Love of God and love of neighbour are inseparable. One cannot meaningfully exist without the other. To love God without loving the neighbour is hypocrisy. St. John says, “Those who say ‘I love God’ and hate their brothers and sisters are liars; for those who do not love their brothers and sisters whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also. (1 Jn 4: 20-21) On the other hand if one says that he loves his neighbour and not God, he runs the risk of making man absolute; for him eventually man will become the measure of everything.
Jesus was asked, “Which is the greatest commandment? Jesus answered the Scribes with opening words of the ‘Shema’. And the ‘Shema’ means the daily prayers of the pious Jews. It contains the greatest commandment of the Law, that is, love of God and the love of a neighbour. The first commandment states two things: a) The Lord our God Is One. According to the Scripture there is only one God who is the Creator and Father of us all. In Is 44:6 this is what we read “Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord almighty: I am the first and I am the last: apart from me there is no God.” b) Love the Lord your God absolutely: God demand the complete love of man. Quoting the Shema prayer Jesus says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your soul, and with all your minds, and with all your might.” In other words God should be loved unconditionally and absolutely, from the four aspects of human person. God is the measure of all things. The second great law is to love the neighbour as oneself. This law is taken from the book of Leviticus (19:18) For a Jew, a neighbour was always a fellow Jew and not the Gentiles. But for Jesus a neighbour is any human being in need. Love of God necessarily flows down to the love of the neighbour. In short one of the greatest truths is that there are really only two commandments. First is to love God, and second is to love our neighbour. They are not meant to be separated. But we often do separate them. We like to think that we are on good term with God, yet how many of us can say that we are on good terms with all our neighbours. Fr Gregory Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Please pray for our children as they prepare for First Holy Communion. We congratulate our children from St Anthony’s for their First Holy Communion today: Jamie Taylor, Marimatina Peni, Nadia Monahan, Selma Smith, Codie Tawhiri, Lachlan Handscomb, Liliana Natoli, Sebastian Campion, Hugo Campion, Nikolas Nunns, Isabella Flood, Nina Atkinson-Milin, Shaun Pink, Maria Fascione, Darragh Williams First Holy Communion dates in our Parish Holy Cross 11th November 9am & St Patrick’s 18th November 10am November is a special month in which we are encouraged to pray for the dead
Three conditions are required for the gaining of the indulgence:
NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD: As November is the traditional month for special prayers for our loved ones, parishioners are asked to write the names and place them in the box in the Church or give them to the priest. Envelopes are available in the foyer. Because of the large number of names, we will only print anniversaries or recent. All names will be remembered in Masses offered during November. Annointing Mass St Patrick’s Church 11am Wednesday 7th November. Mass on Armistice Day at St Joseph’s, Mt Victoria. Presiders: Fr. J Wagg & Fr. F Whitaker. 11am Sun 11th November. To remember all those who lost their lives in WW1. Descendants of veterans are warmly invited and encouraged to bring any memorabilia they may have and a hand bell if you can. A cup of tea and sharing to follow. Our parish will be observing a minute’s silence at 11am during Mass on this Sunday. Holy Cross Happy Hour – Weds 14TH November 11am in the Parish Centre. Seniors are reminded of our next happy hour. Come join us for bingo. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome 2019 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each or from Bernadette at St Patrick’s Church. You can either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, or email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use CALENDAR as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. Thank you for your support for the morning tea held last month for the Gillies Macindoe Research Centre. $3,500 was raised from this event. MISSIO-NZ accepts Mass Intentions to pray for the living and the deceased. The custom of requesting a priest to offer Mass for a specific intention, even when one cannot be present at Mass, is a longstanding tradition in the Church. Together with the Mass Intention Request, the faithful generally make an offering, called a stipend, to the priest in order to apply the Mass to a specific intention, such as an anniversary or a birthday or for a deceased beloved one. By making this offering the faithful, by parting with something that is their own, associate themselves more intimately with Christ. The offering of a stipend is also a means whereby Catholics may contribute to the upkeep of the clergy. Many priests in Africa and Asia depend entirely on Mass stipends for their income. Many Dioceses do not have any priest-funds for their clergy. A Mass Stipend of $10.00 is suggested. Please help them by sending your Mass intentions to MISSIO-NZ and our office will pass them on to a priest in a mission territory overseas. Our office sends these Mass Intentions to the National Director of MISSIO (Pontifical Mission Societies) of the country who in turn distributes it to priests who need most the help. Parish Council Meeting: Weds 7th Nov 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre. Finance Committee Meeting: Tue 13th Nov 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre. St Patrick’s Primary School Ethnic Food Fair 5.30 – 7.30 Friday 9th November We were thrilled with the involvement of Holy Trinity parishioners last year. We had people helping, donating and coming to support us by buying the delicious food. If you would like to help we need;
Saturday 10 November 2018 Vinnies food bank appeal Pak n Save Kilbirnie 11am – 6pm Vinnies provides food and support to over 2000 Wellingtonians each year. This is made possible from the food donated by our wider Wellington community. Our Food Bank is currently short of non-perishable items, such as: - coffee, tea and/ or milo - breakfast cereals - tinned veges and/ or fruit - chickpeas and/ or legumes - 2-minute noodles - peanut butter - toothpaste & toothbrushes - female hygiene items - soap & deodorant - laundry powder If you can afford to drop a few extra items in your trolley on Saturday 10 November, please look out for our Vinnies collection table. Sunday 18 November 2018. Pope Frances' 2nd World Day of the Poor. “let us love, not with words but with deeds” 2017 World Day of the Poor theme. Pope Francis calls on Christians around the world to serve people on the margins with practical assistance and to deepen our connection with people living in all forms of poverty. As a parish, we will be offering your donations on the day to the annual Christmas Emergency Food Appeal of the Seatoun & Miramar Conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society. Please bring along a non-perishable food item on Sunday 18 November 2018 such as dry pasta and rice; canned fish, canned veges and fruit; beans and chickpeas; cereal; canned and packet soup; toothpaste and toothbrushes; sanitary items; soap and deodorant. There will be a signposted box in the foyer of each of our Churches where you can leave your donation. May God bless you for what you do. St Vincent de Paul Society “Vinnies” is also hosting a Free Shop and Lunch on Saturday 17 Nov at the old Caltex space on Riddiford Street, Newtown, as a vibrant outdoor shop and community (food court style) lunch. Vinnies is encouraging the most vulnerable people in the community to come along and access the free clothing and food. Parishioners of Holy Trinity Parish and people of many other groups in Wellington are warmly invited to also come along to prepare food and serve the lunch, under the message – Better off Together / He Waka Eke Noa. This is another practical way that parishioners of Holy Trinity Parish can put their faith into action with St Vincent de Paul to serve those in need at the Free Shop and Lunch, Kilbirnie. Please just turn up to help or contact the following if you need further information:- Millie Lambess,. Ph 04-389-7122 | 021 029 18575 WORLD DAY OF THE POOR: The Archdiocese of Wellington is one of 12 Dioceses throughout the world who have been asked to lead activities for Pope Francis’s World Day of the Poor. Details are available on the notice displayed on the parish newsletter and on the Archdiocese of Wellington website. Some highlights include: · Archdiocesan Mass for the World Day of the Poor: St Michael’s Taita, Sun 18 Nov, 10.30am, if possible please bring a non-perishable item for the foodbank collection. · Better off together-He waka eke noa Gathering: Bishop Viard College, Porirua, Sat 17 Nov, 10am-5pm, speakers, workshops, liturgy led by Challenge 2000 · St Vincent de Paul free pop-up stores: Newtown, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Wairarapa and Levin, Sat 17 Nov · Wellington JPD Commission social analysis workshop: St Joseph’s church foyer, Upper Hutt, Wed 14 Nov (please register with [email protected]) FRUITCAKES AND FESTIVE FARE FOR KAIKŌURA: North Island parishes of the Archdiocese are invited to express love and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Kaikōura by supplying wrapped fruitcakes or other festive fare, which will be delivered to Kaikōura in time for the 2nd anniversary of the 2016 earthquake on 14 November. These can be dropped off at the Compassion Soup Kitchen (132 Tory St, Wgtn), Challenge 2000 (1 Wanaka St, Jvlle) or Catholic Centre (22-30 Hill St, Wgtn) up until midday 12 November. They will be delivered to Kaikōura by the Society of St Vincent de Paul as part of the World Day of the Poor activities of the Archdiocese of Wellington. For more information please contact Lisa Beech [email protected] St Anthony’s School - The date for the Bazaar has been set - Sunday 17 February with a Vigil Mass the night before - Saturday 16 February at 5pm replacing the normal Sunday 10.30am Mass on the 17th. Storage space needed: If anyone has any space they can spare so we can store items as they come in up to the Bazaar in February, could you please contact the school. 380 6971 or [email protected] We are kindly asking for donations – tinned plums and chopped tomatoes and baking ingredients (flour, sugar, condensed milk, cocoa, block chocolate and chocolate chips, coconut, butter, etc). Please drop off in St Anthony’s church foyer.We are also asking if anyone could help us bake cakes, slices and biscuits to sell at the cake stall. Drop off of cakes at school office or church from Friday 15th Feb. is much appreciated. If you would like to receive some of the donated ingredients or a couple of cake boxes, please leave your details on sign in sheet at St Anthony’s Church foyer or contact Simone Meech: 9775021 or 021992424 or [email protected] Supporting released prisoners and homeless people – Cana Communities talk Come and have a conversation with Julie Sneddon CEO of Cana Communities, NSW and Sr Anne Jordan pbvm, Spiritual Director These two people belong to a group called Cana, NSW and are members of a volunteer group that support people on the peripheries in a special way in particular the homeless and released prisoners. Tuesday 6th November: 7.30 to 9pm: St Thomas Moore, 30 Worcester Street, Wilton. Hosted by Otari JPD group in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Justice, Peace and Development Commission. Breakfast with the Cardinal John. Saturday 10th Nov. 7.15am for 7.30(start) to 9.00am.Venue: Angus Inn 5 Cornwall St. Lower Hutt. Cost $22.50. Cash Please. Registrations [email protected] by Tues. 6th Nov. Please specify any dietary requirements. The Family Banquet. Sat Nov 10 – 10am – 5pm. A Conference for the whole family to strengthen your faith and family. Our Lady of Fatima Church, Tawa. Speakers include Fr Leo Patalinghug and Martin Bosley. See poster on the noticeboard for details. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is 9-11 November at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay. For more information phone 0800 362 686 or go to the website Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington invites men to come along and join us on Thursday 15th of November at 7:30pm (Note: fellowship from 7:00pm for 7:30pm start) in The Loaves and Fishes Hall next to the Anglican Cathedral of St Paul, corner Hill and Molesworth streets Thorndon. Topic: "Becoming a New Man" Want to know more? Ring Steve Ready 027-356-9555 or email: [email protected] Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women. Our meeting is on Saturday 17th November at 1.30pm, St Joseph's church 42 Ellice St, Mt Victoria Wgtn. Our speaker will be Sarah Pinto on "In my Father's eyes". Is 43:4 'you are precious in my eyes and honoured and I love you'. Enquiries Shura 3899938 We are excited to announce that we have a position vacant in our Family and Young Church Ministries team for the Archdiocese of Wellington. The role is for a Young Church Ministry Coordinator (20-30 hours per week negotiable). More information available - When we find ways of drawing near to the poor, we know that the primacy belongs to God, who opens our eyes and hearts to conversion. The poor do not need self-promoters, but a love that knows how to remain hidden and not think about all the good it has been able to do. At the centre must always be the Lord and the poor. Pope Francis, Message for the 2nd World Day of the Poor, November 2018 Go you are sent to find leaders - 3(b) understanding of leadership roles is broadened beyond those traditionally found in parishes, and appropriate formation is provided. Seatoun Arts & Crafts celebrates its Annual Exhibition and Sale at the Village Hall, Forres Street, Seatoun this year on: Saturday 17th November 10am – 4pm and Sunday 18th November 10am – 4pm The Nov. 4 – 17 issue of NZ Catholic is out now. Some headlines are: Bishops not backing off abuse inquiry position. Youth synod report touches many bases. Abortion both a health and a justice issue. Vatican star man returning to NZ. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially Mary Greening and Domingo Kabiling and those whose anniversaries occur around this time. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially Judy Chote, John Rogers and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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