This weekend we are celebrating the Palm Sunday. What is the Palm Sunday? Palm Sunday is the day we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the Holy City Jerusalem. The solemn entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem is one of the most important and significant events in His life. This event took place in the year AD 33. The setting was Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel. But Rome had conquered Israel a century earlier and there was animosity between Jews and the Rome. Jesus had just raised Lazarus a week earlier and news of this miracle was spreading like wildfire. People were hearing about Him everywhere and wondering: would this be the man to free them from Rome. Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a foal a donkey. Jesus did this to fulfil what was prophesied 500 years ago by prophet Zachariah: Rejoice, rejoice people of Zion! Look, your king is coming to you! Shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you! He comes Triumphant and Victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.” As Jesus rod into the town, thousands of people joined Him in their excitement. St. Mathew 21:10 says, “the city was thrown into uproar.”
It is also important to note that Jesus’ arrival was in direct contrast to another ruler. At this same moment that Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem from the East, Pontus Pilate was entering Jerusalem from the West end. The procession came from opposite direction and in opposite fashion. Pilate had thousands of military soldiers to express military power and might while Jesus entered on a lowly animal donkey to express His humility, Pilot displayed his wealth and power while Jesus entered with declaration of Peace, Pilot was feared by the crowds while Jesus was cheered the crowds. By this opposing display, Jesus purposefully contrasted His kingdom with the kingdom of the world. When Jesus comes into our lives, He wants there to be a clear contrast with between the values of His kingdom and the values of the world. Who would be our choice? Pilate or Jesus? Fr Gregory Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Good Friday Holy Places Collection – This collection will be taken up on during the 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lords Passion at the three churches. Holy Thursday and Easter Saturday Singing Practice St Patrick's Church Monday 26th March 7-8pm All Welcome Update on St Patrick's former Presbytery Kilbirnie Many of you will have noticed that work on the former presbytery at Kilbirnie is now well underway. The demolition team is mindful of minimising risk and inconvenience to those in the immediate area. St Patrick’s Morning MassTuesday 27th March. Please note: Mass will be at 9am to give our priests time to get to the clergy prayer day at 10am. St Patrick’s Church – Good Friday. Volunteers needed. I am looking for both children and adults to read a station for the “Way of the Cross” procession from St Patrick’s Church to All Saints Church on Good Friday morning at 10am. Contact me Clare on 021 227 8363 Candles for Holy Saturday. Please bring your own candle to the Vigil Mass and ensure that it has a protector to prevent wax falling on your hands, clothing or the floor. Easter Mass Rosters: please note: this is not the complete list of volunteers Holy Thursday: Eucharistic Ministers: M Paasi, R Coleman, L Foster, B Butcher, T Manion Altar Servers: A Greening, Alex, B & G Sullivan, D Smith Proclaimer of the Word: 1st Reader: J Samson Washing the feet: C O’Donnell, D Hyland, B Norden, J Gardiner, P Crotty, J Knap, St Patrick’s Church Good Friday 3pm Altar Servers: A Greening, Alex, B & G Sullivan, D Smith Holy Saturday: Altar Servers: A Greening, Alex, B & G Sullivan, D Smith Proclaimer of the Word 1st OT Reader: D Williams, NT Reader: T Mackle, Third Reader: I Fitu Eucharistic Minister: R Coleman, D Fugle, B Hyland, M Bearsley, C O’Kane Easter Services: Parish Lenten Reconciliation: Wednesday 28th March St Patrick’s: 7pm Holy Thursday: 29th March (no morning Mass at any Church) St Patrick’s: 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday: 30th March St Patrick’s: 10am Stations of the Cross from St Patrick’s Church to All Saints, Hataitai St Anthony’s: 10am Way of the Cross starts and finishes at St Anthony’s Holy Cross: 2.30pm (weather permitting) Way of the Cross from Wexford Hill to Holy Cross Church 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion at all 3 churches Saturday Easter Vigil: 31st March St Patrick’s: 8.30pm Please bring your own candle to the Vigil Mass and ensure that it has a protector to prevent wax falling on your hands, clothing or the floor Easter Sunday: 1st April Holy Cross: 9am St Patrick’s: 10am St Anthony’s: 10.30am St Patrick’s Church – Good Friday. Volunteers needed. I am looking for both children and adults to read a station for the “Way of the Cross” procession from St Patrick’s Church to All Saints Church on Good Friday morning at 10am. Contact me Clare on 021 227 8363 Donation of Food for Holy Thursday Holy Thursday is the day appointed by the Holy Father to give gifts to the poor. So, at the offertory procession, we will take up doanted non perishable food items Please leave your donations in the basket in the porch as you enter St Patrick’s Church. The goods will be passed to our St Vincent de Paul Parish group. St Anthony’s Church A new roster for Readers, Eucharist ministers and ministers to the sick is being drawn up for the St. Anthony’s 10.30am mass. This will begin after Easter. We hope as many as possible of those currently rostered will continue and that those on Good Shepherd Hall roster will join in with the 10.30am roster. Could all those currently rostered at both St. Anthony’s and GSH please confirm with that they are happy to continue if they have not already done so, and if anyone new would like to join please also let us know. Please contact [email protected] Legion of Mary, Wellington Cordially invites you to a ceremony of Consecration to Our Lady “Acies” at St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Sunday 25th March 2pm. Archdiocesan North Island Chrism Mass – the Mass of the oils, Tuesday 27th March 7.30pm, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Hill St, Thorndon. Divine Mercy Novena and Prayers at Wellington Hospital Chapel Friday 30th March (Good Friday) – 7th April at 3pm. Contact Genevieve for information Poppy Day Street Appeal - Volunteers needed for Kilbirnie/Rongotai - Poppy Day Street Appeal will be held on Friday 20th April, raising funds to assist military veterans and their families. If you can spare an hour, volunteers are needed for the Kilbirnie and Rongotai shopping areas, beginning at 7 am and ending at 2 pm. If you can help, please call Glenda Ramsay, 3885 686 or 021 292 4094. Publications for purchase: Tui Motu $7 NZ Catholic $4 Keys left in St Patrick's Church after the 5.30pm Mass. If found, please return to the parish office Wellington Council of Churches annual Sonrise Service – Mt Victoria Lookout 6.30am Easter Sunday. Hosted by Wesley wellington Methodist Parish. For more information 027 2018766 or [email protected] TOGETHER WE STAND: Wellington Closing Event - 40 Days for Life. Sunday 25th March @ 12.00 p.m. (Noon) outside Wellington Hospital, Riddiford Street. Followed by a lunch and sharing time in St Anne's Hall. It's time to celebrate all God has accomplished over these 40 days. A plate of food would be appreciated if possible but not a requirement. All 40 Days for Life participants and supporters are invited! Divine Mercy Sunday You are all invited to join the Divine Mercy Celebration to be hled on Sunday 8th April, after the 10.30am Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Tawa. Taking place during the celebration are the Blessing of relivious articles, the Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image and the Chaplet of Divinge Mercy. Reconciliation will be available from 9.45am to the start of Mass at 10.30am. Refreshments will be served afte the service. Centre For Divine Mercy According to the Diary of St Faustina 88: Jesus told St Faustina I am King of Mercy. I desire that this image be displayed in public on the first Sunday after Easter. That Sunday is the Feast of Mercy. Through the Word Incarnate, I make known the bottomless depth of My mercy. The centre for Divine Mercy is organizing the celebration of FDMS at Sacred Heart Cathedral on 8 April 2018. (2:00 - 5:00 PM) Inner Peace in Divine Love An Ignatian First Spiritual Exercise retreat in daily life based on a programme developed by Australian, Michael Hanson SJ Participants meet weekly, under the guidance of trained guides, to pray and share in small groups their experience of prayer. The retreat is open to all and will be held at the church of St Peter and Paul, 37 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville over five Thursday evenings - 12, 19, 26 April and 3 and 10 May, 7:30 - 9:30 pm To book or for further information contact Sarah Dench 04 389 1038 or 021 0814 4424 [email protected] The Southern Stroke Club is holding its Annual Stroke Awareness Day on Friday 6th April. We are desperately seeking,in particular, assistance at Countdown (Kilbirnie), any time between 8.30am and 6pm. If you feel you could donate an hour (0r two) please contact Robin Boldarin at 027 209 7044 (day) 388 2647 (evening) or e-mail: [email protected] Come and Visit NZ’s only Museum of Bible times. Bibleworld Museum & Discovery Centre has recently moved to larger new premises and has even more to show what life was like in Bible times: heaps of scale models, lots of interactive activities, and some genuine artefacts from Bible times. Free Entry for everyone. 1141 Eruera Street, Rotorua. A great outing for adults and children. Pentecost Liturgical Workshop, Thursday April 19th 6.45pm-9.00pm at the Catholic Centre. This will be an interactive workshop, with Fr Patrick Bridgman, Archdiocesan Liturgy Advisor. Fr Patrick will help us unpack Pentecost seeking ways to be truly culturally inclusive within our liturgies and gatherings. Workshops are open to all, being particularly relevant to members of Liturgy teams, Children’s Liturgists, Parish Pastoral Leaders and Directors of Religious Education. Please register with Ann Williams before Friday 13 th April at [email protected] The March 25 – April 7 issue of NZ Catholic is out now. Some headlines are: Church tributes to Stephen Hawking. Easter Sunday Mass celebrated in Lent for broadcast. NZ bishops make submission on End of Life Choice Bill. Three in Holy Cross Seminary first year. The next issue of NZ Catholic will be published on April 8. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Noreen O’Callaghan Judy Judkins and Michael Noble and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Patricia Barriball and Henry (Bill) Walsh. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, Graeme Adams and Steve Kuzmicich and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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