact Andrew 027 438 5393 or [email protected] to arrange. St Vincent de Paul needs some help; We have a need for some long sleeved shirts and pants for a size 12-14 girl attending St Pat’s primary school in Kilbirnie. With winter coming on, some other warm clothes may well be needed. If any parishioner with knowledge of St Pat’s primary school uniform requirements can assist could please contact Paul Franken 976 8338 [email protected] or another StVdP committee member Preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation is under way in Holy Trinity Parish. Parents/caregivers are requested to bring the children for each class. Parionshers are requested to pray for them. St Anthony’s reconciliation will be 6.30pm Thurs 30th March at St Anthony’s Church Holy Cross and St Patrick’s reconcilliation will be 6.30pm Thurs 6th April at Holy Cross Church The St Catherine’s College Service Group is getting underway again, for its 3rd year and invites any parishioners to please contact Fr Ephrem 027 714 9660, the Parish office 388 6953 or St Catherine’s College 939 8988 with details of help required. We are an enthusiastic and reliable group of girls, keen to help with any task, free of charge like gardening, cleaning, shopping or helping at parish functions or working bees. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we’d love to come and help you. WELCOMING REFUGEES TO WELLINGTON March 2017 Thank you to everyone who donated household and food items for the families who arrived in Wellington on 3 March, or contributed to set up homes and to sort and check donated goods. We set up 14 houses for the families and also provided a pantry pack full of basic food items. It is inspiring what we can do together. Thank you to everyone who contributed items, time and effort to make new New Zealanders welcome. Wellington Archdiocese Catholic Social Services St Mary’s College invites you to attend our open day Weds 31st May 8.30 – 10am or 10.45 – 12.20pm. For further information refer to the noticeboard at the back of the Church Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for couples intending to be married. Weekends in 2017 are 18-19 March, 22-23 July and 11-12 November. Registrations close 2 weeks before. Venue: Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington. For more details go to the website at or Kate & Simon Olsen 801 6192, [email protected] The Annual Acies (Consecration Service) of the Legion of Mary will take place at St Joseph’s Church Mt Victoria on Sunday, 26th March at 2:00pm The celebrant will be Legion of Mary Spiritual Director Reverend Father Denis O’Connor. All Religious, active, auxiliary members and parishioners are warmly invited to attend and once again consecrate themselves to Our Blessed Lady in honour of the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord. 40 Days for Life - More than 13,000 preborn children are aborted every year in New Zealand. That is 36 Children every single day. Women are hurt – physically, mentally and spiritually. Men regret their lost fatherhood. 40 Days of Life is a local solution where people unite in prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities in order to end abortion. Please join your local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil March 1st to April 9th. Together, with God’s grace, we will bring about an end to abortion in New Zealand. Visit or ph 04 237-8343. Age Concern Volunteer Visiting Service - Can you spare a rewarding hour a week? Age Concern Wellington is looking for volunteers who are prepared to give an hour a week to visit an older person in their own home. Often elderly people feel lonely and isolated from the community. Having a visitor can make a real difference in the health and happiness of an older person and the visitor too can gain much from their knowledge and experience. We have a number of clients in the Miramar area who would appreciate a daytime visit. If you can help please contact Monica Robinson, Age Concern, on 04 499 6646 or email [email protected] We cannot live in a world where we reject each other, we must build bridges’. Rabbi Abraham Skorka, on his friendship with Pope Francis. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email contact the parish office [email protected] with newsletter in the subject line and you will be added to the list. 40 Days for Life 1 March to 9 April. Pray and fast for unborn children, abortion-vulnerable women in our community and abortion workers. Volunteers are needed to take shifts at the Vigil outside the hospital. To sign up, please visit or text “40 Days” to 021 231 7954. For more information, telephone 04 237 8343 Be a Sign of Hope - Midpoint Event for 40 Days for Life. 6-7 pm Sunday 19th March Outside Wellington Hospital on Riddiford Street. Unite in prayer at the half-way mark. Side-by-Side Mentoring Side-by-Side Mentoring is an initiative that offers training to interested church community members who want to connect with and support families with children. If you are interested in family ministry then come to the information evening Monday 20th March 7 – 9.30pm Cardinal McKeefry School Hall, 66 Albemarle Road, Northland, Wellington Contact Chris Duthie-Jung, 04 496 1759. New rosters available For the Parish – Prayers of the faithful by email For St Patrick’s - morning tea, flowers and altar servers either by email or are at the back of the Church For Holy Cross – Cleaning roster either by email or at the back of the Church Come and hear Sister Gail Worcelo speak - ‘In the Spirit of Laudato Si’, the latest encyclical of Pope Francis ushering in a new ‘moment of grace’ for our world today. 21 March 4.30 - 7.30pm Te Wahanga Atawhai Mercy Centre, 15 Guildford Tce, RSVP Vaughan Smith, Sisters of Mercy 831 0300 or [email protected]. Light refreshments available.Contributions as koha on entry gratefully received. Please remember, if you move or change any of your details, please contact the parish office so your record can be updated Thank you. Dear brothers and sisters,
Before setting out for Jerusalem where he was to suffer a shameful and humiliating death, Jesus was transfigured in the presence of his disciples on Mount Tabor, And, his three disciples caught a glimpse of his glory. In glimpsing his glory, we glimpse our own glory as children of the Father and loved by him, and our lives too are filled with meaning and beauty. It is good for us to be here this morning in his presence. The work of the Lord says; “this is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him”. Are we ready to listen to him? Fr Gregory The last Friday of Lent is a day of fasting and abstinence Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Lenten Appeal envelopes are available at the back of each Church Lenten Mass – 1st March – 8th April There will be 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Church from Monday – Saturday during Lent. Please note: this is an additional Mass during Lent and will continue while Fr Gregory is overseas . Stations of the Cross – Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church through to 6th April Fr Gregory will be away from 9th – 23rd March. During this time, the weekday Mass timetable for the Parish will be as follows: St Patrick’s Church – Monday 13th 9am & Tues 14th 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 15th 9am & Thurs 16th 11.30am Holy Cross Church – Friday 17th 9.30am & Saturday 18th 9am St Patrick’s Church – Monday 20th 9am & Tues 21st 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 22nd 9am & Thurs 23rd 11.30am Friday 24th March – timetable reverts back to normal weekday Mass schedule St Patrick’s Day Mass This will be celebrated at St Patrick’s Church Friday 17th March at 9am There will be a cup of tea and Irish Cake to enjoy after the Mass Please note: There will still be 9.30am Mass at Holy Cross Church Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Service at St Patrick’s Church 8pm We need people to volunteer to take part in the Parish Holy Saturday Easter Mass at 8pm please From each Church Congregation we need: 2 readers 1 offertory carrier 3 Ministers of the Eucharist Please email me [email protected] or phone 934 3179 by 1st April if you are willing to take part. Your new sets of planned giving envelopes are now available Please note: Your receipts for the 2016/17 year will be available by end of May. If you would prefer to collect them from the office or from a different Church, contact the office. If you would like to join the planned giving programme, or wish to change from envelopes to automatic payments please contact the Parish Office for details. Preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation is under way in Holy Trinity Parish. Parents/caregivers are requested to bring the children for each class. Parionshers are requested to pray for them. St Anthony’s reconciliation will be 6.30pm Thurs 30th March at St Anthony’s Church Holy Cross and St Patrick’s reconcilliation will be 6.30pm Thurs 6th April at Holy Cross Church The St Catherine’s College Service Group is getting underway again, for its 3rd year and invites any parishioners to please contact Fr Ephrem 027 714 9660, the Parish office 388 6953 or St Catherine’s College 939 8988 with details of help required. We are an enthusiastic and reliable group of girls, keen to help with any task, free of charge like gardening, cleaning, shopping or helping at parish functions or working bees. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we’d love to come and help you. 40 Days for Life 1 March to 9 April. Pray and fast for unborn children, abortion-vulnerable women in our community and abortion workers. Volunteers are needed to take shifts at the Vigil outside the hospital. To sign up, please visit or text “40 Days” to 021 231 7954. For more information, telephone 04 237 8343 Be a Sign of Hope - Midpoint Event for 40 Days for Life. 6-7 pm Sunday 19th March Outside Wellington Hospital on Riddiford Street. Unite in prayer at the half-way mark. Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for couples intending to be married. Weekends in 2017 are 18-19 March, 22-23 July and 11-12 November. Registrations close 2 weeks before. Venue: Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington. For more details go to the website at or Kate & Simon Olsen 801 6192, [email protected] 40 Days for Life - More than 13,000 preborn children are aborted every year in New Zealand. That is 36 Children every single day. Women are hurt – physically, mentally and spiritually. Men regret their lost fatherhood. 40 Days of Life is a local solution where people unite in prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities in order to end abortion. Please join your local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil March 1st to April 9th. Together, with God’s grace, we will bring about an end to abortion in New Zealand. Visit or ph 04 237-8343. Thanks to all those who volunteered to collect for the Catholic Social Services Street Appeal on Thursday 23 February 2017. This year we raised $6,400. This money will be used to help the agency in its work to assist former refugees settle in Wellington this year, and our ongoing work of assisting individuals and families in need. Deaf Cafe - for Deaf and hearing impaired people. Deaf Cafe is for anybody – just turn up. You can meet and chat with new people or catch up with old friends over a cuppa and cake and biscuits. Deaf Cafe is free. When: Wednesday 15 March. Time: 10am to 12pm. At: St Peter and Paul’s Hall, Lower Hutt. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us on Thurs 16th March at 7:30pm for fellowship and prayer in CONNOLLY HALL, Speaker: Michael Powell on DVD about “Following Jesus” Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or email: [email protected] Spirituality Seminar—Fr Eddie Condra We are not living an era of change but a change of era’ Pope Francis Living in this time of rapid and radical change many seek to find some constant—a sacred thread which can assist us to weave our way through life. Spirituality is that thread, empowering and transforming us to give meaning to change and to life itself. You are invited to come and explore. Everyone is welcome. Format: each session will involve input, small-group discussion, a time for questions and period of meditation DATES: March 7, 14 and 21 TIME: 7.30—9pm VENUE: SS Peter and Paul Church hall, Knights Rd, Lower Hutt to register email [email protected] or call Megan 04 477 6827 Dove Wellington invites all women to our meeting from 1.15pm to 3pm on Saturday 18 March at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington. Our guest speaker this month is Father John Rea; who will be speaking into our scripture for the year: Genesis 3:8-9. We look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Shura Price for any queries on (04) 389 9938. Come and hear Sister Gail Worcelo speak - ‘In the Spirit of Laudato Si’, the latest encyclical of Pope Francis ushering in a new ‘moment of grace’ for our world today. 21 March 4.30 - 7.30pm Te Wahanga Atawhai Mercy Centre, 15 Guildford Tce, RSVP Vaughan Smith, Sisters of Mercy 831 0300 or [email protected]. Light refreshments available.Contributions as koha on entry gratefully received. Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Wednesday 5th April at Holy Cross Parish Centre Finance Committee Meeting 7.30pm Tuesday 14th March at Holy Cross Parish Centre If you would like to receive the newsletter by email contact the parish office [email protected] with newsletter in the subject line and you will be added to the list. Please remember, if you move or change any of your details, please contact the parish office so your record can be updated Thank you. Dear brothers and sisters,
Welcome to celebrate the season on Lent 2017. You know the purpose why we Christians celebrate Lent? Lent is the season of repentance and conversion, as the church anticipates her celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is also a season of preparation to be baptised and confirmed or renewing one’s baptismal promises at the paschal vigil of Easter. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days. Lent ends before the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. The Gospel of the first Sunday of lent, we see Christ in the desert struggling against evil. Through prayers and fasting he emerges victorious over the tempter. Surely this must stir something in us his followers. None of us can avoid this same struggle. We all are threatened by evil. At the beginning of Lent, the Church calls us to commit with renewed vigour to this struggle. What plans have we drawn up, and what weapons are we going to use? Fr Gregory The first and last Friday of Lent are days of fasting and abstinence Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. PROPERTY COMMITTEE FORUMS – feedback deadline extendedThank you to all those who have sent in feedback regarding property. The deadline for final comments has been extended to the 7th March. If you haven’t already, there are the return boxes at the back of each Church or email the Parish Office [email protected] Lenten Mass – 1st March – 8th April There will be 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Church from Monday – Saturday during Lent. Please note: this is an additional Mass during Lent and will continue while Fr Gregory is overseas. Stations of the Cross – Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church starting on 2nd March through to 6th April Fr Gregory will be away from 9th – 23rd March. During this time, the weekday Mass timetable for the Parish will be as follows: Holy Cross Church - Friday 10th 9.30am & Saturday 11th 9am St Patrick’s Church – Monday 13th 9am & Tues 14th 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 15th 9am & Thurs 16th 11.30am Holy Cross Church – Friday 17th 9.30am & Saturday 18th 9am St Patrick’s Church – Monday 20th 9am & Tues 21st 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 22nd 9am & Thurs 23rd 11.30am Friday 24th March – timetable reverts back to normal weekday Mass schedule Holy Trinity Parish Mass – 10am Sunday 12th March at Holy Cross School Hall We will be celebrating Mass together at Holy Cross School Hall. We look forward to seeing as many parishioners there as possible. There will be morning tea available afterwards in the hall, so please bring a plate of food to share. For those who are unable to be at this Mass, there will be the 5.30pm Vigil at St Patrick’s Church. Please note: These will be the only two Masses in the Parish that weekend. There will be a music practice at Holy Cross Church 7.30pm on the 8th March for the one Parish Mass. Singers and musicians welcome Lenten Appeal envelopes are available at the back of each Church St Anthony’s Church rosters have been emailed out this week. linen, cleaning, counters, morning tea and flowers. PLANNED GIVING: Your new sets of planned giving envelopes will be in the back of the churches next Sunday 12TH March. These sets start on the 2nd April 2017 Day of Prayer for Children: Sunday 5th March is the Day of Prayer for Children. This is an opportunity for the Church and wider society to reflect on the plight of and pray for children in New Zealand and around the world for more information, or contact– either Roger on 04 496 1742 or Joe on 09 360 3028. The St Catherine’s College Service Group is getting underway again, for its 3rd year and invites any parishioners to please contact Fr Ephrem 027 714 9660, the Parish office 388 6953 or St Catherine’s College 939 8988 with details of help required. We are an enthusiastic and reliable group of girls, keen to help with any task, free of charge like gardening, cleaning, shopping or helping at parish functions or working bees.Please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we’d love to come and help you. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us on Thurs 16th March at 7:30pm for fellowship and prayer in CONNOLLY HALL, Speaker: Michael Powell on DVD about “Following Jesus” Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or email: [email protected] Come and hear Sister Gail Worcelo speak - ‘In the Spirit of Laudato Si’, the latest encyclical of Pope Francis ushering in a new ‘moment of grace’ for our world today. Gail holds degrees in Clinical Psychology & Christian Spirituality and divides her time between life in the monastery and teaching and leading workshops around the world. Tuesday 21 March 4.30 - 7.30pm Te Wahanga Atawhai Mercy Centre, 15 Guildford Tce, Thorndon. RSVP Vaughan Smith, Sisters of Mercy, Thorndon 04 831 0300 or [email protected]. Light refreshments available.Contributions as koha on entry gratefully received. Spirituality Seminar—Fr Eddie Condra We are not living an era of change but a change of era’ Pope Francis Living in this time of rapid and radical change many seek to find some constant—a sacred thread which can assist us to weave our way through life. Spirituality is that thread, empowering and transforming us to give meaning to change and to life itself. You are invited to come and explore. Everyone is welcome. Each session will involve input, small-group discussion, a time for questions and period of meditation.March 7, 14 and 21: 7.30—9pm at SS Peter and Paul Church hall, Lower Hutt to register email [email protected] or call Megan 04 477 6827 |
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