Who is Jesus for you/me?
Jesus’ question about who people think he is, initially sounds very familiar. After all, we shape our identity and measure ourselves in response to people’s comments and ideas about us. The presence of the other, the one or ones who are different, helps me to discover who I am. But it can go badly wrong. Look at modern celebrities and sporting champions. They can become hypersensitive to what people and the media are thinking and saying about them. In a way they have to be because their careers and their money depend on it. The sad thing is that they often end up conforming so much to public and media expectations that they really have no identity of their own or they develop a completely distorted idea of their identity. Today’s Gospel story is about affirmation, identity and purpose of Jesus’ mission. Jesus’ nature is now gradually revealed to the disciples. In response to Jesus’ question, the disciples list a whole series of labels that people have applied to Jesus. These names reveal the different expectations held about him. Some thought of him as Elijah, some saw him more like Jeremiah. They were trying to label Jesus based on their partial and limited experiences. Each one of us may have different idea about Jesus such as Living Bread, hidden Treasure, Great Teacher, to the sinner He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world etc. But to the Christian, He is the Son of the Living God, the Savior, the Redeemer and Lord! In our lives too, we label people based on biased opinions and isolated incidents which they may be far from the truth. Before you ask let your words pass through three gates. Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? The second reading calls our attention to the fact that faith without deed is dead. Love ought to show itself more in deed than in words. We must proclaim Jesus and witness to him not so much through our preaching but more through our loving action. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Parish Manager—Holy Trinity Parish Wellington Holy Trinity Catholic Parish is seeking applicants with time, energy, motivation and good communication skills to fill a newly created role of Parish Manager. A practicing Christian currently participating in a parish would be a preferred applicant. A key role of Parish Manager is to assist the Parish Pastoral Council to review and assist with implementation of the Annual Parish Plan, objectives and priorities and to assist the Parish Priest with some administrative activities. A working knowledge of modern communication platforms and an ability to relate to parishioners and the wider community with compassion and integrity is a key requirement. Working within a team environment to support harmonious relationships across all parish groups is an essential skill. This is a fixed term, part-time, paid position of up to 24 hrs per week with a finishing date of 20 December 2019 To apply for this valuable role, please send your CV and reference contacts to Parish Priest, Holy Trinity Parish, PO Box 15-256, Miramar, Wellington 6243. Closing date for applications is Friday 21 September 2018. HOLY TRINITY PARISH MASS - 10AM SUNDAY 30th September AT ST PATRICK’S CHURCH We will be celebrating Sunday Mass together at St Patrick’s Church. For those who are unable to be at this Mass, there will be the 5.30pm Vigil Mass at St Patrick’s Church. Please note: These will be the only 2 Masses in the Parish on the 30th September The Exaltation of the Holy Cross The feast day for Holy Cross Church will be celebrated at both the 9am & 5pm Masses. Parish Liturgy Committee Meeting: Tuesday 18th September 7.30pm St Patrick’s Meeting Room Finance Committee Meeting: Wednesday 19th September 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre. Devastating floods in India have caused huge losses for already poor families. In support of our Priests we have a collection box for monetary donation at the back of each church. Funds will be donated to the flood victims of Kerala. Your generosity would be appreciated. Alternatively donate by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use FLOOD as the reference Sunday 23rd September 5pm service will be held in the Holy Cross School Hall – The School is looking forward to joining the 5pm Parish Mass which will be held in their hall where senior students will be leading the music for this service. Mary of Nazareth an epic film on the Mother of Christ. Legion of Mary will host a movie /n cup of tea on October 24 after the 9.30am Mass at 9.30 at Holy Cross Parish Centre. Everyone is welcome. a pair of glasses were handed in to St Anthony’s School that were found on the front lawn outside the Church. If these belong to you, please contact the school 04 380 6971 or [email protected] 2019 St Anthony's Biennial Bazaar The St Anthony's School/Church Bazaar has been set for early March next year - exact date TBC. This is a significant fundraiser for our school and Church. Thank you to those who came along to our last two meetings and shared fantastic ideas. We have set our next meeting for Monday 24 September at 7pm in the Gascoigne Room. All welcome! First Parish Liturgy combined gathering – 25th September 2018 6pm at St Patrick’s Parish Centre We will be having a workshopping session focusing on the vision with the Parish Liturgy Committee terms of reference. All those involved in organising liturgy in all the churches in our parish including church liturgy committees, the school DRS’s, children’s liturgy, music groups, and those interested in being involved are requested to attend. If you have any questions, please contact David Sullivan (Parish Liturgy Chair) 021 244 0445 or [email protected] St Vincent de Paul Memorial Mass, 7pm, Thurs 27 September 2018, Holy Trinity Parish. Parishioners in St Anthony's, Holy Cross and St Patrick's Church communities are warmly welcomed to join your St Vincent de Paul Society members from the Wellington Area and Young Vinnies from our colleges for the annual memorial Mass at 7pm, Thursday 27 September 2018, at St Anthony's Church, Seatoun. The Mass celebrates our patron saint and prays for all Vincentians, our clients, and our supporters. Supper after. (Contact: David Corcoran, SVDP Seatoun & Miramar Conference, phone 04 388 4991). Gascoigne Educational Scholarship 2018. This scholarship is open to all ages groups who are present members of Holy Trinity Parish and are planning to study for 2018 and beyond at a tertiary level and who meet the qualifying criteria which are included in the terms and conditions. For an application form (including terms and conditions) email the parish office [email protected] download a copy from the website http://www.holytrinity.parish.nz/ or copies available from the back of each Church. Closing date: 31 October 2018 2019 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. Calendars will be available for sale from next weekend. You can either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, or email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. St Patrick's College Art Exhibition, Kilbirnie, 6.30pm-9.30pm 21 September 2018 Tickets are on sale now on Eventfinda or from the College for this much-anticipated event (contact [email protected] or phone 939 9070). Tickets are $25 and include light refreshments. This is a great night out to view or purchase high-quality art by more than 30 established and upcoming artists. Over 130 artworks, including ceramics and jewellery, will be available for purchase. Thank you for your support of this event which is a fundraiser for the College. Kiwi Athletic Club opening and enrolment night 1st Wednesday in October 5pm Newtown Stadium. For College age to Veteran adults. Ideal for winter coders, newcomers Contact Peter Jack 388 6224 from 7PM HOLY TRINITY PARISH CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB - next meeting SUNDAY 30th September The book club will next meet Sunday, 30th September, at 6 pm. Any inquiries please phone Allan 3882 840, or email [email protected] Meetings are last Sunday of every month, 6pm, in the parish centre, Holy Cross Church, Miramar. Supper provided. St Anthony’s Art & Crafts Team Bazaar 2019 Do you know someone who knits or crochets? ● We are looking for donations of knitted or crocheted items to sell alongside our amazing art and crafts next year for the St Anthony’s School Bazaar, - can you help? ● Can you knit up some items over the summer months - wool can be provided! ● Any of the following would be gratefully accepted: Booties, blankets, toys, cardi’s, hats, jersey’s, tea cosies or anything else! Donations: ● We are also looking for donations of good quality material, and cactus or succulent plants - can you help? ● Items can be left in school office ● If you can help us out with any of the above, have helped out before on the day and would like to again, or have an idea and would like to join the team please contact Claire St Just 0211874785 or [email protected] Vinnies Book Fair Saturday 29 September – 8am – 4pm and Sunday 30 September – 9am – 3pm St Anne’s Church Hall 22 Emmett Street, Newtown. The bi-annual Vinnies Book Fair is back once again. All books are $2, so we know you’ll find a box full of your favourites. The proceeds from the Vinnies Book Fair go towards supporting the St Vincent de Paul Society Welfare services. From providing food parcels and advocacy to helping people move into their new homes, combating loneliness and upskilling members of our communities. We are looking for volunteers to support the book fair from Friday 28 Sep – Sunday 30 Sep. If you are interested in lending a helping hand or would like additional information, please contact [email protected] or 04 389 7122. Catholic Marriage Preparation course ‘Love is a Decision’ Getting married soon? or is someone you know getting married in Summer 2018/2019? Bookings are open now for the final two marriage preparation courses for 2018. The ADW Marriage Preparation Course ‘Love is a Decision’ will be run in Wellington on October 7 & 14 and November 18 & 25. Courses for 2019 start again in March. Please contact Felicity Giltrap at the Family and Young Church Office (04) 496 1719 or [email protected] for more information or to book for a course. Rental accommodation sought for family A 3-bedroom house is sought for a family originally from Ethiopia, with two sons at St Patrick's College, Kilbirnie. Excellent New Zealand reference available. Please contact Amanda Calder, Refugee Family Reunification Trust, [email protected], 04-4757994. Go you are sent to accompany one another 10(b) Involving young people in service to others is a priority, underpinned by formation in a “spirituality of service”. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington invites men to come along and join us on Thursday 20th of September 2018 at 7:30pm (Note: fellowship from 7:00pm for 7:30pm start) in The Loaves and Fishes Hall next to the Anglican Cathedral of St Paul, corner Hill and Molesworth streets Thorndon. Speaker: Cardinal John Dew, back from the ‘World Meeting of Families’ in Ireland and about to go to Rome. Living the Splendour of Truth’ International pro-life, pro-family conference: This amazing weekend conference will help you, your family and our entire culture rediscover the newness of the faith and its power to enlighten and transform our communities. This is also once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the daughter of St Gianna Beretta Molla – the daughter she gave her life for. Experience beautiful liturgies, pray and learn how we can live of Christ and allow Him to encounter our culture– a culture that is in desperate need of His Love and Mercy. 5-7th October. Epsom Girl’s Grammar School. Early bird rates apply only for a short time. Register now at www.fli.org.nz/prolifeconference2018 or phone 09 629 4361. LIFEFEST 2018: Attention young people and youth groups! A one day hands-on event providing young people, 13 to 19 years, with important tools to build a new culture of life into the future! Amazing overseas speakers. Formation-Food-Prayer-Prizes. An October holiday day well worth the $20! Sponsorships available. Thursday 4th OCTOBER: 9 am to 9 pm . Epsom Girls' Grammar School, Auckland. ALSO: cheap accommodation available for those travelling a distance for the nights of the 3rd and 4th Oct. For more info or to book the accommodation email: [email protected] txt: 021 2317954 ph: 04 2378343 or Michael on 021 825 955. You are warmly invited to attend the Ecclesia Dei (Latin Mass) Society of NZ Retreat Fri 5 Oct - Sun 7 Oct at The Home of Compassion, Island Bay. Bishop Basil Meeking, Emeritus Bishop of Christchurch, will lead the retreat and he will give three inspiring talks: It is the Mass that Matters: (1) Calvary Continued; (2) God Feeds us; (3) One Church, One Eucharist. The Latin Mass will be offered each day with Rosary, devotions, Adoration, Reconciliation and time for meditation. Cost: Full retreat with all meals $250.00; Day attendance (no meals or accommodation) $40.00 - other options available on request. Ph Neil Coup:589 6924, 021 896924, Jan Curran: 07 838 2646, Email: [email protected] Rosary Aotearoa is encouraging parishes and groups to gather at different locations around the country at 3pm on Sunday 7 October to pray the Rosary. For more information and to register a group and location see www.rosarynewzealand.nz. October Mass Rosters are available on the website or from the back of the Church We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Alejandro Nable. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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