Sir 35, 12-14. 16-18; 2 Tim 4, 6-8. 16-18; Lk 13, 1-9
What Do We See? Dear sisters and brothers, I am drawn by a detail in today’s gospel. It has to do with eyes, with what the main characters are seeing. It is striking that the Pharisee sees the tax collector. His eyes are roving about as he prays in the temple. By contrast, the tax collector sees nothing, certainly not the Pharisee, since we are told that the tax collector “would not even raise his eyes to heaven.” This detail raises the question of what one sees, how one sees, and reminds us of the haunting phrase spoken by the Lord in 1 Samuel 16, 7. As the sons of Jesse are presented before him, he is sure that the number one son is the Lord’s choice. But here the Lord trains and corrects Samuel’s sight: “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart.” How do we acquire such sight, eyes that see as the Lord sees? One only begins to see with God’s eyes when the heart has been humbled. Knowing our own sinfulness, our identity as loved sinners, gives us new eyes so that we look out on the world and, especially on other people, the way God does. When we see others from such a heart, we see brothers and sisters who are “like me,” in contrast with the eyes of the Pharisee, who does not see from the heart and can only observe that “I am not like the rest of humanity.” Such a humble heart is the key to everything: “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance” (St. Augustine). Lord, humble our hearts. Give us your eyes! Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. PARISH PROPERTY UPDATE Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee We again thank those who have contributed through attending the consultations and making submissions regarding the future of our parish properties. The Pastoral Council and Finance Committee follow-up from your feedback has involved collating and summarising the information, discussion and meetings. The final report to the Cardinal for 30 October is currently being prepared. An overview of the consultation and the revised recommendations that will be made to the Cardinal will be shared with parishioners during the weekend of 26-28 October. The overview and recommendations, and the summaries of the submissions, will also be available on the parish website after the announcement has been made at all Masses for those unable to attend Mass that weekend or who may wish to review them in more detail. We ask that you continue to pray for Holy Trinity Parish as we continue to move into our future, full of hope. NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. November is a special month in which we are encouraged to pray for the dead
Three conditions are required for the gaining of the indulgence:
Please pray for our children as they prepare for First Holy Communion. First Holy Communion dates in our Parish St Patrick’s 3rd November 10am & St Anthony’s 10th November 10.30am MASS SCHEDULE FOR HOLY TRINITY PARISH Friday 1st November 9am St Patrick’s Church 9.30am Holy Cross Parish Centre MASS SCHEDULE FOR HOLY TRINITY PARISH Saturday 2nd November 9am Holy Cross Church 11am St Patrick’s Church Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Book Club –Sunday 27th October: Explore the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Catholic faith through its great books! At Holy Cross Church Parish Centre, 6-7pm. Light supper will be provided. Connect with fellow passionate Catholics for like-minded discussion. For enquiries, contact 3882-840 or [email protected] St Anthony's School Rosary Evening Come and join us on Tuesday the 29th of October as we pray the rosary together. The students have been learning how to say the rosary and some have even learned it in another language. We will be sharing this with our parents and community at 5:30pm. Hope to see you there. 2 Columban Calendars to give away! Two Columban Calendars have been very kindly donated by a parishioner. If you would like one of these please contact the Parish Office [email protected] or 388 6953 Gascoigne Educational Scholarship. This scholarship is open to all ages groups who are present members of Holy Trinity Parish and are planning to study for 2020 and beyond at a tertiary level and who meet the qualifying criteria which are included in the terms and conditions. For an application form (including terms and conditions) email the parish office [email protected] download a copy from the website or copies available from the back of each Church. Closing date: 31 October 2019 St Patrick’s Church centenary Mass is on 17th November at 10 am. Would you like to take an active role as part of the Mass? Would you like to usher people at the beginning and / or at Communion ? Would you like to read? To read a Prayer of the Faithful? To take part in the Offertory procession? To be a collector? We are planning now so if you are interested please contact Patricia O’Donnell at 934 3179 or [email protected] ASAP. St Patrick’s Church centenary Mass is on 17th November at 10 am All parishioners are welcome to come and join in celebrating the centenary of St Patrick’s Church followed by a cup of tea in the Parish Hall. Please note: the 5.30pm Vigil will be the only other Mass in the Parish St Patrick’s Church desperately needs musicians. Do you play the piano? Is your child learning to play? Would you be prepared to play one song at Mass on one Sunday or Vigil Mass on Saturday night? Help will be given before you play. please contact Patricia O’Donnell at 934 3179 or [email protected] Volunteer to weed a garden for St Patrick’s Primary School We’d love a parishioner to sort the garden down the drive next to what was the video shop. The compost bin is full, and it’d be good to have this dug into the soil. In the leadup to the St Patrick’s centenary Mass on the 17th November at 10am, we will include an interesting fact about the former Parish each week. FACT The first ordination of a priest in the parish was held on Friday 17 June 1977. Michael O’Donnell, son of Jack and Molly O’Donnell Parishioners since 1943, was ordained a Marist Priest by Cardinal Delargey. His First Mass was on Saturday morning followed by a meal in the Church Hall. Then many went to Athletic Park for the rugby test All Blacks versus Lions. The All Blacks won which added to the celebrations. 2020 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. You can either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: your name, the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. Bernadette Hyland will also have them available for sale at St Patrick’s Church. Book Launch Invite A book of poems by St Anthony’s parishioner Michael Fitzsimons is being launched on Sunday November 3 at 4pm at the Worser Bay Lifesaving Club, 251 Marine Parade, Seatoun. The life-affirming poems, entitled Michael I Thought You Were Dead, were written in the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis. The poems are pragmatic, searching and ultimately hopeful. All poetry-lovers welcome. Join us for a FREE Seniors’ Week event to talk about the symptoms of a heart attack and stroke, so you know what to do if you see or experience them. There will be a CPR demonstration Everyone welcome – free afternoon tea provided. Come along for a chance to hear from others and ask questions. Strathmore Park Community Centre Friday 1 November 11.00am – 12.30pm Safeguarding training. extra Safeguarding workshop on Tuesday 29th October, at 60 Knights Road, Hutt Central, we will gather at 6.45pm for a cup of tea/coffee and the workshop itself will start at 7pm. It’s at the Parish Hall, Te Awakairangi Parish, Sts Peter and Paul Church. Please contact Brendy Weir ASAP if you want to attend. Tel. (04) 496 11768 or email [email protected] This training is compulsory if you are involved in any of the following ministries. Please make sure you attend one of these if you are involved in the following ministries and have not attended. - Parish Council - Children’s Liturgy - Trainer Altar Servers Roles - Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to the Sick - Sacramental Programme Leaders – Legion of Mary Go you are sent to find leaders (3) Allow others to step up while those stepping aside have a mentoring role. Solemn Vespers for the Feast of ALL SAINTS Psalms Gregorian Antiphons music by Palestrina Choir of St Mary of the Angels Directed by Robert Oliver With David Trott, Organ Followed by a short concert of seasonal music by Philips, Victoria, Tavener St Mary of the Angels Boulcott Street 7:3 0 pm Friday 1 st November FUNDRAISING CONCERT BY FR CHRIS SKINNER, SM An afternoon of songs and music on Saturday 2 November, 2:00pm, Sacred Heart Church Petone. Tickets - $25 each. Proceeds to support Pacific families to attend the Annual Oceania gathering of the Focolare Movement, 8-12 January 2020.For tickets contact: David – 04 4787962 or [email protected] Nilda – 021 2321171 or [email protected] A Caring Space Quiet Day A Caring Space is an invitation to those who care for a loved one to step away for a few hours to reflect on your role as carer and to explore with God your thoughts and feelings in this role. At Home of Compassion, Rhine St., Island Bay on Friday 15th November 11am to 2.30pm. Please contact Veronica Parton 021 238 6675 or email [email protected] for details and to register. Religious Diversity: Encountering other religions. A workshop, interactive, fun, and challenging for Jewish, Christian and Muslim young adults. Thursday 31 October 2019 4-9pm, at Wellington Islamic Centre, 7 Queen’s Drive, Kilbirnie. Limited space, tickets from Eventbrite. St Patrick’s Primary School Ethnic Food Fair 5.30 – 7.30 Friday 15th November We are about to launch into preparations for our annual Food Fair. We’d love to include the Holy Trinity parishioners as much as possible. Last year we had some wonderful parishioners who cooked for us, helped run stalls and donated Hoopla jars.
Challenge 2000 is a Youth and Community Development agency that has served young people in the Church and the wider community for over 30 years. We are holding our annual Street Day Appeal on Thursday 14th November. If you are willing and able to help in any way, please get in touch: call Anne Harlow or John Robinson on 04 477 6827 or email [email protected] National March for Life. You’re invited to love them both by attending the third annual National March for Life in Wellington on Saturday 7 December. Join Kiwis from all over NZ in a family-friendly celebration of life which also peacefully protests the practice and legality of abortion. Gather at Civic Square from 12pm for family-friendly entertainment, sausage sizzle and stalls. March to Parliament Grounds begins at 2pm. Concludes at 4pm. Learn more about this important event at a critical moment in NZ’s history: Mass for Life. You’re invited to pray for babies, mums, dads and families at a Mass for Life on Friday 6 December, 7pm at St Mary of the Angels, 17 Boulcott Street, Wellington. Cardinal Dew will be the principal celebrant. Eucharistic Adoration will follow for one hour after Mass to pray in readiness for the National March for Life. For more information please visit or phone Clare 021 231 7954. Driving Miss Daisy Wellington East needs drivers. We are looking for companion drivers in the Wellington East area. • You will require a p-Endorsement and a First-Aid Certificate or be willing to obtain these. • You need to be flexible with work hours and be available to work some weekends. Call Julia today to discuss Ph: (04) 384 8344 Mob: (021) 215 3014 Email: [email protected] Andrew has donated his mother’s wheelchair to Wellington East driving Miss Daisy to thank them for them for their wonderful service. The wheelchair will be loaned to those waiting for their wheelchair to arrive. Marist St Pats RFC – 50TH Jubilee – You are invited to join with past and current players, coaches, managers and supporters over Queens Birthday Weekend. Friday 29 May to Sunday 1 June 2020. To register, and for more information, check out the webpage The parable teaches us that a person is just or sinful not because of their social class, but because of their way of relating to God and how they relate to their brothers and sisters… If the pharisee asked for nothing because he already had everything, the tax collector can only beg for the mercy of God. And this is beautiful: to beg for the mercy of God! Pope Francis: General Audience, 1 June 2016 Our prayers are with those who are unwell especially John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community. We also pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Victor Sheehan, Mary Greening, Gertruda Knap and Antoinette Mallia.
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