Micah 5:1-4; Heb.10:5-10; Lk. 1:39-45
Service in Action The readings prepare us for the upcoming feast of Christmas by bringing together the major themes of the first three Sundays of Advent, namely, promise, repentance, transformation and joy. They remind us that the mystery of the Incarnation comes to ordinary people living ordinary lives, who have the openness to do God’s will and the willingness to respond to God’s call. Today’s readings suggest that we should not celebrate Christmas as just an occasion for nice feelings. Instead, commemorating Jesus' birth should inspire us to carry out God's word as Mary and Jesus did, in perfect obedience to His will, and thus to become true disciples. In the first reading, the prophet Micah insists that God chooses what is humanly insignificant and unpromising to bring about His own loving purposes. Micah gives assurance to the Jews that God is faithful to His promises, and that from the unimportant village of Bethlehem He will give them the long-expected ruler. The second reading, from the Letter to the Hebrews, reminds us that it is the person of Jesus Christ, Who has offered the perfect sacrifice of obedience that liberates us from sin. The reading portrays the Son of God as accepting a human body, the true Christmas theme. By His willingness or eagerness to do God’s will, Christ offered Himself in the place of all the other ritual sacrifices offered as the means of sanctification. This reading reminds us that God, like any loving parent, wants us to do His will. In the Gospel, Luke tells us how two seemingly insignificant women met to celebrate the kindness and fidelity of God. It shows us how sensitive Mary was to the needs of Elizabeth, her older cousin, who had miraculously become pregnant in her old age. For Luke, discipleship consists in listening to God's word and then carrying it out, and Mary does both, to become the most perfect disciple. What is our disposition after participating in the series of Christmas Novena homilies and other spiritual preparations? Have we decorated well the cribs in our hearts? If we have done so abundance of blessings, joy and certainly the worthy share of the bread from Bethlehem is well assured. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Wishing you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and safe holidays. We wish for you much joy and love, with a new year full of God’s goodness. Frs Ephrem, Gregory and Paul Christmas Novena 22 – 23rd December - St Patrick’s Church 7pm All are welcome to come join us for the final of the novena. There will be a priest available for reconciliation each night during the Novena. Thank you to all who have helped prepare, used their talents in various ways and also those who have given their time by attending this Christmas Novena, Advent The advent wreath symobises eternal life. The wreath is made of a circle of ever green branches. Four candles stand in the circle and each one represents one of the four Sundays of advent. • 1st – The 1st Sunday of Advent symbolises Faith with the “Prophet’s Candle” reminding us that Jesus is coming. • 2nd – The 2nd Sunday of Advent symbolises Faith with the “Bethlehem Candle” reminding us of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. • 3rd - The 3rd Sunday of Advent symoblises Joy with the “Shepherd’s Candle” reminding us of the Joy the world experienced at the coming birth of Jesus. • 4th – The 4th Sunday of Advent symbolises Peace wth the “Angel’s Candle” reminding us of the message of the angels: “Peace on earth, Good Will Toward Men” to all the parishioners who have given so freely of their time and talents, this includes members of committees, counters, altar servers, all church ministries and all those attending our churches. We make up the Body of Christ and each of you is important. I wish you all Happy Holidays and the peace of Christ. Fr Ephrem If you are coming to the Mass for Children on Christmas Eve at St Patrick’s Church and you have some little people that might want to dress as angels or stars they will be most welcome to be part of our service St Patricks Carpark We are very sorry that completion and sign off for the carpark has been delayed. This is due to a situation beyond our control; but be assured that the Finance Committee has been vigilant in trying to get the work completed. We also do not want to be liable for damage that may be caused if we were to regularly use the space prior to sign off. A diagram of the park, with an indication of parking spaces and the system for entering and exiting is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. Signage etc on the site will be added in January. Thank you for your patience and understanding. HOLY TRINITY PARISH SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2019 Children in year 4 or above who have been baptised in a Catholic Church and would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are eligible to enrol. Enrolment forms are available in the church foyers, School Offices, the Parish Office or on the website www.holytrinity.parish.nz All enrolment forms need to be completed and returned including a copy of your baptism certificate by the 15th February, 2019 to the School Offices, the Parish Office or by email [email protected] News and Views. This is a magazine delivered by email or to a letterbox to most parishioners on the parish roll on a monthly basis. The Pastoral Council has decided that this will now be distributed on a quarterly basis. We are seeking 3 or 4 parishioners or a family who could help with this publication. Essentially this would involve identifying any information which may be of faith-based interest to both active parishioners and those who are not regular attenders. Help with final copy is available. Please contact the office if you think you can help with this important communication. UPDATE for the progress on parish poperty decisions will be advised in the new year. St. Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference says a big thank you to Holy Trinity Parish parishioners, to pupils, parents and staff of Holy Cross and St Anthony’s schools and St Patrick’s College Young Vinnies, New World Miramar and Repco Lyall Bay, and SVDP members. Your response to our appeal for groceries, treats and presents for our Christmas boxes delivered to those in most need, was overwhelming. Thanks again to New World Miramar who were extremely generous by donating vouchers for a range of groceries, toiletries and produce to place in the boxes. On Friday, 14 December 2018 the Seatoun and Miramar members and friends of St. Vincent de Paul Society put together the boxes and hampers and delivered them to over 60 households for 230 people most in need of this extra help at this time of year. Thank you to the 25 sorters, drivers and their helpers who delivered all these boxes. Each and every person was a cog in the wheel of this act of kindness in the Holy Christmas spirit to our neighbours. May God bless you for what you did. Best Christmas wishes, Once Mary has received the message of the angel and said “yes” to the call to become the Mother of the Saviour, she sets out in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was in the sixth month of her pregnancy. Mary is very young; what she was told is a great gift, but it also entails great challenges… Yet Mary does not shut herself up at home or let herself be paralyzed by fear or pride. Mary is not the type that, to be comfortable, needs a good sofa where she can feel safe and sound. She is no couch potato! If her elderly cousin needs a hand, she does not hesitate, but immediately sets off. Pope Francis: Message for World Youth Day 2017 FROM 26th DECEMBER TILL 28th JANUARY THERE WILL BE ONLY ONE WEEKDAY MASS IN THE PARISH – CHECK THE MASS TIMETABLE ATTACHED FOR TIME AND CHURCH. (DON’T THROW THE TIMETABLE AWAY) The Dec. 23 – Jan. 26 issue of NZ Catholic is out now. Some headlines are: Papal medal awarded in recognition of decades in Maori mission. Wellington has new pro-cathedral. First Baptism at Otago Corrections Facility. Pope’s year in review. The next issue of NZ Catholic will be published on January 27. Christian Broadcasting Service: For a total 29 hours we will broadcast on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, reaching more than 250,000 ordinary New Zealanders with the true Christmas story. It's an amazing God -given opportunity to share the love and hope of Jesus, at a time of the year when people's hearts and minds are just that little bit more open to hearing the Good News. The are still only 60% of the way to reach their budget. You can make a huge difference making sure the Newstalk ZB, Radio Sport and RadioLIVE audiences hear the Christmas by donating direct to CBA bank account 12 3110 0014706 00 (enter your phone number in the Ref field to receive a tax receipt) or Phone 0900 80 222 to donate $20 from your phone account or visit cba.org.nz/give to donate by credit card. The Wellington Young Adults Catholic Community House - Mary's Mantle- is presenting to you the opportunity to live in community next year Living in the grand old presbytery in the peaceful suburb of Seatoun we are a community of young Catholics seeking to live out our faith in a greater way. We do this through committing to daily prayer, shared meals and community nights of fun, teachings and mass, and we encourage and support one another (as families do) to seek Christ and to grow in holiness in our jobs and lives. Our place is home to all young Catholics and therefore we also strive to offer hospitality to all who pass by! If living out your faith in community sparks your interest, consider if God may be inviting you to join us! If you are interested in finding out more (and you’re between the ages of 18 - 35) please get in touch with Chante Cooper, Damon Maclachlan, Sophie Hale, or Catherine Monastra or give Isabella a call to chat about all things ‘community!’ - on 0210539664. To all our Young Adult Catholic family, our place belongs to you too... our home is your home! If you are in Wellington, come stay with us, pray with us or share a meal! All our prayers and peace Mary's Mantle Challenge 2000 Marist Gap and Internship Year 2019: Aged 18- 24? Finished School or University and not sure what path to take? We have the perfect opportunity for you! The Marist Challenge Gap year programme, starting mid February enables you to make a difference, serve others and learn about youth work and different career paths while getting paid! The programme offers many opportunities to grow professionally, personally and spiritually and to gain a wide range of employment and life skills and experience. The applications are still open for 2019, if you are interested or want more information go to https://www.challenge2000.org.nz/ or contact Anna on 0278421280 or Kitty on 021491459. ST VALENTINE’S DAY MASS: Thursday 14th February 2019 at 6pm at St Joseph’s Church, Mt Victoria. All welcome to a celebration of love. Also, we are looking for couples who are celebrating a significant anniversary. If you, or if you know someone celebrating 25, 30, 40 or 50+ years married, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Felicity Giltrap at the Catholic Centre (04) 496 1719 or mail [email protected] House for rent urgently needed: former refugee family of 9 urgently need accommodation. If you can assist or know of any accommodation about to becoming available in the Wellington area, please contact Catholic Social Services at [email protected]
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