We are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ today, commonly known as Easter Sunday. What is Easter Sunday? There is lot of confusion regarding what Easter Sunday is all about. For some, Easter Sunday is about the Easter bunny, colourfully decorated Easter eggs, the Easter Hunt and hot cross buns etc, but how the resurrection related to all this?
Biblically speaking there is absolutely no connection between the resurrection of Jesus and the common modern traditions related to Easter Sunday. The origins of Easter are rooted in European traditions. The name Easter comes from a pagan figure called “Esatre” who was called goddess of spring by Northern Europeans. A festival called ‘Eastre’ was held during the spring equinox by these people to honour her. The goddess’s earthly symbol was Rabbit, which is also known as a symbol of fertility. Essentially the ancient Roman Catholic Church Christianized the spring fertility ritual with the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. It is these spring rituals which are the source of the Easter eggs, Easter bunny and Easter Hunt. The Bible makes it very clear that Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week Sunday. (Mt:28:1, Mk:16:2-9, Lk:24:1,Jn:20:1-19) In the Christian faith therefore, Easter has come to mean the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after His Crucifixion. It is the oldest and most important day of the Church, upon which Christianity is based. As a result, many Christians feel strongly that the day on which we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection should not be referred to as “Easter Sunday’ but rather something like “Resurrection Sunday” would be far more appropriate. Father Gregory A big thank you to all those involved in Easter preparations. You do amazing work and we are very grateful. Wishing you all a safe, happy and holy Easter Frs Ephrem, Gregory and Sanele St Patrick’s Church Altar Server Training If you have completed the sacramental programme and would like the opportunity to be an altar server at St Patrick’s Church, the training session is Thursday 28th April at 10am in Church. This session is for new and current servers. Contact Senior Altar Server Andrew Greening 3861233 for more details THINKING ABOUT PARISH PROPERTY Parish property should serve the activities of the people of our parish. A property sub-committee has been formed to consider our property needs and develop proposals for future development and management so that our property best serves parish needs. If you would like to provide any initial views or ideas to the sub-committee, please email [email protected] by Monday 28 March. If you don't have email, letters can be left at the parish office. If you don’t have anything to say right now, don’t worry. There will be further fuller consultation and discussion at later stages of the process, with more opportunities for you to be involved before the parish, as a whole, makes proposals on its property." CHILDREN DON’T ARRIVE WITH AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL If you would like your family life to be the best it can be, we have a great course coming up. Whatever your situation, the practical tools you will learn can help you to improve and strengthen your family life. Over five evenings you will cover: building a strong family centred on love, meet your children’s needs, set effective boundaries, teach healthy relationships and pass on values that are important to you. This is an international course sponsored by the parish and held in the Gascoigne Room at St Anthony’s 7.30pm from Tuesday 10 May. To enrol call or text Ruth 0276700365 or Kim 0222426288, babysitting is available. St. Anthony’s “Thursday Friends” will recommence Thursday, 31st March, following Easter Sunday. We welcome newcomers from throughout the parish. Our focus is Prayer and Holy Mass - celebrated in our time - and friendship in the Lord, followed by finger food lunch. We meet in the Gascoigne room, Thursdays,11am until approximately 1pm. Term time only. Come and join us. Bring a plate if you are able. The sick and disabled are especially welcome. If you need a lift ring Julie Marshall 3888644. Caritas Challenge 2016 Is happening in Holy Trinity Parish on the 1st and 2nd of April from 6pm - 6pm. Come and LIVE IT in a cardboard box city, SWEAT IT in a sweat shop bakery HAVE FUN and RAISE FUNDS for the people of Cambodia!!! Spend 24hrs living is solidarity with those less fortunate than us and make a life time of change in their community. For anyone over the age of 13! Please contact Rain for more information on 0212560608 or email [email protected] Life Teen Holy Trinity 2016 Life Teen is a youth movement within the Catholic Church!! It's run on a Sunday night starting with Mass at 5.30pm followed by food and a Life Night ending at 8.30pm. For Teenagers 12-18 and Young Adults 18-35! Come and hang out, have fun, make friends, and encounter Jesus!!! If you are interested in being involved as an adult leader, please come and see what we do! The new movie FRANCISCO is at the Lighthouse Cinema Petone from Thursday 24 March. It's the true story of Jorge Bergoglio, the boy from the streets of Buenos Aires who became Pope Francis, the Holy Father. Holy Trinity Rosary Statue Roster See the full article in the upcoming issue of News and Views out next weekend. In the Parish of Holy Trinity, we have a Rosary statue that is passed house to house during the course of the year. All that is asked is that you use the Rosary Statue as part of your family prayer and pass it on to the next family each week. As part of our commitment to a prayerful Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington; drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples what better foundation could you build on. If you would like to be on the roster, please contact the Parish Office 388 6953 or [email protected] The Sisters of Compassion are offering Taize Prayer at the Island Bay Home of Compassion Chapel on Friday 1st April. The evening prayer is from 7.00 - 8.00 p.m. There is plenty of parking and it is the No. 1 bus route. You are most welcome. Bedsit or room available for rent after Easter Mature local teacher looking for bedsit or room to rent. Non-smoker/drinker, willing to help out with gardening and housework. Refs available. Phone James 027-895-7973 or [email protected] Fr Rinardo Saragih OFMCap will be replacing Fr Gregory while he is away for his holidays. We welcome him back to the Parish. Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 29 March beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and conclude with Benediction followed by supper. Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2016 10 in-depth days in Medjugorje only. Excellent value. See your noticeboard or visit www.mirpilgrimages.co.nz Contact: Patricia Parsons ph: 0274 219 064. Email: [email protected] Divine Mercy Celebration You are all invited to join in the Diving mercy Celebrations to be held on Sunday 3rd April, after the 10.30am Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Tawa. Taking place during the celebration are the Blessing of religious objects, the Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image, Annointing for ealing and the Chaplet of Diving Mercy. The celebrant will be Monsignor Roman Walczak, deputy head of Missioin, Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See. Reconciliation will be available from 9.45am to the start of Mass at 10.30am. Refreshments will be served after the service. LifeTeen update: Becky is becoming Catholic!! One of our Young Adults Becky has been doing RCIA and has completed the journey to become Catholic. We are so happy for her. She completes this process at the Saturday Vigil Mass at Saint Anne's in Newtown at 8pm. We will all be going to support her. There will be NO LIFE TEEN Mass this Sunday so take the opportunity to share Easter Sunday will your families!! Message from St Catherine’s College, Kilbirnie We are very proud of the young women coming to us from our contributing schools New Building We plan to have the opening of our new building in September 2016. We would love our contributing schools and parents to be part of our celebration. Keep an eye on our website www.stcatherinescollege.school.nz and your school newsletter for the invitation. I plan to visit your daughters’ school the first 2 weeks of May and look forward to meeting them. St Catherine’s College Open days will be: Tuesday 31 May 11.30am – 1.00pm and 6.30pm – 7.30pm Tuesday 16 August 11.30am – 1.00pm and 6.30pm – 7.30pm Mary Curran Principal
Dear brothers and sisters
There could be no better week of God’s mercy shown to us by Christ in His entire life; the love, the sacrifice, the forgiveness reconciled to the Father in His resurrection. The sound of Hosanna echoing throughout Jerusalem proclaiming Christ as King filled the air. Whole creation for a moment rejoiced with Christ on His solemn final journey of self-sacrifice for the redemption of whole human race that was lost by Adam and Eve. The last supper with His disciples in the upper room, exercising his High Priest role, the victim and altar himself fulfils Father’s will with lamb led to the slaughter like humility. What an act of mercy shown to us by God the Father through His Son to us unworthy and sinful people!!! Good Friday, the day of fasting and abstinence those who are able, to complement the torment Jesus bore on the Cross. It is time for all of us to amend our life and catch a glimpse of Jesus’ resurrection. Let us walk together the way to Calvary; without Calvary there is no resurrection. Wish you all a very fruitful Holy Week and God’s blessing. Father Ephrem Weekday Mass timetable for Easter Week Mon 21st – Mass as usual at St Patrick’s and St Anthony’s Tues 22nd – 9am morning Mass at St Patrick’s, St Anthony’s and Holy Cross Weds 23rd – Morning Mass as usual in the three Churches No evening adoration or Mass at St Patrick’s Church Thurs 24th – no morning Mass at the three Churches THINKING ABOUT PARISH PROPERTY Parish property should serve the activities of the people of our parish. A property sub-committee has been formed to consider our property needs and develop proposals for future development and management so that our property best serves parish needs. If you would like to provide any initial views or ideas to the sub-committee, please email [email protected] by Monday 28 March. If you don't have email, letters can be left at the parish office. If you don’t have anything to say right now, don’t worry. There will be further fuller consultation and discussion at later stages of the process, with more opportunities for you to be involved before the parish, as a whole, makes proposals on its property." CHILDREN DON’T ARRIVE WITH AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL If you would like your family life to be the best it can be, we have a great course coming up. Whatever your situation, the practical tools you will learn can help you to improve and strengthen your family life. Over five evenings you will cover: building a strong family centred on love, meet your children’s needs, set effective boundaries, teach healthy relationships and pass on values that are important to you. This is an international course sponsored by the parish and held in the Gascoigne Room at St Anthony’s 7.30pm from Tuesday 10 May. To enrol call or text Ruth 0276700365 or Kim 0222426288, babysitting is available. For those attending services at Holy Cross Church during Easter Week, please do not park at the Bridge Club on Hobart Street. Thank you. The students of St Anthony's are working hard to prepare for our annual Holy Week Liturgy We invite you to join us for this short time of prayer on Wednesday night, March 23rd at 6 p.m. The children will share with us a thought provoking time of prayer and reflection on the Passion of Christ. Life Teen Holy Trinity 2016 Life Teen is a youth movement within the Catholic Church!! It's run on a Sunday night starting with Mass at 5.30pm followed by food and a Life Night ending at 8.30pm. For Teenagers 12-18 and Young Adults 18-35! Come and hang out, have fun, make friends, and encounter Jesus!!! If you are interested in being involved as an adult leader, please come and see what we do! Caritas Challenge 2016 Is happening in Holy Trinity Parish on the 1st and 2nd of April from 6pm - 6pm. Come and LIVE IT in a cardboard box city, SWEAT IT in a sweat shop bakery HAVE FUN and RAISE FUNDS for the people of Cambodia!!! Spend 24hrs living is solidarity with those less fortunate than us and make a life time of change in their community. For anyone over the age of 13! Please contact Rain for more information on 0212560608 or email [email protected] St. Anthony’s “Thursday Friends” will recommence Thursday, 31st March, following Easter Sunday. We welcome newcomers from throughout the parish. Our focus is Prayer and Holy Mass - celebrated in our time - and friendship in the Lord, followed by finger food lunch. We meet in the Gascoigne room, Thursdays,11am until approximately 1pm. Term time only. Come and join us. Bring a plate if you are able. The sick and disabled are especially welcome. If you need a lift ring Julie Marshall 3888644. The new movie FRANCISCO is coming to NZ Cinemas from Thursday 24 March. It's the true story of Jorge Bergoglio, the boy from the streets of Buenos Aires who became Pope Francis, the Holy Father. FRANCISCO will be screening from Thursday 24 March: at Lighthouse Cinema, Petone Flat urgently wanted: responsible pensioner seeks 1 or 2 bedroom flat with small outdoor area, keen gardener. Miramar/Broadway area. Ring Bev 388 5821. Parish Quiz night is coming! Start organising your team for a fun night out with the Parish Community. Details to follow soon. Does anyone have spare St Patrick’s College uniform in good condition for a Year 9 student? If you do, can you drop it off in the St Patrick’s Church porch with “Sisters of Compassion” on it please. Thank you. Holy Trinity Rosary Statue Roster In the Parish of Holy Trinity, we have a Rosary statue that is passed house to house during the course of the year. All that is asked is that you use the Rosary Statue as part of your family prayer and pass it on to the next family each week. As part of our commitment to a prayerful Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington; drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples what better foundation could you build on. If you would like to be on the roster, please contact the Parish Office 388 6953 or [email protected] Holy Cross Little Angels Playgroup. Holy Cross warmly invites Parents and caregivers to come and join in the fun in Room 12 on the last Friday of the month. Contact Susie Sumner for more details 388 7189 Bedsit or room available for rent after Easter Mature local teacher looking for bedsit or room to rent. Non-smoker/drinker, willing to help out with gardening and housework. Refs available. Phone James 027-895-7973 or [email protected] St. Anthony’s Preschool Playgroup: Come and join us…we meet every second Friday during term time from 1pm until 2.55pm in the Gascoigne Room, St Anthony’s Church. Bring your preschooler/s along for a play and class visits to St Anthony’s Kiwi class for our four year olds. Contact the School office 380 6971 Futuna Chapel Open Day – 20th March See noticeboard for details. The Archdiocesan Young Church Ministries team invites all young adults to The Rising Tide: The Ripple Effect at St Joseph’s, Mount Victoria. Monday 21st March. Doors open at 6.30 pm and event starts a 7.00pm. Discussion will be based on how we actively participate in God’s mercy. For more information, contact Emily Bruce 496 1701 [email protected] Theology on Tap - Sunday 20th March - Cardinal John Dew This week St Mary of the Angels Young Adults group is hosting John Dew who will speak on his experience of one year as a Cardinal. Cardinal John will speak briefly and there will be plenty of time for Q&A. All ages are very welcome to attend. Sunday 20th March, 6.30-7.30pm, Hotel Bristol (upstairs function room) 131 Cuba Street. Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2016 10 in-depth days in Medjugorje only. Excellent value. See your noticeboard or visit www.mirpilgrimages.co.nz Contact: Patricia Parsons ph: 0274 219 064. Email: [email protected] Fr Gregory will be leaving for his holidays on Monday 28th March and returning on 30th June. We wish him a safe and much enjoyable trip back home. 40 Days for Life Closing: Together We Stand. Sunday 20th March. 3.30 pm Combined Prayer outside Wellington Hospital followed by procession to St Anne's Hall. 4.15 pm Sharing the 40 Days for Life experience 5 pm Shared Dinner and fellowship. It doesn't matter where you have prayed or even if you have prayed for the babies, mums and staff over these 40 Days you are invited to attend the closing event. HOLY TRINITY PARISH - EASTERN SUBURBS Everyone is welcome to the following Services Churches of: Holy Cross Church, Miramar St Anthony’s Church, Seatoun St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Easter Services: Wednesday: 23rd March 7pm Lenten Reconciliation at Holy Cross Church Holy Thursday: 24th March (no morning Mass at any Church) 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Holy Cross Church Good Friday: 25th March St Patrick’s: 10am Stations of the Cross from St Patrick’s to All Saints Church Hataitai St Anthony’s: 10am Way of the Cross starts at St Anthony’s Holy Cross: 2.30pm (weather permitting) The Way of the Cross from Wexford Hill to Holy Cross Church 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion at all churches Saturday Easter Vigil: 26th March 8pm at St Patrick’s Church Easter Sunday : 27th March Holy Cross: 9am St Anthony’s: 8.30am at Good Shepherd 10am at St Anthony’s St Patrick’s: 10am at St Patrick’s Dear sisters and brothers,
There is something about starting over. A new page. A new year. A new week. That feeling that the past is the past. I like to think that people who have messed up in some way get a second chance, and that they learn from their mistakes. We have that second and third and infinite number of chances when we seek God’s love. We stray off the path, when we make wrong choices, our resentment, grudges, stubbornness, giving into worldly momentary pleasure, give into temptation surround us, but we can always find it again when we turn to God, we can become that clean slate. There is no better time to seek to forgiveness and be forgiven. Jesus does not condemn the woman in the parable but tells her to go and sin no more. It is time for us to strive to start over, to know that God’s mercy is greater than our guilt and shame. Through the Gospel He is calling us to Return to Him with our whole heart, for He is gracious and merciful. Let us return to God every day, every hour and with a whole heart start now. Wishing you all a Happy St Patrick’s Day. Father Ephrem St Patrick’s Day Mass 13th March at 10am St Patrick’s Church Come and join us and celebrate St Patrick’s Day at 10am Mass followed by shared food and a cup of tea. Bring a plate. St Patrick’s Day 17th March Mix and Mingle Come watch “the life of St Patrick” from 10.35am in the Parish Centre. Lunch from 11.30 – 1.30pm. Couple $15 or Single $7 All age groups welcome. Ring Andrew 386 1233 by Tues 15th March for catering purposes Holy Cross Church PLEASE REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR NAMES TO THE EASTER ROSTERS IN THE FOYER OF THE CHURCH There will be a meeting for all participants in Easter services on Good Friday and Holy Saturday at St Patrick’s Church to be held at the Church at 7pm on 17th March. Any readers who would like to read at Good Friday or Holy Saturday services at St Patrick’s please contact Patricia O’Donnell on 934 3179 by Tuesday night. Lent timetable Holy Trinity: Stations of the Cross St Patricks and Holy Cross – Friday 7pm St Anthony’s – Friday 5.30pm St Patrick’s - Weds 6 – 7pm Adoration and reconciliation followed by Mass Lenten envelopes and calendars available in the church foyers. Flat urgently wanted: responsible pensioner seeks 1 or 2 bedroom flat with small outdoor area, keen gardener. Miramar/Broadway area. Ring Bev 388 5821. Appointments of OFM CAP New Zealand On 1st March Frs Ephrem and Gregory went to Auckland and the appointments were declared for the Capuchins for the next three year term. Fr Sebastian Fernandes – Regular Superior, Fr Paul Helsham – 1st Councilor and Fr Gregory Lakra – 2nd Councilor. Thanks to all for continuing to knit for African babies, children and those who are in troubles countries. Thanks also to those who volunteered for help with the Holy Cross altar society. New roster is available at the back of the Church. Parish Quiz night is coming! Start organising your team for a fun night out with the Parish Community. Details to follow soon. Does anyone have spare St Patrick’s College uniform in good condition for a Year 9 student? If you do, can you drop it off in the St Patrick’s Church porch with “Sisters of Compassion” on it please. Thank you. St. Anthony’s Preschool Playgroup: Come and join us…we meet every second Friday during term time from 1pm until 2.55pm in the Gascoigne Room, St Anthony’s Church. Bring your preschooler/s along for a play and class visits to St Anthony’s Kiwi class for our four year olds. Contact the School office 380 6971 Holy Cross Little Angels Playgroup. Holy Cross warmly invites Parents and caregivers to come and join in the fun in Room 12 on the last Friday of the month. Contact Susie Sumner for more details 388 7189 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat 18-20 March A retreat weekend for those whose lives have been touched by abortion. An opportunity for healing to any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. All enquiries are strictly confidential. Contact Wendy Hill [email protected] or 027 2549222 www.rachelsvineyard.org.nz Futuna Chapel Open Day – 20th March See noticeboard for details. Bedsit or room available for rent after Easter Mature local teacher looking for bedsit or room to rent. Non-smoker/drinker, willing to help out with gardening and housework. Refs available. Phone James 027-895-7973 or [email protected] Deaf Cafe - for Deaf and hearing impaired people. Deaf Cafe is for anybody – just turn up. You can meet and chat with new people or catch up with old friends over a cuppa and cake and biscuits. Deaf Cafe is free. When: Wednesday 16 March. Time: 10am to 12pm. At: St Peter and Paul’s Hall, 60 Knights Road, Lower Hutt. Our baptism grafts us onto the Body of Christ, making us all share in His Person. If Christ is priest, prophet, and king, then so are we. In order to learn more about this do join us on the Sundays of Lent to watch Bishop Robert Barron’s teaching: Priest, Prophet, King Sundays of Lent (from Feb 14 to Mar 20) Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm Venue: St. Gerard’s Monastery “Praying with Icons”: a series of four talks in April (21 & 28) and May (5 & 12) given by Fr John Allardyce, SM. 7.30pm - 9.00pm at Pa Maria Marist Spirituality Centre, 78 Hobson Street, Thorndon. For further information and/or to register please contact Fr Brian Cummings SM at [email protected] or phone 04 212 4691. 40 Days for Life Closing: Together We Stand. Sunday 20th March. 3.30 pm Combined Prayer outside Wellington Hospital followed by procession to St Anne's Hall. 4.15 pm Sharing the 40 Days for Life experience 5 pm Shared Dinner and fellowship.It doesn't matter where you have prayed or even if you have prayed for the babies, mums and staff over these 40 Days you are invited to attend the closing event. WANTED: VOLUNTEERS St Patrick’s College, Kilbirnie Reader/Writers are needed for our senior students sitting internal NCEA examinations throughout the year. During the year students on our Special Assessment Registry require assistance to either read or help them with writing their exams. If you are interested in volunteering your time for a few hours every now and then please contact [email protected] The Job of the reader: As a reader you are the eyes of the candidate. The Job of the Writer: You are the hands of the candidate and it is your responsibility to write the answers given by candidate Calling all St Pats Town & Stream Old Boys St Pats College Old Boys Association AGM (for both Town & Stream Old Boys) Annual General Meeting will be held in the staff room of St Patrick's College Wellington, Thursday 17th March 2016 at 6pm. Mass in the Chapel at 5.30pm followed by AGM with refreshments and a chance for attendees to catch up with other Old Boys. George Collins- President SPCOBA Thanks to all those who helped as collectors for the Catholic Social Services Street Appeal on Thursday 25 February. Thank you also to everyone who made a donation to the Appeal. This year we were delighted to raise around $9,300 which was more than we collected last year. This money will be used to help the agency in its work to assist individuals and families in need. In addition it will go towards our work helping resettle refugees coming to Wellington this year. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS’ SCHOOLS REUNION - Being held in Dunedin from 8 to 10 July 2016 A 140th celebration of the Christian Brothers to Rattray Street, Dunedin in 1876 will take place on the weekend of 8-10 July 2016. Old Boys, wives and partners, and staff of Christian Brothers’ High School and Junior School, Saint Paul’s High School and Saint Edmund’s are cordially invited. The Registration Form can be obtained from Mr G Morris [email protected] or Br G Donaldson, 20A Grove St, St Kilda, Dunedin 9012. Ph 03 456 5040. The season of Lent is a favorable time to listen to God’s word and to practice the works of mercy. Let us not waste this season of Lent! (Pope Francis Message for Lent 2016) HOLY TRINITY PARISH - EASTERN SUBURBS Everyone is welcome to the following Services Churches of: Holy Cross Church, Miramar St Anthony’s Church, Seatoun St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Easter Services: Wednesday: 23rd March 7pm Lenten Reconciliation at Holy Cross Church Holy Thursday: 24th March 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Holy Cross Church Good Friday: 25th March St Patrick’s: 10am Stations of the Cross from St Patrick’s to All Saints Church Hataitai St Anthony’s: 10am Way of the Cross Holy Cross: 2.30pm (weather permitting) The Way of the Cross from Wexford Hill to Holy Cross Church 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion at all churches Saturday Easter Vigil: 26th March 8pm at St Patrick’s Church Easter Sunday : 27th March Holy Cross Church – 9am St Anthony’s: 8.30am at Good Shepherd 10am at St Anthony’s St Patrick’s: 10am at St Patrick’s From the Pope’s Lenten Message
The works of Mercy God’s mercy transforms human hearts; it enables us, through the experience of a faithful love, to become merciful in turn. In an ever new miracle, divine mercy shines forth in our lives, inspiring each of us to love our neighbour and to devote ourselves to what the Church’s tradition calls the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. These works remind us that faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbours in body and spirit: by feeding, visiting, comforting and instructing them. On such things will we be judged. For this reason, I expressed my hope that “the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; this will be a way to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty, and to enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy” (ibid., 15). For in the poor, the flesh of Christ ‘becomes visible in the flesh of the tortured, the crushed, the scourged, the malnourished, and the exiled… to be acknowledged, touched, and cared for by us” (ibid). It is the unprecedented and scandalous mystery of the extension in time of the suffering of the Innocent Lamb, the burning bush of gratuitous love. Before this love, we can, like Moses, take off our sandals (cf. Ex 3:5), especially when the poor are our brothers or sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith. Father Sanele HOLY CROSS CHURCH CONTINUATION OF 9AM MASS TIME Firstly, thank you to all those who completed the survey and provided feedback. It is much appreciated. The final result was marginally in favour of continuing with the 9am Mass time however there was a strong view that Mass times should be reviewed across the Parish as a whole. In light of this result, your Parish Council have decided to continue with the planned Parish wide review and consultation about Holy Trinity Mass times. In the interim, Sunday Mass at Holy Cross will continue at 9am. Planned Giving Envelopes Your current set of envelopes will finish at the end of this month. Your next set are available at the back of the Church you attended prior to the formation of Holy Trinity. If you would prefer to collect them from the office or from a different Church, contact the office. If you would like to join the planned giving programme, or wish to change from envelopes to automatic payments please contact the Parish Office for details. Please note: your receipts will be issued in due course. St Patrick’s Day Mass 13th March at 10am St Patrick’s Church Come and join us and celebrate St Patrick’s Day at 10am Mass followed by shared food and a cup of tea. Bring a plate. Does anyone have spare St Patrick’s College uniform in good condition for a Year 9 student? If you do, can you drop it off in the St Patrick’s Church porch with “Sisters of Compassion” on it please. Thank you. St Vinnies in Seatoun & Miramar & Kilbirnie: The St Vinnies groups meet once a month to pray together and to decide on helping, and visits to, people in need in our community. If you want to join the Seatoun & Miramar Conference, or for more information, contact Brendan Quirk Ph 3889708 or [email protected] (next meeting Monday 14 March). If you want to join the Kilbirnie Conference, or for more information, contact Margaret Bearsley 021 344 356 or [email protected] (next meeting Thursday 10 March). This month’s News and Views parish magazine has been emailed out to everyone on our parish email list. If you are not on the list email [email protected] to be included. For people without email, copies are at the back of our churches including St Patrick’s church. We are looking for people to help distribute the magazine in the Holy Cross area, if you are interested please let Marianne in the office know. Lent timetable Holy Trinity: Stations of the Cross St Patricks and Holy Cross – Friday 7pm St Anthony’s – Friday 5.30pm St Patrick’s - Weds 6 – 7pm Adoration and reconciliation followed by Mass Lenten envelopes and calendars available in the church foyers. Flat urgently wanted: responsible pensioner seeks 1 or 2 bedroom flat with small outdoor area, keen gardener. Miramar/Broadway area. Ring Bev 388 5821. St. Anthony’s Preschool Playgroup: Come and join us…we meet every second Friday during term time from 1pm until 2.55pm in the Gascoigne Room, St Anthony’s Church. Bring your preschooler/s along for a play and class visits to St Anthony’s Kiwi class for our four year olds. Contact the School office 380 6971 Holy Cross Little Angels Playgroup. Holy Cross warmly invites Parents and caregivers to come and join in the fun in Room 12 on the last Friday of the month. Contact Susie Sumner for more details 388 7189 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat 18-20 March A retreat weekend for those whose lives have been touched by abortion. An opportunity for healing to any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. All enquiries are strictly confidential. Contact Wendy Hill [email protected] or 027 2549222 www.rachelsvineyard.org.nz Futuna Chapel Open Day – 20th March See noticeboard for details. A cardigan was left in Holy Cross Church a couple of weeks ago. If you think it could be yours, contact the Parish Office. An Invitation to an Open Evening on the Trafficking & Exploitation of Persons Tuesday 8 March 7- 8.30pm At Tawa Union Church 6 Elena Place Tawa Speaker: Sr Gemma Wilson, Marist Sisters, Auckland Evening commences with prayer focussing on Saint Josephine Bakhita, a survivor of human trafficking. Gold Coin donation would be appreciated. Hosted by (ANZRATH) Aotearoa NZ Religious & Friends against the Trafficking of Humans . Copyright Workshop for those involved in liturgical ministry and finance. Archdiocesan representatives are offering a workshop for musicians, liturgy teams, PowerPoint editors and those administering payment for copyright licensing. The presentation will explore issues associated with copyright and present an initiative that may offer all involved with parish liturgy ministry a positive option that solves the copyright nightmare and provides opportunity to access a range of resources for musicians. Join the team at either venue: 7:30 – 9pm Wednesday 9th March (Connolly Hall) 10 – 11:30am Saturday 9 April (Plimmerton Parish Hall). Our baptism grafts us onto the Body of Christ, making us all share in His Person. If Christ is priest, prophet, and king, then so are we. In order to learn more about this do join us on the Sundays of Lent to watch Bishop Robert Barron’s teaching: Priest, Prophet, King Sundays of Lent (from Feb 14 to Mar 20) Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm Venue: St. Gerard’s Monastery “Praying with Icons”: a series of four talks in April (21 & 28) and May (5 & 12) given by Fr John Allardyce, SM. 7.30pm - 9.00pm at Pa Maria Marist Spirituality Centre, 78 Hobson Street, Thorndon. For further information and/or to register please contact Fr Brian Cummings SM at [email protected] or phone 04 212 4691. Update on 40 Days for Life: With just under 300 cities taking part, 206 babies are known to have been saved from abortion during the first half of the current campaign! Let's keep up the prayer and fasting: you are helping to save lives. Come and help at the vigil fli.org.nz/40daysforlife WANTED: VOLUNTEERS St Patrick’s College, Kilbirnie Reader/Writers are needed for our senior students sitting internal NCEA examinations throughout the year. During the year students on our Special Assessment Registry require assistance to either read or help them with writing their exams. If you are interested in volunteering your time for a few hours every now and then please contact [email protected] The Job of the reader: As a reader you are the eyes of the candidate. The Job of the Writer: You are the hands of the candidate and it is your responsibility to write the answers given by candidate Calling all St Pats Town & Stream Old Boys St Pats College Old Boys Association AGM (for both Town & Stream Old Boys) Annual General Meeting will be held in the staff room of St Patrick's College Wellington, Thursday 17th March 2016 at 6pm. Mass in the Chapel at 5.30pm followed by AGM with refreshments and a chance for attendees to catch up with other Old Boys. George Collins- President SPCOBA The season of Lent is a favorable time to listen to God’s word and to practice the works of mercy. Let us not waste this season of Lent! (Pope Francis Message for Lent 2016) Refugee Resettlement – a Collaborative Response Catholic Social Services wish to express their thanks to everyone in the parishes for their generous response to welcoming our new families from Syria, Afghanistan and Columbia. We thank you for the donations of time, goods and space; for your openness to sorting goods for the households and for those who were involved in the setting up of the homes for the different families. It was impressive.! Red Cross and their volunteers have been very appreciative of all the church communities have given to enable the families feel welcome and cared for. The houses looked so warm and welcoming. Our next steps are organising, with volunteers, the surplus donations into household lots for the families who will come in late April. Once this is done we will be in touch again. Children’s Day March 6th 2016 Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14) Every year on the first Sunday of March we celebrate a Day of Prayer for Children to recognise how important children are to our communities. This year Sunday, 6 March is the day to celebrate the importance of children and pause to reflect on the way they are treated in New Zealand and around the world. Resources to celebrate this special day can be found on the Caritas website - www.caritas.org.nz Prayer: On this Day of Prayer for Children and their families. Lord Jesus, we pray for all parents in supporting, protecting and loving their children. Help us to support those around us in the ups and downs of family life. Inspire us to notice the difficulties and to take the first step to act for families and children in times of need. We pray that all families feel your loving embrace. Amen 3 out of 5 children living in poverty have done so for many years. 24% of children live in poverty. (1 in 4 children) 17% of New Zealand children (180,000) live without the essentials, e.g. food, heating and shoes. “Unless you repent, you will all perish”.
When the priest imposed the ashes on our forehead on Ash Wednesday, he reminded us saying, “Repent and believe in the Gospel” or “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel”. We have already spent two weeks of Lent. How did the last two weeks go? Have you done anything concrete in those two weeks? In today’s gospel reading Jesus once again reminds us saying, “unless you repent, you will perish”. The season of Lent is the season of grace. It is a time for our spiritual growth. It is a time for repentance and conversation. It is a time for believing and surrendering our lives to God. To be committed to Christ, we must make Christ’s words the centre of our lives. I once watched a little baby learning to walk. As long as it kept its eyes on its mother, it was relaxed and in perfect balance but as soon as it looked down at its wobbly legs, it stumbled and fell. If we want to live as committed Christians, we must focus our attention during Lent on Christ and his demands. Father Gregory POPE FRANCIS CALLS FOR PRAYER Responding to the initiative of Pope Francis, Dioceses around the world will hold a time of prayer for the blessing of God in the Year of Mercy. In our own Archdiocese the Cathedral will play a major part in this action and will be open for prayer from 5.30pm on Friday 4 March, through till the 5.30 Vigil Mass on Saturday 5th. Holy Trinity Parish will be responsible for 11am – 1pm on Saturday 5th It will be necessary to ensure the presence of at least two people throughout this time. Fr Gregory will be there for our two hours, but we need your help. Sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church, Email the office [email protected] or phone 388 6953 with when you are available. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be in the chapel throughout the 24 hours and the main church will be open for private devotions such as the Stations of the Cross. Of course you are welcome at any time during the 24 hours. Come with a group of friends, bring the family; see this as an action for Lent. Pray with Pope Francis who assures us that God forgives everyone, he offers new possibilities to everyone, he showers his mercy on everyone who asks for it. Let the Year of Mercy echo its joyful welcome throughout the world. There will be no morning Mass across the three churches on Wednesday 2nd March. Frs Ephrem and Gregory will be in Auckland attending the Capuchin Assembly. Wednesday Evening there will be Adoration and reconciliation from 6-7pm followed by Mass at St Patrick’s Church. HOLY CROSS CHURCH CONTINUATION OF 9AM MASS TIME SUNDAY 6TH & 13TH MARCH Mass times at Holy Cross Church will continue at 9am for the first two Sunday’s in March. This will allow time to collate the responses and consult with the Cardinal. The result will be announced at Mass on the 13th March. Holy Cross Church Sunday Mass Survey VOTING CLOSES Monday 29 February. Voting forms for those who attend Sunday Mass at Holy Cross are available in the church foyers of Holy Cross Church and St Patrick’s Church, or from the parish office at [email protected] Holy Cross Happy Hour – Weds 2nd March 11am in the Parish Centre – seniors are reminded of our next meeting. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome. The Sisters of St. Peter Claver are holding ‘RARE and BEAUTIFUL’ on Sat 5th March at their Convent grounds 1 Mersey Street, Island Bay from 9am to 12pm. All are most welcome. Lent timetable Holy Trinity: Stations of the Cross St Patricks and Holy Cross – Friday 7pm St Anthony’s – Friday 5.30pm St Patrick’s - Weds 6 – 7pm Adoration and reconciliation followed by Mass Flat urgently wanted: responsible pensioner seeks 1 or 2 bedroom flat with small outdoor area, keen gardener. Miramar/Broadway area. Ring Bev 388 5821. Lenten envelopes and calendars available in the church foyers. St. Anthony’s Preschool Playgroup: Come and join us…we meet every second Friday during term time from 1pm until 2.55pm in the Gascoigne Room, St Anthony’s Church. Bring your preschooler/s along for a play and class visits to St Anthony’s Kiwi class for our four year olds. Contact the School office 380 6971 Holy Cross Little Angels Playgroup. Holy Cross warmly invites Parents and caregivers to come and join in the fun in Room 12 on the last Friday of the month. Contact Susie Sumner for more details 388 7189 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat 18-20 March A retreat weekend for those whose lives have been touched by abortion. An opportunity for healing to any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. All enquiries are strictly confidential. Contact Wendy Hill [email protected] or 027 2549222 www.rachelsvineyard.org.nz Futuna Chapel Open Day – 20th March See noticeboard for details. The Sisters of Compassion are offering Taize Prayer at the Island Bay Home of Compassion Chapel on Friday 4th March. The evening prayer is from 7.00 - 8.00 p.m. There is plenty of parking and it is the No. 1 bus route. You are most welcome. A 140th celebration of the Christian Brothers to Rattray Street Dunedin in 1879 will take place on the weekend of 9-11 July 2016. Ex-pupils, partners, staff and wives of Old Boys from CBHS, St Paul’s and St Edmund’s are cordially invited to this reunion. Registrations to Secretary G Morris [email protected] or Br G Donaldson 20A Grove St, St Kilda, Dunedin 9012, phone 03 456 5040. Copyright Workshop for those involved in liturgical ministry and finance. Archdiocesan representatives are offering a workshop for musicians, liturgy teams, PowerPoint editors and those administering payment for copyright licensing. The presentation will explore issues associated with copyright and present an initiative that may offer all involved with parish liturgy ministry a positive option that solves the copyright nightmare and provides opportunity to access a range of resources for musicians. Join the team at either venue: 7:30 – 9pm Wednesday 9th March (Connolly Hall) 10 – 11:30am Saturday 9 April (Plimmerton Parish Hall). Our baptism grafts us onto the Body of Christ, making us all share in His Person. If Christ is priest, prophet, and king, then so are we. In order to learn more about this do join us on the Sundays of Lent to watch Bishop Robert Barron’s teaching: Priest, Prophet, King Sundays of Lent (from Feb 14 to Mar 20) Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm Venue: St. Gerard’s Monastery, 75, Hawker St. Mt. Victoria TODAY! "Be A Sign of Hope - an Hour of Mercy for the Unborn". 3pm-4 pm 28th Feb. The 40 days for Life campaign is halfway, join vigil prayers for an hour of prayer, praise, scripture and reflection on the footpath outside Wellington Hospital. Come be a beacon of hope for the vulnerable unborn, their parents and all involved in abortion. Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for couples intending to be marriedat Pa Maria, Thorndon, Wellington. Weekends in 2016 are 5 - 6 March, 16 - 17 July, & 12 - 13 November Registrations close 2 weeks before. For more details www.ceewellington.org.nz or phone Kate & Simon Olsen Telephone 801 6192, or [email protected] WANTED: VOLUNTEERS St Patrick’s College, Kilbirnie Reader/Writers are needed for our senior students sitting internal NCEA examinations throughout the year. During the year students on our Special Assessment Registry require assistance to either read or help them with writing their exams. If you are interested in volunteering your time for a few hours every now and then please contact [email protected] The Job of the reader: As a reader you are the eyes of the candidate. The Job of the Writer: You are the hands of the candidate and it is your responsibility to write the answers given by candidate Calling all St Pats Town & Stream Old Boys St Pats College Old Boys Association AGM (for both Town & Stream Old Boys) I would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting which will be held in the staff room of St Patrick's College Wellington, Evans Bay Parade, Wellington on Thursday 17th March 2016 at 6pm. Mass in the Chapel will commence at 5.30pm. The AGM will be followed by refreshments and a chance for attendees to catch up with other Old Boys. George Collins- President SPCOBA If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, contact the Parish Office [email protected] with newsletter in the subject line, and you will added to the list. Our Parish website is up and running. Check it out at www.holytrinity.parish.nz and tell us what you think The season of Lent is a favorable time to listen to God’s word and to practice the works of mercy. Let us not waste this season of Lent! (Pope Francis Message for Lent 2016) |
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