Is 56, 1, 6-7; Rom 11, 13-15. 29-32; mt 15, 21-28
Dear brothers and sisters, as we grapple with the second wave of Covid-19 and levels of lockdown, it time to increase our self defence of prayer, love and care for one another; so that you and I might be safe from it. Our faith with work will take us across at this time of struggle and suffering. Hold on to God, solution is just round the corner. Yesterday we celebrated the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. It is an occasion to recognise God’s mercy to reconcile us to the Father. Through the “yes” of Mother Mary we see Christ like us and obtained full union with God. Mother Mary, the new EVE has become the source of life in Christ. Now let us look into the readings of the day, that God progressively fulfilled his promise of union with Him. Isaiah notes that the exiles have turned to the Promised Land, a sign that the promises mentioned earlier have been fulfilled. This is the opportunity to live faithfully the Covenant. Their deliverance from exile has strongly strengthened their identity as God’s Chosen People and made evident their mission to call others to the Lord. They are the number One or the Insiders, such as the Gentiles, are number two OUTSIDERS. Unfortunately, the foreign Outsiders are not the only ones discriminated against, but also the poor returnees from exile that found themselves victims of the rich and powerful and relegated to the margins of society. Isaiah is confident that God did not intend the Jerusalem community to be oppressive and unjust. The author hopes that life could be set up justly and nobody is “written off”. Practically, it means all must accept new rules and overcome the old order of exclusiveness and welcome everyone to the Holy of Holies, including the foreigners and poor Hebrews. Paul is convinced that the call to be a light to all nations has been irrevocable. The first call was to Israel and the second to others. In the gospel, Jesus went to the far north border of Israel, out of Galilee to the southern cities of Tyre and Sidon. These places were among the affluent regions in ancient times. Jesus, still in the Hebrew border region, meets a pagan woman, who comes from Phoenicia. She starts shouting at him asking for his help. To a Hebrew a Canaanite is like a “dog” which does not distinguish between clean and unclean food ... acknowledging the Davidic ancestry of Jesus, the woman hopes for a miraculous cure of her daughter. We have a conflict between chosen ones and outsiders, Jews and Gentiles. But Jesus brings the conflict to an end by making them both one community. It is common knowledge that everybody builds up our own boundaries that distinguish “us” from “them”. It is but natural to associate and feel at ease with our own group, with those of our community who speak our language, and with those who almost think and behave like us. Carried to extreme, this tendency leads to “discrimination” and violence. Look at the conflict, discrimination, violence we are causing because of our perceived “us” from “them”. Consider also the ethnic and derogatory jokes around us. We look down on those who are not of own kind and persuasion, who do not agree with us. Christ is the light of the World and in the language St Paul has “irrevocably” reconciled us to the Father. God’s love in Jesus has brought us together and we are united with Him. We are brothers and sisters to one another in Christ Jesus. Our love, faith in God, and prayer of perseverance will bear fruit. Our struggle is slight but joy of everlasting life is eternal. Fr Ephrem Let us pray for all those who are unwell especially Hazel Kingston, Nesi Tan, Warren Stevenson, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and those recovering at home including Eddie Wilkins. And we pray for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time; Anna Zanotto, Margaret Dodds, Mary Jarvis, Patricia Beattie, Christopher Burke and Robyn Adair . All Masses are suspended till Tuesday,18 August; No Holy Communion to the sick and homebound; priests will be available only for emergency call for sick and confession; No exceptions. Faithful are dispensed from Obligation of Mass as long as the restrictions remain. All churches are now closed except Holy Cross Church which will be open for personal prayer between 9am - 2pm each day. Following rules apply
We want to ensure we keep everyone safe Fr Ephrem is offering Mass every day from the prayer room in the presbytery at the following times Saturday 15th Aug - 10am Assumption Mass Saturday 15th Aug - 5.30pm Vigil Sunday 16th Aug - 10.30am Tuesday 18th Aug - 9.30am To join him live go to his Facebook page (Ephrem Tigga) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (15/16 August) This will be rescheduled to a later date. Thank you Vinnies Food Bank Appeal Saturday 29 August / 11am – 6pm at Pak n Save Kilbirnie The St Vincent de Paul Society is holding their final Food Bank Appeal, collecting food to support individuals and families seeking food assistance over the coming holiday season. Vinnies provide a choice-based food bank, supporting over 2000 people each year – which is only made possible by the generous donations from our community. If you can afford to drop a few extra items in your trolley on Saturday 29 August, please look out for our Vinnies collection table. St Patrick’s church Liturgy Committee are looking for someone to run the Sacramental Programme for the children in 2021. In this programme the children are prepared for Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion. Each Sacrament has 3 lessons each which are held in the Parish Centre before or after Sunday Mass. Resources are provided and help and support provided. Are you interested in taking part? Please contact the Chairperson of the Committee Patricia O’Donnell 04 934 3179. Thank you. St Catherine’s College Enrolments Enrolments are now open at St Catherine's College. If you would like to make an interview with our Principal, Steve Bryan or come and look around please phone us on 04 9398988 or email us on [email protected]. We still have preference and non-preference spaces available. We also have limited scholarships for families needing extra financial assistance, to pay $1000 towards your attendance Dues fees to the Archdiocese. St Catherine's College aims to nurture and empower our young women to be active and creative learners. Apply now – The Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship is open Tertiary students in the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston North who are entering into their third year or more of study are invited to apply for a Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship. Each student selected receives $3,000 towards their third year of tertiary study. For more details contact Kevin Crighton at [email protected] for application. Closes on 16 October 2020. Hospital Chaplaincy Assistants The Hospital Chaplaincy Department within Wellington Regional Hospital is enhanced by a team of volunteer Chaplaincy Assistants who give around 2 hours a week to visit all patients in a ward. We are currently looking to add to our team, people with good pastoral skills and willing to work within the terms of our contract with the Ministry of Health. A ten-week training programme is planned, running each Tuesday 1-3pm, beginning Tuesday 1st September to 3rd November. Expressions of interest are invited by Tuesday 25 August 2020 to Mary Minson at [email protected] Or: Mary Minson Chaplains Office Wellington Hospital Private Bag 7902 Wellington Healing Service Tawa The proposed Healing Service in Tawa on Tuesday 18 August has been postponed because of the uncertainty of whether we will still be in Level due to Covid transmission. Romans 10: 13-14 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.” With the uncertainty concerning covid-19 NZ Catholic is once again making available free of charge our latest issue in digital form. ELECTION FORUM The Archdiocesan Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission invites you to an election forum on environmental and climate change issues. Young people of the Archdiocese will put questions to representatives of political parties Cardinal John will give an opening address on Laudato Si’ – care for our common home, and the event will be chaired by Dr Areti Metuamate, CEO of Te Kupenga – Catholic Leadership Institute Where: St Mary’s College Hall, Guildford Tce, Wellington When: Tuesday 1 September, 6-8pm (nibbles from 5.30pm, please bring your own cup) Please register for this free event at Eventbrite I want to sing to you – Fr Chris Skinner SM With an interlude from Kapiti Senior Singers. At our Lady of Kapiti Church on Sunday 20th September 2-4pm. Tickets $25 from Our Lady of Kapiti Parish Office 04 902-5815 or Mary Cook 027-298-3255 [email protected] CDs for sale at the concert. Many of you will be grateful that Cardinal John has decided that in the interests of safety in the Wellington Archdiocese Masses and gatherings will be suspended during Alert Level 2 until at least after Tuesday 18th . People are dispensed from the Sunday Obligation and also that for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary . Here are some options for us to reflect and pray at home on the Alert Level 2 days. Saturday 15th Aug - 10am Assumption Mass Saturday 15th Aug - 5.30pm Vigil Sunday 16th Aug - 10.30am Tuesday 18th Aug - 9.30am To join him live go to his Facebook page (Ephrem Tigga) Saturday 15th is the Feast of the Assumption, the patronal feast of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand. THE GOSPEL for the Assumption Feastday: Luke 1:39-59 AN ARTICLE by FR JAMES LYONS: SHH …ITS TIME TO WHISPER by DR ELIZABETH JULIAN RSM Joy Cowley’s Magnificat Prayer from her book, Veil Over the Light (p.157) Song of Mary My soul sings in gratitude. I’m dancing in the mystery of God. The life of the Holy One is within me, And I am blessed, so truly blessed. This goes deeper than the human mind. My heart is filled with awe At Love whose only condition Is that it be received. It’s a gift not for the proud For they have no room for it. The strong and self-sufficient Do not have this awareness. But those who know their emptiness Can rejoice in God’s fullness. This is the Love we are made for, The reason for our existence. It fills our inmost heart space And brings to birth in us The Holy child of God. “If we have lived in the joyful service of God, which is expressed also in generous service to our brothers and sisters, our destiny, on the day of the resurrection, will be like that of our heavenly Mother.” Pope Francis 2018
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