Dear sisters and brothers,
Dear children, parents, teachers all the parishioners, Happy New Year and welcome to praise and glorify God in 2016. More than ever we are loved, healed and sent by God to do the same. It is our life time mission, especially in the year of Mercy. Hardly Christmas is over and in a week’s time it will be Lent to experience God’s merciful love, in spite of our unworthiness. It is a perfect time to do right thing. This is well reflected in both Jeremiah and Paul. And Peter had to bite humble pea from his expertise of fishing, at the knowledge of Jesus about fishing. Believe in Jesus and obey his commandments, and you will never be disappointed. His merciful love and guiding hand is there for those who listen and follow him. If you follow Him you will never be disappointed. “And they left everything and they followed him”, can you? Father Ephrem Mass Times for Holy Trinity Parish. All Masses both weekend and weekday except for the Holy Cross Sunday Mass revert back to the timetable as it was before Christmas. These times are listed above. Holy Cross Church – Sunday Mass time process Further to last week’s announcement at Holy Cross Church regarding Sunday Mass times, we’d like to remind parishioners who attend Mass at Holy Cross Church that you are integral to this process so please play your part and select your preferred time for Sunday Mass. Voting forms are available in the church aisle, and the church foyers of Holy Cross Church and St Patrick’s Church. In addition, an electronic version is available online www.holytrinity.parish.nz or from the parish office at [email protected] Voting commences Sunday 7 February and ends midday, Monday 29 February 2016. News and Views out this weekend – collectors from St Patrick’s please collect your copies from the back of the Church next Sunday for distribution If anyone has blessed palms from last year, if you could drop them to the Miramar Presbytery by Tuesday 9th Feb. Ash Wednesday Timetable St Anthony’s – 9am in the Church St Patrick’s – 9.30am Holy Cross – 11am in the Holy Cross School Hall (no 9.30am Mass) and 7.30pm service in Holy Cross Church Lent timetable: Stations of the Cross St Patricks and Holy Cross – Friday 7pm St Patrick’s Church Weds 6 – 7pm Adoration and reconciliation followed by Mass If you’d like to receive your copy electronically, email [email protected] put newsletter in the subject line, and you will be added to the list. Please remember, if you move or change any of your details, please contact the parish office so your record can be updated Thank you. St Patrick’s Mass and morning tea rosters to the end of April will be available from next Sunday We are excited to announce that Life Teen Holy Trinity will be starting back on Sunday the 14th of February. If you are year 9 - 13 at college or aged between 12 and 19 we welcome you to come join us!!! Mass at St Patrick's Church 5.30pm followed by dinner and a Life Night finishing at 8.30pm Altar Servers for St Patrick’s Church. If you have done confirmation and first communion you can be an altar server. We are doing a Training Session On 11th February at 6pm in Church Please Contact Senior Altar Server Andrew Greening 3861233 [email protected] St Patrick’s Church Mix and Mingle Luncheon 11.30 – 1.30pm in the St Patrick’s Parish Centre 3rd Thurs of each month. Couple $15 and Single $7 All age groups welcome. Ring Andrew on 386 1233 by Tues 16th Feb for catering purposes St Vinnies in Miramar/Seatoun and in Kilbirnie: You are invited to join the St Vincent de Paul Society either in Miramar/Seatoun or in Kilbirnie. The St Vinnies groups meet once a month to pray together and to decide on how to help and who to visit when people are in need in our community. If you want to join the Kilbirnie Conference, or for more information, contact Margaret Bearsley on 021 344 356 or [email protected] (next meeting Thurs 11 Feb). If you want to join the Miramar/Seatoun Conference, or for more information, contact Brendan Quirk on Ph 3889708 or [email protected] (next meeting Monday 15 February). ST VALENTINE’S DAY Cardinal John Dew invites you to a Celebration 0f Marriage Sunday, 14th February 2016 at 7.00pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Hill St, Wellington Mass, followed by a celebratory drink with Cardinal John. Make it a romantic night out together, or make up a party of family and friends! For more information please contact Pastoral Services at the Catholic Centre [email protected] 496 1719 Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 1st Wednesday of every month Finance Committee Meeting 7.30pm 2nd Tuesday of every month
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