Is. 66:10-14; Gal.6:14-18; Lk. 1-12,17-20
Today’s Gospel describes how Jesus sent his disciples out to towns and villages to prepare for his visit by giving them “travel tips” for their missionary journey. It reminds us that announcing the good news of the kingdom is not the task of only a few but is rather a task for all. Following the model of Jesus, the Church rejoices in the triumphs and accomplishments of her children down through the ages and strongly supports evangelization through the missionaries. In the first reading, Isaiah sees the city of Jerusalem as the prototype of the rejoicing church—a church who comforts her children, “as a mother comforts her baby son.” He assures his listeners that they live in the certainty of Yahweh’s promises of love, protection, prosperity and salvation. In today’s second reading, Paul clearly teaches that it was Jesus’ death on the cross which brings us salvation and not his Jewish heritage. He reminds us that every Christian is called to be a “new creature,” and the mission of each member of the Church is to bear witness to the saving power of the cross of Christ through a life of sacrificial and self-giving service. As prayerful and missionary disciples let us ask ourselves about our missionary commitment towards our parish, our family, and in our workplace. The Church by its very nature is missionary so too her every member. What are we doing for Christ’s mission and his missionaries? What do we prefer: To follow Christ? That is challenging. To be a missionary? That takes sacrifice. To be indifferent to Christ’s message? That is easy, but it leads to loss of eternal blessedness. Let us pray to Christ who has called us, to help us take the right path. Let us also pray that young men and women hear the call of the Lord of the harvest and offer generously their life to work in the vineyard of the Lord. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Good Shepherd Aulotu 40th Celebration. Today the Aulotu celebrate a special Mass at 10am at the Good Shepherd Hall in Strathmore and then at 12pm at the St Patrick’s Hall in Kilbirine for a shared meal. All parishioners welcome. Big thank you, St Vincent de Paul Society Street Day Appeal. We warmly thank parishioners and supporters who donated to our street day appeal last Friday 28 June held all around Wellington, assisted by 35 collectors from our Holy Trinity Parish and business community who collected at Cable Car Lane and at the always supportive New World Miramar. The overall total of $11,600 donations will go towards the Society's welfare services in the SVDP Newtown Welfare Centre for those in most need in the area. Compassion for our neighbour is alive and well in our community. Blessings from Seatoun & Miramar Conference, SVDP. People in Need? St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference welcomes parishioners to let us know confidentially if you or someone needs assistance in the Miramar/Seatoun/Strathmore area. Our group visits people who are in hardship, sickness, loneliness or housebound, in order to share God’s love and compassion and see if we can assist in any way, even as simple as having a coffee and chat (Contacts: any of our members listed in the Church foyers). If you wish to donate to assist your local Conference purchase food, clothing, house items etc for families in most need in the eastern suburbs, please consider making a direct online donation to our account which is:- BNZ Kilbirnie, St Vincent de Paul Seatoun & Miramar Conference, A/c No. 02 0576 0017 817 006, reference "Donation". If you want a receipt of the donation for tax purposes, do please contact our Treasurer, Trish Herzog, ph 04 388 3842. Holy Cross Happy Hour Weds 10th July from 11am in the Parish Centre. Come join us for bingo. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome Safeguarding training. For those who weren’t able to make the training session in May on Safeguarding there are three more sessions at 5.30pm at the Catholic Centre (Level 1, room 2) on:
If you are not able to travel into town, you are welcome to join the meeting by ZOOM Conference from your computer at the above time and date. To do this they need to send Brendy your email address and parish you belong to and you will be sent the login details. Contact Brendy Weir Safeguarding Adviser, Archdiocese of Wellington (04) 496 1768 or 021 1958 307 [email protected] Holiday Accommodation A middle aged Catholic gentleman from Key West, Florida will be visiting Wellington from Nov - Feb and is looking for accommodation in the Eastern Suburbs. You can contact him [email protected] or facebook Pedro J. Spencer Non-Residential Retreat,15-19 July, 9.30am - 4.00pm daily. Pa Maria Marist Spirituality Centre, Thorndon. For further information and/or to register please contact Brian Cummings SM at 021 703 580 or [email protected] Where is Pope Francis taking us? The Catholic Church is changing, but where is Pope Francis taking us and where might we end up? Join visiting Fulbright Scholar and noted church historian Dr Chris Bellitto for a public lecture on this fascinating and topical question. Hosted by The Catholic Institute, the lecture will start at 5.30pm on Friday 19 July, in the ground floor lecture theatre in the Old Government Building, opposite the Beehive on Lambton Quay. Call 819 8380 or email [email protected] to secure your seat. The Catholic Institute – where faith and reason meet. Fantastical, majestical Children's Neon Ball - Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust are hosting a special evening for children (and their parents) at the Dowse Art Museum in Laings Road Lower Hutt on Friday 19 July from 5-7pm. There will be a photo booth, facepainting, crafts, dancing, entertainment and food and drinks! Tickets are $15 for one adult and one child, $25 for a family pass. To purchase your tickets for this amazingly awesome night go to or purchase your tickets at the door on the night. The event on eventbrite is called 'Children's Neon Ball'. You can also purchase tickets by clicking on the event on our Facebook page 'Greenstone Doors'. Attention All Men - keep Saturday 27th July free for a 1-day Retreat: “Up from the Waters” hosted by Joshua Palmerston North and led by Fr Joe Grayland and Fr Robin Kurian at Our Lady of Lourdes, Shamrock St. Koha on the day to cover costs. Lunch and morning/afternoon tea provided. Contact John Hammond [email protected] or Steve Ready 027 356 9555 for more details. Home of Compassion Pilgrimage: Back to the Source. An evening of poetry and music with poet Chris Gallavin. Inspired by Hiruhārama-Jerusalem the show will be accompanied by a photo exhibition. Tickets $25 on Eventfinda or $30 at the door. Sat 24 Aug, 3pm. Venue: Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street (off Murray St), Island Bay. Our Lady Home of Compassion Café hours Tues – Fri 8.30am – 3pm Sat 10am – 3pm Sun 12pm – 3pm Housesitting or rental required anytime during Sept-Dec for parishioner family. Please contact 021521326 AFS International is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organisation that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. The older among us might remember the organisation as the American Field Scholar programme. AFS is currently looking for a few short term host families and are hopeful that our Holy Trinity parish community might like to take up this opportunity. AFS is able to offer host families $300 per week to host a student. Students will be here for 3 weeks from 14th July till 4th August 2019. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact AFS's Hosting Coordinator Joanna Holm on 04 903 2276 or email [email protected] Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 9-24 October. A pilgrimage to Medjugorje can be life changing. Respond to God’s gift of Our Lady’s presence among us in these times and join us for an unforgettable pilgrimage to the holy valley of Medjugorje. Travel with Mir Pilgrimages who has visited the holy site over 40 times. Email: [email protected] or phone Patricia on 0274 219 064. Need a, break' Good news "Parish to Parish for B & B" has been providing Catholic hospitality for 16 years, with catholic hosts opening their homes to fellow catholics for a small charge of $35 for one person, or $30 each for 2 or more, this is per night and includes continental breakfast. To obtain a directory of the hosts throughout New Zealand and Australia contact Marie Anderson, email [email protected] or phone 03 3595 541 Christchurch. The book including postage is $15 Kally Cunningham is a senior travel professional at helloworld Travel Lambton Quay. In 2020 she is taking a group, with Insight Tours, to Oberammergau to see the 42nd performance of the Passion Play. It’s an 11 day tour starting in Munich on 28 August with many inclusions and ending in Zurich. Day 7 will be watching the Passion Play in Category 1 seats. Pricing is from $6499 twin or $7299 for a single. Airfares are additional. Details can be viewed by clicking on this link: If anyone had any further questions they could ring or email me at [email protected] or 04 473 1199. Where is Pope Francis taking us? The Catholic Church is changing, but where is Pope Francis taking us and where might we end up? Join visiting Fulbright Scholar and noted church historian Dr Chris Bellitto for a public lecture on this fascinating and topical question. Hosted by The Catholic Institute, the lecture will start at 5.30pm on Friday 19 July, in the ground floor lecture theatre in the Old Government Building, opposite the Beehive on Lambton Quay. Call 819 8380 or email [email protected] to secure your seat. The Catholic Institute – where faith and reason meet. Vigil for the Unborn: Saturday 20th July. St Anne's Catholic Church, Emmett Street, Newtown. 10 am Mass. Followed by Exposition & Rosary Procession to pray outside of the Hospital. Ends at Noon with a shared lunch. All are invited. Come and pray for hearts to change and lives to be saved. Two heartbeats, two precious lives worth protecting:show we love them both. For more information contact Family Life International NZ PH: 021 231 7954 Go you are sent to communicate effectively (13) Get rid of “Silo” approach and go for “collective” outlook- bigger difference in outreach will be created through this momentum. School of Ecumenism 2019 In Dunedin Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October 2019 Venue: BURNS LODGE at Holy Cross Centre 89 Church Street, Mosgiel, Dunedin Jointly organised by National Dialogue for Christian Unity Aotearoa New Zealand Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Charles Sturt University Canberra Australia * * * * * * * * * * * Journey together towards unity We are called as disciples to belong together in just and inclusive communities, in our quest for unity and on our ecumenical journey, … “Arusha Call to Discipleship” Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, Arusha Tanzania, March 2018 CREDIT TOWARDS OTHER QUALIFICATIONS This course is offered both for students seeking accreditation towards a theology/ministry degree and for others wishing to participate as audits. On the successful completion of the course requirements students who seek accreditation will receive it from Charles Sturt University. Students may then apply to their university or college for credit toward their qualification. Those wishing to attend the course as audits are welcome to join the course. Audits attend all sessions, but no assignments are required. Chelsea Day Care Trust volunteers needed. Chelsea Day Care Trust in Lyall Bay is a day care respite facility for those with memory loss/Dementia. Chelsea Trust is a NON PROFIT organisation currently with 12 members every day, some get dropped off by their families, but others are unable to get their own way here, so we are always looking for volunteer drivers to assist with picking up members. In the afternoons, members are taken for a little drive out somewhere to break up the day for them for about 30 minutes or so but often we are unable to take all our members because we don’t have enough cars. We are always looking for volunteers for either driving, the odd cooking of lunch or just general assistance at the Club. We are open every day from 9am – 4pm. If you can help please contact Angela Gittings Care Manager, Chelsea Club 04-3877207 Join us on an unforgettable pilgrimage to Naju, South Korea to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the Our Lady`s first weeping Tears of Blood with an opportunity to meet the visionary, Julia Kim in person. Pilgrimage: 17- 22 October 2019. For more information contact Chrissy on 021 233 6883 or [email protected] A Caring Space A Caring Space is an invitation to those who care for a loved one to step away for a few hours; to reflect on your role as carer, to explore with God your thoughts and feelings in this role. At St Andrew's Church, Steyne Avenue, Plimmerton, on Thursday 25th July 11am to 2.30pm. Please contact Veronica Parton 021 238 6675 or email [email protected] for details and to register. Quiet Days with Suzanne Aubert. An invitation to spend time resting and reflecting on an aspect of the life and vision of Suzanne Aubert. Led by Sr Sue Cosgrove. Join us on the new date of 12th July, 10am - 2pm, Chapel, Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington. Simple lunch included. Registration is required. Email: [email protected] or Ph. 04 383 7769. Christian Meditation Group. All are welcome. Join us for an hour of Christian meditation in an ancient form of contemplative prayer. Times are Mondays at 7pm-8pm, and Thursdays at 11am-12pm at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion Chapel, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington. Ph. 04 383 7134 or 04 383 7769. Taizé Prayer. Join us for an hour of meditative singing – simple songs typically featuring a line or two from the Psalms. A kind of Lectio divina in music, reading and spoken prayer along with periods of silence. First Friday of every month. 5th July, 7pm – 8pm, Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington. All are welcome as we prepare for Br Matthew’s visit in November. Ph. 04 383 7769. July WelCom is out this week for Sunday 7 July 2019. Contents include:
We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently especially and those whose anniversaries occur around this time including Garry Martin, Mark O’Connor, Sophia Athenassiou, Frank Folan and Nancie Burge. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially Adrian Pole, John Rogers, John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
1 Comment
7/7/2019 08:16:41 pm
What Order do Fathers Ephrem & Nag belong to? And if Pope Francis says we lay folk should now drop priestly honorifics, what are their first names? I am their elder, as well as a Dad, so it sometimes feels ridiculous calling them, 'Father,' although I respect both men immensely as God's chosen yet humble intermediaries.
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