2 Sam 5:1-5; Col. 1:12-20; Lk.23:35-43
When Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you a King?” his answer was in affirmative, but he added very clearly, “My kingdom does not belong to this world.” As he is not like the rulers of this world, he is not like the rulers of this world, living in luxury, enjoying all pomp and wealth, taking best of everything for themselves leaving their people in poverty and misery. Whereas Jesus King of Kings lived in sharp contrast to those rulers, carrying the burden of all his subjects’ sins in the form of the Cross. The solemnity of Christ the King established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 was to give Christ Highest Title of honor who established God’s kingdom here on earth. Although emperors and kings now exist mostly in history books, we still honor Christ as the King of the Universe by enthroning him in our hearts and allowing him to take control of our lives. At the time of baptism, we have made alliance with this King and promised our loyalty him. Significantly, on the top of the Cross, Pilate put up the inscription, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”. It was he who formerly condemned Jesus to death, but strangely, he was the first to recognize the kingship of Christ. The second to recognize it was the good thief who prayed to him, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom”. Jesus answered, “Today you shall be with me in paradise.” Yes, same Christ the king is calling all heavily laden with burn, come to me I will give you rest. The same Jesus the law giver gives us a new commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” It is the shepherd King Jesus who knows us his flock by name even ready to die to protect us. He loves his subjects and identifies himself with hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless etc. and taking care of their needs is doing service to Christ the King who having all authority in heaven earthly will reward us for our good deeds. Let us once again renew our allegiance and loyalty to Christ the King. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. A big thank you to those who organised and everyone involved in the St Patrick’s Church Centenary Mass on the 17th November. It was a wonderful celebration enjoyed by all. Not receiving the parish newsletter by email lately? If you have an xtra email address, it seems the newsletter is being blocked as suspected spam. A solution is being worked out and should be resolved soon. In the meantime, the newsletter is available on the website http://www.holytrinity.parish.nz/ Thank you In November we Remember November is the month dedicated to the rememberance of and prayer for all the faithful departed. Let us pray the good Lord may grant them eternal bliss forever with Him. Can you help? Do you or anyone you know have a wheelchair they no longer need? One of our parishioners is recovering from a stroke and mobility is an issue. Please contact the Parish office 388 6953 or [email protected] Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Book Club –Sunday 24th November: Explore the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Catholic faith through its great books! At Holy Cross Church Parish Centre, 6-7pm. Light supper will be provided. Connect with fellow passionate Catholics for like-minded discussion. For enquiries, contact 3882-840 or [email protected] Christmas Food Box Appeal 2019 - St Vincent de Paul Society, Seatoun & Miramar Conference Today we start our annual three week appeal to parishioners for donated food items, toiletries, treats and gifts to be placed in or beside signposted bins in the Church foyer any time of the week when the Church is open. You might even like to make up a whole hamper. On Friday 20 December 2019 our team of drivers and helpers will deliver the boxes of food and items to over 50 households in the district. A brief note for you suggesting ideas for donating items or making up hampers is available on the pews and in the foyer. This collection is a practical way we can reach out to bring Christ’s love to the homes of our neighbours who are really struggling and for whom this extra help will alleviate their burden. Please note: Last collection day will be Sunday 14 December (Contacts: Tina Quidilla 021 712 632; Brendan Quirk ph 388 9708) REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale soon in our Church foyers after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches, same price as last year's. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local St Vincent de Paul Conference activities in the eastern suburbs. Contacts: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knap, ph 970 3905), St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350), and St Patrick's Church (Frank Quirke, ph 387 4977 and Bernadette Hyland). Wellington Compassion Soup Kitchen sponsored meal – 20th December 2019 Holy Trinity Parish is once again sponsorinig a meal for the soup kitchen on the 20th December as part of the world day of the poor. We have the opportunity to have 2 volunteers from the parish as helpers at this meal. You must be there at 4pm for a health and safety briefing. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the parish office 388-6953 or [email protected] Wellington Art Club members will be holding their annual art exhibition on the weekend 23rd and 24th November at Rita Angus Retirement Home in Kilbirnie, 10am – 4pm. You are all welcome to come along and view the wonderful diverse talents of our Club members. All art is available for purchase and we welcome enquiries for new members. Sending Love Christmas cards for people alone at Christmas. Many elderly people in rest homes do not get visitors or cards at Christmas. Please write a card for someone who might feel loney during the holidays. See details on the noticeboard Cards can be handmade or bought. FINAL COLLECTION will be FRIDAY 29 NOV 2019 drop box for cards at all libraries and community centres. contact Margaret Davis 021 655 011 [email protected] or visit www.sendingloveco.nz Home of Compassion Island Bay. Carols around the Crib Sunday 1 December 1.15pm to 3pm. Bring the children to enjoy a time setting up the crib, singing carols and joining in family friendly activities to begin the advent season. Feel free to join us for Miha at 11am and potluck lunch before the scheduled event. Enquiries ph (04) 383-7769 or spirituality@ compassion.org.nz An evening of Advent Reflections with Fr James Lyons Come along to Connolly Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3 December to reflect on 14 meditations with scritures in a new way of preparing for Christmas. Fr James Lyons will lead the Advent Reflections based on his writings – Bringing Advent to Life – Stations on the Way to Christmas which is available from Pleroma Christian Supplies. Participants will be invited to read one of the reflectios during the evening, and a handout will be available for people to take away at the end of the night. Tea and coffee will be available. Please RSVP to Frank Doherty at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Office [email protected] by Friday 29 November. The Future is Accessible: Celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Tuesday, 3 December 2019 Join us to celebrate the gift of disability in our lives and society. 12pm-1pm, including light refreshments Connolly Hall, 10 Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington 6011 Kapiti (Limited accessible parking available on the grounds of Sacred Heart Cathedral School) KEYNOTE PARTICIPANTS: Robyn Hunt ONZM, Members of the L’Arche Community and Mike Gourley An accredited New Zealand Sign Language Interpreter will be interpreting this event. Enquiries: Zachariah Duke, [email protected] Christmas A time to remember When you have lost someone dear to you, anniversaries and the times you were happiest are often the times you are at your saddest. Come and join us at our service of remembrance and gather strength from others. This Christmas let us support one another. ST ANDREW’S ON THE TERRACE FRIDAY 6th DECEMBER 2019 AT 6.30PM Everyone is welcome Mass for Life. You’re invited to pray for babies, mums, dads and families at a Mass for Life on Friday 6 December, 7pm at St Mary of the Angels, 17 Boulcott Street, Wellington. Cardinal Dew will be the principal celebrant. Eucharistic Adoration will follow for one hour after Mass to pray in readiness for the National March for Life. For more information please visit fli.org.nz/prolifeevents or phone Clare 021 231 7954. National March for Life. You’re invited to love them both by attending the third annual National March for Life in Wellington on Saturday 7 December. Join Kiwis from all over NZ in a family-friendly celebration of life which also peacefully protests the practice and legality of abortion. Gather at Civic Square from 12pm for family-friendly entertainment, sausage sizzle and stalls. March to Parliament Grounds begins at 2pm. Concludes at 4pm. Learn more about this important event at a critical moment in NZ’s history: marchforlife.nz The 2019 Rosary for Life and Faith is on Sat. 7th Dec. at 3 pm. This Pro-Life Rosary supports the March for Life in Wellington on the same day. Please try and go on the March. If you can't, please organise or join a Rosary group in your parish. For more info www.coasttocoastrosary.co.nz or ph Clare 022 1912886 Home of Compassion Island Bay Prayer of the Heart Mondays 4, 11 & 18 December 7pm - 8pm With Father Jeff Drane. Prayer of the heart series to foster a sense of mystery and joyful expectation as we approach Christmas. The mystics of our tradition pave the way to the contemplative place within. The Chapel of Our Lady of Compassion. Go you are sent to fellow Christians (9) Take every opportunity to invite to/ attend one another’s events, and share information. Wellington Night Shelter street day appeal Friday 13th December – collectors needed We're in desperate need of street collectors for our Annual Street Appeal on Friday, 13 December 2019. Christmas is a time for whānau, sharing and giving. For some, it can be a time of loneliness and sadness. The Wellington Night Shelter does all that it can to create a sense of home and community during this time. If you're able to street collect for us this year, we'd really appreciate it. [email protected] 2020 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. You can either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: your name, the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. Bernadette Hyland will also have them available for sale at St Patrick’s Church. Our prayers are with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Alison Bacon and those whose anniversaries occur around this time.
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