We profess explicitly this Trinitarian God in our Gloria and Creed, God the Father the Creator, God the Son the Redeemer and the Holy Spirit the Sanctifier. The Trinity is so important that we commence every sacramental activity invoking the name of Triune God and conclude the with the same name.
The first reading tells us that God is deeply involved in the world from its beginning, showing Father-like care for His people, setting an example that summons us to imitation. Moses gives the people all the reasons to be proud of how they're different from their pagan neighbors. He asserts, "We have a better God who gave us a better law and we're a better people. There's no other god like ours, nor law like ours, and no other people like us, so shape up!" In the second reading, Paul describes the role of the Holy Spirit in making us true children of God the Father and brothers and sisters of God the Son, Jesus. As a response to some who insisted that pagan converts to Christ had to practice the Jewish law, Saint Paul tries to get his audience to let themselves be saved by the grace of God, instead of trying to save themselves by their own efforts, obeying Mosaic laws. He advises them to lead life in the Spirit which is letting God take over. This reading addresses some of the relations between Spirit, Father and Son, as we experience our relationship with God. Today’s Gospel describes Jesus’ final apparition to his apostles just before his ascension into heaven, commissioning them to make disciples of all nations. He instructs them that they should baptize those who believe in the name of each person of the Holy Trinity, namely, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The Triune God becomes our model of relationship. Just as God is God only in a Trinitarian relationship, so we can be fully human only in a relationship of three partners, namely, each one of us, God, neighbours. The solemn feast of Holy Trinity invites us to lead a life of peaceful co-existence, mutual respect, love, understanding and co-operation. The more we live these Trinitarian values in our life the better we reflect the image and sharers of Trinitarian family. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Fr Ephrem would like to formalise a prayer chain in our Parish. If you would like to be involved in this ministry, please contact the parish office with your contact details and Fr Ephrem will be in contact with you. This prayer chain will pray for the needs of our parish including those who are unwell and in most need of our prayers. The best way we can offer our service is in prayer, so this ministry is suited to all parishioners including those who are home bound and wondering in what ways they can be of service to our parish as this will be individuals and family groups praying in their own homes. We have many requests that come to our priests and it would be good to have a group to help with this. Grateful thank you. St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference warmly thanks the compassionate parishioners who donated winter bedding and cash for the two large families over the last few weeks. Also, two kind parish women have started doing driving and parking practice with the mother of the refugee family towards her restricted licence. May God bless you all for what you do for others. "In my life I want to become better and do a little good" (Blessed Frederick Ozanam). Go, you are sent… as members of the One Body. Outcome (6d) Opportunities are created for migrants to tell their stories. Feast of St Anthony St Anthony’s Church will be celebrating their feast day on the 10th June. St Anthony's School is delighted to share with the Holy Trinity Parish our outstanding Catholic Character Review. The Catholic Schools Education Services visited in May to conduct our scheduled Review and you can read about the areas of success and recommendations via our website: www.stants.school.nz The Board and Staff are looking forward to implementing the next steps and recommendations set out by the Catholic Character Review team. Parish Registration forms are available at the back of the churches. If any of your details change or you haven’t yet registered with the parish, please fill in a form and put in the collection basket or email to the parish office. The form is also available to download on the parish website www.holytrinity.parish.nz Life in the Spirit Seminar This seminar will be conducted at the Church of Sts Peter and Paul, Lower Hutt on seven consecutive Tues evenings 5 June - 17 July except for the 4th week which will be on Mon 25 June. Do you want to encounter Jesus on a deeper level? Come and be blessed. information on the poster on the notice board. Cancer Society VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED Transport to Cancer Treatment Volunteers needed with their own car and full licence to drive people to and from treatment appointments. If you want to make a real difference in your community, become part of our wonderful Volunteer Driving team for the Cancer Society Wellington. Ph Moana Uerata Jennings 389 0050 or [email protected]. See noticeboard for further details. WANTED! New or barely used, quality shoes of all shapes and sizes including children's shoes for our BIG shoe sale to be held in June (info to follow in later bulletin). As well as raising the funds we need to purchase a new organ or keyboard this is a community service project to provide quality shoes at a huge discount to those who cannot afford to buy good shoes at full retail prices. If you can help, please call Monica on 567 8267 or email her at [email protected]. We can pick up or alternatively shoes can be dropped off in a specially marked box in the foyer of St Peter and Paul's church whenever it is open. Thank you in advance for your support! Burying a Poet: A photographic exhibition of the tangihanga of James K Baxter on display at the Suzanne Aubert Heritage Centre from 1 June. Open Mon-Sat 10am-3pm | Sun 12noon-3pm. Email: [email protected] or Ph. 04 282 1953. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Faileaso Tuilaepa, Ellen Hansen, Ricky Popple and John Richardson. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, Graeme Adams and Steve Kuzmicich and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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