Acts 15:1-2;22-29; Apoc. 21:10-14,22-23; Jn. 14:23-29
Today’s readings are about the effect of the abiding presence of God in His Church and of His indwelling in each one of us in the third person of Trinity Holy Spirit. The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, tells us how the Holy Spirit indwelling in the Church helped the apostles to solve a major doctrinal problem of circumcision with newly converted pagans, which shook the very foundation of the early Church. The second reading from the Book of Revelations describes the Church as the Heavenly Jerusalem, a city united in love, with the victorious Jesus residing in it and in each of its members, replacing the holy presence of God in the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Gospel passage tells us how the Holy Spirit, abiding within us, is our teacher and the source of all peace. The passage offers a vision of hope. Jesus promises his followers that the Holy Spirit will come and instruct them in everything they need to know. Peace is the second parting gift of Jesus after the Holy Spirit. It is a unique and lasting gift. It is not necessarily the absence of war and violence but the interior peace that every human being long for. Real peace is not won by avoiding or denying conflict. Conflict may be necessary to achieve peace. That's why Jesus Christ fought and defeated the Enemy of our souls, freeing us to live at peace with God. We can, however, rob ourselves of the peace that Christ offers. That's why we are commanded to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. How? By replacing anxiety with prayer and thankfulness. As the recipients of this gift Jesus wants us to be messengers of peace with whom we live or come into contact in our daily lives in our homes, institutions, Churches, and work places. Let the Prince of peace reign in our hearts. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Fr Matthew’s final Mass – St Patrick’s Church 1 June 5.30pm Vigil. Fr Matthew will be returning to Ireland permanently in July and we are grateful he is able to celebrate a final Mass at St Patrick’s with us. There will be a light supper in the Parish Centre directly after Mass. Everyone is asked to please bring a plate of food to share. If you would like to make a donation, please put an envelope in the collection. Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council Nominations Your pastoral council is seeking nominations for the council. The Archdiocese requires our parish to have a pastoral council in order for the parish to develop and to meet the spiritual, liturgical, pastoral and social needs of the parish. The parish council is responsible for the “big picture” of the parish by ensuring that the parish plan is up to date and that it is followed and evaluated on a regular basis. The parish council should be representative of all of our parishioners and we warmly invite especially younger people and the various ethnic communities to join the council and help us to be more inclusive. We seek parishioners who can attend a monthly meeting and carry out assigned tasks; who have access to email (as most communications between meetings are by email), and most of all have a willingness to represent the needs of fellow parishioners. We ask you to prayerfully give consideration to helping your catholic community at Holy Trinity parish. Come join us for a commitment of 3 years on the council with a possibility of a nomination for a further 3 years. If you are prepared to consider a position on the pastoral council please advise Marianne in the parish office. Email or phone 388-6953 and a no obligation meeting will be arranged to further discuss the role and duties of a council member. The first milestone is achieved as we move to meet Cardinal John’s directive that Holy Trinity becomes a missionary parish Our Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee have reached an important milestone as we move toward providing Cardinal John with a detailed plan for the future of the Holy Trinity parish. This particular milestone is to describe very simply how we see our parish being structured in order to become an active and outgoing missionary church. Taking all known data into account, we see Holy Trinity as ultimately having one priest, one church to accommodate perhaps up to 450 people, and with spaces suitable for the mission given to us as a parish by Pope Francis and Cardinal John. Having said this, it is immediately important to add that NO decisions have been made as to the location of this church and its associated facilities. There are aspects we do see as very important - having a single building as a unifying and focal point for our parish, having spaces that are flexible and which meet the needs of our various groups, communities and cultures, and which enable us to link more closely with our schools. What we have to do to realise this new profile is not going to happen in the immediate future - it will take some time to work through the options, consult the parish and realise the optimum solution. The Council believes we should plan for having 1 priest (to be assisted by lay pastoral leaders). The truth is that our priests are aging, becoming unable to work or are dying at a much faster rate than new priests are becoming available. This situation is accelerating – in 15 years we will have a fraction of those who are available now. Cardinal John has also reminded us that, while we have had assistance from international priests in the past, we cannot rely on this in the future. With regard to buildings, those that we have are becoming more and more burdensome – maintenance and insurance costs are exorbitant and are not repaid by the use they are put to. Neither are these buildings necessarily in configurations that are suitable for use as the missionary church our pope and cardinal are urging us to be. Our Finance Committee will now consider a number of options and develop a preferred proposal so that we can consult together as a parish. This needs to happen before any decisions can be made with regard to selling, upgrading or building anew. Once we have settled on a preferred option, we will confirm our recommendation to Cardinal John by his deadline of 31 October this year. Parishioners will be kept updated as we move ahead. If you have concerns of any kind at this moment (even though so much is as yet undecided), please don’t hesitate to contact Gerard Birss, parish manager, at [email protected] or on 021 619 610. Holy Trinity Pastoral Council and Finance Committee Holy Trinity Confirmation - 9th June at 10am St Patrick’s Church Please continue to pray for our children as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation We ask that parishioners bring a plate of food to share for the cup of tea after Confirmation in St Patrick’s Church Hall Please help our new refugee family of 7 We are very pleased to say we have a refugee family expected to arrive in their new home on 21 June. Holy Trinity Parish has committed to raising $1500 so that we can help ready their home with the essentials required. Can you help with a donation? At the moment, strict privacy rules are in place – we do know there are 7 in the family, but their names, ages, their religion or where they have come from we don’t know. We know that their journey to New Zealand will have been arduous and long, and they will have spent some months living institutionally in Auckland. Quite likely, the house they are to move into will be the first they will have slept in, alone and as a family, for years – something most of us have always taken for granted. $1500 is what we need to make the house a warm and welcoming home - and your donation, whatever the amount, will help buy the essentials and fill the cupboards. But this is not simply about providing goods for a home - it is, in fact, defining NZ as a place where refugees can come to us and belong. Many have not been able to keep up the commitment, but Holy Trinity has been there since the beginning and continues to respond to each call for help. Refugees rely on it once again. This giving is also about the mission which Pope Francis and Cardinal John have given to us – to reach out to the peripheries, to be missionary, to embrace the disadvantaged as sisters and brothers. This appeal will continue for 4 weeks. We ask you to do what you can to welcome this family into their new home. As usual, every little helps, no matter how small your donation. You can make a donation directly to our bank account: Holy Trinity 02-0536-0185031-00 REF: REFUGEE or you can use one of the envelopes marked “Refugees” at the back of the church, and place in the collection basket, or else into the box marked “Refugees” at the back of the church. Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Book Club – Sunday 26th May: Explore the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Catholic faith through its great books! At Holy Cross Church Parish Centre, 6-7pm. Light supper will be provided. Connect with fellow passionate Catholics for like-minded discussion. For enquiries, contact 3882-840 or [email protected] HOLY CROSS SCHOOL OPEN MORNING. Tuesday 28th May - 9 – 11am. See our school in action. 9am liturgy in the hall, then find out about our authentic learning programmes including: * Garden to Table * Bikes in Schools * Think-Talk-Create (Intensive Oral Language) * Sponsored Music opportunities. All enquiries welcome. Ph 388-7189 or email [email protected] People in Need? St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference welcomes parishioners to let us know confidentially if you or someone needs assistance in the Miramar/Seatoun/Strathmore area. Our group visits people who are in hardship, sickness, loneliness or housebound, in order to share God’s love and compassion and see if we can assist in any way, even as simple as having a coffee and chat (Contacts: any of our members listed in the Church foyers). 66B Falkirk Avenue, Seatoun. $390.00pw. 1 bedroom unit with 1 bathroom. LPG hot water, electric hob/oven and heater. Very sunny, freshly painted and carpeted. Underfloor/ceiling insulation. Semi detached. Partially furnished....Fridge, Microwave, Washing machine, Clothes dryer. Suitable for up to 2 tenants. Street parking. No pets or smokers. Trademe listing ref #GGX844 Celebrating 100 years since the first school building on St Catherine’s College site. High Tea 22 June 2019 from 1.00pm – 4.45pm Mercy Hall, SCC. $15. Registration required. Contact Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 0272458859 St Mary's College Open Day. June 13th 2019, 9am. Go you are sent to build community (12) People, people, people-being the face of Christ in our parishes, not just at the end of emails! Candlelight Mass for people in Sri Lanka Please join Cardinal John and the Otari community in a candlelight Vigil Mass offered in memory of all the lives lost and badly injured during the Sri Lankan Easter tragedy. Saturday 5.30pm, 1 June St. Teresa’s Pro-Cathedral, 301 Karori Road, Karori. If you would like to make a donation, please copy this link Stewardship Breakfast with the Cardinal: Sat June 29th. Venue: Connolly Hall in Hill St, Thorndon, Wellington. Time: 7.00am-9.00am. Please mark it on your calendar. More details to follow. Pa Maria Winter Film Series: The Life Which Beats in Things: - A Spirituality for Living in Today’s World. Mondays 10, 17, 24 June & 1, 8 July OR Thursdays 15, 22, 29 August & 5, 12 September. 7.00pm - 9.30pm each evening. For further information and/or to register contact Brian Cummings SM ( 021 703 580; email [email protected]) Peace… is a challenge that demands to be taken up ever anew. It entails a conversion of heart and soul; it is both interior and communal; and it has three inseparable aspects: - peace with oneself, rejecting inflexibility, anger and impatience; in the words of Saint Francis de Sales, showing “a bit of sweetness towards oneself” in order to offer “a bit of sweetness to others”; - peace with others: family members, friends, strangers, the poor and the suffering, being unafraid to encounter them and listen to what they have to say; - peace with all creation, rediscovering the grandeur of God’s gift and our individual and shared responsibility as inhabitants of this world, citizens and builders of the future. Pope Francis: Message for the World Day of Peace 2019 Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 5th June 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre Finance Committee Meeting – Tuesday 11th June 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently Leone Aiono, Yvette Sood and James Leach and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Gerard Cook, John Richardson, Wyn Kean, Faileaso Tuilaepa and Francsco Sevilla. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
Acts 14:21-27; Apoc.21:1-5; Jn. 13:31-35
Today’s readings are about new things: The New Jerusalem, a new heaven and earth, and a new commandment. In the reading from the Book of Apocalypse, God promises that his saving and healing work in the world is ongoing: "See, I am making all things new" (Apoc. 21:5). The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles describes how the small Christian communities helped the renewal of its members by their agape love, imitating the agape love of Paul and Barnabas. They were fully dedicated to the missionary work of preaching, appointing the elders as local collaborators to expand the missionary activities. The second reading from the Book of Apocalypse explains how God renews His Church by being present in her members as Immanuel and their parish communities and liturgical celebrations. Today’s Gospel passage gives us the secret of Christian renewal as the faithful practice of Jesus’ new commandment: “Love others as I have loved you” (John 13: 35). Jesus has added a new element to the Old Testament command of love by telling us that the true test of discipleship is to love other people in the same way that he has loved us. Hence, the renewal of Christian life means a radical change of vision, of our priorities in life, with new attitudes, new values and new standards of relating to God, to other people and, indeed, to our whole environment. For most of us, “renewal" is something that comes at different stages in our lives, each time bringing us to a deeper understanding, insight and commitment. Good many of us are in leadership teams such as Parish council members, liturgical committee, St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Secular Franciscan groups etc. who have ample opportunities to avail ourselves for the self-renewal so as to work more vibrantly as missionary disciples. In all our missionary activities let the love of Jesus be translated into concrete action through which we will be recognized as Jesus’ true disciples. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Invitation to presentation of a Papal Honour. Parishioners are invited to 10.30am Mass on Sunday 26 May 2019 at St Anthony’s Church, Seatoun, when a papal honour, the Benemerenti Medal, recently granted by The Holy Father will be presented to Mrs Julie Marshall. This honour is in grateful recognition by the Church of Julie Marshall’s compassionate service sustained in God’s name for over 36 years to the spiritual, physical and social wellbeing of many elder parishioners and their families and to her life-long leadership of liturgy and faith practice in our Holy Trinity and other parishes. Fr Matthew’s final Mass – St Patrick’s Church 1 June 5.30pm Vigil. Fr Matthew will be returning to Ireland permanently in July and we are grateful he is able to celebrate a final Mass at St Patrick’s with us. There will be a light supper in the Parish Centre directly after Mass. Everyone is asked to please bring a plate of food to share. If you would like to make a donation to Fr Matthew, please put an envelope in the collection. Thank you. Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council Nominations Your pastoral council is seeking nominations for the council. The Archdiocese requires our parish to have a pastoral council in order for the parish to develop and to meet the spiritual, liturgical, pastoral and social needs of the parish. The parish council is responsible for the “big picture” of the parish by ensuring that the parish plan is up to date and that it is followed and evaluated on a regular basis. The parish council should be representative of all of our parishioners and we warmly invite especially younger people and the various ethnic communities to join the council and help us to be more inclusive. We seek parishioners who can attend a monthly meeting and carry out assigned tasks; who have access to email (as most communications between meetings are by email), and most of all have a willingness to represent the needs of fellow parishioners. We ask you to prayerfully give consideration to helping your catholic community at Holy Trinity parish. Come join us for a commitment of 3 years on the council with a possibility of a nomination for a further 3 years. If you are prepared to consider a position on the pastoral council please advise Marianne in the parish office. Email or phone 388-6953 and a no obligation meeting will be arranged to further discuss the role and duties of a council member. If God exists, it changes everything! A final reminder that the Alpha faith course starts again this week. There are two sessions one starting at 4pm and the other starting at 7pm in the Holy Cross School Staffroom from Wednesday 22 May. To enrol please call or email the parish office or text Dave Monastra on 0274477280. Feel free to bring family members and friends. People in Need? St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference welcomes parishioners to let us know confidentially if you or someone needs assistance in the Miramar/Seatoun/Strathmore area. Our group visits people who are in hardship, sickness, loneliness or housebound, in order to share God’s love and compassion and see if we can assist in any way, even as simple as having a coffee and chat (Contacts: any of our members listed in the Church foyers). Note: expenses include painting St Patrick’s hall exterior and painting St Anthony’s Church ceiling HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 2019 Board of Trustees’ Election Nominations are invited for the election of 5 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations has been posted to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon on Friday 24 May 2019 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate statement and photograph. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Friday June 2019 St Anthony's School are looking for volunteers to join our Board of Trustees. The election will be at the start of June, with nominations opened from 10 May, so please come and talk to us if you are interested. You don't need to have any particular skills or knowledge, just a passion for teaching and learning and a love of our wonderful school community. You can find out more about us at or email us at [email protected] Vinnies Food Bank Appeal. The St Vincent de Paul Society is holding its six-monthly appeal for food and household donations at Pak ‘n Save Supermarket, Kilbirnie, 11am-6pm, Saturday 25 May 2019. Members and supporters of your local Seatoun & Miramar Conference of the Society will as usual be collecting in the foyer of the Supermarket. If you would like to donate items, please consider shopping at Pak ‘n Save Supermarket during these times (Contact: Brendan Quirk, ph 021 236 5695 / 388 9708). Do you have any memories/photographs/information from the early days of our 3 churches? Trisha would love to hear from you. She is compiling a history of the churches in the Eastern Suburbs in relation to the upcoming centenary for St Patrick’s Church . lease contact her 04 934 3179 to share any information you have. Thank you in advance . 66B Falkirk Avenue, Seatoun. $390.00pw. 1 bedroom unit with 1 bathroom. LPG hot water, electric hob/oven and heater. Very sunny, freshly painted and carpeted. Underfloor/ceiling insulation. Semi detached. Partially furnished....Fridge, Microwave, Washing machine, Clothes dryer. Suitable for up to 2 tenants. Street parking. No pets or smokers. Trademe listing ref #GGX844 Celebrating 100 years since the first school building on St Catherine’s College site. High Tea 22 June 2019 from 1.00pm – 4.45pm Mercy Hall, SCC. $15. Registration required. Contact Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 0272458859 St Mary's College Open Day. June 13th 2019, 9am. Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver Ethnic Dinner with Entertainment. Saturday 25 May 6.30pm at Polish House 257 Riddiford St, Newtown. Bring your favourite dish to share. Admission: Adults $10, 5 to 10yrs $5 and under 5yrs free. All donation money sent to overseas missions. For tickets ring 383 8401 Go you are sent to support marriage and families (11) Have a dedicated liaison person between the parish and school to welcome and support families. Candlelight Mass for people in Sri Lanka Please join Cardinal John and the Otari community in a candlelight Vigil Mass offered in memory of all the lives lost and badly injured during the Sri Lankan Easter tragedy. Saturday 5.30pm, 1 June St. Teresa’s Pro-Cathedral, 301 Karori Road, Karori. Pa Maria Winter Film Series: The Life Which Beats in Things: - A Spirituality for Living in Today’s World. Mondays 10, 17, 24 June & 1, 8 July OR Thursdays 15, 22, 29 August & 5, 12 September. 7.00pm - 9.30pm each evening. For further information and/or to register contact Brian Cummings SM ( 021 703 580; email [email protected]) We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently Robert (Bob) Spray and Pua Magasiva and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Agnes Ashby, Margaret Walsh and Michael Lavan. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. Acts 13:14,43-52; Apoc. 7:9,14-17; Jn 10:27-30
The fourth Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday and it is the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.” The scripture lessons for this Sunday are about the role of the shepherds of God’s flock in the Church. Each year, on this Sunday we reflect on the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who devotedly and kindly takes care of his flock. The title "pastor," which means shepherd who leads, feeds, nurtures, comforts, corrects, and protects—responsibilities that belong to every church leader. The earliest Christians saw Jesus as the fulfillment of the ancient Jewish dream of a good shepherd. They also wished to include the Gentiles as part of God’s flock. Today's first reading describes how Paul and Barnabas opted to listen to the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd and follow him and how, like their master, they were rebuffed and rejected when they tried to share the good news of salvation. The second reading, from the book of Revelation, depicts Jesus as both the glorified Lamb and Shepherd. John encourages his readers with the assurance that every person who has ever followed Christ and led others to him, and who has suffered rejection and persecution, will also know the unending joy of victory and a share in everlasting life. The Gospel text also offers us both to comfort and great challenge. The comforting message is that no one can snatch the sheep out of his Father’s hands. The challenge is that pastors and lay people alike should be good shepherds to those entrusted to their care. The need of the hour is not only to pray for the new vocations to come from the domestic church (families) as Jesus himself called for prayer but also to encourage, promote and send prospective priestly candidates from our families to work in the vineyard of the Lord. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Frs Ephrem and Paul will be away from the 14th – 16th May. During their absence, the weekday Mass times will be as follows. Tuesday 14th May 9.30am St Patrick’s Church Wednesday 15th May 9.30am St Patrick’s Church Thursday 16th May 9.30am St Patrick’s Church Thank you Fr Matthew’s final Mass – St Patrick’s Church 1 June 5.30pm Vigil. Fr Matthew will be returning to Ireland permanently in July and we are grateful he is able to celebrate a final Mass at St Patrick’s with us. There will be a light supper in the meeting room directly after Mass. Everyone is asked to please bring a plate of food to share. If you are available to organise this, please contact the office 388 6953 or [email protected]. If you would like to make a donation to Fr Matthew, please put an envelope in the collection. Thank you. If God exists, it changes everything! A final reminder that the Alpha faith course starts again this week. There are two sessions one starting at 4pm and the other starting at 7pm in the Holy Cross School Staffroom from Wednesday 22 May. To enrol please call or email the parish office or text Dave Monastra on 0274477280. Feel free to bring family members and friends. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 2019 Board of Trustees’ Election Nominations are invited for the election of 5 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations has been posted to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon on Friday 24 May 2019 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate statement and photograph. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Friday June 2019 St Anthony's School are looking for volunteers to join our Board of Trustees. The election will be at the start of June, with nominations opened from 10 May, so please come and talk to us if you are interested. You don't need to have any particular skills or knowledge, just a passion for teaching and learning and a love of our wonderful school community. You can find out more about us at or email us at [email protected] At the Anzac Day Mass $236.20 was collected. The money has been delivered to the Wellington RSA office. Thanks to all who contributed. St Patrick’s church Liturgy Group thanks all those who attended our Easter ceremonies. In particular we thank those who carried out ministries such as our Altar servers, Welcomers, readers, musicians, offertory carriers, Ministers of the Eucharist. Special thanks to the children who led the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. They read clearly and confidently and were a credit to their parents and the Parish. We were delighted that FR Frank Whitaker joined us in the ceremonies. He is a Kilbirnie boy born and bred and it was lovely to have him celebrate with us. Do you have any memories/photographs/information from the early days of our 3 churches? Trisha would love to hear from you. She is compiling a history of the churches in the Eastern Suburbs in relation to the upcoming centenary for St Patrick’s Church . lease contact her 04 934 3179 to share any information you have. Thank you in advance HOLY CROSS CHURCH CARPARK Please only park in the designated parks.The accessway to the presbytery at the back needs to remain clear at all times. This applies to both weekend and weekday Masses. St Vincent de Paul Society Foodbank Appeal, Saturday 25 May 2019, at Pak ‘n Save Supermarket, Kilbirnie. CLEANER REQUIRED - St Catherine's College St Catherine’s College has a vacancy for a part time cleaner from 2 pm – 6 pm each day. Start date is Wednesday 15 May 2019 or by negotiation. If this might suit you please contact Sue Kemp, Executive Officer on 939-8988 ext. 815 or[email protected] Celebrating 100 years since the first school building on St Catherine’s College site. High Tea 22 June 2019 from 1.00pm – 4.45pm Mercy Hall, SCC. $15. Registration required. Contact Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 0272458859 The Catholic Bishops of NZ are urging the laity to oppose Act Leader David Seymour’s End of Life Choice (Euthanasia) Bill which will likely be voted on at its second and critical reading on Wed 22nd May. Unless we take immediate action there is a danger that this dangerous bill will pass. We urge you to immediately contact your local Electorate and List MP’s to ask them to vote against the bill. This can be done very simply using the following web address. This connects to a page on the DefendNZ website. Please visit or phone 0800 42 76 42. Please pray for the defeat of this evil bill. For more information please contact [email protected] Day of Prayer for Vocations - Sunday 12 May Today is a special day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood. Please pray for our seminarians Alfred, Matthew and Kinh and all those discerning the call to priesthood. Could someone you know become tomorrow's priest? Pray for this person. Invite him to consider priesthood. Affirm his gifts and qualities. Encourage him to be open to the possibility of priesthood. In speaking of the Gospel account of the calling of the first disciples by the sea of Galilee (Mk 1:16-20) Pope Francis says, "Do not be deaf to the Lord’s call. If he calls you to follow this path, do not pull your oars into the boat, but trust him. Do not yield to fear, which paralyzes us before the great heights to which the Lord points us. Always remember that to those who leave their nets and boat behind, and follow him, the Lord promises the joy of a new life that can fill our hearts and enliven our journey." Contact Fr David Dowling, Vocations Director: [email protected] St Mary's College Open Day. June 13th 2019, 9am. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington invites men to come along and join us on Thursday 16th May 2019 at 7:30pm (Note: fellowship from 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start) In CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, (behind the closed Sacred Heart Cathedral). Speaker: Fr John Pettit on “Serving the Aboriginal people of Central Australia” Want to know more? Ring Steve Ready 027-356-9555 or [email protected] Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver Ethnic Dinner with Entertainment. Saturday 25 May 6.30pm at Polish House 257 Riddiford St, Newtown. Bring your favourite dish to share. Admission: Adults $10, 5 to 10yrs $5 and under 5yrs free. All donation money sent to overseas missions. For tickets ring 383 8401 Nau mai, haere mai, you are invited… by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Committee for Interfaith Relations, to celebrate the launch of its booklet: Promoting interfaith relations in Aotearoa New Zealand Today we are called to encounter and enter into relationship with our sisters and brothers of different faiths. This booklet offers some practical context for doing so. Saturday 19 May 11.30am St Mary of the Angels, Wellington Christ the Compassionate Stranger. Live in Retreat, 14 to 16 June. Post Christchurch, Christ’s encounter with the Woman at the Well invites us to embrace a Spirituality of GIFT, seeing the person of Christ in our neighbours and moving towards truly inclusive communities. Join Anglican priest and theologian Dr Raymond Pelly at the Home of Compassion in reflecting upon the radical generosity of the God of our Christian tradition. Retreat fee $100.00 plus accommodation costs. Day attendance option also available. Enquiries and registration; Ph. 04 3837769 or [email protected]. Compassion Soup Kitchen Street Appeal will be on Friday 14 June 2019 around the Wellington region. We are looking for volunteers! If you can help with being a Street Collector for one to two hours on Friday 14 June, please sign up at or call (04) 385 9299. Day of Prayer for Vocations This Sunday is a special day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood. Please pray for our seminarians Alfred, Matthew and Kinh and all those discerning the call to priesthood. Could someone you know become tomorrow's priest? Pray for this person. Invite him to consider priesthood. Affirm his gifts and qualities. Encourage him to be open to the possibility of becoming a priest. "The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God in our freedom; it is the loving initiative whereby God encounters us and invites us to be part of a great undertaking. Every vocation is a summons to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our own happiness and for the good of those around us." Pope Francis Fr David Dowling, Vocations Director: [email protected] Go you are sent to accompany one another (10) Remember that young people are part of the Mass and the community, they are not separate from it. Protect vulnerable people: Say no to the euthanasia Bill. If you haven’t already signed your name to the petition rejecting David Seymour’s Euthanasia Bill, we ask that you consider visiting this link and providing your details to oppose this. The euthanasia Bill is fundamentally flawed and dangerous. There are no effective safeguards that can dequately protect vulnerable people from coercion and wrongful deaths. If more than one person in your household would like to sign the petition this is allowed, but each person needs to use a different device (PC, Mac, tablet, phone, etc). Advance notice......New Zealand Catholic Medical Association - Inaugural Meeting Date: Sat: 25 May 2019 Time: 10am -3pm Place: St Michael’s School Hall, 6 Beatrice Road, Remuera, Auckland - Cost $25 per person. Blessing and Holy Mass from Bishop Patrick Dunn Provides an opportunity for doctors and others involved in healthcare to find pastoral care, support, encouragement and faith development. Registration is required by 20 May 2019. Details Contact email:[email protected] The Christian Brothers Past Pupils’ Association, Wellington, is holding its Annual Mass on Sunday, 26 May, at the 10.30am Mass in the Chapel at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hill St, Wellington. The celebrant is Fr James Lyons. Mass will be followed by lunch in Connolly Hall at 11.45am. Our guest speaker is Tony Mackle and the title of his address is “From Buckle St to the Waterfront – a brief history of the art collections at Te Papa.” Those interested in attending please contact Kevin McCormack on 478-6792. Compassion Soup Kitchen Street Appeal - Street Collectors Needed! Our Annual Street Appeal will be on Friday 14 June 2019 around the Wellington region. We are looking for volunteers! If you can help with being a Street Collector for one to two hours on Friday 14 June, please sign up at or call (04) 385 9299. Come and help our biggest fundraiser of the year and increase the awareness of the services we provide to the community. Be a part of the Compassion story! Suzanne Aubert's Birthday Mass. 19 June, 6pm. The Sisters of Compassion and the Catholic Parish of Wellington South invite everyone to celebrate Suzanne Aubert's Birthday Mass celebrated by Cardinal John Dew. St Anne's Church, Newtown. For more details email or ph (04) 282-1953. The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Committee for Interfaith Relations is launching its booklet “Promoting Interfaith Relations in Aotearoa New Zealand.” Come and get your free copy and learn about the importance of interfaith relations in our church and society today, from two committee members, Daniel Kleinsman and Christopher Longhurst. 11:30am, Saturday 18 May 2019 @ St Mary of the Angels Church, 17 Boulcott St, Wellington, 6011 Welcome to Matariki. Remembrance Miha (Māori mass) 9 June, 11 am. From 1.30pm - 3pm there will be family friendly entertainment to create warmth and celebrate togetherness and new beginnings in Aotearoa. Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay. For more details: Ph: 3837769 email [email protected] and ask for Christine. It is not always easy to discern the Good Shepherd’s voice…There is always the risk of being distracted by the din of so many other voices. Today we are invited not to let ourselves be distracted by false wisdom, but to follow Jesus, the Risen One, as the one sure guide who gives meaning to our life. Pope Francis: Angelus, 7 May 2017 We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Zofia Czochanska, Mary McKechnie, Betty-Leah Bolton and Maria Peters. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. Acts 5:27-32,40-41; Apocal. 5:11-14; Jn. 21:1-19
Today’s Gospel story is about God in search of man, even when man tries to evade Him. This theme prompted Francis Thompson to write his famous mystic poem “The Hound of Heaven." The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, tells us how the Spirit of the Risen Lord transformed Peter, whom Jesus appointed head of his Church, from being a coward into a brave witness to the resurrection. The second reading, from the book of Revelation, presents John’s vision of the Risen Lord as the glorified “Lamb of God” enthroned in heaven. The Apocalypse of John is an expression of Christian hope in the Risen Lord. The Gospel tells the post-resurrection story of our merciful Saviour who goes in search of his band of disappointed and dejected disciples. Every dream they cherished shattered, almost all finished. That is the moment Jesus comes into their lives once again as unknown bystander suggesting the expert fishermen to cast the net into other side of the boat in the sea. The moment they carried out Jesus’ command with abundant catch they recognize the master with his unfamiliar face of the risen Lord. And everything changed, a turnabout from being fishermen to being fishers of people and from the labour of fishing to the mission of witnessing to the resurrection. Second part of the Gospel speaks about feeding and shepherding the lamb/sheep. Peter’s three times denial of Jesus is reaffirmed and compensated by his threefold confirmation of love towards his master. The two stories of fishing and shepherding are metaphorically related to the Church’s duties of feeding and shepherding. This duty was entrusted to the apostles and their successors. As forming the part of royal priestly family through our baptism and confirmation, we too share the same responsibility of feeding and shepherding in various degrees in the Church according to one’s status. The question is as united and missionary disciples, are we carrying out these responsibilities with diligence and commitment? If not let us reconfirm our love toward the Risen Lord. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Safeguarding in our Parish – Thursday May 9th St Patrick’s Parish Centre 7pm The Archdiocese will be running a workshop on the 9th May regarding the polcies, standards and code of conduct regarding safe practices within the Church. Everyone is invited to attend but this is compulsory for certain groups including Parish Council, employees, sacramental programme, children’s liturgy, SVdP, Legion of Mary, Secular Franciscians, Apostolate of St Joseph, Communion to the Sick, RCIA and anyone who is engaged with children, young people or vulnerable adults. Cup of tea at 6.45pm for a 7pm start. RSVP 388 6953 or [email protected] Holy Cross Happy Hour Weds 8th May from 11am in the Parish Centre. Come join us for bingo. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome Frs Ephrem and Paul will be away from the 14th – 16th May. During their absence, the weekday Mass times will be as follows. Tuesday 14th May 9.30am St Patrick’s Church Wednesday 15th May 9.30am St Patrick’s Church Thursday 16th May 9.30am St Patrick’s Church Thank you HOLY CROSS CHURCH CARPARK Please only park in the designated parks.The accessway to the presbytery at the back needs to remain clear at all times. This applies to both weekend and weekday Masses. Do you have any memories/photographs/information from the early days of our 3 churches? Trisha would love to hear from you. She is compiling a history of the churches in the Eastern Suburbs in relation to the upcoming centenary for St Patrick’s Church . lease contact her 04 934 3179 to share any information you have. Thank you in advance If God exists, it changes everything! Alpha discussion allows people to share their thoughts and questions about video talks on faith without being corrected or judged. The trained hosts and helpers are there to facilitate this discussion time and keep it a positive and comfortable experience for guests. The sessions are available again this year. There are two sessions one starting at 4pm and the other starting at 7pm in the Holy Cross School Staffroom from Wednesday 22 May. To enrol please call or email the parish office or text Dave Monastra on 0274477280. Feel free to bring family members and friends. St Anthony's School are looking for volunteers to join our Board of Trustees. The election will be at the start of June, with nominations opened from 10 May, so please come and talk to us if you are interested. You don't need to have any particular skills or knowledge, just a passion for teaching and learning and a love of our wonderful school community. You can find out more about us at or email us at [email protected] CLEANER REQUIRED - St Catherine's College St Catherine’s College has a vacancy for a part time cleaner from 2 pm – 6 pm each day. Start date is Wednesday 15 May 2019 or by negotiation. If this might suit you please contact Sue Kemp, Executive Officer on 939-8988 ext. 815 or[email protected] Celebrating 100 years since the first school building on St Catherine’s College site. High Tea 22 June 2019 from 1.00pm – 4.45pm Mercy Hall, SCC. $15. Registration required. Contact Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 0272458859 Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington invites men to come along and join us on Thursday 16th May 2019 at 7:30pm (Note: fellowship from 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start) In CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind the closed Sacred Heart Cathedral). Speaker: Fr John Pettit on “Serving the Aboriginal people of Central Australia” Want to know more? Ring Steve Ready 027-356-9555 or email: [email protected] Our God is Too Small - The Pope's Astronomer, Br Guy Consolmagno SJ, will be delivering a free public lecture, 7.30pm, on Tuesday 7 May at the Performing Arts Centre, Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt. A world leading astronomer, researcher, author, TED Talks and American University circuit speaker, he is visiting New Zealand to discuss his vision of God and our universe. He will be speaking on topics as diverse as: how science and religion work together, why he thinks our God is too small, and what his love of astronomy has taught him. This is a free event, however tickets are required and are available online. See details at How religion (our faith) and science work together. Free Workshop by Br. Guy Consolmagno SJ. Director of the Vatican Observatory. Wed 8th May. St Anne’s Hall, 22 Emmett St, Newtown. 1-4pm. RSVP by May3rd Mary-Ann Greaney [email protected] or 04 496 1784 (Please leave a message.) Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver Ethnic Dinner with Entertainment. Saturday 25 May 6.30pm at Polish House 257 Riddiford St, Newtown. Bring your favourite dish to share. Admission: Adults $10, 5 to 10yrs $5 and under 5yrs free. All donation money sent to overseas missions. For tickets ring 383 8401 God asks us to view life as he views it, for in each of us he never ceases to see an irrepressible kernel of beauty. In sin, he sees sons and daughters to be restored; in death, brothers and sisters to be reborn; in desolation, hearts to be revived. Pope Francis: Homily for the Easter Vigil, 20 April 2019 Stewardship involves a need to give, rather than merely giving to a need. Nau mai, haere mai, you are invited… by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Committee for Interfaith Relations, to celebrate the launch of its booklet: Promoting interfaith relations in Aotearoa New Zealand Today we are called to encounter and enter into relationship with our sisters and brothers of different faiths. This booklet offers some practical context for doing so. Saturday 19 May 11.30am St Mary of the Angels, Wellington Christ the Compassionate Stranger. Live in Retreat, 14 to 16 June. Post Christchurch, Christ’s encounter with the Woman at the Well invites us to embrace a Spirituality of GIFT, seeing the person of Christ in our neighbours and moving towards truly inclusive communities. Join Anglican priest and theologian Dr Raymond Pelly at the Home of Compassion in reflecting upon the radical generosity of the God of our Christian tradition. Retreat fee $100.00 plus accommodation costs. Day attendance option also available. Enquiries and registration; Ph. 04 3837769 or [email protected]. Compassion Soup Kitchen Street Appeal will be on Friday 14 June 2019 around the Wellington region. We are looking for volunteers! If you can help with being a Street Collector for one to two hours on Friday 14 June, please sign up at or call (04) 385 9299. Day of Prayer for Vocations This Sunday is a special day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood. Please pray for our seminarians Alfred, Matthew and Kinh and all those discerning the call to priesthood. Could someone you know become tomorrow's priest? Pray for this person. Invite him to consider priesthood. Affirm his gifts and qualities. Encourage him to be open to the possibility of becoming a priest. "The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God in our freedom; it is the loving initiative whereby God encounters us and invites us to be part of a great undertaking. Every vocation is a summons to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our own happiness and for the good of those around us." Pope Francis Fr David Dowling, Vocations Director: [email protected] May WelCom is out this week for Sunday 5 May 2019. Contents include:
We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Ioelu Fili, June Avery, Audrey Wearne, Helen Kiely and Ian Murray. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. |
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