Dear sisters and brothers, how many times have we said this prayer? “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” It may be the first prayer we learned. Today we see where it comes from. And in a bit of irony, this formal prayer almost everyone knows seems to come from Jesus telling the disciples not to rely on formal prayers, but to pray simply, familiarly, and from the heart.
We are His family, He is our Father. We respect Him as we respect our parents. We honour His because He is holy; we call HIM “Daddy” and make him known all our needs and desires. He is there to guide and support us in all our failings and successes. He confirms His unconditional mercy and forgiveness; calling us to live in harmony, showing mercy and compassion to one another. Final balm we are asked to apply is the balm of forgiveness, the tonic of our peace and happy life. It is a challenge for us to walk this path and we can do it by the grace of God. The prayer has become standardized and formal. We say it every day. And when we do, we should think about what it means and what we are saying. In these or other words, we are talking to our father. We are acknowledging that we love and respect him. We are asking for our basic needs, asking for his forgiveness when necessary, and promising to love and care for each other like he loves and cares for us. Fr Ephrem PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS Dear Parishioners It is now nearly 14 months since the inaugural Mass for the formation of Holy Trinity parish took place and the combined members of the PPC took office. Some of these members have expressed a desire to stand down from this committee and we are seeking to recruit some replacement members. The parish pastoral council is a team of parishioners who are focused on meeting the spiritual, liturgical, pastoral and social needs of its people and are responsible for developing the “big picture” for the parish. Some areas of pastoral concern are: faith formation and spirituality; liturgy and worship; proclamation and outreach; social justice and charity; work with our parish catholic schools and young people; pastoral care for groups with special needs; parish operations and communications. Every PPC member brings his or her specific gifts and it is this variety that makes for a strong team. An ideal PPC member is a person of prayer, who likes to be adequately informed before making decisions, who is willing to listen to other views with goodwill and willing to be concerned with the full mission of the parish rather than just specific issues. Monthly meetings are of about 2 hours duration and require consistent and punctual attendance with some background work required between these meetings. We ask for your prayerful discernment in your decision to share your skills and time with your fellow parishioners to help our parish continue the mission of Jesus Christ. If you or someone you know may be willing to offer their skills to our parish then please complete a nomination form and hand it to a priest or to the parish office. A fully functional parish pastoral council is critical to the efficient operation of our parish and your skills could help this team achieve its objectives. God Bless Nomination form at the back of this newsletter. Closing date 31st July 2016 St Anthony’s Church Tuesday 26th July - there will be no 9am Mass Wednesday 27th July – 9am Mass will be in the Church as the whole school will be attending St. Tarcisius - Feast Day for the Patron Saint of Altar Servers St Patrick’s Church will celebrate this feast day with the 10am Mass on Sunday 7th August, followed by a morning tea downstairs in the parish centre. Everybody is welcome. Please bring a plate of food for morning tea. Thank you. The first St Anthony’s Bazaar meeting is at 6.30pm 1st August in the Gascoigne Room. Come along and be on the ground floor as we build up another great event. The Bazaar is scheduled for 18 February next year and the theme is LOVE!". Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, run over seven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe. The course is based around food, a talk and good conversation. Join the Alpha course to explore our faith, starting at St Patrick’s Church 7.30pm Tuesday 2 August. Everyone is welcome. Call or txt John 0272328488 or Kim 0222426288 to enrol. From the Archdiocesan Justice Peace and Development Commission The first question the priest and the Levite asked was, “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But the Good Samaritan reversed the question. He said, “If I don’t stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” Martin Luther King. Ngā mihi nui “Grease is the time, is the place, is the motion, Grease is the way we are feeling ….” The St Patrick’s College production for 2016 is that iconic picture of the 1950’s – Grease Showing each night at 7pm from Monday 1 August to Thursday 4 August in the St Patrick’s College Hall. Tickets: $25 for adults, $20 for students/children and are available for purchase from the College office (which is open during the school holidays) or online through the College website: Please note that online bookings will incur a credit card fee. Urgent donation of shoes and socks to most needy school students "Mountain of Mercy" – please help The passing of the shortest day heralds our journey back to light and summer, but it also moves us into the depths of winter where the cold is most bitter. Warm, dry feet are something that most of us take from granted, but for the innocent victims of child poverty, this far too often isn’t the case” Cardinal John. Cardinal John has asked for the urgent co-operation and support of all Parishes to create a “Mountain of Mercy” by donating new or near new (in excellent condition) shoes or socks which will be distributed among our primary and secondary schools for both male and female students in most need. Over the next two weeks, a large box will be located in our Holy Trinity Parish Church foyers for donations of new or excellent condition shoes and socks for most needy students at our schools. Please polish them, tie the shoe laces together, and if the size is not clearly visible, write the size boldly on the inside of the shoes. We need shoes that will be warm and dry so they need to be in new or very good and clean condition. On Sunday 24th July between 2-3pm, members from our St Vincent de Paul Society groups will collect and deliver your donations to add to the ‘mountain’ at the Piazza at the Sacred Heart Cathedral from where they will be quickly distributed to schools. Welcome to our Parish Year of Mercy pilgrimage to Ataturk Memorial, Tarakena Bay, on Monday 8 August. This will be a pilgrimage of peace and reconciliation; of prayer for all those who died in war, and for families today who live in countries torn apart by war. We will take part in the civic ceremony at the memorial at 2.30pm. Please meet to car pool at St Anthony’s Church Seatoun at 1.30pm. A moderate level of fitness is required for the short climb up the hill, via the access road. The event will conclude with afternoon tea at Seatoun RSA at 3.00pm. For further information and registration, please contact Marianne at the parish office. Vigil for the Unborn: Saturday 30th July starting with 10 am Mass at St Anne's Catholic Church Emmett St Newtown. Followed by Adoration during Rosary Procession to front of the hospital. Ends at Noon and followed by shared lunch. All are invited to this prayer effort on behalf of our unborn brothers and sisters. Organised by FLI ph.2378343 Joshua Wellington 2 events 1. One-Day Retreat on Saturday 30 July between 8:30 to 5pm at Home of Compassion, Island Bay. Theme: “Jesus and me… our journey” Retreat Leader: Fr John Walls s.m. Bring some lunch to share. 2. Monthly meeting on Thursday 21st July at 7:30pm in Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral) Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or e-mail:[email protected] Christian Meditation - a day of reflection will be held at Anam Cara, 150 Rangiuru Road, Otaki on Saturday 23rd July 10am to 2:30 pm Bring a packed lunch and a donation to cover expenses. tea and coffee provided. All welcome. Enquiries Hugh 04 2989370 Come away to be refreshed and renewed - Dove Retreat 29 - 31 July Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women invites all women to a retreat weekend with guest speakers Phil and Jennie Ryall from Australia. Jennie a trained counsellor and spiritual companion for many women carries a strong heart for people to find breakthrough into the freedom of God's goodness. Phil and Jennie are leaders for the Disciples of Jesus Community in Australia. Theme: "Never Thirst Again" Venue: Willow Park Christian Camp, Eastern Beach Auckland First Spiritual Exercises (Inner Peace in Friendship with Jesus) This Ignatian based retreat in daily life starts 4 August and following Thursday evenings to 1 September at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay, 7-9:00pm. Commitment: Each of the five Thursday evenings plus directed daily prayer. Cost: $50 plus $25 for the guide book (for those without it). Registration: Sarah Dench, Ph 021-081-44424; [email protected] Sacred Heart Cathedral Pastoral Council Invites you to… Two Seminars for this Year of Mercy. Venue: Connolly Hall – Guildford Terrace, Thorndon. Next to the Cathedral. 1. Monday 8 August, 7-9PM Topic: Mercy an Act of Love for our Neighbour Speaker: Sr Sue Cosgrove from the Home of Compassion 2. Monday 12 September, 7-9PM Topic: Jesus is the Face of God‛s Mercy Speaker: Sr Alice Sinnott, RSM from the Sisters of Mercy Koha is gratefully appreciated. 1 bedroom flat required in the Eastern Suburbs. Contact Amrut Ramji at the 4 Square in Seatoun. 388 7061
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