Ez 34, 11-12. 15-17; 1Cor 15, 20-26. 28; Mt 25, 31-46
Yes, God, you are the Christ -- the King of the UNIVERSE! All creation bows in reverence to you. You are so very present! Dear sisters and brothers, the image isn’t a cosmic world, but that of a shepherd. Not quite what people were expecting of a king when Jesus entered the scene. Not a messiah of power to rule a world with oppression, war, revolution and violence. Let us imagine, a shepherd king, under a starry sky caring for the flock with tenderness and love. Such is the metaphor scripture gives us. Thus, says the Lord GOD: I myself will look after and tend my sheep as a shepherd tends his flock…EZ 34: 11-The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. —Psalm 23 With this great feast, we come to the end of our liturgical year only to begin again next week with the first Sunday of Advent. Over a span of a year, we have heard in Scripture of the creation of the world, and the universe in Christ through whom all was created. We pray in our Creed, Through Him all things, visible and invisible were created. We have lived through a cycle of prayer where we have celebrated our King in the Eucharist with Scripture reflecting on and praying with the WORD MADE FLESH—the Christ. Jesus has taught us the way to discipleship while giving us a glimpse of the Kingdom of God. For when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink; hungry, you gave me food; imprisoned, you set me free; naked, you clothed me. What you did for the least of these, you did for me. Remember the Beatitudes? Blessed are you who do all these things and yours is the Kingdom of heaven! Christ our Shepherd King gave us a new law of love and showed us how to live it in right relationship with God, self, others and the universe. He is the Lamb of God, the King who gave his life that we may have eternal life: Christ has been raised from the dead…in Christ shall all be brought to life. Christ, King of the Universe. Fr Ephrem Holy Trinity Parish Vision We are a prayerful and diverse Catholic community in the Eastern suburbs of Wellington, drawing strength from one another to grow and become fully alive as missionary disciples. Update: former St Patrick’s Presbytery building You will have seen information regarding the former St Patrick’s Presbytery in the last News and Views. We are now in the process of arranging costings for the demolition of the former presbytery and attached building. In the short term the plan is for the area to be cleared which will will provide a much needed car park area for Mass and funeral attendees at St Patrick’s Church. The front garden area will remain as a prayer and reflection space. The Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee acknowledge that the St Patrick’s sites are important for the ongoing future development of our Parish. We look forward to working together to help implement the Parish Pastoral Plan to realise their potential in the coming years. There will be a short meeting for those who would like more information and discussion Sunday 26 November after the 10.00 Mass down in St Patricks Parish Centre. Holy Trinity Parish Finance Committee November 2017 Christ the King Feast is celebrated on 26th November. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held in St Patrick’s Church from the end of 7.30am Mass till the beginning of the 10am Mass. Final Episode: Catholicism – journey around the world and deep into the faith All parishioners are invited to watch a ten-part documentary series by Rev Robert E Barron to be screened after the 5pm Mass continuing to the 26th November in the Parish Centre at Holy Cross Church Miramar. The Catholic faith as you’ve never experienced it before – witness the most significant story ever told. 26th November – Episode 10 World Without End Next Thursday, November 30th we will be baptising 13 children at our school mass at St Anthony's and we would love you to join us, as witness to our wider faith community. The mass will be at 9 a.m. 3 Columban Calendars to give away! Three Columban Calendars have been very kindly donated to the Parish. If you would like one of these please contact the Parish Office and I can put one aside for you. Mass rosters for December have either been emailed out to you or at the back of the Church. Next rosters will be available in February. Christmas Appeal St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference Today we start a three week donation appeal to you for food items, toiletries, treats and gifts to be placed in or beside sign-posted boxes in the foyer any time of the week when the Church is open. You might even like to make up a hamper. On Friday 15 December 2017 our team of drivers and helpers will deliver the boxes of food and items to over 50 families in the district. If you wish to provide a gift could you please wrap it and place a note as to the age and gender the gift would suit. We have placed a brief note for you on the church pews suggesting ideas for donating items or making up hampers. More copies are available in the foyer. This collection is a practical way we can reach out to bring Christ’s love to the homes of our neighbours who are really struggling and for whom this extra help will alleviate their burden. Please note: Last collection day will be the Sunday 10th December Clare Maddock: 388 8548 "REAL CHRISTMAS CARDS" St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas cards will be on sale after Sunday Masses at Holy Cross, St Anthony's and St Patrick's churches. Religious-theme cards "Keeping Christ in Christmas", $2.50 per pack of 5 cards with envelopes. Proceeds to our local SVdP Conference activities. Contacts for supplies are: Holy Cross Church (Julian Knapp ph 970 3905) and St Anthony's Church (Andrew Monahan, ph 021 772 350) St Patrick’s Church (Frank Quirke ph 387 4977) or from the Parish Office Holy Cross Happy Hour Seniors are reminded of our next meeting in the Holy Cross Parish Centre at 11 am Wednesday 6th December NO FOOD REQUIRED. All welcome. Could you also bring a small gift under $5 to exchange St Patrick’s Children’s Christmas Eve Mass If you have children that would like to be part of the Christmas Play, please contact Clare Lundon 021 227 8363. Assistance Needed for Craft Project I have available some peggy squares knitted by a special-needs lady. These need to be joined up into a blanket, which will be donated to charity. If this appeals to you, please contact Margaret Mansell, 3882 840. Wool is available, and project can be delivered. Thank you to Denise and the senior class (Tui) at St Anthony’s School for cleaning St Anthony’s Church inside and out. You’ve done a wonderful job and it is always much appreciated. Well done. Christmas Novena 15 – 23rd December St Patrick’s Church 7.30pm All are welcome to come join us praying a novena for the nine days leading up to Christmas Eve A Double Bill of Music for the Season of Christmas at St Mary of the Angels. Sunday December 17th La Nativité Olivier Messiaen Performed by Bruce Cash Pre-concert talk 1:30pm Performance 2:30pm Koha Wednesday Dec 20th 7:30pm Gaudete Verse anthems by Tomkins, Byrd & Gibbons with a world premier of Gaudete Ross Harris Especially written for this concert Palliser Viols Baroque Voices $30/$15 Join the Cathedral Choirs, Cathedral Orchestra supported by members of local Wellington choirs for a magical Christmas fundraising concert in the Metropolitan Cathedral Wednesday 6 December at 7:00pm. Proceeds from this concert will go towards our fundraising for the much needed work on the Cathedral’s 111 year old Hobday pipe organ. Our programme includes much loved Christmas works such as Gerald Finzi’s In Terra Pax, Stars by Erik Esenwalds and several stunning arrangements of well known Christmas carols by Mack Wilberg and much, much more. So, please join us for an evening of beautiful music to uplift you in the joy of the season! Tickets are $30/$20 concession available online at www.eventbrite.co.nz or on the door. Bach Choir Concert: The Mass in Times of War: The Bach Choir will present a concert of two wonderful Masses, by Haydn and Kodaly, at St Peter's Church Willis St on Sunday 10th December at 3.00pm. Ivan Patterson conducts, Douglas Mews organ accompaniment, and vocal soloists. Tickets $30/$25 concession, children free. A Caring Space An invitation for those who care for a loved one, to spend a few hours creatively exploring with God, what scriptures says about their role as carer. Led by Gill Schaap and Veronica Parton Monday 27th November at the Home of Compassion, 11am – 2pm - Hot drinks provided, please bring you own lunch. Cost: $10 For more details and to register contact Veronica Parton [email protected] 10 copies of Len Fifield playing the Southward Car Museum Wurlizer Organ have been generously donated to sell with all proceeds going to the Parish. CD’s - $20 each. Contact Andrew Greening at St Patrick’s Church if you would like to purchase a copy. National March for Life NZ: Parishes, groups, families and all people of goodwill are invited to March for Life Saturday 9th December. This historical event is officially endorsed by the New Zealand Catholic Bishop’s Conference. Gather at 2pm in Civic Square (101 Wakefield St) ready to walk to Parliament grounds. The spirit of the march is one of celebrating the gift of life and protecting the vulnerable at all of life’s stages from conception to natural death. The march also seeks to highlight to abortion vulnerable women in our community that we are here to support them and do whatever it takes to help them choose life for their precious babies. We are mindful that many in our communities are suffering the effects of abortion in their families. Our message to our community is, you are not alone, there is support, there is healing, there is hope! www.marchforlifenz.org.nz or phone Michael on 021 825 955 Mass for Life – Opening Mass of the National March for Life and Feast of the Immaculate Conception: You and your family are invited to this very special Mass for Life and Holy Hour on the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for a culture of life, for a new appreciation of life at all of its stages from conception to natural death and for all pregnant mothers especially those who are abortion vulnerable. This beautiful Mass will be celebrated by Monsignor Burns at St Anne’s Catholic Church, Emmett Street Newtown on Friday 8th December at 7:30pm. For further information on this Mass, please contact Clare on 04 237 8343 or Michael on 021 825 955. Mass and Holy Hour: Friday 8th December, Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM. starting at 7.30 pm on the Eve of the March in St Anne's Church, Newtown. Celebrant: Monsignor Burns. For more info Ph: 237 8343. 2018 Columban Calendars available through the office $12 each. Either put your money or cheq (made out to Holy Trinity Parish) in an envelope with your details and pop in the collection basket, or email, phone or drop into the Parish Office. Alternatively pay by internet banking to Holy Trinity Parish 02-0536-0185031-00 and use calendar as the reference. When you have paid, email the office [email protected] with the following details: the amount paid, the number of calendars ordered, which Church you will collect your calendars from or if you would like to collect them from the office. Once payment has cleared, the Calendars will be left for you in the back of your chosen Church or in the office for you to collect. See Andrew or Bernadette if you would like to purchase a copy from St Patrick’s Church We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time including Ernestina Zalewski, Maurice Vintiner, Ian Stuart, Eneliko Fatialofa and Cecelia Crowley. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell especially Graeme Adams and Steve Kuzmicich and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.
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