Warnings against jealousy and intolerance
The apostles want to reserve God's love and healing power to themselves as the sole owners. We hear John complaining to Jesus that a stranger was driving out demons in Jesus’ name, and hence Jesus should condemn the man. As unsuccessful exorcists, they are jealous of this stranger. Jesus, however, reprimands his disciples for their jealousy and suspicion and invites them to broaden their vision and to recognize God's power wherever it is found. Like Moses in the first reading, Jesus challenges a rigid understanding of ministerial legitimacy. He wants the apostles to rejoice in the good that others do. Jesus enunciates a principle for his disciples: "Anyone who is not against us is for us." God can and does use anyone to do His work. The Church has no monopoly on God's work, truth, love or power to heal and reconcile. The work of the Kingdom is not confined to the baptized, although it is certainly our special work. The lesson is especially valuable today. Intolerance has a long history in the Christian Church and Christians are still known for a spirit of intolerance. Ask the average person on the street what they think is a Christian attitude, and they will use words like "judgmental," "narrow-minded," "dogmatic," "condemning," and "intolerant." The road to tolerance must begin with each of us. We must be tolerant of others. Only tolerance can overcome hatred. The church should display tolerance to a hate-filled world. The churches are expected to present Christ to the world. How can the church present Him when it is arrogant or intolerant? We cannot commend the highest spiritual beauty and truth by the use of intolerant moods and bad tempers. It is through mutual respect that we find common ground with others and discover strengths in different beliefs. Wherever we see God's work being done we should give our support and be ready to work together with such people whether they are Christians or not, believers or not. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. HOLY TRINITY PARISH CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB - SUNDAY 30th September The book club meets Sunday, 30th September, at 6 pm. Any inquiries please phone Allan 3882 840, or email [email protected] Meetings are last Sunday of every month, 6pm, in the parish centre, Holy Cross Church, Miramar. Supper provided. Annointing Mass at St Patrick’s Church - 11am Wednesday 3rd October Feast of St Francis of Assisi Our Capuchin Fathers and the Lay Franciscans are celebrating the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, their founder, on the 4th of October. There will be the Transitus of St Francis (passing away) on the 3rd of October 6.30pm at St Patrick’s Church Kilbirnie followed by a light supper in the church meeting room. The Solemn Holy Mass will be on Thursday 4th October 9.30am at St Patrick’s Church Kilbirnie followed by the blessing of the animals (please bring your pets) and a cup of tea/coffee in the church meeting room. We welcome you all to come and celebrate with us the Feast day of our Founder. Please note: this will be the only Mass in the Parish on Thursday 4th October Thank you to those who attended and participated in the Parish Liturgy combined gathering on the 25th September. Thank you to everyone who donated to the Kerela appeal. We received $1821 which has been passed to SVdP who will administer directly to the region. When you ask the priest for a Mass intention, could you please remember to write down which Church, date and Mass time you would like this offered. Thank you. Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 2nd October 7.30pm St Anthony’s Gascoigne Room. Finance Committee Meeting: Tuesday 9th October 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre. Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver are holding a “MULTCULTURL”on Saturday 14th October at 2pm to 4pm at St.Patrick’s Parish Hall, Kilbirnie. Admission: $5.00 Enquiries : Sisiers of St. Peter Claver, Ph 3838401. Mary of Nazareth an epic film on the Mother of Christ. Legion of Mary will host a movie /n cup of tea on October 24 after the 9.30am Mass at 9.30 at Holy Cross Parish Centre. Everyone is welcome. Gascoigne Educational Scholarship 2018. This scholarship is open to all ages groups who are present members of Holy Trinity Parish and are planning to study for 2018 and beyond at a tertiary level and who meet the qualifying criteria which are included in the terms and conditions. For an application form (including terms and conditions) email the parish office [email protected] download a copy from the website http://www.holytrinity.parish.nz/ or copies available from the back of each Church. Closing date: 31 October 2018 2019 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. Calendars will be available for sale from next weekend. You can either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, or email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. Kiwi Athletic Club opening and enrolment night 1st Wednesday in October 5pm Newtown Stadium. For College age to Veteran adults. Ideal for winter coders, newcomers Contact Peter Jack 388 6224 from 7PM The annual Suzanne Aubert Celebration Sunday is a day for all Catholics to celebrate and remember the spirituality and good works of this remarkable woman and to be inspired by what she achieved and to follow in her footsteps. At the age of just 25, Suzanne Aubert arrived in New Zealand from France, to answer God’s call to serve the sick, orphaned, elderly and those whom society rejected. She established New Zealand’s first soup kitchen which still serves thousands of meals a year. She was a pioneer of New Zealand’s health and welfare system and a friend to Māori throughout her life. In the 66 years she lived here, Suzanne travelled widely, visiting more than 24 towns across the country. A special pilgrimage map can be viewed on the website (www.suzanneaubert.co.nz) which has been designed to help those interested to retrace Suzanne’s footsteps in Aotearoa. Suzanne’s wairua lives on in the work of the Sisters of Compassion. Please continue to pray that the church will soon recognize Venerable Suzanne Aubert’s intercession in a miracle which enables her to be beatified. You are warmly invited to attend the Ecclesia Dei (Latin Mass) Society of NZ Retreat 5 Oct - 7 Oct at The Home of Compassion, Island Bay. Bishop Basil Meeking, Emeritus Bishop of Christchurch, will lead the retreat and he will give three inspiring talks: It is the Mass that Matters: (1) Calvary Continued; (2) God Feeds us; (3) One Church, One Eucharist. The Latin Mass will be offered each day with Rosary, devotions, Adoration, Reconciliation and time for meditation. Cost: Full retreat with all meals $250.00; Day attendance (no meals or accommodation) $40.00 - other options available on request. Ph Neil Coup:589 6924, 021 896924, Jan Curran: 07 838 2646, Email: [email protected] Catholic Marriage Preparation course ‘Love is a Decision’ Getting married soon? or is someone you know getting married in Summer 2018/2019? Bookings are open for the final two marriage preparation courses for 2018. The ADW Marriage Preparation Course ‘Love is a Decision’ will be run in Wellington on Oct 7 & 14 and Nov 18 & 25. Courses for 2019 start again in March. Contact Felicity Giltrap (04) 496 1719 or [email protected] for more information or to book for a course. Vigil Mass for canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero (1917-1980): Archbishop Romero will be canonized on 14 Oct in Rome. Romero was noted for his defence of the poor and of human rights during times of great social conflict in El Salvador. He was assassinated while celebrating Mass on March 24, 1980. To mark the canonization, the Wellington JPD commission in conjunction Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand and local Justice and Peace groups have organized a thanksgiving Mass with Mons. Gerard Burns at the Home of Compassion chapel Island Bay, 5pm, Sat 13 Oct. A recent documentary (75 mins) about Romero will be shown at 3pm in the same venue. All welcome. Inquiries to Mgsr Gerard Burns 04-496-1737 Rosary Aotearoa is encouraging parishes and groups to gather at different locations around the country at 3pm on Sunday 7 October to pray the Rosary. For more information and to register a group and location see www.rosarynewzealand.nz. Gift yourself a time of reflection and join Cardinal John and the Stewardship team at the annual Stewardship Retreat, to be held at Sacred Heart Church Petone, Britannia St from 9.30am-3.45pm on Saturday 27 October, 2018. Register by emailing [email protected] or phone 496 5182. A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers couples an experience of loving communication they can use for the rest of their lives. It's a chance to look deeply into their relationship with each other and with God. It's a time to share feelings, hopes and dreams with each other. The weekend provides an environment to spend time together. A chance to focus on each other. It's a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Marriage. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is 9-11 November at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay. For more information phone 0800 362 686 or go to the website http://www.marriageencounter.org.nz Pa Maria Marist Spirituality Centre, Thorndon: Non-Residential Retreat, 12 - 16 November, 9.30am - 4.00pm daily; Reflection Day, Saturday 24 November, 9.30am - 4.00pm. For further information, please contact Fr Brian Cummings SM at [email protected] or 021 703 580. Go you are sent to build community- 12(d) Continuing to strengthen the relationship and practical cooperation between parish and schools is a priority. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Luke Cochrane, Audrey Gavan, Gilbert Raymond, Francis Shaw, Diane Crowhurst, Kathryn Dobbs and Brian Bell. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially Mary Greening, Judy Chote, John Rogers and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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