Spiritual leprosy (Mk. 1:40-45)
Leprosy was the most dreaded disease in the ancient world. It was the AIDS of the first century, incurable. God may bring a miraculous healing on occasion, but apart from that, a man with leprosy was doomed to die. Leprosy is a disease Jesus came to cleanse. Sin is exactly the same, impossible for a man to save himself from sin. Sin may look attractive to us, but it is repulsive to God. Let us remember that God does not look on the outward appearance, but on the heart. Of course, we focus on the outward appearance. That’s why we put so much emphasis on exercise, jogging, gyms, health clubs, weight lifting, new clothes, and beauty salons. But in spite of how well we look on the outside, God looks at our heart and sees that which is ugly and repulsive to Him. Leprosy is really the loss of sensation to pain which makes sufferers susceptible to injury. It primarily acts as an anaesthetic, numbing the pain cells of hands, feet, nose, ears, and eyes. Similarly, the Bible tells us that sin makes a person unfeeling as well. Heart of stone hardens us toward sin. It hardens us toward God. Sin hardens us and makes us unfeeling. One of the most horrible things about leprosy was that it cut a person off from his friends and loved ones. There is no physical pain but the emotional pain experienced by the sufferer. Similarly, sin brings alienation into one’s life; primarily alienation from God. Spiritual leprosies are selfish, self-centred, greedy, lustful, proud, resentful people. They live for themselves and worship themselves. We all of us somehow contaminated by spiritual leprosy of sin have to own up to our sin and guilt in the presence of God. As long as we excuse our sin, or rationalize our sin, or justify our sin, we will stay in our sin, and eventually die in our sin. Becoming a Christian means we have to come cleansed before God. In order to be cleansed from sin we need to do holy violence against sin, repent and exercise self-denial. To the cleansed of our spiritual leprosy, Jesus will say “Go”. Don’t be ashamed of me or my Gospel. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. HOLY TRINITY PARISH CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2018 Children in year 4 or older who have been baptised in a Catholic Church and would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are eligible to enrol. Enrolment forms are available in the church foyers, School Offices, the Parish Office or on the website www.holytrinity.parish.nz All enrolment forms need to be completed and returned including a copy of your baptism certificate by the 18th February 2018 to the School Offices, the Parish Office or by email [email protected] Ash Wednesday Timetable for the Parish – 14 Feb 2018 St Anthony’s Church - 9am Holy Cross Church – 6.30am in the Parish Centre 9.30am at Holy Cross School Hall 7pm at St Aidan’s Anglican Church St Patrick’s Church – 11am 5.45pm Those who have blessed palms from last year, can leave them in the back of the church. Thank you Lenten Mass – 14 Feb – 24 March 2018 There will be 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Parish Centre from Monday – Saturday during Lent Stations of the Cross – Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church starting on 15th Feb – 22nd March 2018 Any Holy Cross group interested in helping with the stations of the cross at St Patrick’s during lent please contact Leona 973 3958 Anti-Euthanasia submissions are vitally needed to oppose David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill. One sentence is enough, more is even better! Closing date: 20 February, but please act as soon as possible to help protect Life Information: see www.parliament.nz under Parliamentary Business, then search for the Bill. At the back of this newsletter is the Letter from the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference and at the back of the churches is all the information and how to make submissions. The Annual Mission Fair of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver on Saturday 17 February 2018 10am - 1pm at St. Francis de sales Church hall and grounds. Goods (Rapid Raffle and stalls, such as: toys, fancy and knitted goods, jewellery, jams, wool etc.) & donations are greatly appreciated. Goods can be posted to Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, 1 Mersey Street, P.O. Box 7312, Wellington. “ Dove Women's fellowship will begin this year on Saturday 17th February at 1.15pm at Connolly hall with Praise and Worship. Our scripture for 2018 is Lam 3:22-24 with theme of hope. All women welcome. Contact Shura 0210724042 Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington extends an open invitation to men and women both older and younger for Mass followed by supper (Please bring some finger food to share!) on Thursday 15th of February 2018 at 7:30pm in in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Celebrant: Fr Peter Ewart (Joshua Wellington Chaplain) Want to know more? Ring John Kinney on mobile 027 6777 225 or e-mail: [email protected] Healing Service. Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service in St Teresa`s Church, Karori on Tuesday 20 February beginning at 7.30 pm. This is open to all. Please bring those who need Jesus` healing. Come and hear testimonies of those who have been healed. WREMO for Eastern suburbs residents about Community Emergency Response Planning starting Thurs Feb 15 with a Tsunami specific workshop at the Seatoun Village Hall followed up by emergency response planning workshops at Breaker Bay Hall, 21 Feb, 7 & 21 March. See noticeboard for more details. What: Holy Thursday Workshop (part of the Easter Triduum Series) Where: 1st floor Cafeteria, Catholic Centre, 22-30 Hill Street Wellington When: 7.00pm -9.00pm Thursday 22nd February – hot drinks available from 6.45pm Please rsvp to [email protected] before 15th February. Opening Event: Sun 11th February 2 pm in Knox Hall, 574 High St., Lower Hutt. Come and hear about the importance of protecting unborn children, mothers and families from abortion in our community. Mass for Life: Tuesday 13th February 7 pm St Anne's Church, Emmett St., Newtown. Join Cardinal Dew in A Mass to pray for the protection of life from conception to natural death and the success of this Lent's 40 Days for Life campaign. Join with 40 Days for Life. If you are able to stand in prayer for just one hour this Lent for the unborn and their mothers, please join the peaceful vigil on the footpath outside Wellington Hospital by signing up your hour at www.fli.org.nz/40daysforlife or text “40 Days” to 021 5112205. If you are not able to do that, please pray and fast where you are for an end to the tragedy of abortion and a new respect for life from conception to natural death. Home of Compassion upcoming events. Family Open Day at Our Lady's Home of Compassion Sunday 11 February 12 noon - 3pm An afternoon of activities and tours at the Home of Compassion. the refreshed Heritage Centre, the Resting Place of Suzanne Aubert, the Chapel, gathering spaces, garden and grounds. Personality and Purpose: Suzanne Aubert Monday 12 February 7pm – 8pm Jessie Munro, author of “The Story of Suzanne Aubert”, reprises this fascinating exploration of aspects of the life of Suzanne Aubert. Art and Architecture: The Chapel of Our Lady of Compassion and the Resting Place of Suzanne Aubert Tuesday 13 February 7pm – 8pm Hugh Tennent, architect, speaks on the architecture of the Resting Place and the experience of working on this project. Members of the Drawbridge family tell the story of the John Drawbridge stained art glass windows which illuminate the Chapel and Resting Place. Almsgiving sets us free from greed and helps us to regard our neighbour as a brother or sister. What I possess is never mine alone…When we give alms, we share in God’s providential care for each of his children. If through me God helps someone today, will he not tomorrow provide for my needs? For no one is more generous than God Pope Francis: Message for Lent 2018 We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Edward Monahan, Peter Dunn, Margaret Perry, Katrina Irving, Sr Moyra Dunn (RSM), Charles Sutherland and Theresa Jurczenko. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, Graeme Adams and Steve Kuzmicich and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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