Dear brothers and sisters,
Jesus’ invitation to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness is actually a call to live in the present moment to stay in the Now, which is the only time available to us. It is the Kairos – the chance to discover the kingdom by striving to live consciously the ordinary circumstances of our day. Tomorrow does not belong to us, and projecting ourselves to it brings only preoccupation, because we cannot act in a moment-of-time that does not exist yet. Now is God’s time, and Jesus calls us to make it our time too. Very soon we are entering the Holy Season of Lent. Lent is the yearly celebration by the Church of its corporate conversion in Jesus Christ. During Lent, the liturgy prepares catechumens to celebrate the Paschal Mystery through the various stages of Christian initiation. Lent also prepares the faithful to celebrate the Paschal Mystery as they recall their baptism and do penance in preparation for the greatest feast of the year. Wish you all a grace filled Lenten season, Ch rist Encounter – Resurrection Fr Ephrem The first and last Friday of Lent are days of fasting and abstinence Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Ash Wednesday Timetable for the Parish – Wednesday 1st March St Anthony’s Church - 9am Holy Cross Church – 6.30am at Holy Cross Church 9.30am at Holy Cross School Hall 7pm at St Aidan’s Anglican Church St Patrick’s Church – 11am Those who have blessed palms from last year, can leave them in the back of the church. Thank you Lenten Mass – 1st March – 8th April There will be 6.30am Mass at Holy Cross Church from Monday – Saturday during Lent Stations of the Cross – Thursdays during Lent Every Thursday at 7pm at St Patrick’s Church starting on 2nd March through to 6th April Fr Gregory will be away from 9th – 23rd March. During this time, the weekday Mass timetable for the Parish will be as follows: Holy Cross Church - Friday 10th 9.30am & Saturday 11th 9am St Patrick’s Church – Monday 13th 9am & Tues 14th 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 15th 9am & Thurs 16th 11.30am Holy Cross Church – Friday 17th 9.30am & Saturday 18th 9am St Patrick’s Church – Monday 20th 9am & Tues 21st 9.30am St Anthony’s Church – Wednesday 22nd 9am & Thurs 23rd 11.30am Friday 24th March – timetable reverts back to normal weekday Mass schedule Holy Trinity Parish Mass – 10am Sunday 12th March at Holy Cross School Hall We will be celebrating Mass together at Holy Cross School Hall. We look forward to seeing as many parishioners there as possible. There will be morning tea available afterwards in the hall, so please bring a plate of food to share. For those who are unable to be at this Mass, there will be the 5.30pm Vigil at St Patrick’s Church. Please note: These will be the only two Masses in the Parish that weekend. There will be a music practice at Holy Cross Church 7.30pm on the 8th March for the one Parish Mass. Singers and musicians welcome Holy Cross Happy Hour – Weds 1st March 11am in the Parish Centre. Seniors are reminded of our next meeting. Come join us for bingo. Please bring a small plate of finger food to enjoy with our tea/coffee. All welcome. St Anthony’s Sacramental progrmme – A reminder the parent’s meeting will be Tuesday 28th February in the Gascoigne Room 7.30pm. Replacement piano for St Patrick’s Church Next time you're in St Patrick's Church you'll see our "new piano". Our old one had to be replaced and we were lucky enough to be offered a piano for $2000 by an elderly couple who were moving to a retirement village. Luck stayed with us and Simon Manning from Harbour City Funeral Home, has paid half. We have also had a generous donation from the Parish for $500. If you would like to make a donation towards the remaining cost, please put it in an envelope marked “Piano Donation” and your planned giving number, or if you are not on the planned giving but would like a donation receipt, put your full name and address in the envelope along with your donation and place in the collection basket PROPERTY COMMITTEE FORUMSAs you may be aware, the Finance Committee established a property committee to review all the buildings and property in the Holy Trinity Parish and to make recommendations on the best configuration to meet the future needs of the Parish. A revitalized set of buildings that better meet the parish needs with reduced maintenance costs, is the property sub-committee’s vision for the parish. This also supports the Holy Trinity Parish vision agreed last year. The sub-committee invites you to join it at one of the following forum:
You can read the Committee’s thoughts being circulated through this month’s parish magazine. The parish magazine is also available at Your questions, comments and suggestions are an important part of the Committee’s work. In addition to the forum you can make comments and suggestions to [email protected] or leave your written comments and suggestions in the boxes to be placed at the back of our churches. What process are we following? Most of the committee’s time spent thus far has been spent talking with parish groups (building users) to understand our current and future requirements. Most recently the committee has been considering what options are feasible in meeting these needs so that it can consult with the parish to find out what it is we all need and what the best options are in meeting them. Once the consultation has completed we will develop recommendations, we will consult with the parish on these and finalise them to ask Father Ephrem for his approval and blessing. If he provides this Father will then take the proposal on to our Cardinal. What is the involvement of the Parish Priest? Parish Council and Finance Committee approve and recommend to Father Ephrem who is being informed and consulted all the way and he makes the recommendation to the Cardinal on our behalf. Threaded throughout the process Father has been very keen to see that everyone is consulted and whatever is done supports the future of all groups within the Parish. Father does not want anyone left behind or feeling that they haven’t been listened to. How does this affect me? If you want to see something happen in our parish in relation to its buildings, now is the time to speak up. You are the parish and your needs are important. The St Catherine’s College Service Group is getting underway again, for its 3rd year and invites any parishioners to please contact Fr Ephrem 027 714 9660, the Parish office 388 6953 or St Catherine’s College 939 8988 with details of help required. We are an enthusiastic and reliable group of girls, keen to help with any task, free of charge like gardening, cleaning, shopping or helping at parish functions or working bees. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we’d love to come and help you. Refugee Update - Continuing our Parish journey to help make our Newest Settlers feel Welcome and Safe. 2017 will be another year where we have the opportunity and privilege to welcome former refugees to Wellington. Here's a snapshot of what lies ahead, and how you can help: - we will begin the year by setting-up a family home on 2 March - this involves a team of 4-5 people over a couple of hours to unpack boxes, make beds, set-up kitchens, bathrooms and living areas. All heavy items (sofas and beds) are already in place and our job is to create a homely (and practical) environment that instantly says "welcome" and which offers belonging, relief and hope in the future. If you would like to join our distribution list to receive specific information and requests about helping in this way, please let me know. - Household goods and possibly pantry items will be requested for subsequent family arrivals throughout the year (probably beginning late April and then every two months or so). Trusty volunteers will speak at Masses to let you know exactly when this is happening and exactly what we need and our newsletter will include specific details too. Most needed items are often pots and pans, cutlery, crockery, new sheets and towels, vacuums, and microwaves - so please let us know if you have any of these, or other items we might need, available for collection. - Cash donations are also very welcome as they give us the option to quickly fill the gaps in providing the items we need. In fact, we ended last year with enough money available to buy a FULL household lot of brand new items for a refugee couple (helped enormously by Briscoes Lyall Bay who offered a minimum 50% discount on everything). This also relieved a lot of pressure in the busy Christmas season for our volunteers. If you would like, and are able to, donate money, please place your donations in an envelope marked "refugees" as part of the normal Parish collections. This money is held in a separate account and every penny is spent directly on refugee household goods. Finally, any questions at anytime please do not hesitate to be in touch. We will keep you up to date and we sincerely appreciate your on-going prayers and other support. Annette Bridgman (388 9704 or [email protected]) National Day of Prayer and Penance for victims of violence and abuse in New Zealand: Last year Bishops Conferences throughout the world were asked to find a time to pray and do penance for the victims of violence and abuse. The New Zealand Bishops Conference agreed to make Friday 3 March, the First Friday of Lent, a National Day of Prayer and Penance for victims of violence and abuse in New Zealand. A time to explore a possible calling from God to become a Sister of Mercy. Single women are invited to attend an event at Mercy Centre, Thorndon, Wellington on Sunday 9 April from 11.45am – 5pm, lunch included. Bookings are necessary. Please contact Sister Stephanie on 04-8198312 or [email protected]. Come along and bring a friend! Ecumenical Healing Service with Fr John Rea at Tawa Intermediate Hall, 1 Ranui Terrace Tawa., on Tuesday 28 February beginning at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome. Please come and bring all who need Jesus` healing. A Caring Space An Invitation to spend a few hours exploring with God the blessings and burdens of the caregivers role. This time is offered to those who care for a loved one at home. Led by Gill Schaap and Veronica Parton Venue: Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington Date: Thursday 2nd March Time: 11am - 2pm - hot drinks provided, please bring your own lunch Cost: $10 For more details and to register contact Veronica Parton [email protected] or 021 238 6675 Introduction to Christian Life Community: CLC is an international lay organisation inspired by the spirituality of St Ignatius Loyola. For those interested a 7 week introductory course will run Tuesdays 28 Feb, 7, 14, 21, 28 March & 4, 11 April, 7:30-9pm. Contact Maureen McKillop. [email protected] Ph: 475-5972 or 021-1349-370 40 Days for Life - More than 13,000 preborn children are aborted every year in New Zealand. That is 36 Children every single day. Women are hurt – physically, mentally and spiritually. Men regret their lost fatherhood. 40 Days of Life is a local solution where people unite in prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities in order to end abortion. Please join your local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil March 1st to April 9th. Together, with God’s grace, we will bring about an end to abortion in New Zealand. Visit for more information or ph 04 237-8343. Join Cardinal John Dew in Mass for Life to open 40 Days for Life Tuesday 28th February 6.30pm St Anne’s Church, Newtown. Public meeting to Open 40 Days with Matt Britton Board Chair for 40 Days for Life. Come and be inspired and hear about 40 Days for Life, where ordinary people can make a difference! Thursday 2 March 7pm St Anne’s Hall, Newtown. Light refreshments served at 6.45pm Wellington Eucharistic Convention: St Patrick's College, Silverstream on Sunday 5th March 2017. Starts 8.30 am (Morning Prayer) and concludes with Mass about 5.30pm. Theme: "Pray, Pray A Lot!" (Our Mother's message to the Fatima children 100 years ago). Includes 6 talks and Reconciliation. $25 adults; $20 beneficiaries; Children under 16 free. Spirituality Seminar—Fr Eddie Condra We are not living an era of change but a change of era’ Pope Francis Living in this time of rapid and radical change many seek to find some constant—a sacred thread which can assist us to weave our way through life. Spirituality is that thread, empowering and transforming us to give meaning to change and to life itself. You are invited to come and explore. Everyone is welcome. Format: each session will involve input, small-group discussion, a time for questions and period of meditation DATES: March 7, 14 and 21 TIME: 7.30—9pm VENUE: SS Peter and Paul Church hall, Knights Rd, Lower Hutt to register email [email protected] or call Megan 04 477 6827 Taizé Prayer service The Sisters of Compassion offer a Taizé Prayer service on the first Friday of every month. The next service is on 3rd March at 7pm-8pm , Crombie Chapel, Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street (off Murray Street), Island Bay, Wellington. There is plenty of parking available and the Chapel is a short walk from the nearest bus stop by Dee Street on The Parade in Island Bay (route number 1). Phone 04 383 7134 or 04 383 7769 for information. Young Angel Voices - Thursdays 4.30pm. Boys and girls 8 – 12 welcome. Come for an hour of fun, instruction and beautiful music. Community Room – St Mary of the Angels, 17 Boulcott St. Fun with voices ♪ learn lots of songs ♪ part-songs & rounds, ♪ learn to read music, ♪ singing technique Visit the website for Youtube links and click the ‘Music’ tab or contact…. Robert Oliver (04) 934 2296; mob 021 0257 4375 [email protected] Christian Meditation A day of reflection and meditation will be held in Anam Cara,150 Rangiuru Road, Otaki on Saturday 4th March ,10 am to 2.30 pm Please bring a lunch and a donation to cover expenses. All welcome. phone Hugh 042989370 If you would like to receive the newsletter by email contact the parish office [email protected] with newsletter in the subject line and you will be added to the list.
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