It is the little people – those who are humble and gentle of heart, who receive the blessing of Christ. Jesus says to us: ‘learn from me for I am gentle (meek) and humble of heart’. Two words which today do not seem to make very much sense. Today the name of the game is to get on, to be successful, to make it. And to do so, you’ve got to push, to project yourself, to grab the limelight, to get to the know the people who matter. From popstars to politicians, from sports people to business executives, the goal and means to it are the same. In this world, gentleness and humility seems to be useless.
But Jesus says that if we want to get places in God’s world, we have to be gentle and bumble and as open and receptive as a child. To be gentle and humble is not weak. In fact, gentleness is a strength. When we are empty and know it, God can fill us. When we are weak and acknowledge it, God can strengthen us. But when in our pride and arrogance and self-sufficiency, we think we know it all, we are heading for disaster. Simple people are often nearer to God then clever theologians. If we learn these two virtues, Jesus promises us a great reward not in a next life only, but here and now. A man came upon a little boy carrying a still smaller boy who was lame on his back. ‘That’s a heavy burden for you to carry’, said the man. ‘That’s not a burden’, came the reply. ‘That’s my brother’. Fr Gregory Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. We welcome Fr Paul Nag OFMCAP who will be joining Holy Trinity Parish next week as an assistant priest. Please make him feel welcome as he gets to know you all and his way around the Parish. Adoration every Saturday at Holy Cross Church after 9am Mass If God exists, it changes everything! Alpha talks are designed to engage guests and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christian faith, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”. The talks are available again this year starting at 7.00pm in the Holy Cross School Staffroom on Tuesday 25 July. To enrol please call or text Dave Monastra on 0274477280 or Celeste Hastings on 388 7189. Feel free to bring a friend who may not be a member of the school or parish. St Catherine’s College School Administrator/Office Manager St Catherine’s College has a vacancy for an experienced school administrator/office manager. Sound knowledge in Microsoft packages is required. Good communication and people management skills are essential as well as strong attention to detail. This is a permanent, part-time position. The hours are 9.00 am – 4.00 pm Monday to Friday term time only. Salary is within pay rates of the Support Staff in Schools Collective Agreement. For further information and a job description please contact Chris Perry, PA to Principal on 939-8988 or [email protected] Please apply in writing, including the names of two referees, to the Principal, St Catherine’s College, PO Box 14-076, Wellington 6241 or email Chris Perry by 5.00 pm, Friday 14 July 2017. Please come and join us at the Wellington Dove Fellowship for Women. Saturday 15th July 2017 at 1.15pm. Connolly Hall, Hill Street. The guest speaker Mary Fifield will be speaking on our vision and scripture Genesis 3:8-9 For further information contact Shura Price 04 04 3899938 Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us on Thursday 20th of July 2017 at 7:30pm for fellowship and prayer in CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral). Speaker: David Monastra, previous Leader of Joshua Wellington on “Jesus Healer, make me whole” Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or email: [email protected] Vigil for the Unborn: Saturday 15th July 2017. St Anne's Catholic Church, Emmett Street, Newtown. 10 am Mass. Followed by Exposition & Rosary Procession to front of Hospital. Ends at Noon with a shared lunch. Relying on God's grace, join in this persevering prayer effort for our most vulnerable - especially the unborn - and those suffering from the tragedy of abortion. For more information contact Family Life International NZ PH: 2378343 Healing Service Fr John Rea will conduct a Healing Service at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on Tuesday 18 July beginning at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Please bring those who need Jesus` healing. St Catherine's College 2018 Scholarships Educating Young Women since 1950 Apply now to [email protected] or phone 04 939 8988 Applications close 25 August 2017
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