Holy Trinity Parish Vision
We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Further to the letters you received on Wednesday from the New Zealand Catholic Bishops and I, in consultation with the Parish Council, I wish to inform you that all churches in the Holy Trinity Parish will remain closed until we can complete all health and safety requirements for any and all types of church use. Our primary focus must be the safety of our church community. I appreciate this is a challenging time for us all and thank you for your continued patience and support. I commit to updating you all next week with regard to how we are progressing with the health and safety requirements and the logistics required to support these requirements. With lots of prayer of gratitude and blessing. Fr Ephrem Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; 1 Pet 3:15-18 John 14:15-21 I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever. Dear sisters and brothers today is the sixth Sunday of Easter. As we approach the feast of Pentecost, the Church invites us to celebrate the coming of the Advocate. She calls us to celebrate the Spirit of truth who strengthens us in the proclamation of the good news. The message we bear is not false, rather, it comes from the Advocate. Our first reading is a continuation of the frantic efforts the Disciples of Christ are making in order to bear testimony to the risen Lord. Through their efforts, the Samaritans received their Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. On this day, Peter performed his Episcopal function by laying hands upon the new converts. Since Philip baptized these new converts, why did he not confirm them? Why was it necessary for Peter and John to travel that long distance, in order to lay hands on, (or confirm) the new converts already baptized by Philip? An understanding of our Catholic Catechism is very important here. What Philip did by inviting Peter (the chief Shepherd of the Apostles), was absolutely in line with the Church’s teaching on Confirmation: “The ordinary minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation is the bishop. If the need arises, He may grant the faculty to priests, although, it is fitting that he confers it himself mindful that the celebration of Confirmation has been temporarily separated from baptism for this reason. Bishops are the successors of the apostles” (CCC 1313). The Samaritans needed the Holy Spirit as much as we do today because, it is the Holy Spirit that strengthens and makes one a true soldier of Christ (CCC1303-4). He helps us to bear witness to the truth without fear: “You have not received the Spirit of timidity, but the Spirit of sonship. The Spirit bears witness that we are God’s Children” (Rom 8, 15-16). It is this same Spirit that resurrected Christ, that gives life to our mortal body (Rom 8: 11). As the principal agent of evangelization, He confirms the truth we preach. In the second reading, Peter encouraged us to have reverence for Christ. Also, he admonished us to treat with respect even those who despise the gospel we preach. Hence, he reminds us of the animating power of the Holy Spirit even in the life of Christ: “In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life.” It is the same spirit that raised Jesus that sustains us in the truth. This means that once the Spirit of God comes upon us, we become active for Christ, because: “What gives life is the spirit of God (John 6, 63). Dear sisters and brothers, as we are a couple of weeks away from Pentecost, in today’s gospel, Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit, the Advocate. However, He gives a condition for receiving the Advocate: “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” When we do this, he adds: “I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever, that spirit of truth…I will not leave you orphans.” What is this commandment that we must keep in order to receive the Spirit of truth? It is: “Go into the whole world and preach the good news to all creation (Mk 16: 15). It is also, a command to love both God, and our neighbour (Luke 10, 25-27). When we do these, we are certainly preaching the good news of truth. The advocate will come to strengthens us in the way of truth. He will also come to confirm that in deeded, we are sons of God. So, let us pray: Come, O Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. alleluia. Fr Ephrem Pray Rosary: Month of May: within the cycle of a year, the Church unfolds the whole of the mystery of Christ, from his incarnation and birth until his ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of blessed hope and of the Lord’s return … In celebrating this annual cycle of Christ’s mysteries, the Church honours with special love Mary, the Blessed Mother of God, who is joined by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son. In her the Church holds up and admires the most excellent effect of the redemption and joyfully contemplates, as in a flawless image, that which the Church itself desires and hopes wholly to be (SC 102 & 103). May I call you to reflect our redemption through Rosary with Mother Mary in this holy month of May. Fr Ephrem is offering Mass every day from the prayer room in the presbytery at the following times Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri, Sat 9.30am Thurs 7pm Sunday 10.30am To join him live go to his Facebook page (Ephrem Tigga) If you would like Fr to offer Mass for yourself or a loved one, please contact the office by either phone or email Masses available on Television: Free to air telecast Shine TV Freeview channel 25 (please note change of time) Sundays – 2pm https://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/adw_community/resources-for-an-unusual-time/ Let us pray for all those who are unwell especially Fr Michael O’Dea, Nesi Tan, Warren Stevenson, Eddie Wilkins, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Ian McKinnon and those whose anniversaries occur around this time; Maria Peters, James Leach and Margaret Walsh. We also remember our leaders and all those involved in providing essential services. Spirituality of Service Programme to be available for all Members of the Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee began the Spirituality of Service Programme in March 2020, intending to complete it over the Lentern Season. As with so many things, COVID-19 interrupted those plans, but we will recommence the Programme as soon as we are able to get together again, as it provides such a wonderful experience for us. The Parish Pastoral Council is developing a Plan for offering the Spirituality of Service Programme to all the Parish. Watch this spot for more information as the Plan comes together. You can review the Programme Outline under the Resources tab on the Archdiocesan website ( https://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/) or via this link, or contact Parish Pastoral Council member Margaret Bearsley at: [email protected] or ph 021 344 356 for more information. Covid 19 - St Vincent de Paul Holy Trinity Parish. our Holy Trinity SVDP Conference continues to reach out to many local people, within and outside our parish in the eastern suburbs, who may be isolated or vulnerable at this difficult time. 180 homes have been phoned or attempted to phone over the last six weeks, following Jesus present amongst those who suffer or may be excluded from society. Should you know of any other isolated people who would appreciate a phone call or are in need of emergency food or winter bedding support, please contact: Tina Quidilla SVDP, ph 021 159 2412, email: [email protected] Do please continue to keep the sick, lonely, poor and marginalised in your prayers. Blessings to all callers, carers and helpers. Brendan Quirk, St Vincent de Paul Conference, Holy Trinity Parish. Latest edition of the NZ Catholic online: https://indd.adobe.com/view/a27756d2-341a-4d87-a28e-cdbf07465386 The risk is that we may be struck by an even worse virus, that of selfish indifference. A virus spread by the thought that life is better if it is better for me, and that everything will be fine if it is fine for me. It begins there and ends up selecting one person over another, discarding the poor, and sacrificing those left behind on the altar of progress. The present pandemic, however, reminds us that there are no differences or borders between those who suffer. Pope Francis: Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter, 19 April 2020 Laudato Si Week 16-24 May Pope Francis renews his urgent call to respond to the ecological crisis: “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up? The cry of the earth and the cry of the poor cannot continue… I would like to invite you to participate in Laudato Si' Week from 16-24 May 2020. It is a global campaign on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the encyclical letter Laudato si': On the care of our common home.” “Let's take care of creation, a gift of our good Creator God. Let's celebrate Laudato Si' Week together.” Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is from 25-31 May (Ascension Sunday to Pentecost Sunday). See next Sunday’s newsletter for all the details and resources COVID - ALERT LEVEL 2 At Alert Level 2, there is more freedom to move around and reconnect with close family, whānau and friends. If you are an at-risk person, you’ll need to take extra care when doing this. Reminders to help you to stay safe: Ø Reconnect with smaller groups of close family, whānau and friends. Ø Try not to interact with too many people outside of your own social circle as it won’t be easy to do contact tracing if necessary. Ø Keep a 2 metre distance from people you don’t know in public places and take extra care with hygiene practices. Ø Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily and wash and dry your hands before and after you leave home. Ø Wipe keys, handrails and other regularly touched surfaces. Ø Avoid passing around your mobile phone to others. Ø Remember soap and water are your friends Ø And possibly more. . . There is more detailed guidance available for people who are at higher risk of COVID-19 at Alert Level 2. This guidance includes advice on shopping, work, socialising, travel and recreation: Guidance for at-risk people at Alert Level 2 [PDF, 64 KB] ONGOING HELP and SUPPORT St Vincent de Paul continues to do a great job throughout the area. (Always welcoming new members) The local Saint V de P account for donations is: A/c No. 02 0576 0017 817 006, reference “Donation”. If you want a receipt of the donation for tax purposes, do please contact our Treasurer, Maria Pene, ph 022 428 0247 Thank you again for those of you who have been able to continue ongoing financial support for the parish, especially the increase in on-line giving. Our details: HOLY TRINITY PARISH BNZ BANK ACC 02-0536-0185031-000 Use your surname and/or envelope number as a reference. When the Churches are re-opened for Mass there will be Collection boxes inside the church for you to place your offerings and envelopes. Food basket collection baskets will most likely be placed there too. A final HUGE THANKS to all those who have put themselves on the line over past weeks to keep the rest of us as safe as can be. Thank you too, to all the family members who’ve cared for and supported their families, friends, neighbours and others. LAUDATO SI’ WEEK 16 – 24 MAY It’s rather interesting that as we’ve moved into Alert Level 2 with an ongoing health and safety challenge to opening our Churches to larger groups we are also moving into Laudato Si’ Week with a challenge from Pope Francis to “care for our common home”. https://laudatosiweek.org/ We are invited to join in an International Global Prayer at noon on Sunday 24th. Attached to this week’s newsletter is the prayer card and further relevant information from the Archdiocese. The Marist Messenger has a thought provoking article: https://www.maristmessenger.co.nz/2020/05/01/laudato-si-week-16-24-may/ In addition to prayer and reflection, let’s each do what we can to help make our world a better place maybe even just by reducing, re-using and re-cycling in our everyday lives! These sites may be helpful in this: Ø https://sustaintrust.org.nz/ Ø https://sustainableliving.org.nz/actions.aspx Ø https://www.oneplanet.org.nz/environmental-awareness-calendar As we take steps towards our new normal – let’s be careful, ponder, pray and take positive action for a renewed and better world. PRAYER FOR AN EMERGING FUTURE Wellspring of Compassion, Container of all life, Join us as we lean into a future coming to be through our humble efforts. Lead us into your emerging future. Empower us as we drawdown our harms. Transfigure our despairs, may they become the fertile fields of a world made new. We invoke your Good Spirit to enfold everything in a bounty of blessing. Open to us the life-force of all that lives, encourage us, teach us the art of co-creation in your world. Whaea nui o te Taiao katoa, inoi mō mātou. Mother of the New Creation, pray for us. Keeping safe at level 2 · Keep at home if sick · Keep it quiet · Keep washing your hands · Keep your distance · Keep yourself covered · Keep notes https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/14-05-2020/siouxsie-wiles-toby-morris-simple-rules-to-play-it-safe-at-alert-level-two/
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