Wis 18, 6-9; Heb 11, 1-2. 8-19; Lk 12, 32-48
On my retreat last summer, I found that my prayer - relationship with Jesus - came to a simple and fairly "new" place. I just had read a piece which asked - asked me personally - "To whom do you belong?" and "Do I believe what I say I believe?" I found myself chewing these questions and returning to the simple - graced - realisation that, if I really belong to the Lord (in whom I am baptized and whose servant I desire to be) and if I really believe what I say I believe (that I have nothing to fear because Jesus has overcome the power of sin and death) then I should be a much more joyful, trusting and courageous person. Dear sisters and brothers, Jesus is laying it out for us today that we have nothing to fear. It confronts the fact that we live with a lot of fears. We live, in a self-protective mode, as though we can "control" how safe and secure we are. Jesus is inviting us to live more freely because our life is in his hands and we are going to enjoy eternal life with Him forever. I've found myself, since that retreat, asking for the grace to live with daily trust, to walk with deeply joy in my heart - even in the midst of challenging things - and to ask myself more often if I'm being courageous enough in taking risks to love more completely, to witness my faith by the ways I am self-sacrificing in my care, and to open my heart to better hear the cry of the poor, so I might be a better advocate for those without a voice. Asking for the grace alone gives me more courage to find steps in these directions in the here and now of each day. May you find Lord, fully engaged in being one with you, here and now, where your people most need this simple disciple to be. Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. FEAST of ASSUMPTION of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - 15TH AUGUST This is a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION MASS TIMES ARE: 9.30am Holy Cross School Hall (light morning tea after Mass) 9.30am St Patrick’s Church 11am Rita Angus Retirement Village Chapel 11.30am St Anthony’s – Thursday Friends 2pm St Patrick’s Church – St Catherine’s College 6.30pm St Anthony’s Church Volunteering and Participation Survey This is a survey conducted by the Holy Trinity Liturgy Committee in order to better understand the needs of parishioners and to help bring more people into voluntary roles. Please fill in as much as you can and return the survey into the collection basket by Sunday the 11th of August, or email answers to [email protected] If you haven’t had a chance to fill this in, please take your copy from the back of the church or email Julian for a copy and return as soon as possible. Thank you Holy Cross Happy Hour Weds 14th August from 11am in the Parish Centre. Come join us for bingo. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome The Patron Saint of Altar Servers, St. Tarcisius, Feast Day 15th August. An invitation to all Altar Servers of Holy Trinity Parish Come and celebrate the feast of our patron saint of altar servers St. Tarcisius at the 6pm Mass at St Patrick’s Church on the 22th August, followed by pizzas for the servers and light refreshments for the adults in the Parish Meeting Room. Please bring a plate. This will be a good opportunity for all the altar servers from the Parish to meet each other. Please put the date on your calendar. A CALL TO SERVICE St Patrick’s Church is asking for musicians for Saturday Vigil Mass and Sunday 10am Mass. The Sullivan Family are moving and we need to fill the large gap they are leaving. We thank them for their Service and wish them well in their new home. So, are there Pianists, organists, guitarists, other musicians who would like to play at these Masses? Guidelines and times for practice will be provided. If interested please ring Patricia 9343179 or email triciao2285 @gmail .com Knitters Many thanks to parishioners and friends who continue knitting for babies and children in need. The garments and beanies are still needed, and much appreciated. Donations of double knitting yarn are very gratefully received. Many thanks, Margaret 388 2840 People in Need? St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference welcomes parishioners to let us know confidentially if you or someone needs assistance in the Miramar/Seatoun/Strathmore area. Our group visits people who are in hardship, sickness, loneliness or housebound, in order to share God’s love and compassion and see if we can assist in any way, even as simple as having a coffee and chat (Contacts: any of our members listed in the Church foyers). If you wish to donate to assist your local Conference purchase food, clothing, house items etc for families in most need in the eastern suburbs, please consider making a direct online donation to our account which is:-BNZ Kilbirnie, St Vincent de Paul Seatoun & Miramar Conference, A/c No. 02 0576 0017 817 006, reference “Donation”. If you want a receipt of the donation for tax purposes, do please contact our Treasurer, Trish Herzog, ph 04 388 3842 Pre-loved Sports Sale, St Patrick’s College, Kilbirnie: 10am-2pm, Saturday 17 August Drop into the Sports Sale on 17 August and kit out your family with pre-loved sports gear and clothing (all codes included) in great condition. 1 item - $10, 3 items $20 with a small selection of items at specially marked prices. There will be a gold coin sausage sizzle and tea & coffee. Got some gear to donate? Drop it at the college office or contact [email protected]. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser for St Patrick’s College. St Catherine’s College Enrolments This is just a reminder that enrolments are now open at St Catherine's College. Our closing date will be on 30th August 2019. If you miss this date, please contact us on 04 9398988, as late enrolments will be considered. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, or if you would like to come and talk to one of our staff members. Our contact details are as follows:- 04 939 8988 [email protected] or [email protected] St Catherine's College aims to nurture and empower our young women to be active and creative learners. National Vocations Awareness Week - Lives of Service, Lives of Joy “God calls you to make definitive choices, and he has a plan for each of you: to discover that plan and to respond to your vocation is to move toward personal fulfilment. God calls each of us to be holy, to live his life, but he has a particular path for each one of us.” Pope Francis - WYD July 2013 Our baptism calls us to holiness. We live out this call through marriage, single life, priesthood or consecrated life. National Vocations Awareness Week (4-11 August) is an annual event set aside by the Bishops of New Zealand, focusing our attention on all forms of vocation in the Church. Please pray for all those in our Archdiocese who are discerning their vocation, including our three seminarians Alfred, Kinh and Matthew, and Emilio who is preparing to enter Seminary next year. May we all be open to God’s call and respond with generosity and courage. Go you are sent to use your assets wisely (4) Investigate repurposing and multi-purposing surplus/vacant and under-utilised assets. Pope Francis has designated October as the Extraordinary Missionary month. The Parish Leadership Team is hoping to offer a 6 session programme Developing a Spirituality of Service in every parish in October. We need to gauge the interest level so please register with Chris Walkerdine at [email protected] or telephone on 04 496-1706. Vigil for the Unborn: Saturday 17 August. St Anne's Catholic Church, Emmett Street, Newtown. 10 am Mass. Followed by Exposition & Rosary Procession to pray outside of the Hospital. Ends at Noon with a shared lunch. All are invited. Come and pray for hearts to change and lives to be saved. Two heartbeats, two precious lives worth protecting: show we love them both. For more information contact Family Life International NZ PH: 021 231 7954 Seasons for Growth is an education programme which explores the effects of change, loss and grief. Using the imagery of the four seasons, the programme is a safe and proven way to help people process and adjust to changing experiences. A programme for adults will be offered: six weekly sessions, starting on Sunday 18 August, 2.00 – 4.30pm, in the Emmaus Centre, St Christopher’s Anglican Church, 167 main Road, Tawa. Cost $25 for the workbook. For more information, or to register, please contact Bridgett on 934 1811 or email: [email protected] A Personal Experience of The Camino Ignaciano with Monsignor Gerry Burns. In May and June of this year Monsignor Gerry Burns spent 30 days walking the “Camino Ignaciano” [The Ignatian Camino] in Spain, beginning at the birthplace of St Ignatius in Loyola and ending at Manresa. Come and hear Gerry’s reflections and experiences of what is one of the newer caminos in Spain. Tuesday 20 August, 7.30pm, at Pa Maria Marist Spirituality Centre in Thorndon To register please contact Brian Cummings SM on [email protected] or phone 021 703 580. Thursday 22–Saturday 24 August NZ Faith Community Nurses Association retreat and 2019 Annual Conference, Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, 2 Hill St, Thorndon, Wellington. For information and to register visit: www.faithcommunitynursing.nz/latest-news/2019-conference The Cardinal’s lunch will be held at The Intercontinental Hotel on Wednesday 28 August. Our lunch will feature Cardinal John Dew, sharing his vision for the future of the church being young, transformed and transformative. Cardinal John is optimistic for the future, encouraging the faithful to be outward looking, through the message at the 2017 synod of "Go, you are sent". Please join us on Wednesday 28th of August at the Intercontinental Hotel at 12:00 as we break bread and share our Catholic values. $115 To register on line https://cl2019.lilregie.com For more information phone Robyn 027 2018766 Karakia o te Rātapu. Each Sunday there is Miha for all. Liturgy of Eucharist is held if priest is not available. 11am, The Chapel of Our Lady of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington. Ph. (04) 383 7769. Pilgrimage: Back to the Source. An evening of poetry and music with poet Chris Gallavin. Inspired by Hiruhārama-Jerusalem the show will be accompanied by a photo exhibition. Tickets $25 on Eventfinda or $30 at the door. Sat 24 August, 3pm. Our Lady's Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street (off Murray St), Island Bay, Wellington. Taizé Prayer Lecto divina in music, reading and spoken prayer along with silence. Next Taizé evening at the Chapel of our Lady of Compassion is 7pm Friday 6 September. All welcome as we prepare for Br Matthew’s visit to Wellington in November. Wellington Theological Consortium conference on “Lament, Listening, Healing, in response to the sexual abuse crisis in our Church Communities.” Learn about Circle Process and Restorative Justice. 13 - 14 September 2019 at St Joseph’s Church, 154 Brougham Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington. For more information http://wellingtontheology.org.nz/ 2019 Tindall funding round open The 2019 Funding Round for the Archdiocesan Allocation Committee is now open. Parish Groups, Agencies and Church Organisations which provide a helping hand by supporting Families and Social Services are now able to apply for the annual Tindall Funding through the Archdiocesan Allocation Committee. The priority is to fund Catholic and community organisations who are working in areas identified as priorities by The Tindall Foundation and aligned with the Archdiocesan goals. We are charged, by the Archbishop, with the funding support of groups committed to social, pastoral, charitable and educational needs in our region. Applications are judged on the basis of need, resource availability and the fulfilment of set criteria. Applications are now open and are due on Friday 30th August 2019. Application forms contact Joanne Gomez at [email protected] or 04 496 1762. How do we keep our faith as a family? Do we keep it for ourselves, in our families, as a personal treasure like a bank account, or are we able to share it by our witness, by our acceptance of others, by our openness? Pope Francis: Homily for Family Day Mass, 2013 The August 11 – 24 issue of NZ Catholic is out now. Some headlines are: Christchurch Catholic cathedral to be demolished. Reaction to proposed abortion law reform. Bishop Dunn celebrates 25 years as bishop. Wellington raising profile of priestly vocations. The next issue of NZ Catholic will be published on August 11. Wellington Regional Children's Hospital 2019 Street Appeal is coming... and we need your help! If you, your family or friends can volunteer as a collector for 2hrs on Friday 23rd August, we would love to hear from you Your help will make a big difference to our youngest and most vulnerable patients. Please sign up at: www.signup.com/go/WCHStreetAppeal Thankyou ! Our prayers are with those who are unwell especially Denis Clarke, John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially June Formosa and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Catherine (Kay) Maud, Mary Catherine (Molly) Harnett, Eileen Hare, Mary O’Brien, Helen Kiely, Betty Curry and Robert Spiller.
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