Holy Trinity Parish Vision
We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Ecc 27, 33-28, 9; Rom 14, 7-9; Mt 18, 21-35 Forgive your neighbour the hurt he does you; and when you pray, your sins will be forgiven. Dear sisters and brothers, tomorrow’s big tree is today’s seed. Today’s reality becomes tomorrows dreams fulfilled. This world is filled with so many possibilities, just waiting to be explored. You and me have seed that is waiting to be planted, watered and God will give it growth. You and me have today to live and make the dreams of tomorrow come true. We are in the season of creation, that is bursting with new life and growth; a month of social justice and we are in our home, called earth is calling for reconciliation. The first reading the son of Sira brings to the house of God called Temple and shows the love he has for it and the law of God. The wise old scribe Ben Sira gathered together and reflected on the wisdom of the ancients, aware all the time that the Lord God is the source of all true wisdom. Most of his proverbial wisdom accords with that elusive quality, common sense, but it is none the worse or less important for that! Here he already looks forward to the message of today’s gospel parable: the quality of God which we know best is the divine name revealed to Moses on Sinai is ‘God of mercy and compassion’, and this echoes again and again down the scriptures. We are made in the image of God, and our glory is to imitate in our won poor human way, this divine forgiveness. Once we see love and forgiveness as our divine mode of living, our whole relationship with other people changes. The last few lines give us a good, common sense summary of the foolishness of quarrelling. For us forgiveness is the life’s-blood and the seed of the Christian community. In this seed the plant of discipleship takes its shape. We are acutely aware, that we cannot live together without upsetting one another, unwittingly, or even deliberately. So forgiveness is the vital step and real forgiveness cements a relationship, leaving it stronger than it was before the offence. Don’t forgive and forget but remember the forgiveness. Look at the Lord’s prayer which stresses on the ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others.’ This healing balm is not only to the person forgiven but the person who forgives too. It heals the Brocken heart, broken seed, and broken dream. The contrast between the two slaves sums of money is deliberately fantastic: the first slave owes millions of dollars, a sum no private person could ever repay, let alone a slave; it is more than a year’s tax for a whole Roman province. The second owes a couple of months’ wages of a casual labourer. Dear sisters and brothers, it’s like two friends receiving a milk in a glass; one sees the glass half-filled whereas the other sees the glass is half empty. The unforgiveness creates rapture among us and leaves the society fragmented but forgiveness makes us disciples of Christ and brings wellness to humanity and our home (earth). It gives us an opportunity to fulfil the dream God has for you and me. We are here to listen the old wisdom form Ben Sira, gather them with common sense, reconciliation and forgiveness brought by Jesus, and be the disciples of mercy and compassion. Forgive your neighbour the hurt he does you; and when you pray, your sins will be forgiven. “A full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap; because the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back” (Lk 6, 38). Fr Ephrem Let us pray for all those who are unwell especially Margaret Mansell, Barney Scully, Hazel Kingston, Nesi Tan, Warren Stevenson, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and those recovering at home including Eddie Wilkins. And we pray for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Erich Renner and those whose anniversaries occur around this time; Brian Slater, Beverley Thurlow and Mary Dysart. All Masses are suspended till we are back in alert level 1; Faithful are dispensed from Obligation of Mass as long as the restrictions remain. All churches are now closed except Holy Cross Church which will be open for personal prayer between 9am - 2pm each day. Following rules apply
We want to ensure we keep everyone safe Fr Ephrem is offering Mass every day from the prayer room in the presbytery at the following times till we are back at level 1
Holy Cross School baptism and feast of the Holy Cross – Monday 14 September 9am - postponed The school baptisms will now be on the 21st September and will only be for the children being baptised and their families. Feast of St Francis of Assisi Our Capuchin Friars and the Lay Franciscans are celebrating the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, their founder, on the 4th of October. There will be the Transitus of St Francis (passing away) on the 3rd of October 3.30pm at Holy Cross Church Miramar. The Solemn Holy Mass will be on Sunday 4th October 10.30am at St Patrick’s Church and the blessing of the animals 4pm via his Facebook page Ephrem Tigga We welcome you all to come and celebrate with us the Feast day of our Founder. Please note: This will only go ahead if we are at level 1. If we are at level 2, Fr will say Mass at the above times via his Facebook page Ephrem Tigga A big thank you to Francie Dwyer, Brendan Quirk, Tony Giannotti and Allan for coming and tidying up the gardens at the front of the presbytery. Looks great. And a big thank you to Ray Whelan for cleaning Holy Cross every day while we have been at level 2 so we can continue to keep the church open for personal prayers. Is anyone else is available to help with the cleaning? All cleaning products and PPE provided. If you live locally and have no underlying health conditions, please contact the office 388 6953 or [email protected] The latest copy of the Welcom is out now. Can you drop copies to parishioners you know? Do you want a copy for yourself? Since we are still at level 2, we need a way to get these out to parishioners. Drop by the office, ph 04 3885319 or email [email protected] Gascoigne Educational Scholarship. This scholarship is open to all ages groups who are present members of Holy Trinity Parish and are planning to study for 2021 and beyond at a tertiary level and who meet the qualifying criteria which are included in the terms and conditions. For an application form (including terms and conditions) email the parish office [email protected] or download a copy from the website http://www.holytrinity.parish.nz/ Closing date: 31 October 2020 2021 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. Either drop in and pay by cash or by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. Once the payment has cleared, you can collect the calendar from the office or once we are back at level 1, it can be left at the back of your preferred church. St Vincent de Paul Eastern Suburbs Conference appreciates the assistance of food and donations given over the last few months by many parishioners of our Holy Trinity Parish. Our members have delivered food parcels to several families experiencing hardship during COVID, children's clothing and knitted items, and household items. Donations have been put towards supply of school uniform, shoes, jackets and activities for many local school students. Visits and phoning to elderly and isolated parishioners continue to show the parish cares for them. If you wish to help with these acts of charity, please consider a direct online donation to our local Conference account which is: BNZ Kilbirnie, St Vincent de Paul Society, A/c No. 02 0576 0017 817 06 , reference “ Donation ”. If you want a receipt of the donation for tax purposes, do please contact our Treasurer , Maria Pene, ph 022 428 0247, [email protected] St Patrick’s Church Liturgy Committee are looking for someone to run the Sacramental Programme for the children in 2021. In this programme the children are prepared for Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion. Each Sacrament has 3 lessons each which are held in the Parish Centre before or after Sunday Mass. Resources are provided and help and support provided. Are you interested in taking part? Please contact the Chairperson of the Committee Patricia O’Donnell 04 934 3179. Thank you. Masses available on Television: Free to air telecast Shine TV Freeview channel 25 Sundays – 2pm 1Chronicles 16:23 “Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day.” Finance Committee Meeting – 13th October 7pm, St Patrick’s Meeting Room Parish Council Meeting – 7th October 7pm, Gascoigne Room St Anthony’s Over the centuries, and by the light of the Gospel, the Church has developed several social principles which are fundamental, principles that can help us move forward in preparing the future that we need. I cite the main ones which are closely connected: the principle of the dignity of the person, the principle of the common good, the principle of the preferential option for the poor, the principle of the universal destination of goods, the principle of the solidarity, of subsidiarity, the principle of the care for our common home. These principles help the leaders, those responsible for society, to foster growth and also, as in the case of the pandemic, the healing of the personal and social fabric. All of these principles express in different ways the virtues of faith, hope and love. Pope Francis: General Audience address 5 August 2020 Alternatives to on-line masses: See attached Family Liturgy of the Word Use this beautiful video clip to reflect/ discuss/ pray with : https://gratefulness.org/resource/this-place-is-heaven/ Notices from Titipounamu Study & Joy Online Session (Evening): Mary, the Mother of God – A Contemporary Understanding of Mary with Br Kieran Fenn who has a wonderful way of bringing Scripture alive. Topic on Monday, 14 September, 7-8.30pm: Mary in the Gospel of John. Fee: $25/session. Special fees for groups of more than 2 persons. ZOOM. For more information and registration: [email protected] See also: https://www.studyjoy.nz/events/virtual-teaching-mary-mother-of-god-i-with-kieran-fenn-fms-5/ Online Session (Retreat Day): Homecoming – A Journey of Transformation (Prodigal Son) with Eamon Butler. Saturday, 19 September, 10.30am-4pm. Fee: $60. For more information and registration: [email protected] https://www.studyjoy.nz/events/retreat-day-with-eamon-butler-the-prodigal-son/ JOSHUA FELLOWSHIP Come and join other men on Thursday 17th September 2020. A cuppa available from 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start in 'LOAVES and FISHES' next to Anglican Cathedral of St Paul, corner Hill and Molesworth streets. Speaker: Jane Sutherland sharing an amazing story of forgiveness “Forgive a little/love a little; forgive a lot/love a lot” Want to know more? Ring Steve Ready 027-356-9555 or email: [email protected] I want to sing to you – Fr Chris Skinner SM With an interlude from Kapiti Senior Singers. At our Lady of Kapiti Church on Sunday 20th September 2-4pm. Tickets $25 from Our Lady of Kapiti Parish Office 04 902-5815 or Mary Cook 027-298-3255 [email protected] CDs for sale at the concert. KIWI ATHLETIC CLUB (est 1926) opening and enrolment nights 1st two Wednesday in October 5pm, Newtown Stadium. For College age to Veteran adults . Ideal for winter coders, newcomers. Contact Peter Jack 3886224 from 7pm Youth Together – young people’s therapy group (Free) Monday 14 Sept – 7 Dec 3.15pm – 5pm Are you 13 – 17 years old? Have you had a refugee life experience? Do you want to meet others with similar experiences? Do you sometimes find life hard or stressful? Do you find yourself upset, angry or quiet? Would you like to have fun while developing skills to cope with school, family and making friends? If you speak enough English to complete your schoolwork without an interpreter then this group is for you. If you are interested contact Lorraine Singh (counsellor) 022 624 3699 or [email protected] or Mary Cook (psychotherapist) 022 680 3084 [email protected] Community Programme Inspire – open to Women from all Ethnicities with Refugee Experiences. Translators Available. Join Us Tuesdays 15 Sept – 01 Dec 2020 from 12pm – 2.30pm Central Wellington. For women 20years + register before 7 September by email or ph Anji Piper-Beckett 022 624 38703 or [email protected] or Carolina Henriquez 022 354 2860 or [email protected] Discover Maori Culture and world views how to balance your life and regain personal power. Create art, healing strategies, nurturing, cooking. Loear women’s rights in New Zealand strategies to build health lifestyles. Human Love in the Divine Plan (Theology of the Body)- First intake in Wellington! Course for Adults (18 years up) on September 19 & 20 (Saturday and Sunday) Venue: Challenge 2000, 1 Wanaka St, Johnsonville, Wellington. General Registration: $50.00. (closes three days before the event) Contact 0220289737 or email [email protected]. For information, visit: www.marriageandfamily.org.nz Be informed about the End of Life Choice Act Referendum: • The End of Life Choice Act is not an option of ‘last resort’. It will not just apply to the ‘exceptionally difficult cases’. It does not require that a person first make use of available treatments or counselling, nor that they first receive palliative care. A person does not need to be in physical pain. • If euthanasia becomes legal in NZ, people will access it because they think they lack other choices. Even though quality palliative care is effective, there is no corresponding legal right to access palliative care. Under current law, people can already say ‘no’ to treatments and can receive whatever level of pain relief they need. These days, no-one need die in pain. The EOLC Act is badly drafted and seriously flawed. Whatever one’s views about the idea of euthanasia, it is not ‘compassion’ to vote for a dangerous law. See www.riskylaw.nz or www.votesafe.nz or www.carealliance.org,nz or www.nathaniel.org.nz Authorised by John Kleinsman, 15 Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington The Suzanne Aubert Heritage Centre and Cloister Cafe are open Everyone is welcome to spend some time in our public spaces. Cloister Café: 9am to 3pm, Tuesday to Friday. 10am to 3pm, Saturday & Sunday. Suzanne Aubert Heritage Centre: 10am to 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday The story of Suzanne Aubert, is more relevant than ever in 2020. Come and find new inspiration in the exhibition rooms. Feed your spirit with a visit to the Chapel and Resting Place of Suzanne Aubert. Enjoy a barista coffee or a bowl of soup in the Café. Craft Gathering at the Home of Compassion Join us for our new weekly craft gathering. We will meet 12 noon on Wednesdays in the Suzanne Aubert Heritage Centre, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay. For more information contact (04) 282 1953 or [email protected] Bee Awareness Open Day 20 September, 11am-3pm. Bring all the family for crafts, honey tasting and learn all about bees from our beekeeper. You can purchase our delicious honey from our shop – but be in quick, there are limited amounts available! Our Lady’s Chapel at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay. https://soupkitchen.org.nz/donate/annual-appeal/ - Annual Appeal “Thanks for the meals you are providing every day. If it weren’t for you many of us would be searching for food in rubbish bins” – Compassion Soup Kitchen guest We missed this information last week, but 6 - 12 September is the celebration of Tongan Language Week - Uike Kātoanga'i 'o e Lea Faka-Tonga. Interestingly, the theme this year is: "Fakakoloa ‘o Aotearoa ‘aki ‘a e Lotu Mo’oni" which in English means "Enriching Aotearoa New Zealand through Prayer and Faith". it’s a good reminder, especially at this time, when to help keep ourselves and others safe from potential harm of Covid 19, many of are keeping our faith and prayer life strong, until we can safely gather together again as parish community in our church buildings. Maori Language Week – Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 14 - 20 September- Hepetema Gather in my name These changing Covid days there are still many different ways to gather virtually by zoom, skype, face time, in reality with family or in small groups, or in spirit. Christ is among us as we gather in these new or different ways. Christ is present too in the Word! While we may not yet be able to participate in Sunday Mass, remember, God’s Word. When we celebrate and proclaim the Word alone or in small groups, Christ is present in this special way and we are fed anew. Reading scripture alone or in a small group, reflecting on it and perhaps discussing it, then sharing some prayers is like experiencing a little liturgy of the Word. The NZ Bishops Conference invites us to take Māori texts, to treasure them and pray them. Some people ask why we use Māori in our liturgy and our prayer. One of the reasons is that it is an official language of New Zealand. It also does link into tenets of Catholic Social Justice. Some of us might consider adding a little Te Reo to our prayers and meditation this coming week. Te Tohu o Te Rīpeka – The Sign of the Cross Ki te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tamaiti, o te Wairua Tapu. Āmene. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. After Reading God’s Word Ko te Kupu a te Ariki The Word of the Lord Whakamoemiti ki te Atua Thanks be to God The response to prayer (including the Prayer of Faithful at Mass) Prayer: E te Ariki . . . Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou. Oh Lord . . . Listen to us. Season of Creation As we focus on the environment, we are called also to look at “common property” locally and globally across the planet. The survival of the planet depends on people working together in whatever ways we can. GLOBAL WARNING Creator God – maker and shaper of all that is, seen and unseen; You are in the expanse and depth of Creation, and in the processes that make life possible. Yet we are distracted by the gods we make ourselves and our lives become fractured and fragmented. In our brokenness we disturb the Earth’s capacity to hold us. Instead we find climate uncertainty and global injustice. Call us back from the brink. Help us to choose love not fear, to change ourselves and not the planet; to act justly for the sake of the vulnerable; and to make a difference today for life tomorrow. In your name – Father, Son and Spirit. Amen. Martyn Goss 2008: Source: Churches together in Britain & Ireland. Over time, ignorance, misunderstandings and greed have led to the failure of protection and to near-collapse of many life systems throughout the world. Pope Francis and others, are challenging us to value the world wide community and to do all we can in order to protect our lives and our world. Some thoughts and prayers for this week: Spirit of God, You establish the dance of Creation; bring life out of death and order out of chaos. Call us to radical action to care about the whole created world and to share resources more equitably with all life. O God, hear us we pray Give us your love for the whole of Creation Bless, O Lord, the plants, the vegetation and the herbs of the field, that they may grow and increase to fullness and bear much fruit. And may the fruit of the land remind us of the spiritual fruit we should bear. Coptic Orthodox liturgy, Egypt. Fr Chris Skinner S.M. sings Awesome God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7aR0CvQSBA Also remember to check out: https://tuimotu.org/ NCR – esp the Lense on Creation link has some fabulous articles and reflections. https://www.ncronline.org/ Support St V de Paul; Donate to the food bank; Watch your electricity use; Be creative with food left overs; Recycle what you can; Check out a local environmental organisation of interest; Challenge unnecessary use of plastic; Monitor your weekly rubbish; Be thoughtful; Benediction May God who established the dance of creation, Who marvelled at the lilies of the field, Who transforms chaos to order, Lead us to transform our lives and the Church To reflect God’s glory in creation.
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