On this Easter day we want to receive the news of Jesus Risen not as an announcement of an event from long ago and far away. We want to receive this Good News now: “this is the day the Lord has made!” “You were raised with Christ.” This is not an isolated event – the resurrection of Jesus in our flesh has given to us in the grace of baptism assures us that resurrection is ours as well. Mysteriously, we already share in the resurrection. Paul says, “You too will appear with him in glory.” Our future life, the life or resurrection, is no mere survival or continuation of life as it is, just “more of the same.” No, we are promised glory – as St. Paul says in the letter to the Romans, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us.” The first letter of John describes this glory: “we shall be lime him for we shall see him as he is.” And, seen more dramatically, the first letter of Peter declares: we shall share in “the divine nature.” Payer: Jesus, give me the grace, stir my heart, to know and feel more profoundly that you are with me and I with you today, tomorrow and eternally! Jesus is Risen, Praise the Lord: ALLELUIA! Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. A big thank you to all those involved in Easter preparations. You do amazing work and we are very grateful. Fr Ephrem celebrates the 15th anniversary of his ordination on Good Friday 14th April. We congratulate him and wish him well. Fr Gregory wishes Happy Easter to you all and expresses his heartfelt thanks and gratitude to each and every one of you (whole Parish) for praying and supporting him as he struggles with his sickness. He is getting better day by day. We hope to see him at the altar soon. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHANGE TO WEEKDAY MASS TIMES EFFECTIVE MONDAY 17TH APRIL 2017 From Monday 17th April, there will be no Monday morning Mass in the Parish. The weekday Mass timetable will be: Monday - no Mass in the Parish Tuesdays - 9am St Anthony’s and 9.30am St Patrick’s Wednesdays - 9am St Anthony’s and 9.30am Holy Cross Thursdays - 9am St Anthony’s preceded by Rosary (except during the school term Mass will be at 11.30am) 9.30am St Patrick’s Fridays - 9am St Patrick’s and 9.30am Holy Cross Saturdays – 9.30am Holy Cross For those attending services at Holy Cross Church during Easter Week, please do not park at the Bridge Club on Hobart Street. Thank you. Archdiocese Synod Nominations. The pastoral council ask all parishioners to consider their participation in the diocesan-wide Synod in September. The synod is a process of discernment and listening to determine the future direction for the whole diocese. The pastoral council wish to have nominations from all age groups and communities within our parish. However, Participants are NOT there to represent holy trinity parish but be part of the wider diocesan family. WE ARE CALLING FOR NOMINATIONS by Easter Monday. Please provide your own name and contact details to [email protected], put in the collection basket at Mass or drop your nomination into the office If you wish to nominate another person please talk to them about this first. ANZAC DAY SERVICE 25th April ST PATRICK’S CHURCH 9.30AM Followed by a cup of coffee and biscuits in the meeting room. On the day, bring a photo of loved ones to place under the altar during Mass. 102 people attended the parish property forums, plus 33 written submissions were received; a wide variety of views were expressed Minutes of the forum are now available on the parish web-site. www.holytrinity.parish.nz/property you can read the initial needs assessment, early development of options and subsequent comment from the forum plus a summary of written submissions. The property committee is now developing its recommendations to the parish. ALPHA PARENTING CHILDREN COURSE The course went really well last year so we are offering it again. It is a series of five videos on building strong relationships, meeting our kid’s needs, setting boundaries, teaching healthy relationships and long term aims. The course is over five weeks. Each week it starts with afternoon tea and a video, which are followed by short discussion. No matter where you are at with your kids it is a helpful, practical course. Hope you can join us. The first session will be in the Gascoigne Room at 3.15pm on Tuesday 16 May. There is no charge. Bring your children along as both play and homework supervision is provided. For more details, see the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY8thZ_W2gY or text Kim on 0222426288 or Ruth on 0276700365 If God exists, it changes everything! Alpha talks are designed to engage guests and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christian faith, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”. The talks are available again this year starting at 7.00pm in the Gascoigne Room on Tuesday 2 May. To enrol please call or text Dave Monastra on 0274477280 or Ruth O’Brien on 0276700365. Feel free to bring a friend who may not be a member of the parish. Knitting for babies and young children. Many thanks to all those who have continued knitting for these children. There is still a great need for these garments and are very much appreciated. Also, any donations of double knitting wool would be appreciated. Leave at the back of the church or ring Margaret 388 2840. Many thanks. St Catherine’s College Open Days and Evening Wednesday 31 May 2017 1.15 – 3.15pm Sunday 11 June 2017 1.00 – 3.00pm Tuesday 8 August 2017 Evening 5.45 - 7.00pm 14 Upper Bourke Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington, 939 8988 Assistance needed At the request of the Red Cross, St Catherine’s College has recently enrolled several refugee students. Red Cross is providing some assistance but the College needs to provide basic equipment and help with Attendance Dues. We have very limited available funding and it will not fully meet this need. If you are able to help with a donation or on-going sponsorship of a student, even in a small way, the College, the students and their families would be most grateful. Please contact the Principal, Mrs Mary Curran on 4-939-8988 or [email protected] Thank you so much. St Patrick’s College is holding a “Taste of St Pat’s Day” on Tuesday 9 May for Year 8 Catholic boys interested in attending St Pat’s in 2018. This day will provide a good insight into life at St Patrick’s College and what we can offer the boys next year. It will run from 10am to 2pm. Parents would need to transport their son to and from St Pat’s on the day. If parents would like to register their son please email [email protected] or phone Gerardine Parkinson on 939 5417. Our official Open Day is on Sunday 11 June from 1.30 – 4pm. Vinnies-Wellington invites you… Annual Book-Fair (22-23 April) will be hosted at St Anne’s church hall, Emmett Street, Newtown on Saturday 8am-4pm and Sunday 9am-3pm. It is a book hunt worth attending with lots of good reads. All proceeds go towards the Vinnies welfare services. Friend Requests (on-going) is a programme that pairs up members of our community with neighbours who have requested visitations. Frequency and duration of visit is flexible and dependant on the pair. You must be 21+ years to be a visitor. If you are interested in assisting with any of the above or have questions about other initiatives contact Ana Faatoia 021 033 0615 / [email protected] Dove Wellington invites all women to our meeting from 1.15pm to 3pm on Saturday 22 April at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington. This meeting, we are blessed to have Jayne Sutherland as our guest speaker. She will be sharing her testimony with us of her journey of faith. It will be a wonderful time of sharing, caring and community. We look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Rachel Blackaby for any queries on (04) 389 9938 Divine Mercy Celebration You are all invited to join in the Diving Mercy Celebrations to be held on Sunday 23rd April after 10.30am Mass out Our Lady of Fatima Church, Tawa. Taking place during the celebration are the Blessing of religious objects, the Veneration of the Diving Mercy Image, Lighting of candles and the Chaplet of Diving Mercy. The celebrant is Father John van der Kaa AA. (Parish Priest of Our Lady of Hope) Reconciliation will be available after the service. Life in the Spirit Seminar 2017 You are invited to attend a 7-week seminar on Wednesday evenings beginning on 26 April at St Anne`s Hall in Newtown. The seminar is designed to bring you into a closer relationship with Jesus. Each evening will include praise and worship, a talk and small group sharing. Further details will be found on your notice board as well as on fliers located near the notice board. Free Relationship Insurance! Marriage Encounter is running an enrichment weekend for all couples that believe their marriage is important. Without constantly working on improving your relationship complacency can creep in and wreak havoc, sometimes destroying the beautiful relationship you currently have. It’s not worth the risk! Book on the Marriage Encounter weekend now and protect your relationship. You insure your house so why not your marriage? Join us on the next weekend. Weekend Date: 12th – 14th May. To be held at Masters Hall SH2 Pahiatua. Ph. 0800 362 686 for information and to book a place on the weekend. Healing Service There is to be a Healing Service with Fr John Rea at St Teresa`s Church Karori on Monday 24 April beginning at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome. Please bring those who need Jesus` healing. Prayers for healing – A meeting with Fr John Rea on Thursday 4th May 7.30pm at Our Lady of Fatima Church parata St, Waikanae. Everyone welcome. Come with your Prayer intentions and bring a friend. A society that wishes and intends to remain at the service of the human being at every level is a society that has the common good as its primary goal.’ Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 2004. Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us on Thursday 20th of April 2017 at 7:30pm for fellowship and prayer in CONNOLLY HALL, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral). Speakers: John Taylor & Steve Ready on Joshua-Dove Leaders' Weekend Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or email: [email protected]
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