Dear sisters and brothers,
There is something about starting over. A new page. A new year. A new week. That feeling that the past is the past. I like to think that people who have messed up in some way get a second chance, and that they learn from their mistakes. We have that second and third and infinite number of chances when we seek God’s love. We stray off the path, when we make wrong choices, our resentment, grudges, stubbornness, giving into worldly momentary pleasure, give into temptation surround us, but we can always find it again when we turn to God, we can become that clean slate. There is no better time to seek to forgiveness and be forgiven. Jesus does not condemn the woman in the parable but tells her to go and sin no more. It is time for us to strive to start over, to know that God’s mercy is greater than our guilt and shame. Through the Gospel He is calling us to Return to Him with our whole heart, for He is gracious and merciful. Let us return to God every day, every hour and with a whole heart start now. Wishing you all a Happy St Patrick’s Day. Father Ephrem St Patrick’s Day Mass 13th March at 10am St Patrick’s Church Come and join us and celebrate St Patrick’s Day at 10am Mass followed by shared food and a cup of tea. Bring a plate. St Patrick’s Day 17th March Mix and Mingle Come watch “the life of St Patrick” from 10.35am in the Parish Centre. Lunch from 11.30 – 1.30pm. Couple $15 or Single $7 All age groups welcome. Ring Andrew 386 1233 by Tues 15th March for catering purposes Holy Cross Church PLEASE REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR NAMES TO THE EASTER ROSTERS IN THE FOYER OF THE CHURCH There will be a meeting for all participants in Easter services on Good Friday and Holy Saturday at St Patrick’s Church to be held at the Church at 7pm on 17th March. Any readers who would like to read at Good Friday or Holy Saturday services at St Patrick’s please contact Patricia O’Donnell on 934 3179 by Tuesday night. Lent timetable Holy Trinity: Stations of the Cross St Patricks and Holy Cross – Friday 7pm St Anthony’s – Friday 5.30pm St Patrick’s - Weds 6 – 7pm Adoration and reconciliation followed by Mass Lenten envelopes and calendars available in the church foyers. Flat urgently wanted: responsible pensioner seeks 1 or 2 bedroom flat with small outdoor area, keen gardener. Miramar/Broadway area. Ring Bev 388 5821. Appointments of OFM CAP New Zealand On 1st March Frs Ephrem and Gregory went to Auckland and the appointments were declared for the Capuchins for the next three year term. Fr Sebastian Fernandes – Regular Superior, Fr Paul Helsham – 1st Councilor and Fr Gregory Lakra – 2nd Councilor. Thanks to all for continuing to knit for African babies, children and those who are in troubles countries. Thanks also to those who volunteered for help with the Holy Cross altar society. New roster is available at the back of the Church. Parish Quiz night is coming! Start organising your team for a fun night out with the Parish Community. Details to follow soon. Does anyone have spare St Patrick’s College uniform in good condition for a Year 9 student? If you do, can you drop it off in the St Patrick’s Church porch with “Sisters of Compassion” on it please. Thank you. St. Anthony’s Preschool Playgroup: Come and join us…we meet every second Friday during term time from 1pm until 2.55pm in the Gascoigne Room, St Anthony’s Church. Bring your preschooler/s along for a play and class visits to St Anthony’s Kiwi class for our four year olds. Contact the School office 380 6971 Holy Cross Little Angels Playgroup. Holy Cross warmly invites Parents and caregivers to come and join in the fun in Room 12 on the last Friday of the month. Contact Susie Sumner for more details 388 7189 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat 18-20 March A retreat weekend for those whose lives have been touched by abortion. An opportunity for healing to any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. All enquiries are strictly confidential. Contact Wendy Hill [email protected] or 027 2549222 Futuna Chapel Open Day – 20th March See noticeboard for details. Bedsit or room available for rent after Easter Mature local teacher looking for bedsit or room to rent. Non-smoker/drinker, willing to help out with gardening and housework. Refs available. Phone James 027-895-7973 or [email protected] Deaf Cafe - for Deaf and hearing impaired people. Deaf Cafe is for anybody – just turn up. You can meet and chat with new people or catch up with old friends over a cuppa and cake and biscuits. Deaf Cafe is free. When: Wednesday 16 March. Time: 10am to 12pm. At: St Peter and Paul’s Hall, 60 Knights Road, Lower Hutt. Our baptism grafts us onto the Body of Christ, making us all share in His Person. If Christ is priest, prophet, and king, then so are we. In order to learn more about this do join us on the Sundays of Lent to watch Bishop Robert Barron’s teaching: Priest, Prophet, King Sundays of Lent (from Feb 14 to Mar 20) Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm Venue: St. Gerard’s Monastery “Praying with Icons”: a series of four talks in April (21 & 28) and May (5 & 12) given by Fr John Allardyce, SM. 7.30pm - 9.00pm at Pa Maria Marist Spirituality Centre, 78 Hobson Street, Thorndon. For further information and/or to register please contact Fr Brian Cummings SM at [email protected] or phone 04 212 4691. 40 Days for Life Closing: Together We Stand. Sunday 20th March. 3.30 pm Combined Prayer outside Wellington Hospital followed by procession to St Anne's Hall. 4.15 pm Sharing the 40 Days for Life experience 5 pm Shared Dinner and fellowship.It doesn't matter where you have prayed or even if you have prayed for the babies, mums and staff over these 40 Days you are invited to attend the closing event. WANTED: VOLUNTEERS St Patrick’s College, Kilbirnie Reader/Writers are needed for our senior students sitting internal NCEA examinations throughout the year. During the year students on our Special Assessment Registry require assistance to either read or help them with writing their exams. If you are interested in volunteering your time for a few hours every now and then please contact [email protected] The Job of the reader: As a reader you are the eyes of the candidate. The Job of the Writer: You are the hands of the candidate and it is your responsibility to write the answers given by candidate Calling all St Pats Town & Stream Old Boys St Pats College Old Boys Association AGM (for both Town & Stream Old Boys) Annual General Meeting will be held in the staff room of St Patrick's College Wellington, Thursday 17th March 2016 at 6pm. Mass in the Chapel at 5.30pm followed by AGM with refreshments and a chance for attendees to catch up with other Old Boys. George Collins- President SPCOBA Thanks to all those who helped as collectors for the Catholic Social Services Street Appeal on Thursday 25 February. Thank you also to everyone who made a donation to the Appeal. This year we were delighted to raise around $9,300 which was more than we collected last year. This money will be used to help the agency in its work to assist individuals and families in need. In addition it will go towards our work helping resettle refugees coming to Wellington this year. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS’ SCHOOLS REUNION - Being held in Dunedin from 8 to 10 July 2016 A 140th celebration of the Christian Brothers to Rattray Street, Dunedin in 1876 will take place on the weekend of 8-10 July 2016. Old Boys, wives and partners, and staff of Christian Brothers’ High School and Junior School, Saint Paul’s High School and Saint Edmund’s are cordially invited. The Registration Form can be obtained from Mr G Morris [email protected] or Br G Donaldson, 20A Grove St, St Kilda, Dunedin 9012. Ph 03 456 5040. The season of Lent is a favorable time to listen to God’s word and to practice the works of mercy. Let us not waste this season of Lent! (Pope Francis Message for Lent 2016) HOLY TRINITY PARISH - EASTERN SUBURBS Everyone is welcome to the following Services Churches of: Holy Cross Church, Miramar St Anthony’s Church, Seatoun St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Easter Services: Wednesday: 23rd March 7pm Lenten Reconciliation at Holy Cross Church Holy Thursday: 24th March 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Holy Cross Church Good Friday: 25th March St Patrick’s: 10am Stations of the Cross from St Patrick’s to All Saints Church Hataitai St Anthony’s: 10am Way of the Cross Holy Cross: 2.30pm (weather permitting) The Way of the Cross from Wexford Hill to Holy Cross Church 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion at all churches Saturday Easter Vigil: 26th March 8pm at St Patrick’s Church Easter Sunday : 27th March Holy Cross Church – 9am St Anthony’s: 8.30am at Good Shepherd 10am at St Anthony’s St Patrick’s: 10am at St Patrick’s
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