Holy Trinity Parish Vision
We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Isaiah 55:1-3; Romans 8:35, 37-39; Matthew 14:13-21 Boundless generosity of God: God gives freely and God gives in extravagant measure. Dear sisters and brothers, Isa 55:1-3. Speaks to the Israelites, who have known such a miserable existence during the time of Exile; the prophet holds out a vision of the messianic age. While the corn, wine and milk that is freely offered may refer in first instance to these foods in a material sense, the invitation to ‘come to the water’ echoes language associated in other parts of scripture with divine Wisdom (Proverbs 3; 8; Sirach 4; John 7:37-39). This suggests that what is really on offer is a divine enhancement of life for which, in the depths of their being, most people thirst. All forms of spirituality, all techniques of prayer, seek to tap this source of life, which is the gift of God alone and which, like a perpetual spring of water, is freely given. The episode of the Multiplication of the Loaves that forms the Gospel, Matt 14:13-21, looks backwards to biblical traditions about God’s generous provision of food, such as the manna in the wilderness (Exodus 16; Numbers 11) and the multiplication miracle of the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4:42-44); it looks forward to the gift of the Eucharist and, ultimately, to the final banquet in the Kingdom of God, of which the Eucharist is both foretaste and symbol. In Matthew’s account what they particularly seek from Jesus is healing (in Mark 6:34 he ‘teaches’). When, despite his desire to withdraw, he accedes to their needs, they show no inclination to disperse. So, the disciples, functioning rather like ‘minders’ attached to a celebrity, urge him to send the crowds off to nearby villages to buy provisions for the night. Jesus reacts to the word ‘buy.’ He will not send people away to buy anything – nor should his disciples (see the First Reading): ‘There is no need for them to go; give them something to eat yourselves. When the astonished disciples point out that they barely have enough for themselves, Jesus freely provides more than enough food for the whole multitude through the miracle of the multiplication. Dear sisters and brothers, this is one of the more difficult miracles of Jesus to explain in terms of what might have ‘really happened’. Preachers are probably wise to keep away from such speculations – ultimately fruitless since we simply haven’t got sufficient information to ever know for sure. The fact that the tradition appears no less than six times across all four Gospels points to its theological significance in the early Christian tradition. It is on this that we should chiefly focus. Central to the theological significance is the way in which the episode anticipates the institution of the Eucharist. Jesus’ gestures – ‘taking (the loaves)’, ‘blessing’, ‘breaking’, ‘giving’ – foreshadow those at the Last Supper (Matt 26:26). The Evangelist expects that readers will understand that when they participate in the Eucharist they are experiencing the same divine hospitality that the Galilean crowds in this ‘lonely place’ experienced from Jesus. The miraculous feeding and the Eucharist which it foreshadows make clear that what God wants to do for humanity is simply be a most generous Host at the banquet of eternal life. At the same time, since it depicts people being fed with real food, it is also ‘sacramental’ in the sense of bearing directly upon the problem of hunger still affecting so large a proportion of our world. The Lord who looked on the large crowd and took pity on them, looks with similar eyes upon our world and instructs us, as he instructed his disciples, ‘Give them something to eat yourselves’. God gives freely and God gives in extravagant measure. In the words of Pedro Arrupe, ‘The Eucharist will never be complete so long as people still go hungry in our world’. Fr Ephrem Let us pray for all those who are unwell especially Hazel Kingston, Nesi Tan, Warren Stevenson, Eddie Wilkins, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Anthony Khang Nguyen and those whose anniversaries occur around this time; Trish Reynolds, June Formosa, Leo Price, and Brian Pohem. Holy Trinity Confirmation – Saturday 8th August 5.30pm St Anthony’s Church Please pray for our children as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation The following measures will remain till further notice:
Annointing Mass St Patrick’s Church 11am Wednesday 5th August Parish Council Meeting – 5th August 7pm in the Gascoigne Room St Anthony’s Church FEAST of ASSUMPTION of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Mass time 15TH AUGUST This is a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION 10am St Patrick’s Church Altar server training Any child/ren who are keen to train to be altar servers can contact Andrew Greening 380 6052 or 027 438 5393 and arrange a session. A parent or other adult must be willing to be present while the training is taking place. Mark 13:10 “And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.” Pax Christi Aotearoa New Zealand invites you to remember the tragedy that is war, on this the 75th anniversary of the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima (August 6th) and Nagasaki (August 9th) in Japan 1945. We ask you to pray for the prohibition of all nuclear weapons and to pray for peace in the world. Home of Compassion Island Bay Winter film screening Gardening with Soul – 5 & 8 August 11am Join us for the feature length documentary following a year in the garden with 90-year-old Sister Loyola Galvin. The film will be introduced by Sr Sue Cosgrove. The Cloister Café will be open for refreshments. Bookings are required – phone (04) 282 1953 or email [email protected] Art, Contemplation, Action Retreat - 7-9 August 2020 Retreat Leader Raymond Pelly is an Anglican Priest with long experience in spiritual direction and prayer. “The ability of art to bring people to an experience of God is as powerful today as at any time in our history.” In silence and through music, art and story, Raymond will invite us to explore our responses to God in the realities of life. Registration required, please contact [email protected] or phone (04) 383 7769 for more information. Human Love in the Divine Plan (Theology of the Body) - First intake in Wellington! Courses for Young Adults (ages 18-35 years) on September 5 & 6, and for Adults on September 19 & 20. Venue: Challenge 2000, 1 Wanaka St, Johnsonville, Wellington. Early Registration: $40.00 (closes: 29 August). General Registration: $50.00. Contact 0220289737 or email [email protected]. For information, visit: www.marriageandfamily.org.nz Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service on Tuesday 18 August in Our Lady of Fatima Church Tawa beginning at 7.30pm. Please invite and bring those who need Jesus` healing. All are welcome. Enquiries: Ph. 04 8198323 The pandemic has reminded us how we are all in the same boat. Realizing that we have the same concerns and fears has shown us once more that no one can be saved alone. To grow truly, we must grow together, sharing what we have, like the boy who offered Jesus five barley loaves and two fish, yet they proved enough for five thousand people. Pope Francis: Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020 Below is a link to a vocations feature from the latest issue of NZ Catholic. This issue is on sale now at the back of Holy Cross and St Anthony’s Churches https://indd.adobe.com/view/2bf843c1-7d59-4634-add9-a14781b7a3ef Coast to Coast Rosary On the 15 August the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady into heaven, our patronal feast, there is to be a Coast to Coast Rosary throughout New Zealand. The main intention is to pray for the honouring of the gift of life. So many lives are lost in abortion and euthanasia. We will pray in reparation and intercession for a culture of life to prevail in our society. We will host an event on Saturday, the 15th August in the Blessed Sacrament chapel in the Cathedral at 3 pm followed by afternoon tea. Everyone is invited. Apply now – The Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship is open Tertiary students in the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston North who are entering into their third year or more of study are invited to apply for a Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship. Each student selected receives $3,000 towards their third year of tertiary study. For more details contact Kevin Crighton at [email protected] https://compassion.org.nz/latest-news/suzanne-aubert-tertiary-scholarship/ for application. Closes on 16 October 2020. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY, HOLY TRINITY PARISH Introduction Your St Vincent de Paul Society Conference in Holy Trinity Parish continues actively to gain strength from our fellow parishioners as missionary disciples and to reach out to the poor, sick, lonely and marginalised in the Kilbirnie, Miramar, Seatoun, and Strathmore communities. In spite of the disruptions of COVID-19, new members have responded to the call to put their faith into action. They are joining in the Vinnies mission, adding to our group of eight core members and loyal band of 25 associate members and helpers now also serving the Kilbirnie area. Drawing strength from one another as missionary disciples We are so grateful to all the parishioners and other local donors who provided compassionate support in many ways for those in need regardless of their faith, race and situation –
Brendan Quirk St. Vincent de Paul Society, Holy Trinity Parish, Eastern Suburbs, Wellington “Reach out to all those in need, that they may feel the love of Our Lord and the compassion of their neighbour”. Donations: To support our assistance to families suffering hardship in the Eastern Suburbs, please pay online to: St Vincent de Paul Society, Seatoun & Miramar Conference, BNZ Kilbirnie, Account No. 02 - 0576 - 0017817 – 06; or contact Maria Pene, our local SVDP Treasurer, ph 022 428 0427, email: [email protected]
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