Josh. 5:9-12; 2Cor. 5:17-21; Lk.15:1-3;11-32
The fourth Sunday of Lent marks the midpoint in the Lenten preparation for Easter. Traditionally it is called Laetare Sunday (Rejoice Sunday). This Sunday is set aside for us to recall God’s graciousness and to rejoice because of it. In many ways we have been dead, but through God’s grace we have come to life again; we have been lost but have now been found. We have every reason to rejoice. Hence, each of the three readings characterizes one of the many facets of Easter joy. In the first reading, the Chosen People of God are portrayed as celebrating, for the first time, the feast of their freedom in their own land. Their joy is one of promises fulfilled. The second reading joyfully proclaims the effect of Jesus’ saving act as the reconciliation of all peoples to the Father. In the Gospel, the joy is that of a young son’s “coming home” and rediscovering a father’s forgiving and gratuitous love. It is also the story of a loving and forgiving father who celebrates the return of his prodigal son by throwing a big party in his honor, a banquet of reconciliation of the son with his father, his family, his community and with his God. It is the Parable of the Forgiving Father, the story of divine love and mercy for us sinners. We can either identify ourselves with Father who lost his son because of the prodigality of his love or with the prodigal son who because of his foolishness rejected Father’s love and got lost. With either of them losing we feeling something missing in ourselves. We have either lost someone in faith or are lost in God’s sight. The common theme of joy resulting from reconciliation with God and other human beings is announced to all of us present in this church – an assembly of sinful people, ready to receive God's forgiveness, and His Personal Presence as a forgiving God in the Holy Eucharist. . Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. We congratulation all our children who will receive the sacrament of reconciliation this coming Tuesday and Saturday. Isobel Mulhern, Isobelle St. Just, Alina Meech, Abby Johnson, Anneke Handscomb, Tommy Smith, Charlotte Kempton, Michael Bustamante, Mary-lia Leota-Johnson, Charlie Madar-Leuluia, Jessica D'Souza, Ceanne Tolentino, Luisa Basile, Alex Reyes, Francis Tu'uga, Lucas Fernando and Marvyl Gaspe. Please continue to pray for them as they complete the sacramental programme this year. Lenten Mass – 6 March – 13 April 2019 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Parish Centre Monday – Saturday during Lent Stations of the Cross followed by Lectio Divina Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church 7th March – 11th April 2019 (except 21 March) Parish Reconciliation – Wednesday 10 April (date change) 7pm at St Patrick’s Church UPDATE ON CARDINAL’S PASTORAL LETTER Cardinal John in his letter of 15 February, directed us to make recommendations for the future of Holy Trinity Parish, particularly with regard to the number of our churches and associated buildings. Our Parish Pastoral Council and Finance committee have established a plan to prepare a full response by the Cardinal’s deadline of 31 October 2019. There are two fundamental facts calling for this review; first the number of priests available will continue to fall: and second our buildings are increasingly expensive to maintain and insure and earthquake standards remain a problem. The first phase of our plan is to gather the information necessary for objective recommendations to be made—Mass counts, church capacities, population trends by suburb, the size and condition of our buildings and any other factors that ought to be taken into account. The Finance Committee has already completed significant work with property planning and this review will build on that with updated information. The Cardinal’s memorandum directs us to focus on the number and location of churches and buildings required, rather than just continuing the existing review. Once we have completed information gathering, we will develop a preferred proposal backed up by facts, research and common sense, although alternatives will be reflected. We expect to consult parishioners about this proposal sometime in June. We will also consult with other parishes as instructed by the Cardinal, to learn as much as we can about their plans as well. The projected availability of priests, the financial impact and long-term viability and acknowledgement of the cultural diversity in our parish community will be key factors in what is decided to be the preferred option. You will have noted that Cardinal John has given each parish a DIRECTIVE, not an option, to carry out this review so as to enable each parish to create a sustainable and mission- oriented future. A prayer for the success of this review will be included in the weekly prayers of the faithful. We ask all parishioners to include this intention in your daily prayers. Fr Ephrem Finance Committee Parish Council Annointing Mass St Patrick’s Church 11am Wednesday 3d April. Stations of the Cross Roster Thursday 4th April 7pm The Book Club (Julian Knap) Thursday 11th April 7pm Filipino Community (Thess Ama) St Catherine's Convent School Kilbirnie 1917-1951 Were you a pupil? Do you know someone who was? A book "The School On The Hill" has been written recording pupils' memories. It details with photos the social history of the time, the Flu Epidemic, the pupils' operettas and concerts, what it was like being at school in WW2 and lots more. The Book Launch is on Saturday 13 April at 3pm at St Patrick's Church Parish Centre, Childers Tce, Kilbirnie. You are welcome to attend. Books will available for sale $25 each. For further information email the author Patricia O'Donnell [email protected] Last year we had a very successful Spring Mass on a Sunday afternoon, we would like to invite all families to join us again on Sunday 7 April at 4pm at St Anthony's Church. As it is a children's led mass, we are involving as many of our students as possible. After mass join us for a picnic BYO dinner in the school playground. Bring a blanket and your family to enjoy time together as a parish/school community. The International Centennial Pilgram Image of Our Lady of Fatima Theme: “the urgent call for Prayer and Reparation: The Appeal of Our Lady of Fatima” St Patrick’ Church April 8-9. See noticeboard for more details. St Patrick’s Parish/Church Centennial In November 2019 St Patrick’s parish/church Kilbirnie will celebrate its centennial. This is a huge milestone for the catholic community now within the parish of Holy Trinity. It is important that we recognise this important event with a centennial Mass and an invitation has been sent to check on the availability of Cardinal John to participate in this Mass. A number of events need to be organised around this time and we need to establish a small committee of interested parishioners to facilitate these centennial events. If you are able to assist in any way by providing your background knowledge of names, events, photographs, or published articles or just have an interest in helping co-ordinate these centennial events then please email your name and contact details to [email protected] This is a great opportunity for you to become involved in a fun but hugely important parish activity. A big thank you to you Holy Trinity Parish for your love and care for the last 10 years. Wishing you all Gods Blessings. Fr Gregory Cleaning HOLY CROSS Church: We desperately need more people to clean our Church.This involves vacuuming the main part of the church approximately once a month. The more people we have the less often you will be needed. If you would like to help us please contact Ann Nota on 380 9332. Your time and help will be most appreciated. Thank you. Altar servers at St Patrick’s. Please contact the office with your phone number and email as the records are not right and we cant talk to you about your turns. [email protected] or 388 6953 Wanted to rent. Young mother with 3 children looking for 3 bedroom house in the Eastern Suburbs up to $600 per week. Every care taken. Refs available. Contact Bev 388 5821 Euthanasia in Canada – a cautionary tale An honest discussion of the impact on palliative care. Tuesday, 2nd April 2019, Rutherford House – Room RHLT2, Victoria University of Wellington, Pipitea Campus. Cost: Koha is appreciated and can be made at the door. See the notice at the back of the church. Lenten Prayer for Life to Good Friday join us in daily prayer, fasting and reparation for the cause of life. Register your prayer commitment for the campaign's four prayer intentions at and receive a free pro-life prayer book. If possible, please also join the prayerful witness to life outside Wellington Hospital on all or any of these Weds April 3 and 10. To sign up for an hour txt 021 2317954 email [email protected] For info see the poster in the church porch. The Pacific People Campaign rally – End of Life Choice bill onto parliament has been postponed to Tuesday, 9th April 2019. We meet on parliament grounds at 11am, the MPs will come out at 12pm- 1pm. For those who can only make it lunch time please come around 12pm. Or click here for more information Pacific People say NO to End of Life Choice Bill Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington invites men to come along and join us on Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7:30pm (Note: fellowship from 7:00pm for 7:30pm start) In CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind the closed Sacred Heart Cathedral). Speaker: Fr Kevin Connors on “You are called to be...” Want to know more? Ring Steve Ready 027-356-9555 or [email protected] Celebrating 100 years since the first school building on St Catherine’s College site. High Tea 22 June 2019 from 1.00pm – 4.45pm Mercy Hall, SCC. $15. Registration required. Contact Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 0272458859 "HUMANITY OF THE UNBORN Upcoming legislation intends to allow ABORTION UP TO BIRTH - If you're willing for your Name and Area (only) to accompany a letter against this to all MPs please email: [email protected] URGENTLY" Archdiocesan North Island Chrism Mass – the Mass of the oils, Tuesday 16th April 7pm, St Teresa’s Pro-Cathedral, Karori. How to Think about Ageing: Insights from Disability Theology. You are invited to a lecture given by Dr Michael Mawson, University of Aberdeen which will reflect upon the relationship between ageing and disability. In particular, it will explore how insights from disability theology can contribute to richer and more concrete accounts of ageing and its associated complexities. Wed 17 April 7:30—9:00 (GBLT1) Government Building Law School Wellington. While the given gospel this weekend is the parable of the Prodigal Son, parishes in which catechumens are preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter will use the account of Jesus giving sight to the man born blind. In both gospel accounts Jesus is giving new vision. This is clearly evident when a man who is blind receives physical sight, but the greater miracle is when a lost son realises that he is lost and chooses to return home to his loving father. Both sons lacked maturity and were bound by their fears and compulsions. The prodigal saw his home life and his father as obstacles to his freedom. He runs from this soon falling victim to every superficial attraction waking up to realise that such an existence is not freedom but imprisonment. The home-bound son might initially appear to be virtuous, but on the return of his wayward brother his repressed anger and childish fragility erupts and he is unable to delight in the return of his brother. Both sons are immature, one a fearful child, the other a reactionary teenager. Both are sinners, but we see only the prodigal reaching the great turning point of faith and accepting the loving embrace of the father. Such a life-giving conversion comes to us only when we are brought to our knees as the prodigal son was when he realised that life in the pig-pen was no life at all. An Invitation: This Lent our nation has suffered a great tragedy which can be for us a turning point if we realise that an us-and-them mentality can only lead us to division, hate and violence. Let us pray for new vision, inviting Jesus to give us new sight continuing to work in us to transform our hatred into love, our doubt into faith, our despair into hope our sadness into joy, and our darkness into light. Fr. John O’Connor Stewardship enhances our relationships with God and each other. Mary Potter Hospice street appeal day – 17th & 18th May. Collectors needed. Can you spare an hour or two of your time? Find out more or register at or contact Phillip at [email protected] UK Pilgrimage - join Msgr David Tonks on a spiritual journey to Ireland, Scotland & England: 25-days departing Sunday 23 June 2019. For further details, please contact Laura on phone +64-9-921 5106 or 0800-277 477 or email: [email protected]. HUMANITY OF THE UNBORN CHILD Upcoming leglislation intends to allow ABORTION UP TO BIRTH - If you're willing to come against this please email Name and postal area to: [email protected] Receptionist Catholic Centre An exciting opportunity has arisen for the right person to take up a client focussed role at the Archdiocese of Wellington as a Receptionist for the Catholic Centre. We’re looking for a warm, energetic and approachable problem solver who is very customer focused. Has attention to detail, with a calm demeanour and a mature outlook on life. If you are interested in this 20 - 30 hour a week role, please send your resume and covering letter to [email protected] to receive a job description and application form. Applications close on 9th April 2019. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Mary Smith and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Frank Mansell, Frederick Sparke, Mary Dillon and Francis Galvin. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
Ex. 3:1-8, 13-15; 1Cor.10:1-6,10-12; Lk. 13:1-9
All three of today's readings speak of God’s mercy and compassion in disciplining His children and giving them a second chance in spite of their repeated sins. Although God’s love for us is constant and consistent, He will not save us without our co-operation. That is why He invites us during Lent to repent of our sins and to renew our lives by producing fruits of love, compassion, forgiveness, and faithful service. The first reading presents the call of Moses, who was to become the greatest Jewish liberator and lawgiver. The God reveals Himself to Moses from the burning bush and assures Moses of His divine presence with His people and of His awareness of their sufferings in Egypt. He declares His intention of using Moses as the leader who will rescue His enslaved people. Then He renews the promise to give them a “land flowing with milk and honey” which He had made to the patriarchs. In the second reading Paul warns the Christians of Corinth to learn from the sad experience of the Israelites who were punished for their sins by a merciful but just God. Today’s Gospel explains how God disciplines His people, invites them to repent of their sins, renew their lives and produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Citing two tragic events, Jesus exhorts the Jews to repent and reform their lives. With the parable of the barren fig tree, he also warns them that the merciful God may not put up with them indefinitely. Although God patiently waits for sinners to repent, giving them grace to do so, He will not wait forever. Time may run out; therefore, timely repentance is necessary. Hence “a Lent missed is a year lost from the spiritual life.” The Church has given us a grace filled appropriate time for our spiritual renewal. God is pleased in our repentance and returning to him with contrite heart. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Lenten Mass – 6 March – 13 April 2019 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Parish Centre Monday – Saturday during Lent Stations of the Cross followed by Lectio Divina Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church 7th March – 11th April 2019 (except 21 March) Parish Reconciliation – Wednesday 10 April (date change) 7pm at St Patrick’s Church Stations of the Cross Roster Thursday 28th March 7pm Samoan Community (Malia Falanai-Andrews) Thursday 4th April 7pm The Book Club (Julian Knap) Thursday 11th April 7pm Filipino Community (Thess Ama) RCIA - At St. Patrick’s 5.30pm Mass we have the First Scrutiny for Finn Stallman. This rite asks members of the Elect, like Finn, and all of us, to reflect on the story of the Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at the well. It then challenges us to ask where it is that we find ‘living water’ to ease out thirst? Thank you for all those who donated their old Columban calendars. If anyone would still like to donate, they would be greatly accepted. Please leave at the back of the church. Thank you. Thank you to all the parishioners who has helped me over the trying period. I am now on the way to full recovery but still taking my recovery slowly. Peter Jack Does anyone have a spare bible? We have had a request from a parishioner. If you do, could you let the office know [email protected] or 388 6953. St Patrick’s Parish/Church Centennial In November 2019 St Patrick’s parish/church Kilbirnie will celebrate its centennial. This is a huge milestone for the catholic community now within the parish of Holy Trinity. It is important that we recognise this important event with a centennial Mass and an invitation has been sent to check on the availability of Cardinal John to participate in this Mass. A number of events need to be organised around this time and we need to establish a small committee of interested parishioners to facilitate these centennial events. If you are able to assist in any way by providing your background knowledge of names, events, photographs, or published articles or just have an interest in helping co-ordinate these centennial events then please email your name and contact details to [email protected] This is a great opportunity for you to become involved in a fun but hugely important parish activity. Cleaning HOLY CROSS Church: We desperately need more people to clean our Church.This involves vacuuming the main part of the church approximately once a month. The more people we have the less often you will be needed. If you would like to help us please contact Ann Nota on 380 9332. Your time and help will be most appreciated. Thank you. In these days, to the pain of wars and conflicts that do not cease to afflict all humanity, there has been added that for the victims of the horrible attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. I pray for the dead and wounded, and for their relatives. I am close to our Muslim friends and to all the community. I renew my invitation to unite with prayer and gestures of peace to counter hatred and violence. Let us pray together for our Muslim friends who were killed. Pope Francis: Angelus 17 March 2019 Celebrating 100 years since the first school building on St Catherine’s College site. High Tea 22 June 2019 from 1.00pm – 4.45pm Mercy Hall, SCC. $15. Registration required. Contact Sister Stephanie [email protected] or 0272458859 "HUMANITY OF THE UNBORN Upcoming legislation intends to allow ABORTION UP TO BIRTH - If you're willing for your Name and Area (only) to accompany a letter against this to all MPs please email: [email protected] URGENTLY" Lenten Prayer for Life to Good Friday join us in daily prayer, fasting and reparation for the cause of life. Register your prayer commitment for the campaign's four prayer intentions at and receive a free pro-life prayer book. If possible, please also join the prayerful witness to life outside Wellington Hospital on all or any of these Weds March 27 and April 3 and 10. To sign up for an hour txt 021 2317954 email [email protected] For info see the poster in the church porch. How to Think about Ageing: Insights from Disability Theology. You are invited to a lecture given by Dr Michael Mawson, University of Aberdeen which will reflect upon the relationship between ageing and disability. In particular, it will explore how insights from disability theology can contribute to richer and more concrete accounts of ageing and its associated complexities. Wed 17 April 7:30—9:00 (GBLT1) Government Building Law School Wellington. Home of Compassion events. Sunday Miha (Māori Mass). All are welcome. The first and fifth Sunday of the month will be a Liturgy of the Eucharist, all other Sundays will be a Māori Mass. 11am, Chapel, Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington. Ph. 04 383 7769. The Mar. 24 – Apr. 6 issue of NZ Catholic is out now. Some headlines are: Faiths come together after terror attacks. Tears at Christchurch Mass for Peace. Reactions to terror attacks from other nations. March for Life in Hamilton. The next issue of NZ Catholic will be published on April 7. St Pats Old Boys AGM : WWW.SPCOB.ORG.NZ & find us on facebook. Calling all 'Town' and 'Stream' Old Boys, I would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting which will be in the staff room of St Patrick's College, Wellington, Evans Bay Parade on Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 6pm. Mass in the Chapel will commence at 5.30pm. The AGM will be followed by refreshments and a chance for attendees to catch up with other Old Boys. Go you are sent to the peripheries of society (1) Share the joy in our actions to serve others and work to develop fairness in our communities. Cardinal John and the Archdiocesan Stewardship Committee (A.S.C.) invite you to attend a Stewardship Network Meeting at St Anne’s Church, Newtown. Sat 30th March, from 1.30 – 4pm. The purpose of the meeting is to share the great things that are happening in parishes as a result of Parish Stewardship Days, and to discern ways in which the A.S.C. might help resource parishes on their Stewardship journey into the future. Please register by Wednesday 27th at [email protected]. In a Catholic funeral liturgy we often pray “life is changed, not ended.” In Aotearoa New Zealand our lives have been changed with an act of terrorism bringing trauma, grief and pain to our city, our country and our world.The response of the Muslim community has been faith-filled and generous .As they prepare to bury their dead they express confident hope in God’s eternal welcome for their loved ones. Muslim leaders have been generous in receiving the support and love of the people of the land they know to be their new home. Christianity and Islam are two of the three (with Judaism) great monotheistic (one God) faiths. Together we are the descendants of Abraham who was the first to speak of one loving God in an environment heavy with cult rituals to please and appease temperamental gods. The belief in one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is the greatest unifying conviction in human history. As Bishop Paul Martin reflected in his homily less than twenty-four hours after the tragedy “we know that our loving God has not caused this pain, but the freedom God gives us as a mark of his great love has been tragically misused and abused.” Our basic human thirst is for God. God shows his love for us by giving us adult freedom, a freedom that we can use for good or for evil. When we live in harmony with God’s desire for us we are living on holy ground. On this sacred soil strangers become friends and we are awakened to the fact that those we had feared as foreigners are, in the light of divine love, our sisters and brothers. An Invitation: Take time each day this week to pray the Prayer of St. Francis for peace. You might like to save it to your phone or print it to carry in your pocket. Pray especially with your children and grandchildren so teaching them that prayer is the best immediate response to suffering and evil. Fr. John O’Connor Cardinal John and the Archdiocesan Stewardship Committee (A.S.C.) invite you to attend a Stewardship Network Meeting at St Anne’s Church, Newtown. Sat 30th March, from 1.30 – 4pm. The purpose of the meeting is to share the great things that are happening in parishes as a result of Parish Stewardship Days, and to discern ways in which the A.S.C. might help resource parishes on their Stewardship journey into the future. Please register by Wednesday 27th at [email protected]. Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service at St Pius X Church 63 Te Pene Avenue, Titahi Bay this Wednesday 20 March beginning at 7.30 pm. Everyone is invited. Please bring those who need Jesus` healing. Abrahamic Meditation Day. Sunday April 7 2019, 9.45am-2.30pm, Pa Maria, 78 Hobson Street, Thorndon. Come join us for a time of meditative prayer together, sharing the practice in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. Please bring a vegetarian plate for a shared lunch. About to get Married? Could you successfully run a marathon without preparing for it? Of course not! So too marriage. Engaged Encounter Weekends this year are heavily booked. Weekends are 30 - 31 March 2019 (one vacancy and then waiting list); 3 - 4 August 2019; 9 - 10 November 2019, all at St Teresa's Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington For more information phone Kate and Simon on 801 6192 or visit our website at Mary Potter Hospice street appeal day – 17th & 18th May. Collectors needed. Can you spare an hour or two of your time? Find out more or register at or contact Phillip at [email protected] UK Pilgrimage - join Msgr David Tonks on a spiritual journey to Ireland, Scotland & England: 25-days departing Sunday 23 June 2019. For further details, please contact Laura on phone +64-9-921 5106 or 0800-277 477 or email: [email protected]. Volunteers Wanted! Do you have a heart for women and children? Greenstone Doors is looking for volunteers who can help us with duties such as reception, sorting baby clothing, pregnancy testing and overseeing our playgroups. If this is something you would like to do please contact Wendy at [email protected] or 027 254 9222 Greenstone Doors 5th Birthday Celebration Celebrate Greenstone Doors 5th birthday Saturday 13th April 11:30am-1:30pm Join us for lunch, drinks and a special guest speaker (Founder of Greenstone Doors, Wendy Hill) Tickets $25 at or email [email protected] The rally Pacific People Say NO to the End of Life Choice Bill that was scheduled to take place outside Parliament this Tuesday has been postponed due to the Christchurch massacre. It will now hopefully take place on the 2nd April. This date is to be confirmed. Euthanasia in Canada – a cautionary tale An honest discussion of the impact on palliative care. Date: Wednesday 27 March Time: 7-8.30pm Venue: Rutherford Room LT1 Victoria University of Wellington, Pipitea Campus Cost: Koha is appreciated and can be made at the door. See the notice at the back of the church. OPEN LETTER TO M.P.s RE ABORTION Upcoming legislation intends to allow ABORTION UP TO BIRTH. Overseas experience indicates that will be the forerunner to debate on even worse atrocities for the unborn child including “partial-birth abortions” “after-birth abortions”, and infanticide. Christians cannot just stand by. If you wish to add your name to an inter-denominational “Open letter to all Members of Parliament” email [email protected] You will receive a copy of the Letter by return. May God Bless our mutual efforts. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. Gen. 15:2-12;17-18; Phil. 3:17-4:1; Lk. 9:28-36
The readings of this Sunday invite us to participate in the glory and splendour God. Through the covenant God showed the future of Abraham. So too transfiguration for Jesus. Although you and I do not have a role like Jesus or Abraham, we do have a role in the great plan of salvation because we too were called beloved sons/daughters at the time of baptism, of course with a mission. Lent is all about transforming ourselves and our attitudes so that we can see Jesus more clearly and listen to his voice. The transfiguration of Christ before his disciples is of great significance, and has lots of lessons for us. What is most significant to us in our faith, is the command of God to listen to His Son, the voice constantly encountering us whenever we read/listen to his Word in the Scripture, listen to in the sacrament of reconciliation and heed to the cry of the needy with who Jesus identifies himself. Certainly, many of us lack the willingness and patience to listen to Jesus. Instead we occupy ourselves with listening to all mundane voices contrary to the promises of Jesus. This is a favourable and opportune time to take heed of the invitation our loving Father to listen to His Son Jesus, in the Gospels, cry of the poor, to listen to one another with patience and finally to listen to ourselves as whispered in our innermost conscience. This attentive listening to the Word will surely bring about transformation in us because of its powerfulness (Heb.4:12) and its cleansing power (Jn. 15:3). Let us therefore give yet another chance to an attentive listening to the Word of God during this Lenten season. Besides, it is not enough to pitch a tent after encountering the splendour of God like disciples rather to be missionary disciples and reach out to the people who are in the periphery. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Holy Trinity Workshop: Our Changing Parish “we all have a migration story” Come and explore the similarities and the treasures everyone’s culture brings. When Thurs. 21st March 7pm-8.45pm. Where St Patrick’s Parish Centre. Registrations by Mon.18th March with Chris Walkerdine [email protected] Stations of the Cross Roster Thursday 21st March 6pm Tongan Community (Langi Paasi) Thursday 28th March 7pm Samoan Community (Malia Falanai-Andrews) Thursday 4th April 7pm The Book Club (Julian Knap) Thursday 11th April 7pm The Chote Family would like to thank everyone for their support when their mother Judy passed away in January. They have received many cards, thoughts and prayers and they are greatly appreciative. Lenten Mass – 6 March – 13 April 2019 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Parish Centre Monday – Saturday during Lent Stations of the Cross followed by Lectio Divina Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church 7th March – 11th April 2019 (except 21 March) Parish Reconciliation – Wednesday 10 April (date change) 7pm at St Patrick’s Church Please note: 21st March Stations of the Cross and Lectio Divina will be at 6pm to accommodate our Holy Trinity Changing Parish workshop in the Parish Centre at 7pm. Fr Gregory’s farewell Mass Sunday 24 March 10am St Patrick’s Church. Most parishioners will be aware that Fr Gregory has been unwell for many months but has battled on in the hope of improving health. Unfortunately it has been decided that he should return home to India on a permanent basis and he will depart from Wellington on Monday 1 April 2019. It will be a really sad occasion as Fr Gregory has been a central part of our spiritual growth for several years. It is most unlikely that a replacement priest will be available. Fr Gregory will celebrate his farewell Mass 10am in St Patrick's Church on Sunday 24 March. Parishioners attending this farewell Mass are asked to bring a plate of finger food to share after this Mass. Please take to the hall before Mass starts. If anyone is available to help with the morning tea please contact the office. An opportunity to contribute to a farewell gift will be made at Masses on Sundays 10 and 17 March. Put an envelope in the collection basket with Fr Gregory on it or drop your donation into the office. Please note: There will be only 3 Masses in the Parish that weekend: Sat night Vigil 5.30pm St Patrick’s Church, 10am Sunday St Patrick’s Church and 5pm Sunday Holy Cross Church.This will allow the priests to all be in attendance for Fr Gregory’s farewell and maximumum number of parishioners to attend while providing options for those unable to attend. A farewell card will be at the back of each church this Sunday if you would like to sign or drop into the office during the week. 24 March updated Mass roster St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Time Host / Welcomers Altar Servers Proclaimers of the Word Offertory Special Ministers Commentary 10am E & I MacDonald S Vaka A Vaka V Vaka R Wielgolawski S Lavea Va’Aua Family I Fitu G Passi-Schmidt I Robinson St Patrick’s Parish/Church Centennial In November 2019 St Patrick’s parish/church Kilbirnie will celebrate its centennial. This is a huge milestone for the catholic community now within the parish of Holy Trinity. It is important that we recognise this important event with a centennial Mass and an invitation has been sent to check on the availability of Cardinal John to participate in this Mass. A number of events need to be organised around this time and we need to establish a small committee of interested parishioners to facilitate these centennial events. If you are able to assist in any way by providing your background knowledge of names, events, photographs, or published articles or just have an interest in helping co-ordinate these centennial events then please email your name and contact details to [email protected] This is a great opportunity for you to become involved in a fun but hugely important parish activity. Cleaning HOLY CROSS Church: We desperately need more people to clean our Church.This involves vacuuming the main part of the church approximately once a month. The more people we have the less often you will be needed. If you would like to help us please contact Ann Nota on 380 9332. Your time and help will be most appreciated. Thank you. Legion of Mary Wellington cordially invites YOU to a ceremony of Consecration to Our Lady “Acies” Venue: St Anne’s Church, Newtown Sunday 24th March 2019, 2pm “I am all yours, my Queen, My Mother, and all that I have is yours” CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY DAY The Wellington Region of the NZ Community for Christian Meditation is holding a Community Day of Reflection about SUZANNE AUBERT, on Saturday 23rd March at the Island Bay Home of Compassion, led by Sr Sue Cosgrove, from 9.30am to 1.30pm. A Contemplative Mass will be celebrated by Fr John Pettit at 2pm in the Chapel. Enquiries please contact Elspeth Preddey 04 472 3369, 0274 723 369 ([email protected]) ROSARY BEADS FOR SEAFARERS. Fr Jeff Drane, National Director of Apostleship of the Sea, wishes to thank members of Holy Trinity parish who donated rosary beads for seafarers visiting NZ ports who would not be easily able to obtain them. Be assured of how much they are of comfort to them when at sea especially in storms. Your generosity makes that possible. Lenten Prayer for Life to Good Friday join us in daily prayer, fasting and reparation for the cause of life. Register your prayer commitment for the campaign's four prayer intentions at and receive a free pro-life prayer book. If possible, please also join the prayerful witness to life outside Wellington Hospital on all or any of these Weds March 20, 27 and April 3 and 10. To sign up for an hour txt 021 2317954 email [email protected] For info see the poster in the church porch. Voices to MP's Rally: Everyone is invited to join and support Pacific People say NO to the End of Life Choice Bill. The Select Committee is due to report back to Parliament at the end of the month so it is time to gather together and urge Member's of Parliament to vote against this Bill. All are welcome. Tuesday 19th March 2019 from 11 am to 2 pm at Parliament Grounds. After Fri 22 March,religious articles, candles and books from Family Life Catholic Gifts will be available online. Purchases are couriered to your address. See or to make phone orders call 09 629 0820 or toll free 0800 354 7467 Go you are sent to use your assets wisely (4) Cooperate with other entities in the community to share/utilize resources. Cardinal John and the Archdiocesan Stewardship Committee (A.S.C.) invite you to attend a Stewardship Network Meeting at St Anne’s Church, Newtown. Sat 30th March, from 1.30 – 4pm. The purpose of the meeting is to share the great things that are happening in parishes as a result of Parish Stewardship Days, and to discern ways in which the A.S.C. might help resource parishes on their Stewardship journey into the future. Please register by Wednesday 27th at [email protected]. Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service at St Pius X Church 63 Te Pene Avenue, Titahi Bay this Wednesday 20 March beginning at 7.30 pm. Everyone is invited. Please bring those who need Jesus` healing. Abrahamic Meditation Day. Sunday April 7 2019, 9.45am-2.30pm, Pa Maria, 78 Hobson Street, Thorndon. Come join us for a time of meditative prayer together, sharing the practice in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. Please bring a vegetarian plate for a shared lunch. About to get Married? Could you successfully run a marathon without preparing for it? Of course not! So too marriage. Engaged Encounter Weekends this year are heavily booked. Weekends are 30 - 31 March 2019 (one vacancy and then waiting list); 3 - 4 August 2019; 9 - 10 November 2019, all at St Teresa's Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington For more information phone Kate and Simon on 801 6192 or visit our website at Mary Potter Hospice street appeal day – 17th & 18th May. Collectors needed. Can you spare an hour or two of your time? Find out more or register at or contact Phillip at [email protected] UK Pilgrimage - join Msgr David Tonks on a spiritual journey to Ireland, Scotland & England: 25-days departing Sunday 23 June 2019. For further details, please contact Laura on phone +64-9-921 5106 or 0800-277 477 or email: [email protected]. Volunteers Wanted! Do you have a heart for women and children? Greenstone Doors is looking for volunteers who can help us with duties such as reception, sorting baby clothing, pregnancy testing and overseeing our playgroups. If this is something you would like to do please contact Wendy at [email protected] or 027 254 9222 Greenstone Doors 5th Birthday Celebration Celebrate Greenstone Doors 5th birthday Saturday 13th April 11:30am-1:30pm Join us for lunch, drinks and a special guest speaker (Founder of Greenstone Doors, Wendy Hill) Tickets $25 at or email [email protected] Euthanasia in Canada – a cautionary tale An honest discussion of the impact on palliative care. Date: Wednesday 27 March Time: 7-8.30pm Venue: Rutherford Room LT1 Victoria University of Wellington, Pipitea Campus Cost: Koha is appreciated and can be made at the door. See the notice at the back of the church. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died especially Michael McDonagh and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Maureen Scully, Naureen Colgate, Deirdre Sweeney and Robert Gunn. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. Dt. 26:4-10; Rm.10:8-13; Lk. 4:1-13
We are in the first Sunday of lent, a beautiful season set aside by the Holy Mother Church for purification of ourselves by prayer, fasting and abstinence. In Luke’s Gospel today we find Jesus freshly baptized, called, named, claimed and set apart for his very unique ministry in the world, is tempted by the Devil in the desert. Why was Jesus tempted by the Devil? Why should Jesus have to struggle with the ways of the evil ones? Well, Jesus was tempted by the Devil for the same reason that he was baptized by John because he was a human being. Every human being has experienced the lure of evil. One would not be really human if one had never any contact whatsoever with the attractiveness of sin. That’s why Jesus went off to the desert to give the Devil his chance to experience the appeal of evil that infects every human being. The Devil tempts Jesus with easy bread, easy success and with easy power. During lent we are supposed to do the same thing Jesus did, that is we are supposed to go apart from our ordinary life and face up to the evil that threatens us. The temptations that threaten us don’t come in the same lurid forms with which Jesus was threatened but Jesus’ temptations and ours are basically the same. We are all tempted to comfort, to success, and to power no matter the way we achieve. These are inclinations that we need to be aware of. Inclinations need to be confronted by giving us the narrative of Jesus’ temptations at the beginning of each lent. Unlike Jesus we are sinners. We have given in to the self-destructive attractions that the Devil presented to Jesus. We are constantly in spiritual warfare with Devil in our heart’s desert. During lent the Church invites us to live with Jesus in his desert experience to undergo trial with him and to come out of the desert with victory. At the end ready to share a time of fulfilment with him in the kingdom of God. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Lenten Mass – 6 March – 13 April 2019 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Parish Centre Monday – Saturday during Lent Stations of the Cross followed by Lectio Divina Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church 7th March – 11th April 2019 (except 21 March) Parish Reconciliation – Thursday 11 April 7pm followed by Stations of the Cross Please note: 21st March Stations of the Cross and Lectio Divina will be at 6pm to accommodate our Holy Trinity Changing Parish workshop in the Parish Centre at 7pm. Stations of the Cross Roster Thursday 7th March 7pm Liturgy Committee (Leona Foster) Thursday 14th March 7pm St Joseph’s Family Group (David Hyland) Thursday 21st March 6pm Tongan Community (Langi Paasi) Thursday 28th March 7pm Samoan Community (Malia Falanai-Andrews) Thursday 4th April 7pm The Book Club (Julian Knap) Thursday 11th April after Reconciliation Friars (Fr Ephrem) RCIA - Today at St. Patrick’s we have the First Scrutiny for Finn Stallman. This rite asks members of the Elect, like Finn, and all of us, to reflect on the story of the Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at the well. It then challenges us to ask where it is that we find ‘living water’ to ease out thirst? Annointing Mass St Patrick’s Church 11am Wednesday 13th March. Holy Cross Happy Hour Weds 13th March from 11am in the Parish Centre. Come join us for bingo. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome Fr Gregory’s farewell Mass Sunday 24 March 10am St Patrick’s Church. Most parishioners will be aware that Fr Gregory has been unwell for many months but has battled on in the hope of improving health. Unfortunately it has been decided that he should return home to India on a permanent basis and he will depart from Wellington on Monday 1 April 2019. It will be a really sad occasion as Fr Gregory has been a central part of our spiritual growth for several years. It is most unlikely that a replacement priest will be available. Fr Gregory will celebrate his farewell Mass 10am in St Patrick's Church on Sunday 24 March. Parishioners attending this farewell Mass are asked to bring a plate of finger food to share after this Mass. Please take to the hall before Mass starts. If anyone is available to help with the morning tea please contact the office. An opportunity to contribute to a farewell gift will be made at Masses on Sundays 10 and 17 March. Put an envelope in the collection basket with Fr Gregory on it or drop your donation into the office. Please note: There will be only 3 Masses in the Parish that weekend: Sat night Vigil 5.30pm St Patrick’s Church, 10am Sunday St Patrick’s Church and 5pm Sunday Holy Cross Church.This will allow the priests to all be in attendance for Fr Gregory’s farewell and maximumum number of parishioners to attend while providing options for those unable to attend. A farewell card will be at the back of each church for the next two Sunday’s if you would like to sign or drop into the office during the week. 24 March updated Mass roster St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Time Host / Welcomers Altar Servers Proclaimers of the Word Offertory Special Ministers Commentary 10am E & I MacDonald S Vaka A Vaka V Vaka R Wielgolawski S Lavea Va’Aua Family I Fitu G Passi-Schmidt I Robinson Holy Trinity Workshop: Our Changing Parish “we all have a migration story” Come and explore the similarities and the treasures everyone’s culture brings. When Thurs. 21st March 7pm-8.45pm. Where St Patrick’s Parish Centre. Registrations by Mon.18th March with Chris Walkerdine [email protected] We are extremely pleased to announce that $30,014.70 was raised for our amazing 2019 School/Parish Bazaar! A big shout out to everyone who helped to make our Community event such a huge success! We couldn't have done it without you! St Patrick’s Parish/Church Centennial In November 2019 St Patrick’s parish/church Kilbirnie will celebrate its centennial. This is a huge milestone for the catholic community now within the parish of Holy Trinity. It is important that we recognise this important event with a centennial Mass and an invitation has been sent to check on the availability of Cardinal John to participate in this Mass. A number of events need to be organised around this time and we need to establish a small committee of interested parishioners to facilitate these centennial events. If you are able to assist in any way by providing your background knowledge of names, events, photographs, or published articles or just have an interest in helping co-ordinate these centennial events then please email your name and contact details to [email protected] This is a great opportunity for you to become involved in a fun but hugely important parish activity. Legion of Mary Wellington cordially invites YOU to a ceremony of Consecration to Our Lady “Acies” Venue: St Anne’s Church, Newtown Sunday 24 th March 2019, 2pm “I am all yours, my Queen, My Mother, and all that I have is yours” Lenten Prayer for Life: From Ash Wednesday to Good Friday join us in daily prayer, fasting and reparation for the cause of life. Register your prayer commitment for the campaign's four prayer intentions at and receive a free pro-life prayer book. If possible, please also join the prayerful witness to life outside Wellington Hospital on all or any of these Weds March 13, 20, 27 and April 3 and 10. To sign up for an hour txt 021 2317954 or email [email protected] For info see the poster in the church porch. XLT (eXaLT) Youth Worship Night Friday 15th March @ St Anne’s Hall, Emmett Street, Newtown 7pm to 9pm. Relevant Worship, Adoration, fellowship. Come with your friends! Open to Year 9 – 13 students and young adults. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY DAY The Wellington Region of the NZ Community for Christian Meditation is holding a Community Day of Reflection about SUZANNE AUBERT, on Saturday 23rd March at the Island Bay Home of Compassion, led by Sr Sue Cosgrove, from 9.30am to 1.30pm. A Contemplative Mass will be celebrated by Fr John Pettit at 2pm in the Chapel. Enquiries please contact Elspeth Preddey 04 472 3369, 0274 723 369 ([email protected]) Go you are sent to care for creation … (8) Initiate or take part in community projects such as “Clean Beach Day”, community gardens. Voices to MP's Rally: Everyone is invited to join and support Pacific People say NO to the End of Life Choice Bill. The Select Committee is due to report back to Parliament at the end of the month so it is time to gather together and urge Member's of Parliament to vote against this Bill. All are welcome. Tuesday 19th March 2019 from 11 am to 2 pm at Parliament Grounds. Pope Francis reminds us that the three temptations Jesus experienced are also common for us: the temptation to play God, the false security of economic well-being, and giving in to evil as a short-cut to power. A temptation is an empty fantasy, always powerless to deliver what it promises. When we give into temptation we are left feeling even more unsatisfied than before. It is helpful to know when we are most vulnerable to sin. Think H.A.L.T! When we are hungry, angry, lonely or tired we are likely to grasp at anything or anyone promising even a moment of satisfaction. Maturity of self-awareness (knowing our vulnerabilities) prepares us for growth in relationship with Jesus and therefore with each other. A healthy and positive discipline is required for this growth, like the athlete in training for competition or the musician rehearsing for performance. The greatest achievement of the devil in our world today is that so many people think he doesn’t exist. This means the he can operate without being noticed and in ways that are devious and destructive. An Invitation: Take a few moments every day to notice Jesus present and active in the events and encounters of your life in the last few hours. Now become aware of where you have experienced the presence and action of the devil in your life today. Conclude these moments by remembering that in a conflict between Jesus and Satan, Jesus always wins. Fr. John O’Connor Pope Francis: Message for Lent 2019 About to get Married? Could you successfully run a marathon without preparing for it? Of course not! So too marriage. Engaged Encounter Weekends this year are heavily booked. Weekends are 30 - 31 March 2019 (one vacancy and then waiting list); 3 - 4 August 2019; 9 - 10 November 2019, all at St Teresa's Presbytery, 301 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington For more information phone Kate and Simon on 801 6192 or visit our website at Let us not allow this season of grace to pass in vain. Let us ask God to help us set out on a path of true conversion. Let us leave behind our selfishness and self-absorption, and turn to Jesus’ Pasch. Let us stand beside our brothers and sisters in need, sharing our spiritual and material resources with them. UK Pilgrimage - join Msgr David Tonks on a spiritual journey to Ireland, Scotland & England: 25-days departing Sunday 23 June 2019. For further details, please contact Laura on phone +64-9-921 5106 or 0800-277 477 or email: [email protected]. The Mar. 10 – 23 issue of NZ Catholic is out now. Some headlines are: Radical Reforms and Catholic Schools. Abuse summit tough but needed says Cardinal Dew. Healthcare Mass in Christchurch. Two Catholics react to Jordan Peterson. The next issue of NZ Catholic will be published on March 24. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died especially Dora Zoet and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Sieki Halafihi, Lauris O’Callaghan and Fr Patrick McCullough. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. |
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