Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:31--13:13; Luke 4:21-30
Dear friends in Christ Jesus, today we celebrate, “Day of prayer for children”. It is fitting that we hear today two important features in the gospel. On the one hand the town’s folk are quite impressed with Jesus’ words. They know His parents and are quite excited that Jesus will make them proud and famous perhaps. On the other hand, they begin to dislike and take offence the way Jesus tries to enlighten them of their folly. Jesus begins to move to public domain and not confined to the Israelites only. He quotes two familiar stories from their scriptures. (1 Kings 17, and 2 Kings 5, 14-9) These stories provoke His listeners and they change their opinions and feelings concerning Jesus. They do not like the implications of His interpretation of the stories and so when they, like us, do not like the message, they attempt to get rid of the messenger. Jesus escapes to continue His healing, teaching, and provoking. The folks of Nazareth were blinded by their rigidity and their seeing Jesus as limited to their own expectations. Jesus became a stumbling object, because they thought they could see Who he was, but could not because of their low-vision. Jesus provokes us to admit we have low vision about most things and especially about the God of Revelation. Faith is a way of living with the admission that God offers us little glimpses and the grace to see them and trust in what is behind and beyond them. Strange enough, it is the children who see far more clearly than adult. Allow the message to confront our localised vison and penetrate darkness our heart to see God’s kingdom and change. It is up to us folks, to accept or reject: choice is ours. Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Masses in Holy Trinity Parish on Waitangi Day 9am – St Anthony’s 9.30am – Holy Cross 11am – Annointing Mass St Patrick’s HOLY TRINITY PARISH - ST PATRICK’S CHURCH CARPARK Thank you all for your patience and understanding during various delays in getting our car park completed. The marking is done, most signage installed. This week it passed the WCC inspection and we are now able to use the space! St Patrick’s School upper playground is still available for weekend Mass time parking. Parents and Caregivers of the school will be able to use the parish carpark for pick up and drop off parking before and after school. But children must be accompanied by their parent or caregiver both to and from the carpark into and out of the school grounds. The Caphuchins will all be in Auckland from the 11th – 14th February. Weekday Mass schedule during their abesnce will be in next Sunday’s newsletter. WELCOME We welcome Tony Kelly- Smith, the new principal at St Patricks Primary School, to our Parish. Congratulations Tony and all the very best for your work with your staff, students and their families. HOLY TRINITY PARISH SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2019 Children in year 4 or above who have been baptised in a Catholic Church and would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are eligible to enrol. Enrolment forms are available in the church foyers, School Offices or on the website All enrolment forms need to be completed and returned including a copy of your baptism certificate by the 15th Feb to the School Offices, email [email protected] Volunteer wanted St Patrick’s Primary School - Do you have some time, energy, creativity, good people skills? You could be perfect to facilitate a Young Vinnies group in our school. We are looking for a person to work with a small group of eight of our intermediate students guiding them in doing acts of service. We would like the volunteer to facilitate the group in meeting fortnightly to discuss ways they can serve those in need and to take the students out to do acts of service (perhaps four students at a time). We’d love someone who could help them think of different ways they could serve and help them approach people to set the service up eg. Gardening for the sick or elderly, looking after young children for families, sorting in a charity op shop. Please, consider taking up this role. We would be very grateful. Email [email protected] Thank you to all those people selling raffle books for the St Anthony’s Bazaar. Please return your raffle book butts and ticket sales monies to the St Anthony’s School office as soon as possible and preferably a week before the Bazaar on 17 February. This is a great fund raiser with half of the funds raised going to painting of the St Anthony’s ceiling and general parish running expenses. The other half of funds raised will be used for purchasing school equipment. News and Views. This is a magazine delivered by email or to a letterbox to most parishioners on the parish roll on a monthly basis. The Pastoral Council has decided that this will now be distributed on a quarterly basis. We are seeking 3 or 4 parishioners or a family who could help with this publication. Essentially this would involve identifying any information which may be of faith-based interest to both active parishioners and those who are not regular attenders. Help with final copy is available. Please contact the office if you think you can help with this important communication. Waitangi Day Mass: The annual Waitangi Day Mass will be held at St Mary of the Angels church, Boulcott St, Wellington, 9am on February 6th. The Mass features the involvement of the SMOA choir, members of Te Ngākau Tapu parish for Māori and the Māori community as well as representatives of other ethnic groupings. Hymns and prayers will be in Māori, English and Latin. Main celebrant – Cardinal John Dew accompanied by local priests including Mons. Gerard Burns, PP, Te Ngākau Tapu. This is a special time of prayer for our country, its needs and its peoples. Contact St Mary of the Angels for more information. Nau mai, haere mai! The Wellington Young Adults Catholic Community House - Mary's Mantle- is presenting to you the opportunity to live in community Living in the grand old presbytery in the peaceful suburb of Seatoun we are a community of young Catholics seeking to live out our faith in a greater way. We do this through committing to daily prayer, shared meals and community nights of fun, teachings and mass, and we encourage and support one another (as families do) to seek Christ and to grow in holiness in our jobs and lives. Our place is home to all young Catholics and therefore we also strive to offer hospitality to all who pass by! If living out your faith in community sparks your interest, consider if God may be inviting you to join us! If you are interested in finding out more (and you’re between the ages of 18 - 35) please get in touch with Chante Cooper, Damon Maclachlan, Sophie Hale, or Catherine Monastra or give Isabella a call to chat about all things ‘community!’ - on 0210539664. To all our Young Adult Catholic family, our place belongs to you too... our home is your home! If you are in Wellington, come stay with us, pray with us or share a meal! All our prayers and peace Mary's Mantle Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver - Annual Raffle: In February and March the Sisters of St Peter Claver will be selling tickets for the Annual Raffle. This is an important activity raising a significant portion of the funds needed to support the missionary projects. Please support the raffle through the purchasing of tickets, however we also need people to assist in selling tickets in the parish (after mass) and in the community. If you can assist please contact either the Sisters or Rob McCullough (0221771007). Mission Fair: 10am to 1pm on Saturday the 16th of Feb at St Francis de Sales Church Hall and Grounds. Come and support the Sisters of St Peter Claver raise funds for Catholic Missionary work around the world. The 2019 Mission Fair has something for everyone with a variety of stalls, raffles, food and entertainment – and a great way for the community to come together. Donations of good quality items for sale at the Fair are greatly appreciated and can be delivered to the sisters at 1 Mersey St, Island Bay, Wellington or phone 383 8401 for collection. A Good Friday Liturgical Workshop on Thurs 14th March 14th 6.45pm-9pm at the Catholic Centre. This will be an interactive workshop, with Fr Patrick Bridgman, Archdiocesan Liturgy Advisor. Fr Patrick will help us unpack the symbolism and rituals associated with Good Friday. Everyone welcome. Please register with Ann Williams before Friday 8th March at [email protected] Michael Mangan Workshop : This We Believe: Music for Sacraments of Initiation with Children. Songs for the preparation & celebration of Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion and Reconciliation for children. Tuesday 26th Feb 7pm-9pm Ss Peter & Pauls Church L. Hutt. Please register before Mon 18th Feb with Ann Williams [email protected] Entry by Koha. Joshua Wellington extends an open invitation to men and women both older and younger for Mass followed by supper (Please bring some finger food to share!) on Thursday 21st of February 2019 at 7:30pm in St Joseph’s Church, 42 Ellice Street, Mount Victoria.Celebrant: Fr Peter Ewart (Joshua Wellington Chaplain) Want to know more? Ring David Monastra on mobile 027 4477 280 or e-mail: [email protected] Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women. Our meeting is on Saturday, 16th February at 1:30pm at Connolly Hall, Guildford Tce, Thorndon. Come and make a joyful sound before the Lord, the King. All women welcome. Enquiries Shura 3899938 ROSARY BEADS FOR SEAFARERS. There is at present a high demand for rosary beads from seafarers calling at NZ ports. Do you have any spare rosary beads you would like to donate to the Apostleship of the Sea? If possible please post to: AoSNZ National Office, PO Box 25-563, Wellington 6146. Or contact Fr Jeff Drane: [email protected]; or Denise Shirley: [email protected] (phone 388 8448) on behalf of Fr Jeff. NEW ZEALAND CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE OFFICER Applications are invited for the position of Executive Officer for the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference. The Conference is the assembly of the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand who carry out together functions best done collectively rather than individually by dioceses. The Executive Officer reports to the General Secretary of the Conference and works with the President and other bishops on various aspects of the Conference’s work. The key tasks of the Executive Office include • Support for the meetings of Conference and its Finance Committee, and actioning their decisions • Responsibility for the smooth operation of the Secretariat • Relationships with agencies, dioceses and external bodies • Management of the Conference’s finances and records • Liaison with ad hoc national advisory groups • Liaison with the Conference Communications Advisor The position is Wellington- based. The successful applicant will have a sound understanding of the Church, managerial experience, and excellent writing skills. CV and covering letter should be sent by 22 Feb to Cardinal John Dew, PO Box 1937, Wellington [email protected] The job description is available by emailing [email protected] CELEBRATE LOVE ON ST VALENTINES DAY! Monsignor Gerard Burns on behalf of Cardinal John Dew invites you to join in a celebration of love this St Valentine’s Day, Thursday 14th February 2019, 6pm at St Joseph’s Church, 152 Brougham Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington. For further details please contact Felicity Giltrap at ADW Marriage Ministries (04) 496 1719 or email [email protected] Welcom - Greetings and Happy New Year to All, The first issue for WelCom 2019 is out this week for Sunday 3 February. Contents include:
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