We are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ today, commonly known as Easter Sunday. What is Easter Sunday? There is lot of confusion regarding what Easter Sunday is all about. For some, Easter Sunday is about the Easter bunny, colourfully decorated Easter eggs, the Easter Hunt and hot cross buns etc, but how the resurrection related to all this?
Biblically speaking there is absolutely no connection between the resurrection of Jesus and the common modern traditions related to Easter Sunday. The origins of Easter are rooted in European traditions. The name Easter comes from a pagan figure called “Esatre” who was called goddess of spring by Northern Europeans. A festival called ‘Eastre’ was held during the spring equinox by these people to honour her. The goddess’s earthly symbol was Rabbit, which is also known as a symbol of fertility. Essentially the ancient Roman Catholic Church Christianized the spring fertility ritual with the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. It is these spring rituals which are the source of the Easter eggs, Easter bunny and Easter Hunt. The Bible makes it very clear that Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week Sunday. (Mt:28:1, Mk:16:2-9, Lk:24:1,Jn:20:1-19) In the Christian faith therefore, Easter has come to mean the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after His Crucifixion. It is the oldest and most important day of the Church, upon which Christianity is based. As a result, many Christians feel strongly that the day on which we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection should not be referred to as “Easter Sunday’ but rather something like “Resurrection Sunday” would be far more appropriate. Father Gregory A big thank you to all those involved in Easter preparations. You do amazing work and we are very grateful. Wishing you all a safe, happy and holy Easter Frs Ephrem, Gregory and Sanele St Patrick’s Church Altar Server Training If you have completed the sacramental programme and would like the opportunity to be an altar server at St Patrick’s Church, the training session is Thursday 28th April at 10am in Church. This session is for new and current servers. Contact Senior Altar Server Andrew Greening 3861233 for more details THINKING ABOUT PARISH PROPERTY Parish property should serve the activities of the people of our parish. A property sub-committee has been formed to consider our property needs and develop proposals for future development and management so that our property best serves parish needs. If you would like to provide any initial views or ideas to the sub-committee, please email [email protected] by Monday 28 March. If you don't have email, letters can be left at the parish office. If you don’t have anything to say right now, don’t worry. There will be further fuller consultation and discussion at later stages of the process, with more opportunities for you to be involved before the parish, as a whole, makes proposals on its property." CHILDREN DON’T ARRIVE WITH AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL If you would like your family life to be the best it can be, we have a great course coming up. Whatever your situation, the practical tools you will learn can help you to improve and strengthen your family life. Over five evenings you will cover: building a strong family centred on love, meet your children’s needs, set effective boundaries, teach healthy relationships and pass on values that are important to you. This is an international course sponsored by the parish and held in the Gascoigne Room at St Anthony’s 7.30pm from Tuesday 10 May. To enrol call or text Ruth 0276700365 or Kim 0222426288, babysitting is available. St. Anthony’s “Thursday Friends” will recommence Thursday, 31st March, following Easter Sunday. We welcome newcomers from throughout the parish. Our focus is Prayer and Holy Mass - celebrated in our time - and friendship in the Lord, followed by finger food lunch. We meet in the Gascoigne room, Thursdays,11am until approximately 1pm. Term time only. Come and join us. Bring a plate if you are able. The sick and disabled are especially welcome. If you need a lift ring Julie Marshall 3888644. Caritas Challenge 2016 Is happening in Holy Trinity Parish on the 1st and 2nd of April from 6pm - 6pm. Come and LIVE IT in a cardboard box city, SWEAT IT in a sweat shop bakery HAVE FUN and RAISE FUNDS for the people of Cambodia!!! Spend 24hrs living is solidarity with those less fortunate than us and make a life time of change in their community. For anyone over the age of 13! Please contact Rain for more information on 0212560608 or email [email protected] Life Teen Holy Trinity 2016 Life Teen is a youth movement within the Catholic Church!! It's run on a Sunday night starting with Mass at 5.30pm followed by food and a Life Night ending at 8.30pm. For Teenagers 12-18 and Young Adults 18-35! Come and hang out, have fun, make friends, and encounter Jesus!!! If you are interested in being involved as an adult leader, please come and see what we do! The new movie FRANCISCO is at the Lighthouse Cinema Petone from Thursday 24 March. It's the true story of Jorge Bergoglio, the boy from the streets of Buenos Aires who became Pope Francis, the Holy Father. Holy Trinity Rosary Statue Roster See the full article in the upcoming issue of News and Views out next weekend. In the Parish of Holy Trinity, we have a Rosary statue that is passed house to house during the course of the year. All that is asked is that you use the Rosary Statue as part of your family prayer and pass it on to the next family each week. As part of our commitment to a prayerful Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington; drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples what better foundation could you build on. If you would like to be on the roster, please contact the Parish Office 388 6953 or [email protected] The Sisters of Compassion are offering Taize Prayer at the Island Bay Home of Compassion Chapel on Friday 1st April. The evening prayer is from 7.00 - 8.00 p.m. There is plenty of parking and it is the No. 1 bus route. You are most welcome. Bedsit or room available for rent after Easter Mature local teacher looking for bedsit or room to rent. Non-smoker/drinker, willing to help out with gardening and housework. Refs available. Phone James 027-895-7973 or [email protected] Fr Rinardo Saragih OFMCap will be replacing Fr Gregory while he is away for his holidays. We welcome him back to the Parish. Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 29 March beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and conclude with Benediction followed by supper. Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2016 10 in-depth days in Medjugorje only. Excellent value. See your noticeboard or visit www.mirpilgrimages.co.nz Contact: Patricia Parsons ph: 0274 219 064. Email: [email protected] Divine Mercy Celebration You are all invited to join in the Diving mercy Celebrations to be held on Sunday 3rd April, after the 10.30am Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Tawa. Taking place during the celebration are the Blessing of religious objects, the Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image, Annointing for ealing and the Chaplet of Diving Mercy. The celebrant will be Monsignor Roman Walczak, deputy head of Missioin, Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See. Reconciliation will be available from 9.45am to the start of Mass at 10.30am. Refreshments will be served after the service. LifeTeen update: Becky is becoming Catholic!! One of our Young Adults Becky has been doing RCIA and has completed the journey to become Catholic. We are so happy for her. She completes this process at the Saturday Vigil Mass at Saint Anne's in Newtown at 8pm. We will all be going to support her. There will be NO LIFE TEEN Mass this Sunday so take the opportunity to share Easter Sunday will your families!! Message from St Catherine’s College, Kilbirnie We are very proud of the young women coming to us from our contributing schools New Building We plan to have the opening of our new building in September 2016. We would love our contributing schools and parents to be part of our celebration. Keep an eye on our website www.stcatherinescollege.school.nz and your school newsletter for the invitation. I plan to visit your daughters’ school the first 2 weeks of May and look forward to meeting them. St Catherine’s College Open days will be: Tuesday 31 May 11.30am – 1.00pm and 6.30pm – 7.30pm Tuesday 16 August 11.30am – 1.00pm and 6.30pm – 7.30pm Mary Curran Principal
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