Is 22, 19-23; Rom 11, 33-36; Mat 16, 13-20
God’s love will win us eternal life because he is merciful. Dear sisters and brothers, our social life has been the way we are not used to, spinning very unorthodox way that we have ever known as best I can say. Spiritual exercises have been severely affected the way we did, but I guess people are resolved to make best use of this time to redevelop deeper relationship with God by delving deep into their reserve, finding kingdom of God buried deep in their hearts. I believe, God’s love will win us eternal life because he is merciful, mercy itself. Isaiah walks into the message of God and predicts that Eliakim will take the place of Shebna as master of the king’s palace in Jerusalem, and that God will invest him with authority. To open and close the doors of the palace was the privilege of the master of the place. To the Hebrew mind such a pair of opposites often signifies everything in-between, so that opening and closing the doors mean having control of everything that goes on. No one else may interfere. Similarly, by the total authority over the assembly or community of Jesus that is the Church. Equivalently, as Eliakim is given the key of the palace on his shoulder (or, as we would say, round the neck), so Peter is given the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Peter is sometimes pictured as the doorkeeper of heaven but ‘the kingdom of heaven’ is far wider: it means ‘God’s sovereignty’, which Jesus came to establish on earth, in which all obey, worship and give glory to God. Paul after his long and thorough exposition of the way in which the work of Christ won our salvation, and by his loving obedience wiped away the proud sin of Adam’s disobedience. Quoting one passage of scripture after another he finally concludes that in the end, in God’s good time a remnant of Israel will be saved. Throwing up his hands in incomprehension, he can only burst into this wonderful hymn of praise to God’s inscrutable Wisdom. We simply cannot understand God’s plans and methods. Look at Job who can only admit that God’s Wisdom surpasses anything human beings can conceive, and God’s might infinitely transcends any human power. So, Paul willingly grants that God must run his own world, and we cannot even attempt to challenge God’s reasoning, for everything begins and ends in God. It is here that Peter recognises that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. At last he realizes that in Jesus they can see the action of God. the disciples followed Jesus as soon as he called, but for a long time they were puzzled what to make of him, of his wonderful teaching and his godlike personality. Now comes a shaft of light and understanding. We too often take some time to appreciate the true worth of someone we know well: a little gesture and sometimes reveal just how generous and thoughtful they are. Peter suddenly grass that there is God, acting among them, a daunting or even terrifying thought. Jesus replies to Peter’s recognition with his own generosity giving him a new name, ‘Rock’, for this is what ‘Peter’ means. If you name something, you make it your own, take it to yourself. This is just what Jesus does with Simon who becomes his own Peter. That is the importance of the naming of a child at Baptism: Jesus takes us to himself and we become his. The early Christians called themselves ‘Those over whom the name of Jesus has been called’. We may have been named Mary or John, but the name of Jesus has been called over us and we have become his. Jesus is with us and we have a name by which we are called and recognised. God in his all generosity, love and mercy calls us to himself acknowledging His life in us. May God bless us to recognise his kingdom within us. His love and mercy will win us to himself, life for ever. Blessed be God forever. Who is God for you? Fr Ephrem Let us pray for all those who are unwell especially Barney Scully, Hazel Kingston, Nesi Tan, Warren Stevenson, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and those recovering at home including Eddie Wilkins. And we pray for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Lorraine Watson and those whose anniversaries occur around this time; Woo Low, Patrick Rosson, Margaret McCabe and Man. Sefo Alofosio. All Masses are suspended till we are back in alert level 1; Faithful are dispensed from Obligation of Mass as long as the restrictions remain. All churches are now closed except Holy Cross Church which will be open for personal prayer between 9am - 2pm each day. Following rules apply
We want to ensure we keep everyone safe Fr Ephrem is offering Mass every day from the prayer room in the presbytery at the following times till we are back at level 1
Parish Council Meeting – 2nd September 7pm, Gascoigne Room St Anthony’s Finance Committee Meeting – 8th September 7.30pm – venue TBC Vinnies Food Bank Appeal Saturday 29 August / 11am – 6pm at Pak n Save Kilbirnie (Please Note: if Government extends the current COVID Alert Level 2, this Food Bank collection will be cancelled) The St Vincent de Paul Society is holding their final Food Bank Appeal, collecting food to support individuals and families seeking food assistance over the coming holiday season. Vinnies provide a choice-based food bank, supporting over 2000 people each year – which is only made possible by the generous donations from our community. If you can afford to drop a few extra items in your trolley on Saturday 29 August, please look out for our Vinnies collection table. St Patrick’s church Liturgy Committee are looking for someone to run the Sacramental Programme for the children in 2021. In this programme the children are prepared for Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion. Each Sacrament has 3 lessons each which are held in the Parish Centre before or after Sunday Mass. Resources are provided and help and support provided. Are you interested in taking part? Please contact the Chairperson of the Committee Patricia O’Donnell 04 934 3179. Thank you. St Catherine’s College Enrolments Enrolments are now open at St Catherine's College. If you would like to make an interview with our Principal, Steve Bryan or come and look around please phone us on 04 9398988 or email us on [email protected]. We still have preference and non-preference spaces available. We also have limited scholarships for families needing extra financial assistance, to pay $1000 towards your attendance Dues fees to the Archdiocese. St Catherine's College aims to nurture and empower our young women to be active and creative learners. St. Mary's College has a small number of places available for Preference students in Year 9, 12 and 13 for 2021. Please see our website for further information or phone the school office 473 5554. UPDATE your information. Make sure that you receive Parish Communications.
Parish Property At a recent combined Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee meeting it was decided that the sale of Good Shepherd Hall will be the first step in the process of rationalising our parish property. The Cardinal has given permission for the sale process to go ahead, but this will of course, take some time. We will keep you informed. The Parish Pastoral Council has consulted with the Parish Aulotu who will eventually move their monthly Mass and meeting to St Anthony’s or one of the other Churches and halls in the Parish when the sale is finalised. We are still seeking some further clarification regarding other aspects of Cardinal John’s proposals regarding our property and will provide you with updates on all these matters too. Thank you for your support and patience. Please continue to pray and work together for the good of the whole parish as we move forward on our journey towards a future full of hope. Holy Trinity Finance Committee COVID-19 is still out there. Let’s play it safe. We’re at Alert Level 2 These are unusual times that we are living in. Not many of us would have imagined being back in Alert Level 2 again so soon. However here we are, and hopefully if we act as positively as we can, soon we’ll be back to our new normal. What each of us might remember:
There is a huge amount of on-line information about making and wearing face masks. (Minimise droplet spread) This link is quite a helpful one: (even though it’s from the Breast Cancer Foundation) What Holy Trinity Parish is doing:
Daily Prayer reflections (and more): So, what are some things that people of Faith are doing while churches are closed? Having my morning coffee and then praying the rosary. Just finding a quiet place and sitting in the presence of God. Praying every day. Reading the psalms and writing a daily reflection. Donating to the Food bank. Texting or calling people who might be lonely. I’ve heard some people are praying together on Zoom. I read the daily Mass reading most days. I like walking & praising God for his wonderful creation. Praying. St V de Paul contacting and helping those in need. Praying. Each day writing and thanking God in gratitude for all I have. Daily prayer. Greeting people I pass when out walking. Donating to the Hospice shop. Praying the Lectio Divina. I’ve been watching live-streamed Mass. Phoning my friends and family. Sharing my baking. Reading the Bible. I am more aware of God’s presence around me. Saying the rosary. Reading books about the Catholic faith. Trying to sit in silence and meditate for 10 minutes each morning. Journaling Apply now – The Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship is open Tertiary students in the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston North who are entering into their third year or more of study are invited to apply for a Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship. Each student selected receives $3,000 towards their third year of tertiary study. For more details contact Kevin Crighton at [email protected] for application. Closes on 16 October 2020. Hospital Chaplaincy Assistants The Hospital Chaplaincy Department within Wellington Regional Hospital is enhanced by a team of volunteer Chaplaincy Assistants who give around 2 hours a week to visit all patients in a ward. We are currently looking to add to our team, people with good pastoral skills and willing to work within the terms of our contract with the Ministry of Health. A ten-week training programme is planned, running each Tuesday 1-3pm, beginning Tuesday 1st September to 3rd November. Expressions of interest are invited by Tuesday 25 August 2020 to Mary Minson at [email protected] Or: Mary Minson Chaplains Office Wellington Hospital Private Bag 7902 Wellington Mark 13: 10 “And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations” Some possible options as we can’t attend Mass on Sundays: This link takes you through to four different types of online retreats including a “3-Minute Retreat” and an Audio retreat as well as daily scripture with Sacred Space and Pray as You Go. Auckland Liturgy Office “Celebration of the Word at home” with links to daily readings and music Reflections from John O’Connor, ‘Food for Faith’ have just started again. since we are back in level 2 and 3, NZ Catholic is again available free of charge on the link below ELECTION FORUM The Archdiocesan Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission invites you to an election forum on environmental and climate change issues. Young people of the Archdiocese will put questions to representatives of political parties Cardinal John will give an opening address on Laudato Si’ – care for our common home, and the event will be chaired by Dr Areti Metuamate, CEO of Te Kupenga – Catholic Leadership Institute Where: St Mary’s College Hall, Guildford Tce, Wellington When: Tuesday 1 September, 6-8pm (nibbles from 5.30pm, please bring your own cup) Please register for this free event at Eventbrite I want to sing to you – Fr Chris Skinner SM With an interlude from Kapiti Senior Singers. At our Lady of Kapiti Church on Sunday 20th September 2-4pm. Tickets $25 from Our Lady of Kapiti Parish Office 04 902-5815 or Mary Cook 027-298-3255 [email protected] CDs for sale at the concert. The pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable and interconnected everyone is. If we do not take care of one another, starting with the least, with those who are most impacted, including creation, we cannot heal the world. Te Kupenga–Catholic Leadership Institute is seeking a Marketing and Business Development Advisor to build the profile of the organisation, which was formed on 1 January by the merger of Good Shepherd College and The Catholic Institute (TCI). The role is Auckland-based and fixed term full-time for two years. Full details: ‘
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