2nd Sunday of Advent C, Baruch 5:1-9; Phil.1:3-6,8-11; Lk.3:1-6
Prepare the Way The Advent season challenges us to prepare for God’s coming to us in the future, with power and great glory on the clouds of heaven, and for His present “coming” to us in his Word, in the Eucharist, and in the abiding presence of His Holy Spirit in our souls. Our Advent readings say very little about Jesus’ birth because what we are really anticipating is the advent of our salvation which takes root in our lives as we respond to God’s grace. Our waiting for that advent will be brought to completion when Christ comes in glory. The readings today give us an invitation to recall God's saving deeds in the history of Israel, culminating in the coming of the promised Messiah. Our remembrance of God’s saving deeds during the Advent season is meant to stir our faith, to fill us with confidence so that, as today's Epistle puts it, "the One who began a good work in us will continue to complete it" until He comes again in glory. Baruch, in the first reading, reminds us that all of us, like Israel in her exile, have been led into the captivity of sin. Hence we are in need of restoration and conversion by the Word of the Holy One. In the gospel, John reminds us that we should prepare the way for the salvation of "all flesh,” including our own, by true repentance leading to the renewal of our lives. Quoting Isaiah, John declares that he has come to prepare a royal road in our hearts for our Saviour. John’s ministry was not a myth but done in the civil and religious history of the time. At that time Jews were suffering under their political and religious authorities. In this desperate situation many sincere and pious Jews were waiting for the promised reign of God. That is why John’s preaching awakens great interest in them. John did not speak so much of geographical valleys, mountains and hills or rough and crooked paths rather the valleys of broken relationship, pride and arrogance are the mountains and hills to be levelled through fair dealing, transparent, trustworthy life and rectify our broken relationship through reconciling ourselves with God and one another. Fr Paul Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Christmas Novena 15 – 23rd December - St Patrick’s Church 7pm All are welcome to come join us praying a novena for the nine days leading up to Christmas Eve. There will be a priest available for reconciliation each night during the Novena. Christmas Appeal St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference Last collection day will be Sunday 9th December On Friday 14 December 2018 our team of drivers and helpers will deliver the boxes of food and items to over 50 families in the district. If you wish to provide a gift could you please wrap it and place a note as to the age and gender the gift would suit. Contact Brendan Quirk ph 388 9708 Holy Cross Happy Hour – Seniors are reminded of the Happy Hour on Wednesday December 12, from 11 am to 1 pm in the Holy Cross parish centre. Join us for a friendly game of bingo, and bring something festive for a shared lunch. If possible, bring a gift to exchange (under $5). Hope to see you there. Margaret Are you a child who would like to take part in the St Patrick’s Children’s Mass on Christmas Eve?? Would you like to do a reading, read a prayer of the Faithful, carry the offertory, take part in a play? We need your help to make this Mass happen. If you volunteer, you will be given help to do your best. Please phone Clare Lundon the Mass Organiser 0212278363 or Patricia O’Donnell St Patrick’s Liturgy Chairperson 934 3179. HOLY TRINITY PARISH SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2019 Children in year 4 or above who have been baptised in a Catholic Church and would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are eligible to enrol. Enrolment forms are available in the church foyers, School Offices, the Parish Office or on the website www.holytrinity.parish.nz All enrolment forms need to be completed and returned including a copy of your baptism certificate by the 15th February, 2019 to the School Offices, the Parish Office or by email [email protected] News and Views. This is a magazine delivered by email or to a letterbox to most parishioners on the parish roll on a monthly basis. The Pastoral Council has decided that this will now be distributed on a quarterly basis. We are seeking 3 or 4 parishioners or a family who could help with this publication. Essentially this would involve identifying any information which may be of faith-based interest to both active parishioners and those who are not regular attenders. Help with final copy is available. Please contact the office if you think you can help with this important communication. Finance Committee Meeting: Tuesday 11th December 7.30pm Holy Cross Parish Centre Clare and Garry Maddock are leaving New Zealand and our parish next week to be closer to their family. Clare has been part of our community for over 50 years. We thank her for all her work in the parish. "REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS". St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale soon in our Church foyers after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches, same price as last year's. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local St Vincent de Paul Conference activities in the eastern suburbs. Contacts: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knap, ph 970 3905), St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350 ) Bach Choir of Wellington To St Cecilia and Music 2pm Sunday 16 December St Mary of the Angels, Boulcott Street. The Bach Choir presents choral music from the 16th to 20th Centuries in honour of St Cecilia, patroness of musicians: Hymn to St. Cecilia, Benjamin Britten; Messe Solennelle de Sainte-Cécile (St Cecilia Mass), Gounod; and music by William Byrd, Handel, Johannes Jeep and Gerald Finzi. The Choir will be joined by Nicola Holt (soprano), Jamie Young (tenor), Daniel O'Connor (baritone) and Douglas Mews (organ), under the direction of Shawn Michael Condon. Tickets available from Eventfinda, choir members, and at the door on the day. Advent The advent wreath symobises eternal life. The wreath is made of a circle of ever green branches. Four candles stand in the circle and each one represents one of the four Sundays of advent.
The Wellington Young Adults Catholic Community House - Mary's Mantle- is presenting to you the opportunity to live in community next year Living in the grand old presbytery in the peaceful suburb of Seatoun we are a community of young Catholics seeking to live out our faith in a greater way. We do this through committing to daily prayer, shared meals and community nights of fun, teachings and mass, and we encourage and support one another (as families do) to seek Christ and to grow in holiness in our jobs and lives. Our place is home to all young Catholics and therefore we also strive to offer hospitality to all who pass by! If living out your faith in community sparks your interest, consider if God may be inviting you to join us! If you are interested in finding out more (and you’re between the ages of 18 - 35) please get in touch with Chante Cooper, Damon Maclachlan, Sophie Hale, or Catherine Monastra or give Isabella a call to chat about all things ‘community!’ - on 0210539664. To all our Young Adult Catholic family, our place belongs to you too... our home is your home! If you are in Wellington, come stay with us, pray with us or share a meal! All our prayers and peace Mary's Mantle The last news and views for 2018 is ready for deliverers to collect from the back of the churches. The parish manager or whoever takes over will be in contact with you next year as the format and how often it is delivered is changing. We thank Kim von Lanthen who has been the editor and thank you to all deliverers. We couldn’t do it without all your help. Go you are sent to accompany one another 10(f) The archdiocese enables groups involved with young people to collaborate with one another and with the Archdiocese. We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died especially Joseph Eduarte and Felipe Pene and those whose anniversaries occur around this time. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially Judy Chote, John Rogers John Cairns-Cowan and Graeme Adams and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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