Sirach and Matthew’s Gospel reading stress on the importance of the Commandments in Christian living. In I Corinthians, Paul reminds us that God’s revelation is “revealed to us through the Spirit.” For me, it is no accident that the placement of this discourse closely follows the Sermon on the Mount.
The basis for a good moral life, does need structure and a set of directions. Following the moral code of the Old Testament, and the calling to a higher plan of actions as described by Christ in Matthew’s Gospel, brings us closer to understanding and applying the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount in our life. I remember story told by a pianist: when my I was learning to play the piano I had to practice finger exercises, know the placement of my fingers on the keyboard, do scales, and learn to read musical notation, and above all, practice and more practice. Many a day it was a struggle for me to get through my practice time. As I improved, practicing was less of a struggle, and eventually playing became a joy for me. I could see it and feel it myself. My attitude changed from one of a struggle and fighting my lessons, to one of joy and contentment. The commandments are the same for us in our spiritual growth. We slowly grow in our faith walk, for the love of God and not as a set of arbitrary rules. As a result, our life becomes more joyous and free. Being a human, failure is an inevitable outcome. The key is getting back up each time with the help of the Holy Spirit. Fr Ephrem PROPERTY COMMITTEE FORUMSAs you may be aware, the Finance Committee established a property committee to review all the buildings and property in the Holy Trinity Parish and to make recommendations on the best configuration to meet the future needs of the Parish. A revitalized set of buildings that better meet the parish needs with reduced maintenance costs, is the property sub-committee’s vision for the parish. This also supports the Holy Trinity Parish vision agreed last year. The sub-committee invites you to join it at one of the following forum:
At the forum, there will be a presentation of what the committee is hearing the needs of the parish to be and possible options for meeting them. There will be time to ask questions and time to make feed-back. You can read the Committee’s thoughts being circulated through this month’s parish magazine. The parish magazine is also available at Your questions, comments and suggestions are an important part of the Committee’s work. In addition to the forum you can make comments and suggestions to [email protected] or leave your written comments and suggestions in the boxes to be placed at the back of our churches. Continued over page Why are we having to change? In issuing his amalgamation letter the Cardinal confirmed that the current churches would continue under their existing names. However, the Parish suffered a cash loss last year and our financial situation has needed review. As the review has ensued it has become clear that our current set of building don’t necessarily meet the changing needs of our Parish. Whilst we do have this financial set of constraints we need to look at the changes as a great opportunity. Why can’t we stay as we are? “If you always do what you’re always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got” - Henry Ford How will this tie in with the future of our Parish? We as a Parish have decided on our vision, the Parish Council has been working on ideas to help us achieve our vision, our property has to support our efforts in reaching the vision. The particular needs arising from the vision are encouraging our youth back into the church, help improve the church/parish relationship with the schools, and catering for a more diverse parish congregation. It is becoming clear that if we don’t now aim to grow the church its future is uncertain. HOLY TRINITY PARISH CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2017 Children turning 8 before 31st August 2017 or older, who would like to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are eligible to enrol. Information and enrolment forms are available in the church foyers, from the School Offices or from the Holy Trinity Parish Office. All enrolment forms need to be completed before Monday 13th February, 2017 and either returned to the St Patrick’s, Holy Cross, or St Anthony’s School Offices or to the Holy Trinity Parish Office in Miramar. St Anthony’s Bazaar - Come join the fun at the St Anthony's Bazaar, 10 Ludlum Street, Saturday 18 February from 11am to 3pm. Bring your family and friends and enjoy our bakery, farmer's market, crafts, second hand treasures, entertainment and food stalls. There will be an opportunity to buy St Anthony’s raffle tickets after 10.30am Mass at St Anthony’s this Sunday. Donations of wine and cakes for the Bazaar would be very much appreciated, both can be dropped off at the School on Friday 17 February. St Vincent de Paul Society, Seatoun & Miramar Conference. 2016:THE YEAR OF MERCY The Seatoun and Miramar Conference of St Vincent de Paul, offer a heart-felt thank you to St Anthony’s and Holy Cross parishioners and pupils, parents and staff of both St Anthony’s and Holy Cross schools. Your response to our appeal for groceries, treats and presents for our Christmas boxes, was overwhelming. Also grateful thanks to those kind anonymous parishioners who gave cash for supplies. On Friday 16th December 2016 members and friends of SVDP put together boxes/parcels and delivered them to 58 appreciative families of 180 people who may have experienced a glitch in life, be finding employment hard to come by, or things are getting on top of them and require some extra help at this time of year. Thank you to the packers, drivers and their helpers, who delivered all these boxes. Each and every person was a cog in the wheel of this act of kindness. Once again as in previous years, Paul & Anna Vegas, of New World Miramar, were extremely generous by donating a big range of groceries, toiletries and produce to place in the boxes. Also during the year, anonymous parish donors have contributed significant money to our Conference which has been used to help supply uniform, shoes, stationery and activities to students of Holy Trinity Parish in most need. Around $5,000 was distributed over the last year amongst the primary schools of Holy Cross, St Anthony’s, St Patricks, and to St Catherine’s and St Patrick Colleges. Kind parishioners have donated $11,600 between 2012 and 2016 to assist around 150 students from our most needy families. May God bless you all, good health and happiness for 2017. St Vinnies Kilbirnie in abeyance: Margaret Bearsley has stepped down from the role of President, and with no-one available to take up the role, the Kilbirnie Conference has gone into abeyance. The generous donations made by parishioners from St Patricks have been transferred to the Seatoun/Miramar St Vinnies Conference, so the funds are staying within our Parish to help those in need in our community. If anyone wants to re-start the Kilbirnie Conference, get in touch with Ozanam House in Newtown [email protected] Tel 04 389 7122. CELEBRATE LOVE ON VALENTINE’S DAY! Archbishop John invites you to join him to celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Hill St, Wellington on TUESDAY, 14 FEBRUARY at 7.00 pm followed by a glass of bubbly. Make up a group of friends and parishioners and go out for dinner afterwards! Joanne Gomez, Marriage Programs Co-ordinator 04 496 1719, [email protected] Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us on Thursday 16th of February 2017 at 7:30pm for fellowship and prayer in CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral). Speaker: Ivan Brunton, Joshua man on topic "Letting go of my children" Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or e-mail:[email protected] Dove Wellington invites all women to our meeting from 1.15pm to 3pm on Saturday 18 February at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington. This first meeting of the year is going to be a fun one. There is going to be lots of singing and prayer; giving thanks for the year ahead. We invite you to bring your prayer intentions for 2017, also to bring a empty bottle; as you may like to take home with you some of the holy water. It will be a fantastic meeting, filled with caring, sharing and community. We look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Shura Price for any queries on (04) 389 9938. Bethlehem University: NZ Vice Chancellor talks in Wellington "Br. Peter Bray, a New Zealander who is Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, will be speaking on the topic Bethlehem University - called to be prophetic! As an unashamedly Christian university, how should Bethlehem University respond to the situation in Palestine and in the Middle East? This will be an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a Christian university under occupation, and what attitudes should be promoted that reflect its Christian dimension in a country with less than 2% Christian and where Muslims make up the majority of the student population. WHEN: Wednesday 15th February at 6pm. WHERE: Connolly Hall Hill St, Thorndon 40 Days for Life - More than 13,000 preborn children are aborted every year in New Zealand. That is 36 Children every single day. Women are hurt – physically, mentally and spiritually. Men regret their lost fatherhood. 40 Days of Life is a local solution where people unite in prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities in order to end abortion. Please join your local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil March 1st to April 9th. Together, with God’s grace, we will bring about an end to abortion in New Zealand. Visit for more information or ph 04 237-8343. Join Cardinal John Dew in Mass for Life to open 40 Days for Life Tuesday 28th February 6.30pm St Anne’s Church, Newtown. Public meeting to Open 40 Days with Matt Britton Board Chair for 40 Days for Life. Come and be inspired and hear about 40 Days for Life, where ordinary people can make a difference! Thursday 2 March 7pm St Anne’s Hall, Newtown. Light refreshments served at 6.45pm Wellington Eucharistic Convention: St Patrick's College, Silverstream on Sunday 5th March 2017. Starts 8.30 am (Morning Prayer) and concludes with Mass about 5.30pm. Theme: "Pray, Pray A Lot!" (Our Mother's message to the Fatima children 100 years ago). Includes 6 talks and Reconciliation. $25 adults; $20 beneficiaries; Children under 16 free. Dr Philip G. Ney (Canada) Retired Child and Family Psychiatrist and Developmental Child Psychologist Speaking at two Events in Wellington on Wednesday 22nd February. Workshop: 1-3 pm at St Patrick's Parish Centre, Childer's Terrace, Kilbirnie. "Scientific Facts About Abortion and Abuse and What you can do about it." Public Meeting: 7 pm at St Anne's Hall, Emmett Street, Newtown " The real reasons women choose abortion and (what damages need to be addressed for Post Abortion healing)" Collection taken to help defray expenses. For his bio or more details contact Family Life International. 237 8343. Our Lady of Kapiti Building Project. 'Like so many other parishes we have had to embark on a building programme, as a fundraising endeavour we would like to introduce THE NEWSTALK ZB JUSTIN DU FRESNE MEMORIAL DEBATE/DINNER and AUCTION. The Subject: That cricket a game invented by God to teach the English the meaning of the word Eternity, In the affirmative Pinky Agnew, Tim Gordon and Karl Du Fresne In the negative Kathryn Ryan, Brian Waddle and Mystery Morrison Chairman: Rt. Hon. Jim Bolger, Judge: Judge Sir David Carruthers. It will be hilarious The Venue: Marist St Pats Rugby Clubrooms. Hataitai The Date: Friday 24th February, from 6.30pm The Cost: $125 per head, includes full dinner, dinner wines and entertainment BOOKINGS: Ticketek, or corporate or sponsorship opportunities [email protected] or 042933390 Please book early as numbers are limited. Liturgy Committee Formation Workshops - Tēnā koutou katoa, On behalf of Father Patrick Bridgman, Diocesan Liturgy Advisor, I am pleased to be able to confirm details of his up-coming formation workshop for Liturgy Committees being offered at two North Island locations: Catholic Centre Cafeteria, Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall, Level 1, Catholic Centre, 5 Palmer Crescent, 22-30 Hill Street, Wellington, Heretaunga, Upper Hutt 7.30-9.00pm 10.30-12.00 noon Thursday 23rd February 2017 Saturday 25th February 2017 This formation session is for both current and possible future members of Liturgy Committees. So, we encourage Leadership Teams to invite people along to the workshop whom they may at a future date invite to join their Liturgy Committee. Please also encourage all members of your current liturgy committee to attend either of the workshops being offered. If you have any queries about the workshops please do not hesitate to contact me. Can you please confirm names and contact email addresses of attendees before Tuesday 14th February to [email protected] 2017 Pilgrimage to the Statue of Our Lady, Paraparaumu CANCELLED Due to the building process of Our Lady of Kapiti and the closing of St Patrick’s church, Paraparaumu in early February this year, the annual pilgrimage to the Statue of Our Lady Paraparaumu will not be happening this year. We apologise to those who make this annual pilgrimage for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing you all again in 2018. Young Angel Voices Thursdays 4.30pm. Boys and girls 8 – 12 welcome. Come for an hour of fun, instruction and beautiful music. Community Room – St Mary of the Angels, 17 Boulcott St. Fun with voices ♪ learn lots of songs ♪ part-songs & rounds, ♪ learn to read music, ♪ singing technique Visit the website for Youtube links and click the ‘Music’ tab or contact…. Robert Oliver (04) 934 2296; mob 021 0257 4375 [email protected] CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES STREET DAY APPEAL - Thursday 23rd FEBRUARY 2017 Collectors are needed in Wellington, Newtown, Kilbirnie and Petone. If you are able to give an hour of your time to help, please phone Vivien on Ph 385 8642 or email [email protected]
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