Talofa Lava and good day to you all
Every hospital and nursing home can be a visible sign and setting in which to promote the culture of encounter and peace where the experience of illness and suffering, along with professional and fraternal assistance, helps to overcome every limitation and division. We have a mother with benevolent and watchful eyes, like her son, a heart that is maternal and full of mercy, like him, hands that want to help, like the hands of Jesus who broke bread for those who were hungry, touched the sick and healed them All this fills us with trust and opens our hearts to the grace and mercy of Christ. For as Christ's sufferings overflow to us, so through Christ does our encouragement also overflow. Mary's is the comforted mother who comforts her children .May the sweetness of her countenance watch over us, so that all of us may rediscover the joy of God's tenderness, allow it to dwell in our hearts and express it in our actions. Let us entrust to the Virgin Mary our trials and tribulations, together with our joys and consolations. Let us beg her to turn her eyes of mercy towards us especially in times of pain, and make us worthy of beholding, today and always, the merciful face of her Son Jesus .......Amen Fr Sanele New Parish Mass times from 1 August 2016 Thank you to all who took part in the Mass survey, your engagement with this process has been vital and the Parish Council is grateful for the effort made by all. One of the major reasons to go through this process has been to ensure that there is a working Mass roster that two priests can realistically cover travelling between Seatoun, Strathmore, Miramar and Kilbirnie. Firstly a few key points -
For Masses at St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie: The Vigil Mass remains at 5.30 pm, Sunday Mass times are now 7.30 am and 10.00 am The Life Teen 5.30 pm Sunday Mass is still under review and will continue for the time being. For Masses at Holy Cross Church, Miramar: Sunday Mass times are now 9.00 am and 5.00 pm. The new Sunday 5pm Mass is to provide the opportunity within the Holy Trinity Parish boundaries for parishioners to attend an evening Mass For Masses at St Anthony’s Church Seatoun and Good Shepherd Hall, Strathmore: Sunday Mass at Good Shepherd remains at 8.30 am. St Anthony's church Sunday Mass has a slight adjustment to 10.30 am At the end of this newsletter is a copy of the new Mass times and Mass Roster Volunteer form for you to fill in. Please return these by the 10th July Thank you. A big thank you to the people who came to help with the working bee on the 4th of June at St Patrick’s Church in Kilbirnie. Your efforts were very much appreciated. St Patrick’s Church: dates to remember 6th July – 9.30am Mass for the sick and anointing. 6th July – 7pm St Joseph Apostolate 7th July – 7pm St Patrick’s liturgy meeting Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 6th July 7.30pm in the Holy Cross Parish Centre Finance Committee Meeting – Tuesday 12th July 8pm in the Holy Cross Parish Centre.. Fr Sanele will be leaving for his holidays on the 2nd July and returning in September. We wish him a safe and much enjoyable trip back home. And we welcome back Fr Gregory who is returning next week from his holiday back home to India. St Catherine’s College Mission Day Mass – Mercy in Action 9.30am Wednesday 29th June at St Patrick’s Church On Mission day our students go out into the community and perform a "Mercy in Action". The theme for our Mission day has been based on Pope Francis' call for us to hear "the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor'. A special thanks to all the parishes who have contributed to the welcome of the June Intake of Refugee families to Wellington, either through donation of time or goods. Our Holy Trinity House set-up team had its day for set up changed three times and its location changed twice due to last minute complications in the transfer of the refugees from Auckland - but last night they still set-up a really special space for a new family of 5 in 90 mins! . News and Views out next Sunday Distributors from St Patrick’s, please collect your copies from the back of the church from the 3rd July. Please note: Thanks for all the great work you do. We are on the cusp of making a few changes to the way we do the distribution as a number of people are interested in receiving theirs by email, we will keep you informed Holy Cross Church: dates to remember 3rd July – 2pm Secular Franciscans meeting 5th July – Music group meeting KILBIRNIE MASS AND MORNING TEA ROSTERS FOR JULY available at the back of the Church Come away to be refreshed and renewed - Dove Retreat 29 - 31 July Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women invites all women to a retreat weekend with guest speakers Phil and Jennie Ryall from Australia. Jennie a trained counsellor and spiritual companion for many women carries a strong heart for people to find breakthrough into the freedom of God's goodness. Phil and Jennie are leaders for the Disciples of Jesus Community in Australia. Theme: "Never Thirst Again" Venue: Willow Park Christian Camp, Eastern Beach Auckland For registration and further information visit our website www.dove.org.nz or contact Shona Williams on 07 543 0101 email [email protected]. An option of residential or day registrations is available. Vinnies invite’s you… Youth, young leaders and young adults (17-30years) to Opening ACTS, Wednesday 29th June, 7pm hosted at Bill Pearce Room, St Joseph’s Church, Mt Victoria. For more details contact Ana (021 033 0615 / [email protected]) OR find us on facebook: Vinnies Wellington Area. Thank you to the parish community for supporting us in our recent Street Day Appeal. Your contribution will go a long way to help more people of Wellington. Feeding the Soup Kitchen – how can you help? “You picked me up off the street, fed me, loved me back to health.” This is what one guest said of the Soup Kitchen. On Friday 1st July the Soup Kitchen is hosting its annual Street Appeal between 7am - 5pm at 25 sites throughout the capital. This requires approximately 200 volunteers to collect. If you would like to find out more or volunteer your time, please contact [email protected] Watch found at St Anthony’s Church. If you think this may be yours, contact the Parish office 388 6953 Theology on Tap - Sunday 26th June 6.30pm at The Arborist, 166 Willis Street, Wellington Julianne Hickey the Director of Caritas NZ is our guest speaker at Theology on Tap. Julianne will be speaking on her experiences at the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference and the related work Caritas is undertaking around NZ and the Pacific. new venue - The Arborist Bar, 166 Willis Street. We really hope you to see a big attendance this Sunday! Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 28 June beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral Chapel to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and conclude with Benediction followed by supper. All are welcome. Taize Prayer There will be no Taize Prayer service at Our Lady's Home of Compassion on July 1. Our regular Taize prayer coincides with the Soup Kitchen's Sound Bites fundraising concert and the Sisters of Compassion invite you to join them there. Taize returns to its regular first Friday of the month schedule on 5 August at the usual time of 7pm. The Great Ice Cream Sundae Challenge – Sunday 3 July. All ADW youth groups (Yr 8+) warmly invited; 2.30-4.00pm, Grace Hall, St Patrick’s School 6 Tongariro St, Paraparaumu. $5 each – 29 June RSVP to [email protected]. More info - contact Jacqui or Delwyn on 022 6757357. Followed by… M3 Archdiocesan Young Church Mass – Sunday 3 July; 5pm – Our Lady of Fatima Church, 29 Parata St, Waikanae. Soup Kitchen Sound Bites fundraising concert This year’s concert will be held the evening of Friday 1st July at St Joseph’s Church, 154 - 156 Brougham Street, Mt Victoria, with music from Cantoris, members of the Wellington Youth Choir and students of the New Zealand School of Music. Doors open at 6.30pm for refreshments with the concert starting at 7pm. Tickets are $20 waged and $5 unwaged, door sales only with cash and eftpos available. Good habits need to be developed. Even childhood habits can help to translate important interiorized values into sound and steady ways of action. A person may be sociable and open to others, but if over a long period of time they have not been trained by their elders to say “Please”, “Thank you”, and “Sorry”, their good interior disposition will not easily come to the fore. Amoris Laetitia 266
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