Is 25, 6-10; Phil 4, 12-14. 19-20; Mt 22, 1-14
Our God is a God who forgives and gives life Dear sisters and brothers, today the church asks us to celebrate “Respect life Sunday 2020”. What does it mean to us in the context we live? The world is experiencing unprecedented fear due to Covid-19 which is threatening human life. New Zealand is voting for its next government for three years: there are couple of issues referendum is enforced upon us, one is legalising recreational weed and the other is Euthanasia that is voluntary choice to end life at the recommendation of the couple of doctors. One hand the sickness is taking away our life and on the other we are trying to make a law that will allow us to end life. So, we are saying, that the weak, vulnerable, defenceless (in the womb, in the advanced old age and sickness) no right to live. So, the “respect life” Sunday becomes all the more significant for us to realise the culture we live, of use and throw; saying, either you are inconvenience to me or burden to the society. Prophet Isaiah begins the scripture passage with the image of the messianic banquet, the banquet which the LORD is preparing for the end of time, an image which Jesus takes up in the gospel story of the wedding feast. After the first lines the image changes to the removal of the mourning-veil and the destruction of death, every tear wiped away. Gradually Israel comes to realise that God’s love is so enveloping and so enduring that God cannot desert or abandon his faithful even in death. Death hastens our union with God in the messianic everlasting wedding banquet. Here we see the permanent, saving strength of God’s love expressed. Speaking to the Sadducees (who did not believe in the resurrection) Jesus says, “god is the God not of the dead but of the living”. Saint Paul would say, “neither death nor life can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.” A wedding is a time of joy and completion after long preparation, a time of love and of complete satisfaction. In Judaism at the time of Jesus the coming of the Messiah is often compared to a wedding feast. The marriage feast at Cana must have been some party! At Mary’s request Jesus produced 200 gallons of wine. The letter to the Ephesians teaches that the love in a human wedding is only a pale shadow of Christ’s love for his bride, the Church. In this story of the royal wedding, however, two things go drastically wrong. First, the original wedding guests refuse to come. Not only do they refuse, but they brutally maltreat the innocent messengers, and the king (who must stand for God) relentlessly burns down their city. This must be a adjustment to Jesus’ story, applying it to the Sack of Jerusalem, captured and burnt by the Romans in 70AD, a few years before Matthew was writing. Secondly, the man who has no wedding garment is slung out. A wedding garment is a standard Jewish image for works of generosity expected of every faithful Jew. For us Christians, too, the story constitutes a double warning. Dear sisters and brothers, first reading confirms our hope of life and existence, God intends to give us in abundance. that would be fulfilled in Jesus’ feast of wedding banquet. God invites every one of us, you and me to the wedding feast. He gives equal opportunity to the priests and elders of the people, to the invited guests and to the people on the crossroads. There are people who work tirelessly to bring joy and happiness into the lives of the people; but there are people who choose to bring harm and destruction into the lives of the people. And refuse to come to the wedding banquet (life) and choose (death). Paul recognises God’s providence and strength in his letter to the Philippians. Calls upon them glory of God and blessings. This is our God who forgives and gives life in abundance. Remember, each one us is important, precious, and valuable. You and I are created in the image and likeness of God. It is by His will we are here, and it is He who will call us in His time. Our life span has God’s purpose. Bless you Fr Ephrem Let us pray for all those who are unwell especially Margaret Mansell, Barney Scully, Hazel Kingston, Nesi Tan, Warren Stevenson, Gerard Birss, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and those recovering at home including Eddie Wilkins. And we pray for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time; Danziel Kalolo-Apolinario, Zita Milne, Russell Stuart, Angela Panettieri, Jarlath Dooley and Robert Gates. There will be no adoration or confession next Saturday 17th October St Vincent de Paul New Members Commissioning, Holy Trinity Parish We are delighted to say that our Holy Trinity Eastern Suburbs Conference has welcomed 10 new active members: Mary Blair, Catherine McLauchlan, Leeroy Pinto, Irene Beamish, Alan Robinson, Cecilia Stipkovits, David Williams, Neal Swindell and Andrew and Annette Bridgman. Several other parishioners have offered assistance. We are grateful for the support of parishioners, parish council and Fr Ephrem to now fully extending our mission to people in need in the Kilbirnie community and the wider eastern suburbs. To offer prayerful support and allow for dedication of our members to serve humbly and practically, commissioning prayers by Fr Ephrem and these new members will be included after communion in the 10.30am Mass at St Patrick's Church on Sunday 11 October (Contact: Brendan Quirk, SVDP Eastern Suburbs, 021 236 5695). Farewell to the Capuchin Friars You are invited to a Farewell and Thanksgiving Mass for the Capuchin Friars who are withdrawing from work in the Wellington Archdiocese at the end of 2020. The Friars have been involved in Parish and Mission work since 1958. They will be sadly missed. The Mass will be celebrated on: Sunday 18th October 9.30am at St Patrick’s Church , Childers Tce, Kilbirnie, Wellington To be followed by a cup of tea in St Patrick’s Church Hall. Plesae bring a plate of food to share and leave in the hall prior to Mass We need volunteers to help with the cup of tea for the Capuchin Farewell Mass on the 18th. If you are available to help set up, be there for the food drop off before Mass, serve or clean up, please contact the office 388 6953 or [email protected] Finance Committee Meeting – 20th October 7pm, St Patrick’s Meeting Room Parish Council Meeting – 4th November 7pm, Gascoigne Room St Anthony’s Calling for volunteers. A form will be available in the coming weeks asking for more volunteers. This will include all ministries and such duties as setting up before Mass. Please consider now the ways in which you can best use your talents and help our community. Gascoigne Educational Scholarship. This scholarship is open to all ages groups who are present members of Holy Trinity Parish and are planning to study for 2021 and beyond at a tertiary level and who meet the qualifying criteria which are included in the terms and conditions. For an application form (including terms and conditions) email the parish office [email protected] or download a copy from the website Closing date: 31 October 2020 2021 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. You can either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: your name, the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. Bernadette Hyland also has them available for sale at St Patrick’s Church 2 Columban Calendar to give away! Two Columban Calendars have been very kindly donated by one of our parishioners. If you would like one of these please contact the Parish Office [email protected] or 388 6953 The little blue book for Advent and Christmas Seasons 2020 – 2021 5 copies of the little blue book have been very kindly donated by a parishioner. If you would like one of these please contact the Parish Office [email protected] or 388 6953 REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale soon in our Church foyers after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches, same price as last year's. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local St Vincent de Paul Conference activities in the eastern suburbs. Contacts: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knap, ph 970 3905), St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350), and St Patrick's Church (Frank Quirke, ph 387 4977). Looking for flat to rent. Single, quiet, professional lady in her 50s looking for a small 2 bedroom or 1 bedroom flat with possibility of storage to rent in the Eastern Suburbs up to $350pw. References available. Contact details [email protected] 04 386 4484 or 021 709 270 Joshua Don’t forget the Joshua men’s meeting this Thursday 15th October 2020 at 7:30pm (Note: cuppa from 7:00pm for 7:30pm start). Note: venue ‘Loaves and Fishes’ next to Anglican Cathedral, corner Hill and Molesworth Streets. Speaker: Fr Peter Ewart on “What can we learn from Teresa of Avila about prayer and trusting in Jesus” Also, keep Saturday 31st October free for Men's Retreat at Home of Compassion, Island Bay Want to know more? Ring Steve Ready 027-356-9555 or email: [email protected] The Bishops’ 2020 Election Statement-Whakapuaki Pōti has just been published. Printed copies of the Election Statement are available at the back of the church. The Statement online here: A link to it is also on the NZCBC Facebook page: And a media statement about it is online here: Respect Life Sunday 2020 on 11 October invites us to value and protect vulnerable members of our families, communities, society and nation in all we do. Quoting Pope Francis, the theme reminds us: “We are all frail, all equal, all precious”. Respect Life Sunday falls a week before the New Zealand General Election, in a year in which we face old and new questions about the way we value lives through the Covid-19 pandemic, abortion legislation and the euthanasia referendum. Sincere and humble worship of God bears fruit not in discrimination, hatred and violence, but in respect for the sacredness of life, respect for the dignity and freedom of others, and loving commitment to the welfare of all. Pope Francis: Fratelli Tutti, 3 October 2020 The CLC Kohanga community will shortly be running 7 weekly sessions to introduce new people to CLC and Ignatian spirituality. They welcome anyone interested to join with them. These are information sessions, there is no obligation to continue at the end of the 7 weeks, and they are free! The introductory evenings will be held at 7:30 pm every Tuesday from 13 October 2020 at a home in Hataitai. If you know anyone who is interested please ask them to contact: Chris Kelly on 0272942983 or email [email protected] or Andrea Havell on (04) 9721042 or 022 0925445 Election Weekend Latin Masses Three Latin Masses will be celebrated by newly ordained Auckland Priest Fr Roger Gilbride FSSP on the weekend of the national election. All are welcome. Saturday 17 October at St Mary of the Angels Chapel of Our Lady, 9.00am - Low Mass, then Rosary Sunday 18 October at St Mary of the Angels, 7.30pm – Missa Cantata in Solemnis, then Rosary Monday 19 October at Sacred Heart (Petone), 9.30am – Low Mass, Rosary, then morning tea in the church foyer. All enquiries to Neil Coup at 021 896 924 About to get married A wedding is a day, marriage is a lifetime. Could you successfully run a marathon without preparing for it? Of course not! So too marriage. The next opportunity to prepare for your lifetime together by attending a Engaged Encounter weekend marriage preparation course is 14th and 15th November. This is the final one for the year. For more details go to the website Phone Kate and Simon Olson. 04 801 6192 or email [email protected] Online Session (Evening): Mary and the Reformation – Mary, full of Grace with Br Kieran Fenn who has a wonderful way of bringing Scripture alive. Tuesday, 20 October, 7-8.30pm. Fee: Koha/Donation. ZOOM.For more information and registration: [email protected] See also: Online Session (Retreat Day): Who am I ? – Reflecting on our Identity in God with Eamon Butler. Saturday, 28 November, 10.30am-4pm. Fee: $60. (Please note new Date!) For more information and registration: [email protected] Isaiah 6:8 Next weekend our parish will be holding the Pontifical Mission (MISSIO-NZ) Church Appeal. This year we are invited to partner with the needy Church in the Philippines. They reach out to those who have been affected by poverty and disability. They give them hope and support to live a fulfilling life. Zyrhrie Costales is a seven years old girl but weighs only 7kgs when the team of Sr Maris found her. In recent months Zyrhrie has also been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The reach-out program of the diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija in the Philippines led by the Canossian Sisters and their teams worked hard to help bring integral development of mind, body, and soul of the children of the Diocese. Zyrhrie represents the many children who longs to live with top health. The Missionary Canossian Sisters and their team need your help. Next week you will be offered the opportunity to personally partner with the Church in the Philippines and other countries. Your gifts will specifically be directed to support communities and child- focused integral programs. May your generosity be an expression of your care for those less privileged. May your gifts be an expression of your response. Give from your heart. (09) 489 6549 KIWI ATHLETIC CLUB (est 1926) opening and enrolment nights 1st two Wednesday in October 5pm, Newtown Stadium. For College age to Veteran adults . Ideal for winter coders, newcomers. Contact Peter Jack 3886224 from 7pm Online Session (Retreat Day): Who am I ? – Reflecting on our Identity in God with Eamon Butler. Saturday, 24 October, 10.30am-4pm. Fee: $60. For more information and registration: [email protected] Vacancies for Engagement Assistants We're looking for team players in the Wellington region who feel passionately about social justice and advocating for a world free of poverty and injustice. You may be a recent graduate or school leaver. Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' agency for justice, peace and development. We play an integral part in the worldwide Caritas network of 165 Catholic relief, development, and social service organisations.We want to broaden our Wellington team who are working with our international partners, our donors and supporters, parishes, schools and the wider Catholic community. The assistant roles we are seeking to fill will be instrumental in providing support to our engagement and programmes work, ensuring we continue our mission in delivering aid, supporting development and advocating for justice around the world. These are fixed term positions. Hours can be full or part-time. We want people with an understanding of and commitment to the values of Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand. If you're interested in making a difference and would like to find out more about any of these positions visit or contact [email protected] .
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