This is the final Sunday of Year C and, as we draw to a close, of our reading of Luke’s gospel, we hear the account of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is the Feast of the Crucifixion and this Gospel certainly gives us an opportunity to lay aside a lot of cultural baggage we may have about kings, leaders and kingdoms. Jesus’ kingdom is unlike the one that Pilate or many other earthly leaders know. It is a kingdom built on love, service, justice, reconciliation and peace. Few kings’ can measure up to this: responding to violence with forgiveness, giving those with no hope a reason to hope. Today’s Gospel gives a powerful image of Jesus as servant king, like a beacon light for society in today’s world. Who do you know in our world today who is the more living example of this type of kingship, making daily sacrifices in endless sevice to those around them? “The power of truth, of honesty, of forgiveness – with no frills – how different the world would be if it was governed by this kind of power” (Michael De Verteuil) Fr Sanele Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. We hope all members of our Parish community are safe and well after the recent earthquakes. We know what an unsettling time this can be and with the continued aftershocks rain, disruptions, and for those with family in the worst affected areas, our thoughts and prayers are with you. On Monday, all the properties in the Parish were inspected and there were no signs of damage. We believe the buildings are in the same condition as they were prior to the earthquakes. If you concerns please contact David Monastra 027 447 7280 or email [email protected] NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church, or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. Fr.Matthew wishes to express his sincere thanks to the priests, Parish Pastoral Council and parishioners of Holy Trinity parish, for the opportunity of celebrating his Golden Jubilee of priesthood with them on 30th. October. He was very moved by the large attendance at the Mass and the refreshments afterwards, the generous gifts from the parish and individuals and the congratulations received. Thanks to all who contributed to the beautiful celebration. May the Lord bless you all with peace and joy. You will share in a special Mass to be offered by him for all who have joined with him on this joyous occasion. St Patrick’s Children’s Christmas Eve Mass 5.30pm if you have a child that would like to actively participate in this Mass and the Play please contact Clare Lundon – (04) 934 2981 This is to remind parishioners at St Patrick’s Church of the no parking areas. These include, all emergency exits, along the fenceline of the presbytery, at the bottom of the steps by the side entrance of the Church and in front of the garage. Your co-opearation with this is much appreciated. Christmas Appeal. St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference Today we start a three week donation appeal to you for food items, toiletries, treats and gifts to be placed in or beside sign-posted boxes in the foyer any time of the week when the Church is open. You might even like to make up a hamper. On Friday 16 December 2016 our team of drivers and helpers will deliver the boxes of food and items to over 50 families in the district. If you wish to provide a gift could you please wrap it and place a note as to the age and gender the gift would suit We have placed a brief note for you on the church pews suggesting ideas for donating items or making up hampers. More copies are available in the foyer. This collection is a practical way we can reach out to bring Christ’s love to the homes of our neighbours who are really struggling and for whom this extra help will alleviate their burden. Clare Maddock: 388 8548 "REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS". St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale from after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local SVdP Conference activities. Contacts for supplies are: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knapp ph 970 3905) and St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350) St Vincent de Paul Society FOODBANK APPEAL, Saturday 19 November 2016, 11am-6pm donations by shoppers at PAK 'n SAVE Supermarket, Kilbirnie. Our six-monthly appeal for donated non-perishable food items to replenish our Vinnies Wellington Foodbank at Newtown and to stock our local SVDP Conference food cupboard for people in dire need of emergency food for families (Contact: Brendan Quirk, ph 3889708). St Anthnoy’s Bazaar 2017 - pre-loved framed artwork to sell at its White Elephant stall. Please leave clean, usable items in the boxes provided in the church foyer. Drop off day at St Anthony’s School – Sunday 11th December Rain or shine! See notice at the back of the Church for details Publication for sale in the Parish St Patrick’s Church – Tui Motu $7 each and NZ Catholic $4 each Holy Cross Church – NZ Catholic $4 each Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each Pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use calendar as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. or for sale at the back of St Patrick’s Church after Mass in November. Andrew will be selling calendars from the cabinet at the back of the Church. Cash or cheque please. Please make cheques out to Holy Trinity Parish. A time to explore a possible calling from God to become a Sister of Mercy. Single women are invited to attend an event at Mercy Centre, Thorndon, Wellington on Sunday 27 November from 11.45am – 5pm, lunch included. Bookings are necessary. Please contact Sister Stephanie on 04-8198312 or [email protected]. Come along and bring a friend! Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 22 November beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and concluding with Benediction followed by supper. All are welcome. Prayer Vigil for the Unborn Friday 25th November 6 pm to 8 pm (N.B the new start time) St Anne's Catholic Church, Emmett St., Newtown Starts with Mass followed by Exposition & Rosary Procession to Wellington Hospital. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available immediately after Mass. Ends with supper. "Could you not spend one hour with me?" Is Jesus in the distressing disguise of the Unborn calling you to today's Calvary to pray for those scheduled to die? Queries to Family Life International NZ ph. 2378343 Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service at St Bernadette`s Church, Naenae Rd, on Wed 23 November beginning at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Please bring all those who need Jesus` healing. Theology on Tap: Sunday, 27th November, 6.30pm, the Arborist, 166 Willis St. This month our speaker is Jack Leason, Chief Organiser of the new young-adult Catholic Worker House based at the Victoria University Campus. Jack is going to speak about his plans for the house, and how he hopes to reach out to university students in Wellington. We will also discuss ways in which all young people living in Wellington can be involved. This will be our last Theology on Tap for 2016, so please make a special effort to attend - remember everyone is welcome and bar snacks are provided! "Challenge 2000 in partnership with the Society of Mary runs a one year programme of training, development and service, work placements, diverse experiences, and local and maybe international travel. The Gap Year offers College leavers amazing opportunities to develop all the elements necessary for a positive, successful and balanced life. There are only 8 places available. Applications close 2nd December 2016. The Gap Year starts Feb 2017. For more information please contact Kitty McKinley on 477 6827 or email [email protected]. Prayer after an Earthquake (adapted) Creator God, at times such as this, when we realised that the ground beneath our feet is not as solid as we had imagined, we plead for your mercy. As the things we have built crumble, we know too well how small we truly are on this every-changing, ever moving, fragile planet we call home. Yet you have promised never to forget us. Do not forget us now. Today, so many people are afraid. They wait in fear of the next tremor. Comfort them, O God, in this disaster. Be their rock when the earth refuses to stand still, and shelter them under your wings when homes and offices no longer exits. Pierce, too, our hearts with compassion, we who watch from afar, as our friends and relatives experience misery upon misery. Move us to act swiftly this day, to give generously every day, to work for justice always, and to pray unceasingly for those without hope. And once the shaking has ceased, the images of destruction have stopped filling the news, and our thoughts return to life’s daily rumblings, let us not forget that we are all your children and they, our sisters and brothers. We are all the work of your hands. For though the mountains leave their place and the hills be tossed to the ground, your love shall never leave us and your promise of peace will never be shaken. (Isaiah 54:10) Copyright 2010, Diana Macalintal. Permission is given to reprint for non-commercial use
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