Is 66, 18-21; Heb 12, 5-7. 11-13; Lk 13, 22-30
Dear sisters and brothers, In Isaiah, God calls his people together, promises them a sign and then expects individuals to go out and share the message of His glory. Letter to the Hebrews encourages one to view suffering and challenges as personal development. Gospel message moves outward to those who are outside of the previously chosen. Salvation history is not restricted to the people of Zion. The problem encountered here is the non acceptance of Jesus within his own people and their institutions. The Gospel highlights the danger of chosen people might lose the final invitation. A loving God who is eager to expand the fold may not have been the easiest message which a prophet might bring. I think that many of us enjoy being special. I am ashamed to say that I have caught myself feeling better because I have things that others do not have. Opening up God’s kingdom to outsiders may not have been something that was welcome in the first century and my sense is that it is not universally welcome now. I often wonder how I would have reacted as a Jew during Jesus’ lifetime. Religious leaders had a certain amount of autonomy under the Roman Prefect. I can see Jesus running up against the institutional authorities. His message called for change and reform. Let us pray: Dear Lord, heal me from desires to have what some do not. Help me to want what is good for all people. Open my ears and my heart so that I might be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Give me the strength and courage to live the life to which I am called to. Amen Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Holy Trinity Parish Property Proposal Update In response to Cardinal John's Directive issued in February this year, a property review document is being finalised for presentation at Sunday masses next week, 1 September. Three options have been detailed at length for discussion within our parish, one of these being preferred as the most viable. Printed copies of the document will be available at the weekend masses together with a timetable showing parish meeting dates and feedback-due dates so that we can ensure we meet the deadline given by Cardinal John. Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee members will be at the door after masses to answer any immediate questions parishioners might have. The document will also be available on the parish website. There will be opportunities to discuss the paper at parish community meetings on 4 and 10 September. Parishioners will then have up to three weeks to think about their responses and email those to [email protected]. These responses will be taken into account in preparing the parish’s recommendation to Cardinal John. If there are parishioners who do not have access to email, the PPC and FC will consider alternative arrangements to ensure their feedback is captured. Simply phone the parish office, 388-6953. ABORTION LAW REFORM in NEW ZEALAND: ‘Have Your Say by 19 September’. Please take an information sheet from the back of the church. Make Your Submission by Letter or Online (Please note that email submissions are not accepted) Submission Closing Date: THURSDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Letter: On a covering sheet, write: “Submission on Abortion Legislation Bill” + “This submission is from [full name] and/or [organisation] + contact details: contact address, contact phone, & signature. On a separate piece of paper write your submission. Enclose TWO copies of your submission. Post to: Committee Secretariat, Abortion Legislation Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington - stamp required Online: (or search for “Abortion Legislation Bill New Zealand Parliament” and follow the steps) Tips: Begin by stating clearly your position; give your reasons; use your own words; be respectful & constructive. Please state in your submission if you wish to make an oral submission Material prepared by The Nathaniel Centre – the New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre – Safeguarding training. For those who weren’t able to make the training session in May on Safeguarding there are four more sessions at the Catholic Centre (Level 1, room 2) • Monday 9 September 10.30am • Tuesday 10 September 2.30pm • Tuesday 8 October 12pm • Wednesday 9 October 12pm This training is compulsory if you are involved in any of the following ministries. Please make sure you attend one of these if you are involved in the following ministries and have not attended. - Parish Council - Children’s Liturgy - Trainer Altar Servers Roles - Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to the Sick - Sacramental Programme Leaders If you are not able to travel into town, you are welcome to join the meeting by ZOOM Conference from your computer at the above time and date. To do this they need to send Brendy your email address and parish you belong to and you will be sent the login details. Contact Brendy Weir Safeguarding Adviser, Archdiocese of Wellington (04) 496 1768 or 021 1958 307 [email protected] Each year the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand set aside a week in September for Social Justice Week, inviting us to reflect and take action on a current social justice issue. This year from the 8th to the 14th of September we focus on fairness. Na, ko ngā mea katoa e pai ai koutou, kia meatia e ngā tāngata ki a koutou, meatia hoki e koutou kia a rātou. Matiu 7:12 Do unto others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12 St Vincent de Paul is seeking help from parishioners particularly from St Patrick’s area. They would like 6-8 people who could assist with helping people living in our parish area with tasks such as – cooking a meal, cleaning a house, visiting an aged or sick person. They would like someone who could perhaps coordinate this type of activity and not just be available to complete a task. Hopefully with a number of willing hands these activities could take place within our parish but would not be restricted to Catholic’s but available to anyone needing a helping hand. Your assistance for these needy people would be very much appreciated. If you think you could help in any way please email Ray Whelan [email protected] or phone 04 3883667. A CALL TO SERVICE St Patrick’s Church is asking for musicians for Saturday Vigil Mass and Sunday 10am Mass. The Sullivan Family are moving and we need to fill the large gap they are leaving. We thank them for their Service and wish them well in their new home. So, are there Pianists, organists, guitarists, other musicians who would like to play at these Masses? Guidelines and times for practice will be provided. If interested please ring Patricia 9343179 or email triciao2285 @gmail .com St Catherine’s College Enrolments This is just a reminder that enrolments are now open at St Catherine's College. Our closing date will be on 30th August 2019. If you miss this date, please contact us on 04 9398988, as late enrolments will be considered. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, or if you would like to come and talk to one of our staff members. Our contact details are as follows:- 04 939 8988 [email protected] or [email protected] St Catherine's College aims to nurture and empower our young women to be active and creative learners. Go you are sent to care for creation (8) Get involved with “Transition Churches” (a network of Christian churches-including Catholic -in New Zealand who are working on local faith community responses to energy, climate, food and financial challenges). Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tues 27 Aug beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, singing, times of silence and conclude with Benediction followed by supper. Pope Francis has designated October as the Extraordinary Missionary month. The Parish Leadership Team is hoping to offer a 6 session programme Developing a Spirituality of Service in every parish in October. We need to gauge the interest level so please register with Chris Walkerdine at [email protected] or telephone on 04 496-1706. Please join us for the Stewardship Network Meeting at Sacred Heart School Hall, Petone. 1-4pm on Saturday 21st September. Three dynamic speakers including Cardinal John Dew, Afternoon Tea followed by small group discussion. Please register by September 18th with Chris Walkerdine at [email protected] or telephone 04 496-1706. The Cardinal’s lunch will be held at The Intercontinental Hotel on Wednesday 28 August. Our lunch will feature Cardinal John Dew, sharing his vision for the future of the church being young, transformed and transformative. Cardinal John is optimistic for the future, encouraging the faithful to be outward looking, through the message at the 2017 synod of "Go, you are sent". Please join us on Wednesday 28th of August at the Intercontinental Hotel at 12:00 as we break bread and share our Catholic values. $115 To register on line For more information phone Robyn 027 2018766 Wellington Theological Consortium conference on “Lament, Listening, Healing, in response to the sexual abuse crisis in our Church Communities.” Learn about Circle Process and Restorative Justice. 13 - 14 September 2019 at St Joseph’s Church, 154 Brougham Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington. For more information Parenting Faith Seminar: Thurs 29 Aug 7.30pm-9pm Connolly Hall, Thorndon. Nurturing your child’s Catholic faith at home. Parents are children’s first educators in faith. An interactive and informative evening to equip parents with ideas and resources to ‘do’ faith at home. Come and join the discussion! Presented by Dr Chris Duthie-Jung. Entry by KOHA. To book your place go to… contact Felicity Giltrap on [email protected] or (04) 496 1719. The door of God’s mercy is narrow but is always open to everyone! God does not have preferences, but always welcomes everyone, without distinction. A narrow door to restrain our pride and our fear; a door open wide because God welcomes us without distinction… The door is narrow but always open wide: do not forget this. Pope Francis, Angelus 21 August 2016 Our prayers are with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Pauline Hastings and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Patrick Rosson.
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