Malo e lelei and greetings to you all
You know that feeling of waiting for something or someone? It is a feeling of excitement or may be anxiety. For most people, waiting is not a very popular pastime, it can be seen as a waste of time. If we allow it to, waiting can be a creative time, a time of high alert, where we may even be more aware of ourselves. Our senses heightened especially when we are waiting for important news or results or waiting on a loved one to call or to arrive. Waiting is not always seen as a good thing but it can be a time for growth. And so, we enter into the season of waiting: Advent. The gospel reminds us to be alert and use this time to prepare. What will our preparations be like? God is with us in many different ways; trying to catch our attention in the midst of our busy days. As we fight our way through the queues in the coming weeks, can we use 5 minutes or ten minutes to stop, be still to ask God to enter into our hearts and live once more. May we have a happy and a holy Advent ..... Fr Sanele Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Life Teen Ministry is moving! The Life Teen Youth Ministry warmly invite you to come and share in a final Mass and some refreshments on the 11th of December at 5:30pm at St Patrick's church, Kilbirnie, to thank the Parish for the 15 years of support. We also take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us in so many ways over the years: for saying Mass, helping us with food preparation, giving rides to our youth, praying for us and encouraging us with words and smiles. You have meant so much to us and we are so grateful for each one of you! After careful prayer and discernment, we have decided to shift Life Teen to St Anne’s Church in Newtown and therefore become part of the Wellington South Parish from February 2017. Life Teen has until now organised a mass at St Patrick's on Sunday evenings but St Anne's has an existing 5pm parish mass into which Life Teen can be integrated. The move to St Anne’s also brings other important practical advantages and the more centralised location makes it easier for our teens that travel by public transport. These 15 years in the Saint Patrick's and then Holy Trinity family have been full of blessings, fun and growth in the Catholic faith for hundreds of youth. Life Teen Youth Ministry in Kilbirnie was started in 2001 by a team of passionate Young Adults who wanted to share their great love of God with others. Giant games of 'pass the parcel', sports, water fights, BBQs, mural painting and 24 hour bake offs for charity (to list a very few) have contributed to the fun and vibrancy of the group. Life Teen spirituality is both Eucharistic and Marian, and focuses on deepening understanding of the faith, while at the same time encouraging a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. We are hoping to still be able to collaborate with Holy Trinity Parish in the future as Wellington South Parish is only just over the hill. Thank you again for all your support and we hope to thank you in person on the 11th of December at 5.30pm. The Life Teen Leadership Group The Holy Trinity Parish Council supports the move by Life Teen to Wellington South and fully understands the rationale for the shift. The Council is very grateful to Life Teen for the youth and wider activity brought to the Parish and especially St Patricks in Kilbirnie over the years. Parishioners are encouraged to continue to support and attend Life Teen events just over the hill. Fr Ephrem will be away from the 1st – 20th December attending the Capuchin Formation course in Manila. In his absence, Fr Gregory will be acting Parish Priest. Thank you for your help. NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church, or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. Archbishops Christmas Appeal envelopes are available from the back of the churches. Please fill in your details carefully and place in the collection basket. Thank you. Christmas Novena 15 – 23rd December St Patrick’s Church 7.30pm All are welcome to come join us praying a novena for the nine days leading up to Christmas Eve St Patrick’s Children’s Christmas Eve Mass 5.30pm if you have a child that would like to actively participate in this Mass and the Play please contact Clare Lundon – (04) 934 2981 Thank you for coming end year Christmas Party. On the behalf Mix & Mingle we like to say have a Merry Christmas And Happy New Year If you are going away, please take care we all look forward to you next year. Yours Sincerely Andrew Greening. H 04 3861233 Or Mb 0274385393 Email [email protected] Carol O'Kane H 04 9341316 Mb 0274521419 Email [email protected] Christmas Appeal. St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference Last week we started a three week donation appeal to you for food items, toiletries, treats and gifts to be placed in or beside sign-posted boxes in the foyer any time of the week when the Church is open. You might even like to make up a hamper. On Friday 16 December 2016 our team of drivers and helpers will deliver the boxes of food and items to over 50 families in the district. If you wish to provide a gift could you please wrap it and place a note as to the age and gender the gift would suit We have placed a brief note for you on the church pews suggesting ideas for donating items or making up hampers. More copies are available in the foyer. This collection is a practical way we can reach out to bring Christ’s love to the homes of our neighbours who are really struggling and for whom this extra help will alleviate their burden. Clare Maddock: 388 8548 Happy Hour – Holy Cross Church Seniors are reminded that the next Happy Hour will be on Wednesday, 7th December at 11:30 am. This will be a Christmas Lunch, there will be no bingo. So come along and bring a nice lunch dish, and also a small gift (value $5) to exchange. Hope to see you there- Margaret. Thank you to Denise and the senior class (Tui) at St Anthony’s School for cleaning St Anthony’s Church inside and out. You’ve done a wonderful job and it is always much appreciated. Well done. St Anthnoy’s Bazaar 2017 - This week it’s pre-loved kitchen items to sell at its White Elephant stall. Please leave clean, usable items in the boxes provided in the church foyer. Drop off day at St Anthony’s School – Sunday 11th December Rain or shine! See notice at the back of the Church for details Publication for sale in the Parish St Patrick’s Church – Tui Motu $7 each and NZ Catholic $4 each Holy Cross Church – NZ Catholic $4 each Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each Pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use calendar as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. or for sale at the back of St Patrick’s Church after Mass in November. Andrew will be selling calendars from the cabinet at the back of the Church. Cash or cheque please. Please make cheques out to Holy Trinity Parish. A time to explore a possible calling from God to become a Sister of Mercy. Single women are invited to attend an event at Mercy Centre, Thorndon, Wellington on Sunday 27 November from 11.45am – 5pm, lunch included. Bookings are necessary. Please contact Sister Stephanie on 04-8198312 or [email protected]. Come along and bring a friend! Theology on Tap: Sunday, 27th November, 6.30pm, the Arborist, 166 Willis St. This month our speaker is Jack Leason, Chief Organiser of the new young-adult Catholic Worker House based at the Victoria University Campus. Jack is going to speak about his plans for the house, and how he hopes to reach out to university students in Wellington. We will also discuss ways in which all young people living in Wellington can be involved. This will be our last Theology on Tap for 2016, so please make a special effort to attend - remember everyone is welcome and bar snacks are provided! Taizé Prayer service The Sisters of Compassion offer a Taizé Prayer service on the first Friday of every month. The next service is on 2nd December at 7pm-8pm , Crombie Chapel, Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street (off Murray Street), Island Bay, Wellington. There is plenty of parking available and the Chapel is a short walk from the nearest bus stop by Dee Street on The Parade in Island Bay (route number 1). Phone 04 383 7134 or 04 383 7769 for information. VOLUNTEERS sought for help with new mothers and their babies. If you are might be able to help please call Family Life Pregnancy Centre ph. 2378343. "Challenge 2000 in partnership with the Society of Mary runs a one year programme of training, development and service, work placements, diverse experiences, and local and maybe international travel. The Gap Year offers College leavers amazing opportunities to develop all the elements necessary for a positive, successful and balanced life. There are only 8 places available. Applications close 2nd December 2016. The Gap Year starts Feb 2017. For more information please contact Kitty McKinley on 477 6827 or email [email protected].
This is the final Sunday of Year C and, as we draw to a close, of our reading of Luke’s gospel, we hear the account of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is the Feast of the Crucifixion and this Gospel certainly gives us an opportunity to lay aside a lot of cultural baggage we may have about kings, leaders and kingdoms. Jesus’ kingdom is unlike the one that Pilate or many other earthly leaders know. It is a kingdom built on love, service, justice, reconciliation and peace. Few kings’ can measure up to this: responding to violence with forgiveness, giving those with no hope a reason to hope. Today’s Gospel gives a powerful image of Jesus as servant king, like a beacon light for society in today’s world. Who do you know in our world today who is the more living example of this type of kingship, making daily sacrifices in endless sevice to those around them? “The power of truth, of honesty, of forgiveness – with no frills – how different the world would be if it was governed by this kind of power” (Michael De Verteuil) Fr Sanele Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. We hope all members of our Parish community are safe and well after the recent earthquakes. We know what an unsettling time this can be and with the continued aftershocks rain, disruptions, and for those with family in the worst affected areas, our thoughts and prayers are with you. On Monday, all the properties in the Parish were inspected and there were no signs of damage. We believe the buildings are in the same condition as they were prior to the earthquakes. If you concerns please contact David Monastra 027 447 7280 or email [email protected] NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church, or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. Fr.Matthew wishes to express his sincere thanks to the priests, Parish Pastoral Council and parishioners of Holy Trinity parish, for the opportunity of celebrating his Golden Jubilee of priesthood with them on 30th. October. He was very moved by the large attendance at the Mass and the refreshments afterwards, the generous gifts from the parish and individuals and the congratulations received. Thanks to all who contributed to the beautiful celebration. May the Lord bless you all with peace and joy. You will share in a special Mass to be offered by him for all who have joined with him on this joyous occasion. St Patrick’s Children’s Christmas Eve Mass 5.30pm if you have a child that would like to actively participate in this Mass and the Play please contact Clare Lundon – (04) 934 2981 This is to remind parishioners at St Patrick’s Church of the no parking areas. These include, all emergency exits, along the fenceline of the presbytery, at the bottom of the steps by the side entrance of the Church and in front of the garage. Your co-opearation with this is much appreciated. Christmas Appeal. St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference Today we start a three week donation appeal to you for food items, toiletries, treats and gifts to be placed in or beside sign-posted boxes in the foyer any time of the week when the Church is open. You might even like to make up a hamper. On Friday 16 December 2016 our team of drivers and helpers will deliver the boxes of food and items to over 50 families in the district. If you wish to provide a gift could you please wrap it and place a note as to the age and gender the gift would suit We have placed a brief note for you on the church pews suggesting ideas for donating items or making up hampers. More copies are available in the foyer. This collection is a practical way we can reach out to bring Christ’s love to the homes of our neighbours who are really struggling and for whom this extra help will alleviate their burden. Clare Maddock: 388 8548 "REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS". St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale from after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local SVdP Conference activities. Contacts for supplies are: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knapp ph 970 3905) and St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350) St Vincent de Paul Society FOODBANK APPEAL, Saturday 19 November 2016, 11am-6pm donations by shoppers at PAK 'n SAVE Supermarket, Kilbirnie. Our six-monthly appeal for donated non-perishable food items to replenish our Vinnies Wellington Foodbank at Newtown and to stock our local SVDP Conference food cupboard for people in dire need of emergency food for families (Contact: Brendan Quirk, ph 3889708). St Anthnoy’s Bazaar 2017 - pre-loved framed artwork to sell at its White Elephant stall. Please leave clean, usable items in the boxes provided in the church foyer. Drop off day at St Anthony’s School – Sunday 11th December Rain or shine! See notice at the back of the Church for details Publication for sale in the Parish St Patrick’s Church – Tui Motu $7 each and NZ Catholic $4 each Holy Cross Church – NZ Catholic $4 each Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each Pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use calendar as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. or for sale at the back of St Patrick’s Church after Mass in November. Andrew will be selling calendars from the cabinet at the back of the Church. Cash or cheque please. Please make cheques out to Holy Trinity Parish. A time to explore a possible calling from God to become a Sister of Mercy. Single women are invited to attend an event at Mercy Centre, Thorndon, Wellington on Sunday 27 November from 11.45am – 5pm, lunch included. Bookings are necessary. Please contact Sister Stephanie on 04-8198312 or [email protected]. Come along and bring a friend! Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 22 November beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and concluding with Benediction followed by supper. All are welcome. Prayer Vigil for the Unborn Friday 25th November 6 pm to 8 pm (N.B the new start time) St Anne's Catholic Church, Emmett St., Newtown Starts with Mass followed by Exposition & Rosary Procession to Wellington Hospital. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available immediately after Mass. Ends with supper. "Could you not spend one hour with me?" Is Jesus in the distressing disguise of the Unborn calling you to today's Calvary to pray for those scheduled to die? Queries to Family Life International NZ ph. 2378343 Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service at St Bernadette`s Church, Naenae Rd, on Wed 23 November beginning at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Please bring all those who need Jesus` healing. Theology on Tap: Sunday, 27th November, 6.30pm, the Arborist, 166 Willis St. This month our speaker is Jack Leason, Chief Organiser of the new young-adult Catholic Worker House based at the Victoria University Campus. Jack is going to speak about his plans for the house, and how he hopes to reach out to university students in Wellington. We will also discuss ways in which all young people living in Wellington can be involved. This will be our last Theology on Tap for 2016, so please make a special effort to attend - remember everyone is welcome and bar snacks are provided! "Challenge 2000 in partnership with the Society of Mary runs a one year programme of training, development and service, work placements, diverse experiences, and local and maybe international travel. The Gap Year offers College leavers amazing opportunities to develop all the elements necessary for a positive, successful and balanced life. There are only 8 places available. Applications close 2nd December 2016. The Gap Year starts Feb 2017. For more information please contact Kitty McKinley on 477 6827 or email [email protected]. Prayer after an Earthquake (adapted) Creator God, at times such as this, when we realised that the ground beneath our feet is not as solid as we had imagined, we plead for your mercy. As the things we have built crumble, we know too well how small we truly are on this every-changing, ever moving, fragile planet we call home. Yet you have promised never to forget us. Do not forget us now. Today, so many people are afraid. They wait in fear of the next tremor. Comfort them, O God, in this disaster. Be their rock when the earth refuses to stand still, and shelter them under your wings when homes and offices no longer exits. Pierce, too, our hearts with compassion, we who watch from afar, as our friends and relatives experience misery upon misery. Move us to act swiftly this day, to give generously every day, to work for justice always, and to pray unceasingly for those without hope. And once the shaking has ceased, the images of destruction have stopped filling the news, and our thoughts return to life’s daily rumblings, let us not forget that we are all your children and they, our sisters and brothers. We are all the work of your hands. For though the mountains leave their place and the hills be tossed to the ground, your love shall never leave us and your promise of peace will never be shaken. (Isaiah 54:10) Copyright 2010, Diana Macalintal. Permission is given to reprint for non-commercial use TALOFA LAVA, GRETTINGS AND MALO LELEI
This Sunday’s Gospel calls us to be patient and strong. The road to the kingdom of God is not always an easy one. Jesus explains that there will be difficult times ahead, that the pursuit of life in God can cause us to be mocked, jeered and afraid. God asks us to be strong, to be aware of the world and its ways and to practice patience. This would mean that every day God asks us to be fearless. There are plenty of times that God asks us not to be afraid of professing our faith, hope and love as Christians. Today we are being asked to stay strong and stay patient, goodwill will triumph over evil and not a hair on our heads will perish. Fr Sanele Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Please congratulate our children for their First Holy Communion. Those children from Holy Cross last Sunday Holy Cross Jessica Breen-McCallum, Ihaia Masun-Ryan, Asopesio Telefoni, Tommy Saba, Elijah McKeown, Gem Bouzai, Maya Rush-Dunn, Lia Rush-Dunn, Leah Pine and Kahurangi Burkitt and those at St Anthony’s and St Patrick’s this Sunday St Anthony’s Ari Geor, Bella Small, Brianna Smith, Elise McArley, Eve Williams, Fleur Kingston, Fraser Lindsay, Lola McCartney, Ruby McCartney, Seamus Óg Flood, Siobhán Bolger and Thomas Waddington St Patrick’s Lucy Attard, Lelani Garnons-Williams, Tyla Gray, Caleb Hope, Ryan Johnson, Mariana Lealamamua, Thais Meirelles, Tawanda Muteto, Archie Story and Tyra Tuiavii Please remember to keep them in your prayers And a very big thank you to all those who have been involved in the sacramental programme this year. We really appreciate everything you have done. Liturgy for the end of the Year of Mercy Thursday 17th November 7.30pm St Patrick’s Church Come join us for this liturgy as we hereld the end of the Year of Mercy opened by Pope Francis in December 2015. Fr Sanele will be celebrating his birthday next Thursday 17th November. Please remember him in your prayers and wish him a Happy Birthday. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me on my birthday. May God bless you. Fr Gregory NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church, or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. Congratulations to Elise Natoli - a past pupil from St Anthony’s School who was awarded St Mary’s College, Wellington’s Head Girl for 2017. St Patrick’s Children’s Christmas Eve Mass if you have a child that would like to actively participate in this Mass and the Play please contact Clare Lundon – (04) 934 2981 St Patrick’s Church Mix and Mingle Luncheon 17th November 11.30 – 1.30pm in the St Patrick’s Parish Centre 3rd Thurs of each month. Couple $15 and Single $7 All age groups welcome. Ring Andrew 386 1233 by Tues 15th Novemberfor catering purposes St Vincent de Paul Society FOODBANK APPEAL, Saturday 19 November 2016, 11am-6pm donations by shoppers at PAK 'n SAVE Supermarket, Kilbirnie. Our six-monthly appeal for donated non-perishable food items to replenish our Vinnies Wellington Foodbank at Newtown and to stock our local SVDP Conference food cupboard for people in dire need of emergency food for families (Contact: Brendan Quirk, ph 3889708). "REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS". St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale from Sun 6 November after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local SVdP Conference activities. Contacts for supplies are: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knapp ph 970 3905) and St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350) St Anthnoy’s Bazaar 2017 - the Bazaar team is looking for pre-loved electrical goods to sell at its White Elephant stall. Please leave clean, usable items in the boxes provided in the church foyer. Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each Pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use calendar as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. or for sale at the back of St Patrick’s Church after Mass in November. Andrew will be selling calendars from the cabinet at the back of the Church. Cash or cheque please. Please make cheques out to Holy Trinity Parish. Thank you You are invited to join St Vinnies in Seatoun/Miramar or in Kilbirnie: The St Vinnies groups meet once a month to pray together and to decide on how to help and who to visit when people are in need in our community. If you want to join the Seatoun & Miramar Conference, or for more information, contact Brendan Quirk on Ph 388 9708 or [email protected] (next meeting Mon 14 Nov). If you want to join the Kilbirnie Conference, or for more information, contact Margaret Bearsley on 021 344 356 or [email protected] St Anthony’s School Golf Day - Thursday 24 November 2016, Miramar Golf Course Consider entering yourself, or a team in the St Anthony’s School Golf Day!! Information and registration forms can be found on our website: or grab a copy from the school office. You don’t have to be a golfer to enjoy this day out but if you would like to support us in other ways please consider donating quality items that we could use for raffles, teams prizes or as auction items. Or if you have a business, maybe consider sponsoring a hole? If you can help or have any questions, please phone Sonya on 027 4805 004 or talk to the Principal, Jennifer Ioannou. A time to explore a possible calling from God to become a Sister of Mercy. Single women are invited to attend an event at Mercy Centre, Thorndon, Wellington on Sunday 27 November from 11.45am – 5pm, lunch included. Bookings are necessary. Please contact Sister Stephanie on 04-8198312 or [email protected]. Come along and bring a friend! Become a volunteer at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, Island Bay? Are you interested in becoming a volunteer at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion? Do you know others who would make great volunteers? We are seeking volunteers who would like to share the story of Suzanne Aubert and the Sisters of Compassion, and the charism of Compassion. Our Lady’s Home of Compassion is preparing to welcome greater numbers of visitors and pilgrims as the cause for Suzanne Aubert’s sainthood gains momentum. Volunteer roles will begin in 2017. A Compassion Volunteering information session is being held on the morning of Saturday 5 November with more sessions to follow next year. To register your interest in volunteering, contact Deirdre Hanlon, Visitor Experience Manager, at [email protected] or phone 282 1953. Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for couples intending to be married. Final weekend for 2016 - 26 / 27 November 2016. Registrations close 2 weeks before. Venue: Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington. For more details go to the website at or phone Kate & Simon Olsen Telephone (+64 4) 801 6192, or email Simon and Kate at [email protected] Dove Wellington invites all women to our meeting from 1.15pm to 3pm on Saturday 19 November at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington. This meeting is the final meeting for the year, where we finish by celebrating Mass, and giving thanks for the year that we have had. This will be a wonderful celebration. Please bring a plate to share for the fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Shura Price for any queries on (04) 389 9938. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington. Men come along and join us on Thursday 17th of November 2016 at 7:30pm for prayer and praise, and social time in CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Tce, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral). Theme: “Understanding ourselves as men living in the Light” Guest speaker: Pauline Griffiths Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or [email protected] Prayer Vigil for the Unborn Friday 25th November 6 pm to 8 pm (N.B the new start time) St Anne's Catholic Church, Emmett St., Newtown Starts with Mass followed by Exposition & Rosary Procession to Wellington Hospital. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available immediately after Mass. Ends with supper. "Could you not spend one hour with me?" Is Jesus in the distressing disguise of the Unborn calling you to today's Calvary to pray for those scheduled to die? Queries to Family Life International NZ ph. 2378343 Deaf Cafe - for Deaf and hearing impaired people. Deaf Cafe is for anybody – just turn up. You can meet and chat with new people or catch up with old friends over a cuppa and cake and biscuits. Deaf Cafe is free. When: Wednesday 16 November. Time: 10am to 12pm. At: St Peter and Paul’s Hall, 60 Knights Road, Lower Hutt. THE SECULAR ORDER OF DISCALCED CARMELITES extends a warm invitation to anyone interested in their spirituality and way of life to join them for an open afternoon on Sunday, 6 November to celebrate the recent canonisation on 16 October, of St Elizabeth of the Trinity, a young Carmelite nun of the 20th century, at Marist Centre, 88 Hobson Street, Thorndon, Wellington, at 2.00 pm. Enquiries: Mary Heffernan 577-2835 or email: [email protected]. Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service at St Bernadette`s Church, 194 Naenae Rd, Naenae on Wednesday 23 November beginning at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Please bring all those who need Jesus` healing. Publication for sale in the Parish St Patrick’s Church – Tui Motu $7 each and NZ Catholic $4 each Holy Cross Church – NZ Catholic $4 each "Challenge 2000 in partnership with the Society of Mary runs a one year programme of training, development and service, work placements, diverse experiences, and local and maybe international travel. The Gap Year offers College leavers amazing opportunities to develop all the elements necessary for a positive, successful and balanced life. There are only 8 places available. Applications close 2nd December 2016. The Gap Year starts Feb 2017. For more information please contact Kitty McKinley on 477 6827 or email [email protected]. Statement from the NZ Catholic Bishops regarding the guidelines for burial and conservation of ashes in the case of cremation. The loss of a loved one is a significant time for every family. It is a time when we rightly give thanks for the life of our loved ones but it is also the time for us to look forward. This is why our Catholic celebration of the funeral liturgies lead people into the death and resurrection of the Lord, the mystery that most illuminates the Christian meaning of death. In recent days the Church has reminded us that our Catholic practice is to treat a person’s ashes as we would the body, that is, with care and reverence. Lord Jesus Christ, By your own three days in the tomb, You made holy the graves of all who believe in you And so made the grave a sign of hope That promises resurrection even as it claims our mortal body. Grant that, as we lay our loved one’s mortal remains here, They may sleep in your peace Until you awaken them to glory, For you are the resurrection and the life. Then they will see you face to face And in your light will see light And know the splendour of God, For you live and reign for ever and ever. The place of rest then becomes a wonderful sign of the promise the risen Lord makes to us of being reunited with our loved one and with Jesus in glory. The place of rest also ensures an appropriate and sacred place for pilgrimage for loved ones and future genrerations to visit and pay respect to their forebears and tipuna, knowing with certaintity that this is the place of rest for their earthly remains as they await the great day of resurrection. For more information please contact Simone Olsen, Communications Advisor 021 611 05 Door of Mercy remains open as the Year of Mercy comes to a close! WelCom November 2016: As the Year of Mercy closes on Sunday 20 November, let us keep the doors of mercy always open, says Cardinal John Dew, Archbishop of Wellington. Pope Francis has taken us on an amazing journey, opening doors of reconciliation and mercy in many ways. Many of you have responded generously to his call in prayer and action through the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy. I invite you all to keep the doors of mercy open in your families, schools, parishes, in your workplace – wherever you hear people crying out for the mercy of God. Some voices may be difficult to hear – keep listening and keep the doors of mercy always open! I te wairua atawhai – in the spirit of mercy. Fr Patrick Bridgman E kapi rā e te Tatau o te Atawhai, me te mihi ki te Atua mō nga manaakitanga i uhia ki runga ki te iwi whakapono i te wā tapu ka kapi nei. Close the Doors of Mercy, and greetings to God for the blessings bestowed on the faithful during this sacred season which comes to a close. On Sunday 20 November, at the 7pm Mass for Christ the King at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, this karanga will herald the end of the Year of Mercy opened by Pope Francis in December 2015. The Recessional of the Mass will see all present pass through the Doors of Mercy, and then following the call the Doors will be closed. Yet here in the Archdiocese a profound truth will also be also acknowledged. For our glass Doors of Mercy will in fact remain open, as they have been installed to provide both a visual and physical link between the Cathedral nave and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. These doors will continue to remind all who enter the Cathedral that the Lord desires the doors to God’s mercy to be thrown wide open, enabling all peoples to come to God, to return to God, to experience God’s healing mercy! Cardinal John has been called to Rome to attend the meeting of the Pontifical Council for Ecumenism and then to attend the creation of the 17 new Cardinals. Therefore, it will be our Vicar General, Mons Gerard Burns who will pray, ‘Let us invoke the soothing balm of God’s mercy acknowledging that we are sinners and forgiving one another from the bottom of our hearts.’ This has been the grace of this year; as sinners to seek the mercy of God and to then share this mercy with those who need our forgiveness. That grace, that gift from God remains open to us. ALL ARE WELCOME TO THIS CELEBRATION OF MERCY! TALOFA LAVA, GRETTINGS AND MALO LELEI
In today’s Gospel, the Sadducees are trying to trap Jesus using a slightly exaggerated and absurd case study. They have no faith in the resurrection and therefore do not grasp that in a place of peace, justice and freedom, people cannot be owned or given. We are all children of this world who are called to be children of the resurrection. You might recall today someone who has passed away, but who is very much alive because of their influence on people, their generosity and kindness and the difference they made to those around them. They are children of the resurrection. They make huge sacrifices for all the liberation of people around them, for those who need healing or are oppressed in any way. They cannot die even though they like Jesus, can be condemned by society. You were born a child of light’s wonderful secret – you return to the beauty you have always been. Amen. Fr Sanele Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church, or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. Please pray for our children as they receive First Holy Communion. First Holy Communion dates in our Parish– Holy Cross 6th November 9am St Anthony’s 13th November 10.30am & St Patrick’s 13th November 10am Fr Gregory will be celebrating his 59th birthday on Wednesday 9th November. Please remember him in your prayers and wish him a Happy Birthday.
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis has named Sunday 6th November, 2016 as the day of Jubilee for Prisoners. We invite all parishioners to join in prayer for all prisoners that they come to know God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. May all of us remember the victims of crime and also those victims who became offenders. We remember also all those who are entrusted with the care of those who are incarcerated, especially our prison Chaplains and all those who minister to those in prison. St Patrick’s Children’s Christmas Eve Mass if you have a child that would like to actively participate in this Mass and the Play please contact Clare Lundon – (04) 934 2981 "REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS". St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale from Sun 6 November after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local SVdP Conference activities. Contacts for supplies are: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knapp ph 970 3905) and St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350) St Catherine’s College are having a quiz night at the Realm on Sunday 6 November at 7pm. Great fun, prizes and raffles. If you would like to join in, either as an individual or with a team of 6 – 8, please get in touch with Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 388 5887. $10 entry. A curry meal can be bought during the quiz or you can come from 5 – 6.45pm to buy a meal. Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. If you would like a calendar for next year, email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use calendar as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. You are invited to join St Vinnies in Seatoun/Miramar or in Kilbirnie: The St Vinnies groups meet once a month to pray together and to decide on how to help and who to visit when people are in need in our community. If you want to join the Seatoun & Miramar Conference, or for more information, contact Brendan Quirk on Ph 388 9708 or [email protected] (next meeting Mon 14 Nov). If you want to join the Kilbirnie Conference, or for more information, contact Margaret Bearsley on 021 344 356 or [email protected] (next meeting Mon 7 Nov). St Anthony’s School Golf Day - Thursday 24 November 2016, Miramar Golf Course Interested in a fun day out?? Maybe as a Christmas work function or just a mid-week day of fun before the silly season? Consider entering yourself, or a team in the St Anthony’s School Golf Day!! Information and registration forms can be found on our website: or grab a copy from the school office. You don’t have to be a golfer to enjoy this day out but if you would like to support us in other ways please consider donating quality items that we could use for raffles, teams prizes or as auction items. Or if you have a business, maybe consider sponsoring a hole? If you can help or have any questions, please phone Sonya on 027 4805 004 or talk to the Principal, Jennifer Ioannou. Become a volunteer at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, Island Bay? Are you interested in becoming a volunteer at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion? Do you know others who would make great volunteers? We are seeking volunteers who would like to share the story of Suzanne Aubert and the Sisters of Compassion, and the charism of Compassion. Our Lady’s Home of Compassion is preparing to welcome greater numbers of visitors and pilgrims as the cause for Suzanne Aubert’s sainthood gains momentum. Volunteer roles will begin in 2017. A Compassion Volunteering information session is being held on the morning of Saturday 5 November with more sessions to follow next year. To register your interest in volunteering, contact Deirdre Hanlon, Visitor Experience Manager, at [email protected] or phone 282 1953. The Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver are holding " RARE and BEAUTIFUL " on Saturday 12th November 2016 at their Convent grounds - 1 Mersey Street, Island Bay. (Corner of Melrose Road and Melbourne Road) from 9am to 12pm. All are most welcome. Dove Wellington invites all women to our meeting from 1.15pm to 3pm on Saturday 19 November at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington. This meeting is the final meeting for the year, where we finish by celebrating Mass, and giving thanks for the year that we have had. This will be a wonderful celebration. Please bring a plate to share for the fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Shura Price for any queries on (04) 389 9938. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington. Men come along and join us on Thursday 17th of November 2016 at 7:30pm for prayer and praise, and social time in CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Tce, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral). Theme: “Understanding ourselves as men living in the Light” Guest speaker: Pauline Griffiths Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or [email protected] THE SECULAR ORDER OF DISCALCED CARMELITES extends a warm invitation to anyone interested in their spirituality and way of life to join them for an open afternoon on Sunday, 6 November to celebrate the recent canonisation on 16 October, of St Elizabeth of the Trinity, a young Carmelite nun of the 20th century, at Marist Centre, 88 Hobson Street, Thorndon, Wellington, at 2.00 pm. Enquiries: Mary Heffernan 577-2835 or email: [email protected]. The Door of Mercy remains open as the Year of Mercy comes to a close! WelCom November 2016: As the Year of Mercy closes on Sunday 20 November, let us keep the doors of mercy always open, says Cardinal John Dew, Archbishop of Wellington. Pope Francis has taken us on an amazing journey, opening doors of reconciliation and mercy in many ways. Many of you have responded generously to his call in prayer and action through the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy. I invite you all to keep the doors of mercy open in your families, schools, parishes, in your workplace – wherever you hear people crying out for the mercy of God. Some voices may be difficult to hear – keep listening and keep the doors of mercy always open! I te wairua atawhai – in the spirit of mercy. Fr Patrick Bridgman E kapi rā e te Tatau o te Atawhai, me te mihi ki te Atua mō nga manaakitanga i uhia ki runga ki te iwi whakapono i te wā tapu ka kapi nei. Close the Doors of Mercy, and greetings to God for the blessings bestowed on the faithful during this sacred season which comes to a close. On Sunday 20 November, at the 7pm Mass for Christ the King at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, this karanga will herald the end of the Year of Mercy opened by Pope Francis in December 2015. The Recessional of the Mass will see all present pass through the Doors of Mercy, and then following the call the Doors will be closed. Yet here in the Archdiocese a profound truth will also be also acknowledged. For our glass Doors of Mercy will in fact remain open, as they have been installed to provide both a visual and physical link between the Cathedral nave and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. These doors will continue to remind all who enter the Cathedral that the Lord desires the doors to God’s mercy to be thrown wide open, enabling all peoples to come to God, to return to God, to experience God’s healing mercy! Cardinal John has been called to Rome to attend the meeting of the Pontifical Council for Ecumenism and then to attend the creation of the 17 new Cardinals. Therefore, it will be our Vicar General, Mons Gerard Burns who will pray, ‘Let us invoke the soothing balm of God’s mercy acknowledging that we are sinners and forgiving one another from the bottom of our hearts.’ This has been the grace of this year; as sinners to seek the mercy of God and to then share this mercy with those who need our forgiveness. That grace, that gift from God remains open to us. ALL ARE WELCOME TO THIS CELEBRATION OF MERCY! |
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