Acts 2, 1-11; 1 Cor 12, 3b-7. 12-13; Jn 20, 19-23
Dear Brothers and sisters, have you had the experience of talking and listening to someone and feeling as if that person might as well be speaking a different language? It’s a conversation with little understanding and no communication. Or a conversation that seems to go in circles with each person trying to make his or her point and the other person not listening, not getting it, not understanding. We can ask the Holy Spirit to breathe that gift of understanding into us, to refresh us like a great strong wind that blows away the dust and cobwebs. We have to be still, to listen to that Holy Spirit, to the best part of each of us, encouraging us and giving us the strength to do more than we thought we could. We pray: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the child; Guide the steps that go astray. We need this prayer to guide our steps and to guide our understanding. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us to listen, to really hear what people are saying to us. We ask the Holy Spirit to help bend ours often stubborn heart and will and to keep us on a good path. Amen Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. HOLY TRINITY PARISH MASS - 10AM SUNDAY 11th June AT ST PATRICK’S CHURCH We will be celebrating Holy Trinity Sunday Mass together at St Patrick’s Church. For those who are unable to be at this Mass, there will be the 5.30pm Vigil Mass at St Patrick’s Church. Morning tea will be in the Parish Centre after Mass, so please bring a plate of food to share. There will be the commissioning of the Ministers of the Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion for our Parish during this Mass. Please note: These will be the only 2 Masses in the Parish on the 11th June Archdiocese of Wellington 2017 Priest Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving This will be held at St Patrick’s Church, Kilbirnie Tuesday 20th June 2017 at 11am. All are welcome to join the priests of the Archdiocese at the Mass of Thanksgiving. Please note: This will be the only Mass in the Parish on this day. Evening Prayer, Adoration and Prayer for vocations every Wed 6-7pm at St.Patrick's Church. Refugee Help Wanted, please Our next intake of former refugee families to Wellington is coming in June and once again we are asking for your help to make it possible to welcome them to a fully equipped home - certainly not something they will have had for a very long time. This time our Parish will be responsible for a family of 5 (4 adults and 1 teenage girl). There are two main ways you may be able to help: We need the following items (enough for 5 people) left in the labelled boxes in your Church foyer please: cutlery; cooking utensils;stock pot; electric blender/beater; large serving spoon; kitchen rubbish bin; small rubbish bin for bathroom; iron; washing basket and pegs; single and double sheets; single and double duvet covers and inners; pillow cases; new pillows; blankets, single mattress protector; towels; handtowels; face coths; bathmats; tea towels; table cloth; dust pan and brush; and broom. We have already collected many other items, so the list is not so long this time! Any over-supply of items will simply be stored until the next time, so please be assured that any contribution you make will get to the refugees. Cash donations are also always welcome to cover any shortfall in items collected and can be left in any regular collection in an envelope labelled "refugees". All money goes directly to buying needed items now or for future in-takes. If you are able to help setup a House on 22 June in the evening, around 6pm, please contact Annette Bridgman on 3889704 or [email protected] (please note you'd also need to be available on the 20th June evening for 1 hour of training if you haven't done this before). Thank you so much for your on-going commitment to making our former refugees welcome in Aotearoa NZ St Patrick’s College Open Day – Sunday 11th June 1.30 – 4pm We welcome all 2018 prospective students and their parents to come along to the St Patrick’s College Open Day. There will be a Welcome Address from Rector Neal Swindells in the Hall at 1.30pm, followed by guided tours around the College buildings and facilities. There will be opportunities to ask questions from the teaching staff in each of our departments. The St Catherine's College PTA warmly invites you and family and friends to join us for our inaugural fundraising auction at the Pines to raise funds for new technology at the College. There is a great catalogue of items to be auctioned from weekends at a bach in Wairarapa, Interislander travel vouchers, Householders dream- a team of tradesman for 4 hours, wonderful artworks from Seatoun's finest artists, and much more. Come for a fun-filled night to support St Catherine's. Tickets from St Catherine's College office or email [email protected]. See you there. The Order of Malta is a Catholic charity raising funds to supply ‘Coats for the Homeless’ in Wellington. We ran a successful appeal in 2012. The coats will be distributed by the Compassion Centre in Tory Street, Wellington. The coats can also double as a small blanket and cost $60 each. All donations are tax deductible. Flyers with details on how to donate a coat are in the church foyer. Further information can be obtained from [email protected] or phone 021 325 884. Vinnies is rounding up the team! Our upcoming Street Day Appeal is on Friday 16 June. If you are available for 1-2 hours to be a collector (in particular the city precinct) please contact Ana on [email protected]. Alternatively, we have parish conference presidents who will also advise you on locations within residential areas. We thank you for the continued support of our mission to help neighbours in need. ABLAZE 2017 - Celebrate 50 years of Charismatic Renewal! Pentecost Sunday 4th June, 2 - 4pm at St Joseph's Church, Mt Victoria. Includes Praise & Worship, testimonies, teaching, fellowship and ministry. Guest Speaker Fr John Rea. For more info call Rainer on 021 155 8258 or email [email protected] RE-SCHEDULED EVENTS at Pā Maria Marist Spirituality Centre, 78 Hobson Street, Thorndon: Because of refurbishment work, events in July have been postponed. New dates are: Non-Residential Guided Retreat: “Companions on the Journey”. Is now August 14-18 9.30am-4.00pm each day. $200. Places available. Winter Film Series: “Called Beyond Ourselves”. 5 Evenings, 7.00pm- 9.30pm. Places available for the following Seasons: WED 9, 16, 23, 30 Aug & 6 Sept or THUR 10, 17, 24, 31 August & 7 September. Kōha. For further information and/or to register please contact Fr Brian Cummings SM: phone (04) 212 4691 or 021 703 580 or email [email protected] There is a time for….. A family companion for every season We have limited copies to sell available from the Parish Office $25 each A beautiful book of prayers and poems draws its inspiration from the people and landscapes of Aotearoa - New Zealand. It touches on themes that affect us all - joy and sorrow, hurt and celebration - and demonstrates how easily families can incorporate prayer and reflection into everyday situations. The First Spiritual Exercises – a Retreat in daily life based on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. We meet at St Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 60 Knights Rd, Lower Hutt, for 5 Thursday evenings: 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 June 2017 from 7:30- 9:30pm. The cost will be $30 plus $25 for the Guide Book (essential). Assistance is available for those who might find the cost a barrier to attending. To book or for further information contact: Sarah Dench 04 389 1038 or 021 0814 4424 or [email protected] Compassion calendar of events for June – see noticeboard at the back of the Church for details. But to whom should the church go first? Not so much to our friends and wealthy neighbours, but above all to the poor and the sick “those who cannot repay you” Lk 14:14. Evangelii Gaudium #48. Pope Francis 2013 COMMISSIONING SERVICE INVITATION You are warmly invited to a Service of Welcome The Reverend Joy Hamilton-Jones To be commissioned as Ecumenical Chaplain, Wellington Hospital In the Wellington Hospital Chapel Tuesday 6th June 2017 at 6pm Light Refreshments to follow RSVP by 30th May 2017 to: [email protected] Do you know a boy who loves to sing? Following the growing success of the Boys’ Choir at the Metropolitan Cathedral we are expanding our intake of choristers to include boys from around the Wellington region. We are on the lookout for fun loving, happy and friendly boys who would like to audition for the Archdiocesan Boys’ Choir. Previous experience of singing in choirs or prior musical training is not required. If your son can sing in tune and enjoys music then encourage him to audition! Over their time in the choir, boys will learn sound vocal technique, music theory, life-skills, teamwork, as well as grow in confidence and discipline. Teachers and parents see the boys’ language skills, reading comprehension skills, maths skills and confidence improve greatly by being a part of the choir. The life of chorister provides the ability to develop spiritual, as well as musical, intellectual and personal gifts. Auditions will be held on Thursday 15 June 4:00pm-5:30pm at the Cathedral on Hill Street, Thornton, Wellington. For more information and to register your interest please contact Michael Fletcher, Director of Music, Metropolitan Cathedral or email [email protected] or phone 04 496 1700. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us on Thursday 15th of June 2017 at 7:30pm for fellowship and prayer in CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral).Speaker: Pauline Griffiths, a clinical psychologist on “How have I responded to influences received from my parents” Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or email: [email protected]
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