The complete truth is The Holy Trinity; The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is not three but one. He is the only one God. This is the mystery of our God. It is impossible to understand it with our brain or intellect only. But it is possible if we are opened to the Holy Spirit. He is the one who can teach, guide and bring us to the unity of the Holy Trinity. There, there is no doubt, unfairness and wickedness. There we will be perfect, holy and eternal. Praise the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Father Rinardo Trinity Sunday is a day of celebration. It is a day of gifts which bring us closer to our origin, our salvation and our life together in community for others. We wish all our parishioners a very happy Holy Trinity Feast Day. Frs Ephrem, Sanele and Rinardo Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. As part of the Year of Mercy, Sr Elizabeth Julian will be giving a presentation at St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie 7pm Thursday 26th May 2016 The topic is: The Works of Mercy: Biblically Speaking Pope Francis has asked us to practise the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy during the Year of Mercy. This presentation will look at biblical examples of these works and what they might say to us today. Working Bee – St Patrick’s Church. We are planning a working bee for 4th June, anyone with a concrete mixer and an ability to lay a concrete slab will be greatly appreciated. If you can hold a shovel or a duster please make yourself available and let me know – David Hyland 021971792 Mrs Sarah Blair and Mrs Suzanne Kemp will be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church on the 29th May 2016 at Holy Cross Church, Miramar at 9am Mass. We congratulate them and welcome them into our Parish Community. Holy Trinity Parish Catholic School’s Day A big thank you to our Principals, teachers and support staff on such a successful Catholic School’s Day last Monday. You do a wonderful job. We appreciate all your hard work and dedication and are blessed to have three fantastic primary school within our Parish. Thank you. St Catherine's College Open Days Tuesday 31 May and Tuesday 16 August 11.30am - 1.00pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm For more information or queries please contact the School Office by phone, 04 939 8988 or email [email protected]. Website: Congratulations to St Catherine’s College on winning O’Shea for the 3rd year in a row. What a wonderful achievement. Well done! HOLY CROSS SCHOOL OPEN DAY New entrant – yr 8 Tues 24th May 9 - 11am See noticeboard at the back of Holy Cross Church for more details St Patrick’s College, Wellington Open Day St Patrick’s College, Wellington, is holding an Open Day on Sunday 12 June from 1.30 to 4 p.m. Prospective students, parents, and friends are very welcome to tour the College during the afternoon. If you wish to enrol your son at St Patrick’s College for Year 9 in 2017 please submit his enrolment application by Friday 29 July 2016. When enrolling you need to complete an Enrolment Application form, and provide the College with either a copy of your son’s birth certificate or passport as well as a signed preference form from your local parish priest. Please contact Mrs Parkinson at St Patrick’s College on 939-3070 ext 231 or email [email protected] if you require further information. ST MARY’S COLLEGE OPEN DAY Weds 25th May 8.30 – 10am Or 10.45am – 12.20pm For further information ph 473 5554 ext 818 or [email protected] Website: Archdiocesan Young Church Ministries team invites all young adults to The Rising Tide: “Who am I?” at St Joseph’s, Mount Victoria. Monday 23rd May. Doors open at 6.30pm and event starts at 7.00 pm. Discussion will explore our identity and self-worth, both as Christians and as individuals. For more information, contact Young Church Ministries on (04) 496-1759 or email [email protected]. LITURGY WORKSHOPS Proclaimers of the Word & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Fr Patrick Bridgman in collaboration with Fr James Lyons is pleased to offer two liturgy workshops. These workshops are very popular and a wonderful opportunity for those of you wanting to begin ministering as well as a refresher for those of you already ministering in these areas. North Island: Saturday 18 June at St Theresa’s Church, Plimmerton. 9.00am – 11.15am. 09.00 am Registration and cuppa 09.15 am Prayer 09.30 – 10.15 Proclaimers of the Word 10.30 – 11.15 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion South Island: Saturday 25th June at St Mary’s, Blenheim. 1.00pm – 3.15pm. 01.00 pm Registration and cuppa 01.15 pm Prayer 01.30 – 2.15 Proclaimers of the Word 02.30 - 3.15 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion What you need to do: · Set the time aside in your diary · Share the good news with others who will be interested · Register with Debbie Matheson that you will be attending [email protected] or 496 1706 by Monday 13 June please – do indicate Plimmerton or Blenheim. Please note: Later in the year a workshop on Children’s Liturgy will be offered. Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants - 19 June 2016 Migrants and Refugees challenge us. The response of the Gospel of Mercy. The New Zealand Catholic Bishop’s Conference set the Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants (19 June) as close as possible each year to the World Refugee Day (20 June). This year Pope Francis reminds us to be inspired by the Gospel of Mercy. Migrants and Refugees challenge us to ensure that God’s love is felt by every individual, and to welcome them “home”. Let us pray today for all migrants and refugees, that all people may feel accepted and welcomed as part of the one human family Judges, Lawyers, Law Students The Annual Mass of the St Thomas More Society will be celebrated on 2 June at St Thomas Church Wilton at 6pm. Mass will be followed by the annual dinner at the Wellington Club. The guest speaker this year is the Hon. Tim Fischer AC, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, and former Australian Ambassador to the Holy See. He is an entertaining and informative speaker. If you wish to attend, please email [email protected] or phone Pam on 914 1050 for further details by 27 May. Festival of the Stars Ave Maris Stella – Matariki A Multicultural Midwinter Festival, Saturday 18th June 2016 St Patrick’s College Hall, Kilbirnie We need your help to present this event to raise funds for and awareness of the seismic strengthening of St Mary of the Angels, now a busy building site rather than a place of worship. See noticeboard for more details. Holy Hour The Holy Hour scheduled for Tuesday 24 May will take a different form this month. The Cathedral Parish is holding a Rite 11 Reconciliation in the church beginning at 7 pm. There will be 7 priests in attendance. There will still be Scripture, a reflection and singing, but the Adoration will be in the chapel after the Reconciliation Rite is concluded. There will be supper to follow.
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