What a beautiful image Jesus give us of the church! The net! Everyone knows that once the net is thrown it collects every kind of fish. Look at the net. Lok at our Holy Trinity Parish on Sunday morning. It is filled up with all kinds of “fish”. Look at the size and shape of some of the fish so huge. Look at their colours? There are white and blacks, red and yellows and blues. Each fish is so special and unique and we all belong in the net of Christ’s love. Jesus welcomes everyone in his net. What a mixture but beautiful group we are in the net. We are rich and poor, young and old. Some are highly educated, other are unlettered, married and single, priests and religious. We are everybody.
The incredible thing about the Church, this net is that everyone belongs here. I belong. We belong. This net is my home and my family. We eat and drink the same “Body and Blood” of Jesus Christ. The more is l love my brothers and sisters in the net, the more I am loved and respected. The scary thing is that at the end of the world, God will separate the good fish from the bad. The good news is that the merciful and loving God the Father who sees our hearts will judge us in perfect love and merciful justice. I think at the judgement many that were judged as “bad” will turn out to be the most beautiful fish in the net. In the meantime, let us enjoy being in the net. The church is the most beautiful and crazy place we can ever be. The Church door is never closed. Fr Gregory Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Adoration every Saturday at Holy Cross Church after 9am Mass Please continue to pray for our children as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation next Sunday. Confirmation practice will be at St Patrick’s Church 2 – 3pm Sunday 31st July Confirmation this year will be at St Patrick’s Church 10am on the 6th August We ask that parishioners bring a plate of food to share for the cup of tea after Confirmation in St Patrick’s Church Hall Annointing Mass at St Patrick’s Church Wednesday 2nd August 11am Holy Cross Happy Hour – Weds 2nd August 11am in the Parish Centre. Seniors are reminded of our next happy hour. A friendly game of bingo and a shared lunch. All welcome. Update - Holy Cross Church Roof Repair The recoating of the roof to stop the ongoing leaks has now been completed and scaffolding removed. We would like to thank our Holy Cross Churchgoers for your patience and understanding while this work has been carried out. Mass of Obligation – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Tuesday 15th August 9am – St Anthony’s Church 9.30am – St Patrick’s Church 9.30am – Holy Cross School Hall 6pm – St Patrick’s Church An invitation to all Altar Servers of Holy Trinity Parish Come and celebrate the feast of our patron saint of altar servers St. Tarcisius at the 5pm Mass at Holy Cross on the 20th August, followed by light refreshments in the Parish Centre. This will be a good opportunity for all the altar servers from the Parish to meet each other. Please put the date on your calendar. Catholic and Anglican Housing Forum – 9 August Cardinal John Dew and Bishop Justin Duckworth are hosting a housing forum at the Anglican Cathedral on Wednesday 9 August at 6.30pm Please come and hear: Christian perspectives on our current housing crisis - Stories from people in the community. Responses from political parties, Music and light refreshments available from 5.45 pm. Bishop’s statement on 2017 General Election Our bishops have provided a statement which outlines principles and topics to consider when you are deciding how to vote in the upcoming election. You are encouraged to take one with you after Mass today. It is also available online at www.catholic.org.nz under ‘Bishops Statement’ This week’s reflection from the Catholic Bishops’ statement on the 2017 General Election: We delight in the cultural diversity of contemporary New Zealand and we wish to welcome to our shores not only those people whose skills are deemed to be of immediate benefit to our economy, but also those for whom their homeland has become unsafe, including refugees and asylum seekers. FAB Note of opportunity to Art aspirants Any 10-15 yr old who wants ANY art to be part of their life can participate free. 3 bursaries ($3000, $2000 & $1000) will be decided by your peers. 2017 closing date is 31 August. Look, or ask your guardian to look, at www.ebis.school.nz for more info. You do not have to attend EBIS (any yr 7 to 11 in Eastern Suburbs)-contacts on that website under ‘Franken Art Bursaries’. No entry fee, no costs to you or your parents What is it like to be a Prophet in Today’s World? Mons. Gerard Burns will address this on Thursday, August 3 2017 at 7.00—8.30pm at St. Anne’s Church Hall, Emmett St. Newtown. Mons. Gerard is committed to living and preaching the Gospel message of social Justice. Seasons for Growth is an education programme which explores the effects of change, loss and grief. Using the imagery of the four seasons, the programme is a safe and proven way to help people process and adjust to changing experiences. Bridgett Parkin will run a programme of six weekly sessions, starting on Sunday 30 July, 2.00 – 4.30pm, at KAC Church Offices, 8 Fancourt Street Karori. Cost $25 for the workbook. For more information or to register please contact Bridgett on 934-1811 or email: [email protected]. St Catherine's College 2018 Scholarships Educating Young Women since 1950 Apply now to [email protected] or phone 04 939 8988 Applications close 25 August 2017 Wanted – Flat to Rent: Pensioners seeks a 1 bedroom flat to rent with small outdoor area if possible, on the flat in Miramar or Strathmore. Ring Bev 388 5821 LAST CHANCE TO BOOK YOUR PLACE! The Parenting Place – parenting expert speaks at Sacred Heart Cathedral 1 August 2017 Sacred Heart Cathedral School has teamed up with Jenny Hale from The Parenting Place to present Raising Happy, Confident and Resilient Children. We would love to invite your school community join us for this seminar on Tuesday 1 August at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm), at 40 Hill St, Thorndon. This is a fundraising event for our small school, with all proceeds going towards a new school playground. Tickets are $25 and are available online at: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/edit?eid=35336832417# eConference Coming Soon Gospel leadership in times of chaos: the hope of Pope Francis Join a challenging eConference streamed live free over the internet. Group participation will be facilitated by the Parish Leadership Ministry team and The Catholic Institute, Wellington. Thursday 10 August 12 noon - 4.30pm (NZ time) at the Catholic Centre, 22-30 Hill St, Thorndon, Wellington or at Our Lady of Fatima Church Foyer, Parata Street, Waikanae. Registration attendance for the Wellington venue to Ann Williams [email protected] For more information: www.bbi.catholic.edu.au/short-courses/eConference-2017 Become a volunteer at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, Island Bay: information session Saturday 5 August We are seeking volunteers who would like to share the story of Suzanne Aubert and the Sisters of Compassion, and the charism of Compassion. A range of roles are available from greeting to guiding tours to providing a presence in the Chapel. Our next Compassion Volunteering information session is on the morning of Saturday 5 August. To register your interest in volunteering, contact Deirdre Hanlon, Visitor Experience Manager, at [email protected] or phone 282 1953. Saturday 12‒Sunday 13 August - Retreat: ‘Coming Home To Who We Are’, storytelling, deep listening, silent prayer and meditation, personal reflection, ritual, rest, silence and refreshment. Facilitators Joy Cowley and Pip Nicholls. Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington. To register email [email protected] or ph (04) 383-7769. A CARING SPACE An invitation for those who care for a loved one, to spend a few hours creatively exploring with God, what scripture says about their role as carer. The view is through a Christian lens but the material would suit any seeker of God. Led by Gill Schaap and Veronica Parton Thursday 3rd August at the Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington OR Monday 14th August at St Andrew’s, 11 Steyn Avenue, Plimmerton Time: 11am – 2pm - Hot drinks provided, please bring you own lunch Cost: $10 For more details and to register contact Veronica Parton [email protected] or 021 238 6675 Tindall Fund Applications for 2017 are now open. The priority is to fund groups committed to social, pastoral, charitable and educational needs in our region. Applications are judged on the basis of need, resource availability and the fulfilment of set Tindall criteria. Applications due Friday, 25th August 2017. To apply for funding, and to see the criteria for applications please go the Archiocese website http://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/quicklinks/support/tindall-funding/ Please come and join us at the Wellington Dove Fellowship for Women. Sat 19th August at 1.15pm.Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace. Our speaker is Rebecca Millar who will be sharing her faith journey in which the Lord led her into the Catholic church, Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Dove Fellowship. For further information contact Shura Price 04 3899938 2017 is the bicentenary of the founding of the Marist Brothers in France, 1817. To mark this occasion there will be a Mass held in the Cathedral on Sunday August 13, at 2.00pm, followed by afternoon tea. Former staff, students, relatives, supporters and friends of the Brothers, as well as current staff and students of schools where the Brothers have taught, are cordially invited. St Dominic’s Catholic College at Henderson are celebrating their 50th Jubilee on September 15th and 16th. Registrations are now open on their Facebook page: St Dominic’s College at Henderson - 50th Jubilee OR on their website, www.stdoms.ac.nz OR contact the Principal’s PA Tina Allingham at [email protected]
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